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[Release] JAEM Chopper-Evac Mod v1.4

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JAEM Chopper-Evac Mod v1.4


Use this code for your Choper -Evac 1.4 JEAM mod to allow payment with cash.


Soul 2.0 Version.

/* JAEM                               */
/* Just another Chopper-Evac Mod v1.4 */
/* OtterNas3                          */
/* 01/14/2014                         */
/* Last update: 06/14/2014            */

private ["_allNearRescueFields","_locationPlayer","_cnt","_objectID","_objectUID","_targetVehicle","_playerUID","_magazinesPlayer","_hasBriefcase","_location","_dir","_object"];

evac_chopperPrice = 10000;

//This prevents the building of Evac-Chopper field on trader signs
_allNearRescueFields = (nearestObjects [player,["HeliHRescue"],50]);
if (count _allNearRescueFields > 0) then {
if (((_x getVariable["ObjectID","0"]) == "0") && ((_x getVariable["ObjectUID","0"]) == "0")) then {
systemChat ("You cant build a Evac-Chopper next to a Heli-Rescue sign that is part of the Map or from a Trader!");
systemChat ("You need to wait 60 seconds before you can try to set a Evac-Chopper again!");
[] spawn {
sleep 60;
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";
} forEach _allNearRescueFields;

player removeAction s_player_makeEvacChopper;
s_player_makeEvacChopper = 1;

//Getting the target Vehicle and needed variables
_targetVehicle = _this select 3;
_location = ([_targetVehicle] call ON_fnc_GetPos);
_dir = getDir _targetVehicle;
_playerUID = ([player] call ON_fnc_convertUID);
_magazinesPlayer = magazines player;

//Cause we can only make a sign on Terrain and not on buildings or buildables
//We check if the Chopper height is below 1m above Terrain
if ((_location) select 2 >= 3) then {
systemChat("Sorry but Evac-Choppers need to be build on flat Terrain");
systemChat("Make sure you dont stand on a Building or a builded object!");

//Check if player has the needed amount of Briefcases to pay for the Evac-Chopper
//If not exit script
_hasBriefcase = player getVariable["cashMoney",0]; //_hasBriefcase = player getVariable["headShots",0];
if (_hasBriefcase < evac_chopperPrice) then {
systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - You dont have it - Sorry!", evac_chopperPrice, CurrencyName]);
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";

//If player already has a Evac-Chopper
//tell him that only 1 Evac-Chopper is allowed
//Give him 5 seconds until we change the Evac-Chopper to the current target
if (playerHasEvacField) then {
systemChat("WARNING! You already have a Evac-Chopper - Maximum reached");
_cnt = 5;
_locationPlayer = (([player] call ON_fnc_GetPos));
for "_p" from 1 to 5 do
systemChat(format ["WARNING! Changing Evac-Chopper to this target in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);
if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
systemChat("Changing Evac-Chopper canceled");
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";
sleep 1;
_cnt = _cnt - 1;
_objectID = playersEvacField getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
_objectUID = playersEvacField getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID,player];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate = ["rem",playersEvacField];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate";
deleteVehicle playersEvacField;
playerHasEvacField = false;
playersEvacField = nil;

//Before we start the building process
//we give the player a warning that Evac-Choppers needs free sight around
//Countdown for 10 seconds
systemChat("WARNING! Evac-Choppers needs free sight to all sides");
sleep 2;
systemChat("WARNING! Make sure you got no objects like Buildings or Trees around!");
sleep 2;
_cnt = 10;
for "_i" from 1 to 10 do
systemChat(format ["Building of Evac-Chopper starts in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);
if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
systemChat("Building of Evac-Chopper canceled");
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";
sleep 1;
_cnt = _cnt - 1;

//Start Building

//Player did not had a Evac-Chopper yet or decided to replace it with the new target
//So we check again if he STILL has the Briefcase in his inventory
//If yes, we remove it and say thanks ^^

if (!([player, evac_chopperPrice] call SC_fnc_removeCoins)) then {
systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - You dont have it - Sorry!", evac_chopperPrice , CurrencyName ]);
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";
} else { 
systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - Thanks for your payment!", evac_chopperPrice, CurrencyName]);

//The player payd so we make the Sign and write it to the database
//We use the playerUID so the ownage is permanent!
_object = createVehicle ["HeliHRescue", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
_object enableSimulation false;
_object setDir _dir;
_object setPosATL _location;
player reveal _object;
player playActionNow "Medic";
_object setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true];
_object setVariable ["Classname", "HeliHRescue",true];
PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_playerUID,_object,[_dir,_location],"HeliHRescue"];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Publish";
PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate = ["add",_object];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate";

player removeAction s_player_evacCall;
s_player_evacCall = -1;
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
playerHasEvacField = true;
playersEvacField = _object;

//Thats it for the creation part of the Evac-Chopper
//Hope you enjoyed it :)

999 hive 1.1

/* JAEM                               */
/* Just another Chopper-Evac Mod v1.4 */
/* OtterNas3                          */
/* 01/14/2014                         */
/* Last update: 06/14/2014            */

private ["_allNearRescueFields","_locationPlayer","_cnt","_objectID","_objectUID","_targetVehicle","_playerUID","_magazinesPlayer","_hasBriefcase","_location","_dir","_object"];

evac_chopperPrice = 10000;

//This prevents the building of Evac-Chopper field on trader signs
_allNearRescueFields = (nearestObjects [player,["HeliHRescue"],50]);
if (count _allNearRescueFields > 0) then {
if (((_x getVariable["ObjectID","0"]) == "0") && ((_x getVariable["ObjectUID","0"]) == "0")) then {
systemChat ("You cant build a Evac-Chopper next to a Heli-Rescue sign that is part of the Map or from a Trader!");
systemChat ("You need to wait 60 seconds before you can try to set a Evac-Chopper again!");
[] spawn {
sleep 60;
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";
} forEach _allNearRescueFields;

player removeAction s_player_makeEvacChopper;
s_player_makeEvacChopper = 1;

//Getting the target Vehicle and needed variables
_targetVehicle = _this select 3;
_location = ([_targetVehicle] call ON_fnc_GetPos);
_dir = getDir _targetVehicle;
_playerUID = ([player] call ON_fnc_convertUID);
_magazinesPlayer = magazines player;

//Cause we can only make a sign on Terrain and not on buildings or buildables
//We check if the Chopper height is below 1m above Terrain
if ((_location) select 2 >= 3) then {
systemChat("Sorry but Evac-Choppers need to be build on flat Terrain");
systemChat("Make sure you dont stand on a Building or a builded object!");

//Check if player has the needed amount of Briefcases to pay for the Evac-Chopper
//If not exit script
_hasBriefcase = player getVariable["headShots",0]; //_hasBriefcase = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
if (_hasBriefcase < evac_chopperPrice) then {
systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - You dont have it - Sorry!", evac_chopperPrice, CurrencyName]);
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";

//If player already has a Evac-Chopper
//tell him that only 1 Evac-Chopper is allowed
//Give him 5 seconds until we change the Evac-Chopper to the current target
if (playerHasEvacField) then {
systemChat("WARNING! You already have a Evac-Chopper - Maximum reached");
_cnt = 5;
_locationPlayer = (([player] call ON_fnc_GetPos));
for "_p" from 1 to 5 do
systemChat(format ["WARNING! Changing Evac-Chopper to this target in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);
if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
systemChat("Changing Evac-Chopper canceled");
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";
sleep 1;
_cnt = _cnt - 1;
_objectID = playersEvacField getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
_objectUID = playersEvacField getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID,player];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate = ["rem",playersEvacField];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate";
deleteVehicle playersEvacField;
playerHasEvacField = false;
playersEvacField = nil;

//Before we start the building process
//we give the player a warning that Evac-Choppers needs free sight around
//Countdown for 10 seconds
systemChat("WARNING! Evac-Choppers needs free sight to all sides");
sleep 2;
systemChat("WARNING! Make sure you got no objects like Buildings or Trees around!");
sleep 2;
_cnt = 10;
for "_i" from 1 to 10 do
systemChat(format ["Building of Evac-Chopper starts in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);
if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
systemChat("Building of Evac-Chopper canceled");
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";
sleep 1;
_cnt = _cnt - 1;

//Start Building

//Player did not had a Evac-Chopper yet or decided to replace it with the new target
//So we check again if he STILL has the Briefcase in his inventory
//If yes, we remove it and say thanks ^^

if (!([player, evac_chopperPrice] call SC_fnc_removeCoins)) then {
systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - You dont have it - Sorry!", evac_chopperPrice , CurrencyName ]);
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
breakOut "exit";
} else { 
systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - Thanks for your payment!", evac_chopperPrice, CurrencyName]);

//The player payd so we make the Sign and write it to the database
//We use the playerUID so the ownage is permanent!
_object = createVehicle ["HeliHRescue", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
_object enableSimulation false;
_object setDir _dir;
_object setPosATL _location;
player reveal _object;
player playActionNow "Medic";
_object setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true];
_object setVariable ["Classname", "HeliHRescue",true];
PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_playerUID,_object,[_dir,_location],"HeliHRescue"];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Publish";
PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate = ["add",_object];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate";

player removeAction s_player_evacCall;
s_player_evacCall = -1;
s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
playerHasEvacField = true;
playersEvacField = _object;

//Thats it for the creation part of the Evac-Chopper
//Hope you enjoyed it :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Works fine!

But did anyone know why helpads disappear after restart?

I know it has nothing to do with the coin system but maybe someone here has a solution for that.

I run Plot4live on my server. I think its because of that.

And yes i put the server_monitor part of installation routine to the "custom\plot4life\server_monitor.sqf"

I think it has something to do with the playerUID but my sqf skills are to low at this point to figure out a solution myself :(

Thx alot!

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Works fine!

But did anyone know why helpads disappear after restart?

I know it has nothing to do with the coin system but maybe someone here has a solution for that.

I run Plot4live on my server. I think its because of that.

And yes i put the server_monitor part of installation routine to the "custom\plot4life\server_monitor.sqf"

I think it has something to do with the playerUID but my sqf skills are to low at this point to figure out a solution myself :(

Thx alot!


I think that's how the script was designed.  I ran the script on my epoch server (no single currency) and the helipad would not stay after restart.

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Good Job! 


But what about getting it as right click contextual menu? I i hate scroll menus :)




Maybe something like this?  Untested, this is just how my radio is setup for the group management script I have on my server.  I could be totally wrong though haha.

class ExtraRc {
  class ItemRadio {
     class GroupManagement {
        text = "Group Management";
        script = "execVM 'dzgm\loadGroupManagement.sqf'";
	 class SetEvac {
        text = "Set Evac Chopper";
        script = "execVM 'custom\JAEM\SetEvacChopper.sqf'";
	 class CallEvac {
        text = "Call Evac Chopper";
        script = "execVM 'custom\JAEM\CallEvacChopper.sqf'";
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Maybe something like this?  Untested, this is just how my radio is setup for the group management script I have on my server.  I could be totally wrong though haha.

class ExtraRc {
  class ItemRadio {
     class GroupManagement {
        text = "Group Management";
        script = "execVM 'dzgm\loadGroupManagement.sqf'";
	 class SetEvac {
        text = "Set Evac Chopper";
        script = "execVM 'custom\JAEM\SetEvacChopper.sqf'";
	 class CallEvac {
        text = "Call Evac Chopper";
        script = "execVM 'custom\JAEM\CallEvacChopper.sqf'";



So I just installed the script and tested this out.  I can call the evac chopper with my radio, but  cannot set it.  So this works for calling it if you want to right click on your radio.

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Yes but wouldn't you still have the call evac scroll option?




Open your EvacChopper_init.sqf and search for:

/* Checking if player has a Evac-Chopper to decide if we show the Call-Evac action menu */
_evacCallerID = (player getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]);
_evacCallerUID = ([player] call ON_fnc_convertUID);
playerHasEvacField = false;
playersEvacField = objNull;
if ((count _evacFields) > 0) then
		_evacFieldID = _x getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];
		if (_evacCallerID == _evacFieldID || _evacCallerUID == _evacFieldID) then {
			playerHasEvacField = true;
			playersEvacField = _x;
	} forEach _evacFields;

Try removing or commenting this code out and see if it removes it?  I'm not 100% sure, just guessing :)

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I think that's how the script was designed.  I ran the script on my epoch server (no single currency) and the helipad would not stay after restart.


It has nothing to do with single currency!

i think its because plot4live and how the server updates the objects.

before plot4 live they didnt despawn.

i try several things!

i become this running i hope^^

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It has nothing to do with single currency!

i think its because plot4live and how the server updates the objects.

before plot4 live they didnt despawn.

i try several things!

i become this running i hope^^


I wasn't saying single currency was the cause of the issue.  The server i had it working on was not heavily modded like my current server and the helipad would still despawn after restart.

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To get this to persist after restart make this one change.


In the file "EvacChopper_init.sqf"


Change this line:
_number_string = getPlayerUID _playertemp;


To this:

_number_string = getPlayerUIDOld _playetemp;




Presented in original Release forum by hellraver and a similar idea from Mart27


I'm running DayzEpoch Chernarus map and it persists through server restarts now.

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To get this to persist after restart make this one change.


In the file "EvacChopper_init.sqf"


Change this line:

_number_string = getPlayerUID _playertemp;


To this:

_number_string = getPlayerUIDOld _playetemp;




Presented in original Release forum by hellraver and a similar idea from Mart27


I'm running DayzEpoch Chernarus map and it persists through server restarts now.


Typo, should be this:


_number_string = getPlayerUIDOld _playertemp;



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  • 3 months later...

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