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Better MYSQL Program



I believe, I have found a better way to for the server to pool and load faster when using MYSQL.


This is a lot better then using xampp.


Download Here: https://edelivery.oracle.com/

This is mysql downloaded from http://www.mysql.com/ this will allow for better connection when using mysql.


Please note you will need a good server to use, its best if you are using a dedicated server when trying to use this mysql.


Run the download and configure based on these pictures




Installation tab, execute, don't worry if connector/ODBC fails



Configure your server based on this if you are using a dedicated server, other wise just select Server Machine

Check advanced Options

*Note Make sure you have a good dedicated server!




Make a password for the root user of the mysql, then add a user.



Make the user look like this or whatever you want your user to be. This user will be used to connect to the database.

Set the host to localhost. Keep role as DB Admin.



Start workbench.


--Configuring the workbench and importing files--

Connect to the database



Change username to your dayz username



Import the data into the database



Check "Import from self-contained File" and import the sql file

Click New for the target schema


Put the database name for the new target schema.



Start the import

You are finished and ready to connect.


You can use any mysql client to connect and edit the tables.

I have noticed better performance when trying to retrieve the data from the mysql server.

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Then you need to do a little more optimizing..

As I stated, I have over 12k objects and it loads up pretty fast. check your server's startup batch commands.


The server gets shutdown with the #shutdown command, but 5 secs before that, this is called:



@echo off
timeout 20
echo Starting DayZ Server
:: start the server..
set dayzpath="C:\DayZServers"
cd /d %dayzpath%
start "" "DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat"
echo Starting Bec
timeout 20
:: start bec
set becpath="C:\DayZServers\BecChern"
cd /d %becpath%
start "" "Bec.exe" -f Config.cfg
echo Server Started 100%

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Here's mine

@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\"
start  becOver.bat
start "arma2" /REALTIME "arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_1_Overpoch\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_1_Overpoch\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_1_Overpoch" -name=instance_1_Overpoch "-mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@Hive;" -noPause -noSound -noCB -cpuCount=1 -exThreads=8 -maxMem=10000
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How do I make the server run as a service in the first place?

I suggest purchasing a copy of firedaemon.  It is a great piece of software and will come in handy when running multiple servers.


There's a free 30 day trial to see if you like it.  My favorite features are post/pre script options, so you can run a batch file on restart to do whatever maint you need to do (refresh vendors, rotate logs, etc)


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There is also a free webinterface which connects to firedaemon and allows you to start, install, stop etc services from the web. Some of my admins have the ability to start and stop the servers if they crash or go haywire.

Yes! this is a great tool for allowing admins to restart services.  For those who don't know, it also allows you finite granularity on permissions from fire daemon services as well as system services (like MySQL!)


I keep procrastinating on this but will be picking up Firedaemon <---- like the 10th time I've said this lol

do it!  It's a short download and is well worth it.

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Ohh Firedaemon looks like just what i need. Anybody have any good tips or tricks?


Tip 1: Name your short name, description, and display name all the same thing and keep it short and descriptive. This will make accessing your service for stop/starts through batch files easier.  Pre-Post tab is great for running maint scripts or rotating log files.


Another tip is don't forget to set your working directory to the a2oa install path.  I think it does it by default but it may cause problems if you don't.


Another thing is you can easily clone one service if you plan on having multiple servers.  Easy as changing the startup params on the new one.  Don't forget to rename the service short name, desc, and display name as mentioned above.  


The built in scheduler is great for server restarts.  Just make sure you have a script running to show a warning either thru bec or thru your windows task scheduler.


I'll be releasing a restart tool shortly that I think is better than BEC.  You can see the WIP source here https://gist.github.com/deadfred666/036ee8ddddf72c3b4f40

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