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[release] - Safe Suicide 1.2.2 - Kill yourself in style.

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Just saw someone posted on this thread and realized that I posted in it a few months ago making a suggestion about killing yourself with a bazooka, well since that suggestion I actually wrote a simple script to kill yourself as a suicide bomber, at first I would have the person use a JDAM to kill themselves but that was WAY to OP. So I gave them a grenade instead and it works beautifully. I'll give it to you guys, if any of you use an action menu script, just add this to it:


Put this SuicideBomber.sqf into your tools folder in the ActionMenu file:


_itemsPlayer = items player;

    player playActionNow "PutDown";
    r_interrupt = true;    
    sleep 1;
    _object = "SH_125_HE" createVehicle (position player);
    _object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
    _object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
    _object attachto [player,[0.0,3.0,2.5]];
    sleep 1;
    detach _object;
    player reveal _object;

    cutText [format["That'll fix their asses!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    r_interrupt = false;
    player switchMove "";
    player playActionNow "stop";

Then in the actionmenu_main.sqf in the root of the ActionMenu folder put this entry:


        ["Suicide Bomber", [6],  "", -5, [["expression", format[EXECscript1,"SuicideBomber.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],  


under the ActionMenua array.


Have fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Would it be possible to explain how to add item requirements to right click options inside config.sqf? I am trying to merge over all my other RC's to this method and most of them worked flawlessly but they only call the script, I am having a hardtime moving over the Zombie shield generator script and keeping it fully functioning. It has requirements inside its condition to include the required parts instead of them being checked inside the script itsself.


The line reads like this in its default state:

["PartEngine","Zombie Shield","[""Garbage_container"",[""ItemToolbox"",""ItemEtool"],[[""ItemPole"", 2],[""metal_panel_kit"", 2],[""PartEngine"",2],[""ItemBriefcase100oz"", 2]],[0,3,0.5]] execVM ""custom\PlotForLifev2\player_build.sqf"";","true"],


The action option appears and it even successfully builds the generator, but it completely bypasses the requirements for the additional parts or the tools and simply builds it with only the engine used to trigger the script.


Your script is awesome so far, and if this isn't something you can help with I understand but any advice would be much appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

Looking to see How I can get this working with another ui_selectslot, since this script is the only one in a million with a different selectslot script.

I either use this or use my other 20+ script that use my other ui_select slots. Anyone got a fix for this?

hey idk if there would be a better way to do it, but i just merged the two files, then changed the path in the overwrites\click_action\init.sqf to my original one in my custom folder, seems to be working great, 


have another question relating to suicide, got it working almost flawlessly, suicide works in the sense that you die, although the animation works, there is no report from the gun :/ so you see the recoil just no final *bang* which would be awesome, anyone else able to comfirm this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

leave overwrites part out


erase any calls for files in overwrites path inside suicide folder


put the right click action for every gun u want to have suicide on it

something like...


class glock17_EP1 {
       class suicide {
              text = "Suicide";
              script = "execVM 'path\suicide\suicide.sqf'";
and so on...


should work, ive done it before, but you might have to figure the logic by yourself, getting this from memory

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