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Custom Loot



Have they changed the way custom loot tables work? 

	class Residential: Default {
		zombieChance = 0.3;
		maxRoaming = 2;
		zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_hunter","z_teacher","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3"};
		lootChance = 1;
		lootPos[] = {};
		itemType[] = {
			{ "ItemWatch","generic" },
			{ "ItemCompass","generic" },
			{ "ItemMap","weapon" },
			{ "pistols","cfglootweapon" },
			{ "ItemFlashlight","generic" },
			{ "ItemKnife","generic" },
			{ "ItemMatchbox_DZE","generic" },
			{ "","generic" },
			{ "backpacks","backpack" },
			{ "tents","single" },
			{ "","military" },
			{ "Binocular","weapon" },
			{ "PartPlywoodPack","magazine" },
			{ "clothes","single" },
			{ "specialclothes","single" },
			{ "WeaponHolder_MeleeCrowbar","object" },
			{ "shotgunsingleshot","cfglootweapon" }
		itemChance[] =	{

class Residential : Default {
		zombieChance = 0.3;
		maxRoaming = 2;
		zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base", "z_hunter", "z_teacher", "z_villager1", "z_villager2", "z_villager3"};
		lootChance = 0.4;
		lootPos[] = {};
		lootType[] = {
			{"ItemWatch", "generic", 0.04}, 
			{"ItemCompass", "generic", 0.03}, 
			{"ItemMap", "weapon", 0.02}, 
			{"ItemFlashlight", "generic", 0.01}, 
			{"ItemKnife", "generic", 0.04}, 
			{"ItemMatchbox_DZE", "generic", 0.01}, 
			{"", "generic", 0.32}, 
			{"backpacks", "backpacks", 0.04}, 
			{"tents", "tents", 0.01}, 
			{"", "military", 0.02}, 
			{"", "trash", 0.17}, 
			{"Binocular", "weapon", 0.02}, 
			{"PartPlywoodPack", "magazine", 0.02}, 
			{"clothes", "clothes", 0.01}, 
			{"specialclothes", "specialclothes", 0.01}, 
			{"WeaponHolder_MeleeCrowbar", "object", 0.03}, 
			{"pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.04}, 
			{"shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon", 0.04}};
		lootTypeSmall[] = {
			{"ItemSodaMdew", "magazine", 0.01}, 
			{"ItemSodaRbull", "magazine", 0.01}, 
			{"ItemSodaOrangeSherbet", "magazine", 0.02}, 
			{"ItemWatch", "weapon", 0.05}, 
			{"ItemCompass", "weapon", 0.04}, 
			{"ItemMap", "weapon", 0.03}, 
			{"pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.12}, 
			{"ItemFlashlight", "weapon", 0.02}, 
			{"ItemKnife", "weapon", 0.04}, 
			{"ItemMatchbox_DZE", "weapon", 0.03}, 
			{"", "generic", 0.38}, 
			{"", "military", 0.04}, 
			{"", "trash", 0.17}, 
			{"Binocular", "weapon", 0.02}, 
			{"clothes", "single", 0.01}, 
			{"specialclothes", "single", 0.01}};

I have a feeling this is why my server won't start...  I am going to have to recode my custom loot.  :(


(This is less an ask for help and more a confirmation of what I am dreading.)

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I just noticed you said you were running 112555. That was one of the major reasons I revert back to 103718 is because I had issues with my custom loot. For some reason it just ignored my files. Can't be certain the beta patch is the issue, just know I encountered issues myself.

So I am having the same exact issue. Guessing that it is the fact that I too have updated to 112555. Although this message I received in BEC has me wondering if i should revert back or not.. It said:


"IMPORTANT: Server admins are urged to upgrade their servers to the latest 1.63 Steam (beta) patch before the GameSpy shutdown on June 30. BE will no longer provide protection for servers still running version 1.62 once GameSpy is offline."


and then there is the new Arma update tied to the steam migration.. What to do??


I just want my custom loot back.. :(

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can anyone please provide step by step to add custom loot tables ?

currently tried n340's loot files  (I have an overpoch server)

https://www.dropbox..../105 config.rar

I have tried for nearing 2 days now, with multiple loot tables




EDIT....... after 2 dayz of being an idiot I finally got loot (not that im not anymore)


I had put the path in loot_init.sqf like this


if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
_config = missionConfigFile >> "custom\CfgBuildingLoot";
and it only needs to be 
if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
_config = missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot";
now to get more loot to spawn
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Bump and +1, I have been trying to get custom loot tables working on, almost had it, where the loot was spawning as I wanted it to, but then I was getting the dreaded black screen and couldnt join the server after editing the original vanilla loot files. (I am hosting with Vilayer), once I reverted the loot files back to vanilla, I could join the server again.


This what I have tried so far.


Add #include "loottable\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp" in description.ext

Add DZE_MissionLootTable = true; in the init.sqf in the DayZ Epochconfig section

Create the loottables folder in /vilayercodecustom/missions/epoch.napf 

Uploaded the latest files from github (we had to source the CfgBuildingPos from elsewhere)


With this config, the server runs fine and loot spawns.


Once I start making changes to CfgBuildingLoot.hpp to try and reduce food and canned drink spawns, it appears to work but then the next attempt to connect to the server usually ends up with the black screen and waiting for host, after that I roll back to the vanilla loot files in the loottables folder and I can join the server again. 


If anyone has any clever tricks to get this going, then I would be a happy bunny....  

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