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Base Building Feedback pt2


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Not that this is needed, but a player suggested this idea to me on my server, and I told him to post it here but just incase he was too lazy here it is: After demolishing a wall, have a small chance of "rubble" to appear below it that can have a material or two from the crafting of the object. Meaning, take down a cinder block wall, and maybe salvage 1 set of cinder blocks. Or maybe the lock from a door, or some wood planks, or some scrap metal. Interesting idea but, but I kinda like the way it is. Makes players need to learn to build right the next time around if the screwed up, and after demolishing something there wouldn't be many useful parts anyway. It's not like we are mixing cement (yet?) from the broken pieces of the walls.

You must have read our minds as this is a part of

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the biggest issue with the construction is the limitations of the camera and the lack of an ability to rotate and flip objects. i think it would be best to switch to freecam when building indendant of avatar camera and add additional keys that allow 6 degrees of freedom for rotatating and positioning.


additionally camo netting is designed to be temporary and is usually placed over vehicles to keep them from being spotted from the air. there should be an option to take them down and reuse them otherwise they cannot be used as intended if they are marked as perminant structures

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i got one suggestion... people tend to create huge bases if they got time and material. on very populated servers it leads to a big ammout of objects per base. thats quite heavy for the database (as far as i understand the system)... wouldnt it be possible just to create bigger buildables like double walls, or quad floors? lesser items in the database....

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one other suggestion: today total chaos broke out when people realized that the 3digit locks are easy to  unlock.... there is no animation when entering the code, and more people can access the lock simultaneously. with this method, 2 people accessed 3 of our locks in a few minutes....( one starts at 001, one at 999).... they are far to easy to unlock, make it at least four digits, and only one player at the time.....


Edit: You could make it as an upgrade, people need another combolock ugrading  to a 4digit code....

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First thing why do placing building parts have to have a time limit at all its so freaking annoying. Raising the wall or floor to the require height takes up most of the time and by the time you have it almost positioned perfectly the time runs out and you have to start all ofver again. 
A nice feature for the building would be a snap on function so when you place a floor then add a wall to it it snaps onto the floor and then is perfectly alligned. If building a base alone due to the fact you cant's see every angle its dam near impossible to get them lined up correctly. 

Why not make floors and ceilings seperate items. So a floor will when in ghost mode appears at your feet, and the ceilings appear at head height thus giving you ample time to manuevre them?

Also will we get roofs? would be nice to have a house look like a house. Could do this by building a roof frame and then have an upgrade option to add panelling or roof tiles. 

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I have a few ideas how the modular base building system could be upgraded.


Support Beams, I really want support beams, i am thinking of building a mountain base where half the base goes over the mountai, so i need horizontal and vertical support beams, i want my helipad hanging under half the base.


45° rotation instead of the regular 180°, also make it possible to make slopes so you can drive a car to second floor garage.
Update the placement system so when you place something you go into a special mode which allows you to see a topdown view or movable camera where you can place things within 10m of you, and you can turn and also align everything perfectly.


Snap alignement, i would love to see snap alignment so if you place a wall next to a different wall they automatically align.

No more ground alignment, it is so annoying to try to place something perfectly flat to make things look nice, you find a relatively flapt place, place some floors and oops, the ground has a slight hill making the floor bad.

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Sorely need bigger pieces for bases so not so many pieces are used per base, increasing server performance. Maybe even completed bases.


3 Digit locking doors are breachable in 10minutes of trying. A 3 digit lock only has 1000 combinations compared to a 4 digit lock which has 10000 combinations.

There also needs to be a small animation on fail attempts to prevent brute forcing.


Perhaps even a fail system can be added that if the code is wrong, the operator is knocked out due to an electric stun on the door (home alone style).

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Once again having entry codes only be 3 digits is quite silly.  I can pick a lock in less than 10 minutes so when my team and I are raiding a base we have no problem getting into it in less than a 1/2 hour.  I don't think that's right.  If possible, if you can make it either 4 digits, or create a delay/animation for an incorrect attempt that could prevent us from getting in so quickly.


Just a suggestion though.  It seems to piss people off on my server when it happens.

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If there isn't going to be an increase in digits. I would love there to be a time delay between cracking attempts, much like opening a safe.


I cracked 3 different doors in a base in less than 15 minutes each. total time... 25 minutes


And, possibly give people the access to change their combo, once they get their combo cracked?

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Combo Locks & Wall Glitching


Combo locks need to be at least 4 digits the same as safes, It is all too easy to crack and many people are getting through with ease,

also needed, is the option of removing a lock and replacing it if you've put in the code already, exactly the same as a safe, this way if you want to change your code you can!, rather than putting down a lock and it being 001 etc and it gets cracked instantly with no way to change it again, The combo locks is a must that needs to be changed asap, 4 Digits Minimum.


Also walls are Incredibly easy to glitch through still.. fix was no dice... i can walk backwards into any of the wooden walls and after around 5 seconds of moving the mouse you fly straight through, metal doors/gates and wooden gates/doors/walls all very easy to get through, especially at a seam where two parts meet, also cars can still easily glitch. 1 person drives car and back up into the walls/doors/garage and the person in the back of the car gets out and the player will end up on the opposite side of the wall making it easy to get in, repeat the same process, with the player driving the car backing up into the wall and the player on the inside can jump into one of the seats, this process is all too easy with just 2 people, combined with the easy crack combo locks... remind me why we put up walls to guard our possessions.


Need a Hotfix for the combo locks!



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I agree.  The combo locks are way too easy to break.  All it takes is time and patience.  I even love the idea that if they get it wrong give them a little stun and make them bleed slowly, but the combo locks should at least be 4 digits.  Servers would also greatly benefit from bigger buildable objects or even completed buildings that you simply place down, much like Origins' house building.

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Even 4 digits would make it too easy to crack if you bring some time at night when the owners are not online.

We really need a delay between attempts (like the safe). At the moment it's just a joke!


  4 digits means 10,000 possible combinations.  Its possible but are the items in that base really important enough to try 10k possible options instead of running down a wall in 5 seconds?

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I don't mind so much that its three digits. If someone has the patience to sit there and fiddle through each of the numbers until they get it right, then I think they should be rewarded for that. The issues I see currently however are:


- It's too easy to automate this process by way of a macro or third party program. (With the safe the 7 second animation makes a brute force quite unpractical, we need this urgently on combo locks as well).

- The ability for multiple people to be interacting with the lock is unrealistic and should be removed as it's a similar advantage to the issue stated above.


- There's no way to 'reset' the lock, remove it or change it once you believe it's compromised (without removing the door).


- You should be able to buy/find different types of locks or add multiple locks to the same door to improve its security. Where are the padlocks with keys that could work similar to a car lock?

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  I'd like to see an example of a macro or 3rd party program entering digits and cracking a lock.


  Sure anyone can say it can be done and give a detailed description but given the way ARMA is built and how the keypad is entered I actually want to see an example of this actually happening.

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Believe me, it is that easy. I built one myself to test the theory. I am sure the developers of this are fully aware that anyone with a limited amount of programming knowledge could put one together using the likes of AutoIt or Autohotkey if they had the intention. Note I am talking specifically about the combo locks - the safes can take hours due to the animation timer between entering keys.

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It really is simple to set the macro program up.




There is a fix there, I added in a temporary stun/unconc to the mix. I did add in the combination "medic" animation but you can vault out of it and still access the menu anyway so I went with the stun/unconc instead until there is a better fix in place.

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  I'd like to see an example of a macro or 3rd party program entering digits and cracking a lock.


  Sure anyone can say it can be done and give a detailed description but given the way ARMA is built and how the keypad is entered I actually want to see an example of this actually happening.

I'm not just going to make one and show people how it works because I think that would be acting in opposition to the best interest of the game but it is most assuredly possible.  I know of a particular example of how someone used autoit which read the minimap in game to autopilot the player through the game world. If you dig into the program "AutoIt" you can see how this can be done while completely neglecting the inner working programming and just reading the pixels on the screen.



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Hello everyone. First off, I would like to say I really love this mod, mainly because of the modular base building system which unlike origins, allows more customization with it. What I do have for a suggestion with this building system is a "Snap Allignment" feature. Basically for the OCD people such as myself, this allows you to build parts onto the building with a snap like motion that will allow the parts to match up properly. If anyone has played Rust by Garry Newman, you guys might know what I am talking about. I am not asking for you guys to make it exactly like rust, I am just suggesting this simply because the modular base building system would be a lot better/easier if it had the snap allignment.

If you skip to 4 minutes, 20 seconds in this video, you can see what I am talking about:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it possible to use W,S,A and D to move the object you're placing rather than shuffle the player model around?


For example, if you build wooden stairs and then try to place a 1/4 wood floor at the top of those stairs, you have to move

backwards a few yards because of the starting position of the floor. But then moving backwards moves you down the stairs

and you have to start hitting Page Up to re-align the floor. Before you know it, you can't see if the stairs and floor are level

and after a little bit of panning the camera around... you've run out of time.


If you could lock the player in position and the movement keys simply move the object you're trying to place... that'd be awesome

and save a load of headaches. Bases would be built twice as fast because you wouldn't need a "spotter" friend near assisting.

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