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[WIP] ZFM-FairMission System-Dynamic,Modular & Balanced (Alpha release 90% complete, Test builds frequently available) - Actively developed

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Another example of why ZFM is easy to develop things with.


2 lines of code:

// Layout Array
ZFM_Layouts_Array = [

// Will change to "Layout_Create" in later versions.
[ZFM_Layouts_Array,[1,1],[13400,3960,0],1] call ZFM_Layout_Parse;

Creates maze:




Still working out the kinks, and going to make it easier to set direction on objects just using "NE","NW", etc.

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ZFM_Layouts_Array = [

[ZFM_Layouts_Array,[3,3],[13400,3960,0],10] call ZFM_Layout_Parse;

Bit of symmetry. Working out a bug which runs this three times rather than one. Hence additional nests.

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Moving-picture-Germany-flag-waving-in-wiDeutsch Übersetzung erforderlich!


Russia_120-animated-flag-gifs.gifРусский перевод требуется!


Updated the main post description. Need to get a translation of that in Deutsch/Russian. Only needs to be done once per release (Alpha, Beta,RC,1.0) :-)

which part exactly?

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The output changes if there are trees in the way <_< I will make an optional function to clear trees out so it will always be symmetrical and perfect. The array spacing on this one is 5.




Another one from above. These are both from ARMA 2. I will eventually post some of the ARMA 3 stuff on here, too. :)

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Hi guys,


I would also like to mention a few changes to ZFM and the FairServer/FairMissions project. After asking for developers and others to help, I  have found other people who are willing to get involved. As a result, we've managed to get a Russian translator and also a release co-ordinator & project manager, and an additional developer. I will be meeting up at some point with the new developer and discussing future plans. but this is great news as it means ZFM will get developed twice as fast!


The new team members I would like to welcome are:


Translator: Crckdns

Project Manager & Release co-ordinator: Phobix.

Additional developer: Phobix's Linus Torvalds in the shadows


Look forward to some fun updates tonight on feature progress. Thanks for your patience so far with the project, you guys are great.



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Just implemented this, this evening.  Seeing this in the .rpt.


19:40:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: zfm_giveunitname
19:40:15 File z\addons\dayz_server\ZFM\ZFM_Mission_Functions.sqf, line 484


Hi flakvest,


Looks like you're using the build from the master repository, which hasn't been updated for a while. At the moment, ZFM is still pre-alpha software and there hasn't been a release in the master repo since the preview pre-alpha release a few weeks ago. We're currently working on the Alpha release, which is almost complete, and testing builds of that release are available here:




They're not recommended for a live server w/ players on, as there still may be bugs and the gameplay experience we promised on the first page hasn't been fully completed yet, but we're almost there. However, most of the features have been implemented into the recent testing release which kind volunteers help test.  :wub:


If you are able to install and test those releases, then I will happily fix any bugs you find in those :)

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Awesome!  Thanks for the info.  I'll start testing right away.


Thanks for providing the bug report on GitHub. At the moment, the testing release should clear the mission marker and bring up some notices when units are killed, including how many remain, et, so I need to know which build you're using before I can validate the bug request :-)

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This looks extremely promising, looking forward to a more stable release. I hope you get the intergration with other mission systems sorted as that would be even better!

Keep up the great work!


Thank you! Although, this is a replacement for those systems, so there won't be any compatibility for DZMS or EMS. The good news is, this will have all those features and more, so, why bother? However, this will be compatible with WAI and DZAI at some point down the line. :wub:

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I can imagine it will be alot better by the way youve been going about your buisness! Looks great and cant wait for it.

If i was any better at scripting/building anything i would be more than happy to help but im nowhere near a competent level ahah.


Thank you very much. The releases are stable, just missing the functions promised in the first post :) 2 more main changes to code, and it'll be finished. I hopefully will get a lot more time on Friday-Sunday to code ^_^

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