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  1. Like
    Rythron reacted to Nox in New Skins Adding   
    I lets go Random Skins at each new survival :)
    But i've had more packetable skin

    Really Proud of this ;)
  2. Like
    Rythron reacted to raymix in [Discontinued] Emerald Interior Designer   
    Hey, guys! Major update out, please refer to First 2 posts
    Also more objects to play around with (yes there's a snowman included, lol)

  3. Like
    Rythron got a reaction from DangerRuss in altimeter for para spawn epoch 1.0.4   
    override the halo_jump.sqf in fn_selfActions.sqf
    if(DZE_HaloJump) then { if(_inVehicle and (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") and ((getPos _vehicle select 2) > 200)) then { if (s_halo_action < 0) then { DZE_myHaloVehicle = _vehicle; s_halo_action = DZE_myHaloVehicle addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HALO","dayz_code\actions\halo_jump.sqf",[],2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { DZE_myHaloVehicle removeAction s_halo_action; s_halo_action = -1; }; }; Create a file and call it  halo_jump.sqf and paste everything below in that file.
    I put it in my dayz_code folder "dayz_code\actions\halo_jump.sqf" 
    DZE_myHaloVehicle removeAction s_halo_action; s_halo_action = -1; player action [ "eject", (vehicle player)]; sleep 1; player spawn BIS_fnc_halo; [] execVM "custom\altimeter.sqf"; player setvelocity [0,120*0.8,0]; player setdir 0; Create a file and call it altimeter.sqf and paste everything below in that file.
    And place this file were you like.
    I've put it in my custom folder "custom\altimeter.sqf"
    sleep 2; _myalt = getPos player select 2; _myalt = round(_myalt); //debug start diag_log(format["ALTIMETER STARTED: %1m ", _myalt]); while {(_myalt) > 0} do { // Display my altitude text. _myalt = getPos player select 2; _myalt = round(_myalt); titleText [(" ALTITUDE: " + str _myalt + "\ntext you like or just delete this"), "PLAIN DOWN", 0.1]; }; //debug Stop diag_log(format["ALTIMETER STOPPED: %1m ", _myalt]); Thats it ;)  
  4. Like
    Rythron got a reaction from Sandbird in [Release] Walk Amongst The Dead - (Hide from zombies like "The Walking Dead")   
    Open your init.sqf and at the bottom add this line:call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\walkamongstthedead\config.sqf";
  5. Like
    Rythron got a reaction from Donnovan in Dramatic Suicide Script
    right click on link and save  ;)
  6. Like
    Rythron reacted to Donnovan in Dramatic Suicide Script   
    This goes in your custom fn_selfActions.sqf:
    This is the avaliable options "Retire from Life" and "Confirm Retire from Life!" for the player self actions, that appears when you scrool the mouse wheel.

    private ["_handGun"]; _handGun = currentWeapon player; if ((_handGun in ["glock17_EP1","M9","M9SD","Makarov","MakarovSD","revolver_EP1","UZI_EP1","Sa61_EP1","Colt1911"]) && (player ammo _handGun > 0) && canStand player && (speed player <= 1) && _canDo) then { if ((is_confirmation == 0) && (s_player_suicide < 0)) then { name_on_menu = "<t color=""#303030"">Retire from Life</t>"; s_player_suicide = player addaction[(name_on_menu),"custom\suicide.sqf",_handGun,0,false,true,"", ""]; }; if ((is_confirmation == 1) && (s_player_suicide_confirm < 0)) then { name_on_menu = "<t color=""#d00020"">Confirm Retire from Life!</t>"; s_player_suicide_confirm = player addaction[(name_on_menu),"custom\suicide.sqf",_handGun,0,false,true,"", ""]; }; } else { if (is_confirmation == 0) then { player removeAction s_player_suicide; }; if (is_confirmation == 1) then { player removeAction s_player_suicide_confirm; }; s_player_suicide = -1; s_player_suicide_confirm = -1; is_confirmation = 0; }; This goes in a new file with the name suicide.sqf in the folder YourMissionFolder/custom/suicide.sqf:This is the file that plays the suicide animation and sounds.

    if (is_confirmation == 0) then { player removeAction s_player_suicide; is_confirmation = 1; cutText [format["Please, confirm Retire."], "PLAIN DOWN"]; } else { is_confirmation = 0; _state = (getText (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> animationState player >> "actions")); if (_state in ["RifleProneActions","PistolProneActions","CivilProneActions"]) then { player playAction "PlayerStand"; sleep 2; }; if (_state in ["RifleKneelActions","PistolKneelActions","CivilKneelActions"]) then { player playAction "PlayerStand"; sleep 1; }; player addEventHandler ["fired", {player SetDamage 0.9; playSound "finalShot";}]; player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B"; _sfx="madIncoming"; _nul = [objNull, player, rSAY, _sfx] call RE; sleep 6.8; _dis=35; _sfx="dieScream"; _nul = [objNull, player, rSAY, _sfx] call RE; [player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies; sleep 1.6; player fire currentWeapon player; sleep 0.5; player SetDamage 1.0; }; This goes in the file description.ext in the folder YourMissionFolder/description.ext:Those are the 3 sounds declaration, and if you already have declared sounds in description.ext, you need to add those 3 sound along with the ones you already have there.

    class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {dieScream, finalShot, madIncoming}; class dieScream { name="dieScream"; sound[]={diescream.ogg,0.8,1}; titles[] = {}; }; class madIncoming { name="madIncoming"; sound[]={madincoming.ogg,0.8,1}; titles[] = {}; }; class finalShot { name="finalShot"; sound[]={finalshot.ogg,0.8,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; The 3 ogg sounds files in the link bellow must be put in the folder YourMissionFolder: 
    Get the 3 sounds here: Sounds on Tinyupload.com
    They are diescream.ogg, madincoming.ogg and finalshot.ogg.
  7. Like
    Rythron reacted to Donnovan in Dramatic Suicide Script   
    I fixed the problems.
    Tomorow i will release it. Here a Dramatic video for the Dramatic Suicide Script:
  8. Like
    Rythron reacted to calamity in AI recruitment for epoch   
    battleye kicks me for
     #0 "bon_recruit_newunit" = <NULL-object>   PublicVariable .txt
    does placement matter ?? I put these at the bottom.
    I tried adding ................
    got it working ;) Learned  new BE stuff....
  9. Like
    Rythron reacted to Sandbird in [Release] Walk Amongst The Dead - (Hide from zombies like "The Walking Dead")   
    V3 Changes
    - Changed config.sqf (removed wells from the DZ_waterSources array...now all wells are recognized from the walkamongstthedead.sqf)
    - Changed walkamongstthedead.sqf (added all wells and ponds detection. Look at any well or a pond and use scroll to get the option to remove camo)
    - Touching water wont remove camo now, only swimming.
    Thanks Rythron for the suggestion :)
  10. Like
    Rythron reacted to Sandbird in [Release] Walk Amongst The Dead - (Hide from zombies like "The Walking Dead")   
    Yeah you are right...i am getting the same results now...i probably missed something...like a semicolon....i'll look into it now and post back.
    EDIT: No sorry....its working fine for me...(i was wrong before)....i'll look into it though....try to figure out what is going on with your client
  11. Like
    Rythron reacted to Sandbird in [Release] Walk Amongst The Dead - (Hide from zombies like "The Walking Dead")   
    Walk Amongst The Dead
    The famous "Walking Dead" trick, that you can smear zombie parts on you to hide from zombies is coming to dayz !
    This mod is for 1.5 epoch. The 1.6+ version is continued by juandayz over here :
    This script does exactly that!. I tried to do this as realistic as possible...so excuse the lengthy tutorial. Its to add realism to the mod.
    To apply the camo you need to harvest zombie parts, and Right click on them. (default value: 2) Zombies ignore you when camo is active (camo can be active until player washes it off, or after x minutes...set in the config.sqf) Humanity or blood decreases while under the effect (default value: 1 point per 10 seconds, easy to disable this..see the end of this thread) When in combat, camo is temporarily disabled (ex...you shoot, or your friend does cause he thinks its funny :P) Player is making random zombie noises when camo is on, to fit in with his new friends :P (male or female sounds, depending on the player's skin) Rain can wash away your camo....depending on rain's intensity. Hide inside a building if you want to keep it. (Low, Medium, Hard rain / 26, 18, 12 seconds till you lose it.) To remove the camo you need to wash it off with any type of water source (Right click water bottle, or swim, use mouse scroll on wells, ponds) Changing clothes removes the camo  
    Basically you gut some zombies and use their parts to 'smear' yourself with zombie parts.
    While you have the camo on you, zombies wont notice you, unless you fire your weapon or clean yourself.
    If you fire your weapon, then you can easily get the 'zombie camo' back if you hide somewhere until the combat timer is off. You still 'wear' the z parts so the zombies still think you are one of them if they see you again.

    Installation in 10 steps:
    Download the file containing the script  -=Click Here=- Extract the content in your Mission folder (i have them inside /custom  folder. For the purpose of this tutorial i'll refer to that folder. If you want to add them to your OWN special folder...Search all the files for the word custom and change it to your liking.) Open your init.sqf and at the bottom add this line: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\walkamongstthedead\config.sqf"; Open your description.ext and search for  class RscPictureGUI If you have RscPictureGUI dont do anything...If you dont....then add this at the bottom of the file.
    class RscPictureGUI { access=0; type=0; idc=-1; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0}; colorText[]={0.38,0.63,0.25999999,0.75}; font="TahomaB"; sizeEx=0; lineSpacing=0; text=""; style="0x30 + 0x100"; x=0; y=0; w=0.2; h=0.15000001; }; In the same file search for: 
    class RscTitles If you have RscTitles then inside it add class zCamoStatusGUI from bellow...If you dont....then add ALL of this at the bottom of the file:
    class RscTitles { class zCamoStatusGUI { idd = -1; fadeout=0; fadein=0; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['zCamo_GUI_display', _this select 0]"; duration = 10e10; name= "zCamoGui"; controlsBackground[] = {}; objects[] = {}; class controls { class zCamoIcon:RscPictureGUI { idc = 1; text="custom\walkamongstthedead\zombie.paa"; x="0.958313 * safezoneW + safezoneX"; y="0.43 * safezoneH + safezoneY"; w=0.059999999; h=0.079999998; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; }; }; }; }; Notice the text="custom\walkamongstthedead\zombie.paa";      folder name custom...change to where you put the mod.
    In the same file (or if you have defines.hpp) seach for this:
    class CfgSounds If you have CfgSounds then inside it add class z_wzombie1 and z_wzombie2 from bellow, and into sounds[] array...If you dont....then add ALL of this at the bottom of the file:  (these are the female zombie sounds....whoever made dayz_sfx.pbo forgot to add them in the config.bin..so we have to add them manually).
    class CfgSounds { sounds[] ={z_wzombie1,z_wzombie2}; class z_wzombie1 { name = ""; sound[] = {"custom\walkamongstthedead\dayz_sfx\femalezombie_attack_04.ogg",0.3,1,40}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class z_wzombie2 : z_wzombie1 { sound[] = {"custom\walkamongstthedead\dayz_sfx\femalezombie_spotted_01.ogg",0.3,1,40}; }; }; At the bottom of the file add this: (This is the right click options for WaterBottle and Zombie Parts...a must for step 8)
    #include "custom\walkamongstthedead\watd.hpp" Now for the right clicking options on the Zombie Guts and Water Bottles we have to overwrite ui_selectSlot.sqf in the dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf. If you have done this go to step 9.
    Open your compiles.sqf and search for player_selectSlot and change it to this:
    player_selectSlot= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf"; Open the dayz_code.pbo located in the dayz epoch mod folder (yes the 2.5gig folder) and extract the dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf you see there in your Mission folder (look above the path....dayz_code\compile\)
    Open ui_selectSlot.sqf  and search for: 
    _pos set [3,_height]; Right above this add: 
    _erc_cfgActions = (missionConfigFile >> "WaTd" >> _item); _erc_numActions = (count _erc_cfgActions); if (isClass _erc_cfgActions) then { for "_j" from 0 to (_erc_numActions - 1) do { _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _j + _numActions); _menu ctrlShow true; _config = (_erc_cfgActions select _j); _text = getText (_config >> "text"); _script = getText (_config >> "script"); _height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH); uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control]; _menu ctrlSetText _text; _menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script]; }; }; If you have in*****r Antihack add this as well in your _dayzActions s_player_cleanguts (Update, If you dont have v5). Since the latest beta patch is so strict, add this at the top of your walkamongstthedead\config.sqf file: hasGutsOnHim = false;  
    If people are getting kicked/banned with inifistar you can do this to fix it. Open AH.sqf and change line:
    player_zombieAttack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieAttack.sqf'; to this:
    player_zombieAttack = {}; V2 Changes
    All values have been moved to config.sqf
    V3 Changes
    - Changed config.sqf (removed wells from there...now all wells are recognized from the walkamongstthedead.sqf
    - Changed walkamongstthedead.sqf (added all wells and ponds detection. Look at any well or a pond and use scroll to get the option to remove camo)
    V4 Changes (17-5-14)
    - Fixed flashing icon not flashing when in combat
    - Fixed camo not getting reactivated properly when 1st camo finishes and new one applied
    - Added value in config.cfg to NOT disable Z camo when you fire your weapon...so it stays on
    - (if you are updating from previous versions just change your walkamongstthedead.sqf, and config.sqf files)
    V5 Changes
    - Added a value in config.sqf to initialize a bool.
    Open config.sqf and tweak the hell out of it if you want.
    If you want to lose blood instead of humanity do these 4 steps
    Grab this \z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_spawn_2.sqf and put it in your compiles folder Change path to player_spawn_2.sqf in compiles.sqf, to where you put it in Open player_spawn_2.sqf and change line: if (!r_player_infected and !r_player_inpain and !r_player_injured and !DZE_InRadiationZone) then { to
    if (!r_player_infected and !r_player_inpain and !r_player_injured and !DZE_InRadiationZone and !DZE_hasZombieCamo) then { Set DZ_ZCAMO_HUMANITY = false; in the \walkamongstthedead\config.sqf
    Gui will look like this when you have zombie camo on

    If you dont hear any idle zombie sounds when you are wearing the Z camo, try this fix here:
    It should work for the latest Epoch version.
    Credits: Enhanced Water Bottle Filling - by BDC - Aug 11 2013, for DayZ

  12. Like
    Rythron reacted to Lacost in AI recruitment for epoch   
    -fix bug after disconnect. Step 2 updated
  13. Like
    Rythron reacted to Lacost in AI recruitment for epoch   
    Original script http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12113   Download:   https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9v46zx0ul6hefn/bon_recruit_units.rar   Install:   1. Open description.ext at very bottom add this: #include "bon_recruit_units\dialog\common.hpp" #include "bon_recruit_units\dialog\recruitment.hpp" 2. Open init.sqf at very bottom   [] execVM "bon_recruit_units\init.sqf";   3. Open missin.sqm around 42 line.  change  class Groups { items=2; to   class Groups { items=3; 4. Around 1155 line after this    class Item1 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={8810.7705,138.52499,11751.518}; id=50; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="FunctionsManager"; leader=1; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=0.60000002; }; }; };   add this   class Item2 { side="GUER"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={8260.7832,4.104394,15461.444};//Trader City Lenzburg azimut=138.222; special="NONE"; id=101; side="GUER"; vehicle="UN_CDF_Soldier_SL_EP1"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; init="this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;this enableSimulation false;this setcaptive true;this addAction [""Recruit Units"",""bon_recruit_units\open_dialog.sqf""]"; }; }; }; 5. Copy bon_recruit_units to your MPMissions folder.
      P.s. 3,4 step only for NAPF vanila map. If you want to use the script on a different map. You must change trader position. position[]={8260.7832,4.104394,15461.444};//Trader City Lenzburg Known bugs: 1. Problem with safe zones. Bots can shoot in safe zones.
  14. Like
    Rythron reacted to Donnovan in Dramatic Suicide Script   
    I like to say thankyou to Grafzahl for the Suicide Script.
    I made is happens faster, and more dramatic.
    Aditional info:
    - Player scream sound is in-world and can be heard by other players and zombies.
    - The gun shot sound, for the player, is the normal gun *ploc* and a personal dramatic gun shot that is not heard in-world. The others just listem the abitual gun *ploc*.
  15. Like
    Rythron reacted to Asian Kid in AI recruitment for epoch   
    Easier way must add it to a menu.
    Install this and you can remove everything and add this below or just add whats below
    IN the server menu.sqf
    add this before 
    s_player_servermenuCancel = player addAction ["close","custom\functions\server_menuClose.sqf","",-1,false,false,"", ""]; Add this
    s_player_servermenu13 = player addAction [("<t color=""#01DF01"">" + ("AI Recruitment") +"</t>"),"bon_recruit_units\open_dialog.sqf","",-1,false,false,"", ""]; In the server menu close
    player removeAction s_player_servermenu13; Do that same in the self actions
  16. Like
    Rythron reacted to WGC GeekGarage in [Howto/Release] Tie PlayerUID To All Buildable Objects / Keep plot pole after death [No SQL Triggers] UPDATE 16/04/2014   
    In custom\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf
    _playerUID = getPlayerUID _caller; and replace with
    _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; Guide updated with correct info!
  17. Like
    Rythron reacted to freakystyle in car sound when unlocking your vehicle   
    Thank you :*
  18. Like
    Rythron reacted to WGC GeekGarage in [Howto/Release] Tie PlayerUID To All Buildable Objects / Keep plot pole after death [No SQL Triggers] UPDATE 16/04/2014   
    Well that is your issue mate. You need to remove that trigger

    Drop trigger character_set_client

    I think that should work


    Drop trigger your_database_name.character_set_client

    And change the your_database_name part
  19. Like
    Rythron reacted to WGC GeekGarage in [Howto/Release] Tie PlayerUID To All Buildable Objects / Keep plot pole after death [No SQL Triggers] UPDATE 16/04/2014   
    First off i would like to thank one of my players in my community Tim aka maccon for the patience to help me test this to the point where I think he don't like spawning and joining in DayZ any more. We have tried to test this extensively in many different scenarios and i just can't get it to fail at all. So i really hope this is true.

    Now to the fun part, converting to PlayerUID tied build system. This is not a beginner choice, but i will try and explain it step for step, even tho you might not fully understand why it has to be like this or that when we edit the code, just know that it has to be and you shouldn't edit it any other way then how i explain you to do it.

    I expect that you have custom compiles.sqf and fn_selfAction.sqf else search for it on the forum how to

    First off a little help for debugging, i'm going to show you how to log info from the clients connected to your server to the Server RPT! This is NOT the same as using the client RPT file so do not exclude looking in that if anything isn't working for you.
    Open "Client_PBO\dayz_code\init" folder and copy publicEH.sqf to your "MISSION_FOLDER\custom" folder Open your mission init.sqf and change call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; to call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\publicEH.sqf"; Open your publicEH.sqf that we just copied and search for PVDZE_obj_setlocalVars below this line add this in "WG_admin_Log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_logWGadmin = _this select 1;diag_log format["Client To Server: %1",_logWGadmin];}; any where you want to log anything from the client to the server log you use this code _log = (format["your text here: %1 %2 %3",your,variables,here]);WG_admin_Log = [_log];publicVariableServer "WG_admin_Log"; The above code will show "Client To Server: your text here: your variables here" in the server RPT Thats it for Client to server logging use it as you want, it helped me out alot! beside the Server and Client RPT

    Change Character to PlayerUID
    Then Search for
    Download Kronzkys String Functions Library from HERE
      Extract KRON_Strings.sqf to the root of your mission folder and open up the init.sqf in your mission folder and add to the bottom nul=[] execVM "KRON_Strings.sqf"; Now open KRON_Strings.sqf and at the bottom add this KRON_convertPlayerUID = { private["_in","_up","_out"]; _in=_this select 0; _up=[_in] call KRON_StrUpper; _out=[_up,"AX","999"] call KRON_Replace; _out }; In your custom compiles add or edit the following (depending on how your run your compiles.sqf) to what in the codebox fnc_usec_damageActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_damageActions.sqf"; player_updateGui = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_updateGui.sqf"; player_build = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_build.sqf"; Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageActions.sqf" and "Client_PBO\dayz_code\compile\player_updateGui.sqf" to the custom folder
      Open player_updateGui.sqf in the custom folder and go to line 155 and replace this _charID = player getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; _rcharID = _humanityTarget getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; with this _charID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_charID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _charID=[_charID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; _rcharID = getPlayerUID _humanityTarget; _found=[_rcharID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _rcharID=[_rcharID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; and add "_found" to the private array at the top
      Open fn_damageActions.sqf in the custom folder and go to line 58 and replace this _charID = _unit getVariable ["CharacterID", 0]; with this _charID = getPlayerUID _unit; _found=[_charID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _charID=[_charID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Now go to line 153 and change _action = _unit addAction ["Tag as friendly", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_tagFriendly.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; to _action = _unit addAction ["Tag as friendly", "custom\player_tagFriendly.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; and add "_found" to the private variable at the top of the file
      Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_tagFriendly.sqf" to your custom folder and open it up and replace _callerID = _caller getVariable "CharacterID"; _targetID = _target getVariable "CharacterID"; with _callerID = getPlayerUID _caller; _found=[_callerID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _callerID=[_callerID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; _targetID = getPlayerUID _target; _found=[_targetID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _targetID=[_targetID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Now add "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf" and "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_upgrade.sqf" and "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_build.sqf" to your custom folder and open remove.sqf up and find at line 15 _activatingPlayer = player; just below add this _playerUID = getPlayerUID _activatingPlayer; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Find _isOwnerOfObj = (_objOwnerID == dayz_characterID); and replace it with _isOwnerOfObj = (_objOwnerID == _playerUID); Now find if(dayz_characterID != _ownerID) then { and replace it with if(_playerUID != _ownerID) then { Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      Now open up player_upgrade.sqf you copied before and find _needText = localize "str_epoch_player_246"; below that insert _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Then find if(dayz_characterID == _ownerID) then { and replace it with if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then { Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file Now open up player_build.sqf you copied before and find (This is also relatively easy to do if you use my or otternas version of snap build) if (player getVariable["combattimeout", 0] >= time) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_43"), "PLAIN DOWN"];}; just below add _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Then find if(dayz_characterID == _ownerID) then { and replace it with if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then { Then find (if you use otternas or my version of build snap _tmpbuilt is _object) _tmpbuilt setVariable ["CharacterID",dayz_characterID,true]; and replace with _tmpbuilt setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true]; Then find (if you use otternas or my version of build snap _tmpbuilt is _object) PVDZE_obj_Publish = [dayz_characterID,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location],_classname]; and replace with PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_playerUID,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location],_classname]; Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      Now copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\actions\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf" to your custom folder and open player_buildingDowngrade.sqf up and search for _needText = localize "str_epoch_player_246"; and add this just below
    _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Then Search for
    // check if friendly to owner if(dayz_characterID == _ownerID) then { and replace it with
    // check if friendly to owner if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then { Then search for 
    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",dayz_characterID,true]; _objectCharacterID = dayz_characterID; and replace it with
    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true]; _objectCharacterID = _playerUID; Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      In your fn_selfAction.sqf find "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf" and replace with "custom\remove.sqf" there is 2 places it has to be changed.

    Now search for player_upgrade.sqf and change the path to "custom\player_upgrade.sqf" Then search for _ownerID = _cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; just below add _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; _found=[_playerUID,"AX"] call KRON_StrInStr; if (_found) then { _playerUID=[_playerUID] call KRON_convertPlayerUID; }; Now search for if(_isModular and (dayz_characterID == _ownerID)) then { and replace it with if(_isModular and (_playerUID == _ownerID)) then { Now search for //Packing my tent if(_isTent and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then { if (_ownerID == dayz_characterID) then { and replace it with //Packing my tent if(_isTent and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then { if (_ownerID == _playerUID) then { Now search for //Sleep if(_isTent and _ownerID == dayz_characterID) then { and replace with //Sleep if(_isTent and _ownerID == _playerUID) then { Now search for player_buildingDowngrade.sqf and change the path to "custom\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf"

    Now add "_playerUID" and "_found" to the private array at the top of the file
      Now you'r done and all build objects are now tied with your PlayerUID instead of CharacterID's. Friend system is also converted same goes for upgrade and remove. Just remember if you die the player has to refriend the players he was friends with before but they don't have to do it back unless they die themself. This also works perfectly if you run multiple characters as all characters have the same PlayerUID and they can all build. on the same plot.

    So go tell your players to rebuild their plot pole!

    I will not give any other install instructions or help in any other way as there is simply too many factors involved. i have tried following this guide before i posted it and it works if you follow it step for step. I will not help installing it on your server and i don't take any responsibility if you break anything on your server. Remember always to do backup!

    If you want to test it out visit my Napf server

    I do NOT allow anyone to repost this on other sites, if you have a translated version into any language post it in the thread and I will merge it and give credit for translation. If I find a translated version or same version posted on other sites I will do what I can to get it removed and that person will never get any sort of help ever again from me!
  20. Like
    Rythron reacted to ilikepizza in [Release] Radio Communication Script v1.3.1   
    I created a script to mark friendly players positions on the Map/GPS and 3D.
    You need to have a radio in your toolbelt and tag an other player as friendly to let him see you on the map/gps. This simulates position updates by radio contact. Also the names of the players shown on the map, are shown in a seperate GUI in the left part of the screen. I have a better description here.

    If the players have both respectivly tag themselves as friendly, they can both see each other. Every player can deactivate this feature by removing the radio from their toolbelt. On death players normally loose their friendships and they don't send out their position anymore until adding other players as friendly again.

    3 Main features are currently available by this script:
    2D player positions on map/GPS Names of players currently in radio contact with 3D player positions  
    Technical Details
    New players which just fulfilled the 2 requirements (radio + friendly) are added as markers every 2 seconds (adjustable by "RC_addInterval"). Also at this intervall their markers are removed, if the conditions are not met anymore. Also the markers blink once at this time what makes them easier to spot on the map. The marker positions are updated every 0.5 seconds (adjustable by "RC_updateInterval").
    Several other variables can be configured in the config.sqf to adjust the visual properties to your liking or disable features. Also the script directory path can be adjusted in the init.sqf. This should make moving the script much easier in your mission file. Don't forget to also change the path to the desc_in.h in your description.ext.
    The radio item is 'ItemRadio'. This item does not spawn normally in DayZ Epoch. You have to add it somehow into your server. E.g.: Use the MissionLootTable feature explained adjust the item spawn configuration. Or add as gear to your AI missions or to the loot crates of the missions. Or change the starting gear to contain one.
    Since this script uses friendship variables, which are DayZ Epoch only, this script only supports that mod. But it is easy to remove that requirement.
    I will not discuss here how to get the mission file or how to handel PBO-files. If you have access to such files, you should know by now.
    The project can be also found on github.
    Perform the following steps:
    Extract the attached ZIP-file (RCv1.3.1.zip), there should now be a directory "RC". Copy that into the mission directory. Add the following line at the end of your "init.sqf" in the mission file
    execVM "RC\init.sqf"; Change the configuration of the script in "RC\config.sqf". If GUI is enabled (enabled by default), add
    #include "RC\desc_inc.h" in your description.ext, in the RscTitles class
    class RscTitles { //here }; so that it looks like in the "description.ext" file in the ZIP. There may already be definitions in there, then add the line at the beginning or the end of the class RscTitles, but between the brackets. If you cand find this class, you may create it. Check the AntiHack part of this thread and apply if necessary. Finished. AntiHack
    This script works with the default DayZ Epoch Battleye directory.
        This script does not work correctly with infiSTAR antihack. The map/GPS markers will only work for admins, if configured correctly.
    Map/GPS markers for admins
    You have to enable the local marker functions in your "AHconfig.sqf". Beware, this allows cheaters/hackers to use several different functions as well. This means they will  be able to create markers as they like to visualize other players/vehicles/bases on the map, spawn items and more. It means you are deactivating a securitx feature of infiSTAR. Apply at own risk.

        To enable the local marker functions search for the following line/variable in the "server_functions/init/AHconfig.sqf":
    /*  Break Functions ?     */  BHF =  true;     And set it to:
    /*  Break Functions ?     */  BHF =  false; If you can't find this variable, you need to update your infiSTAR to the latest version (supported since 16/04/2014/AH0328C).
    A list of used functions can be found in the github project. This could help you adding exceptions to your cheat protection software.
    I have my own dedicated server with this script active (and others) and you are welcome to have fun there. The server is called "International Steel Company" and runs on the IP I also have a blog for the server, where I keep writing about updates and have more information about the server and its freatures.
    Debug Version
    If you encounter problems with the script and it isn't working correctly, you can install the debug version (RCv1.2Debug.zip) which executes some tests and reports the results into the Arma 2 OA error file. This file can be very important in finding the problem, why it doesn't work properly. I am talking about the arma2OA.rpt file. If you don't know where it is located read here. You can reduce the file to some important lines. These are located between
    "Checking RC Script ..." and
    "... finished checking RC Script." Example:
    "DAYZ: CLIENT IS RUNNING DAYZ_CODE """ "RC Debug initialized." "RC Script is Running." "Waiting ..." Fresnel k must be >0, given n=0.8,k=0 "PLAYER RESULT: true" "Checking RC Script ..." " RC Debug:dbg_hadEverFriend assert failed. Expected true, but was false" " RC Debug:dbg_fncCallIsFriend assert failed. Expected true, but was false" " RC Debug:dbg_fncCallAddUnitMarker assert failed. Expected true, but was false" " RC Debug:dbg_fncCallAddUnitCommunication assert failed. Expected true, but was false" "... finished checking RC Script." "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!" The informations from the tests don't really help you in finding the problem, but can help me, if you send me the results.
    Thanks for reading
    I hope you enjoy that feature.
    v1.3.1, May 3
    added realtime updating for 3D names added range limit for 3D names implemented missing 3d options v1.3, April 30
    added 3D player positions fixed GUI interferences with DayZ added script path variable to init.sqf April 22
    added 1.2 Debug Version for problem checking v1.2, April 21
    fixed direction of players in vehicles added marker for players in vehicles (square around player) added options for the vehicle marker added GUI with player names currnetly visible by radio fixed markers of dead players, they are not shown anymore April 16
    infiSTAR configuration help was added to this thread. v1.1, April 12
    added more config options (color, icon type, transparency) showing of player name next to marker icon v1.0, April 11
    inital realese  


  21. Like
    Rythron reacted to Renegade2k6 in [NAPF] Scroll menu - Pick your own spawn point.   
    All I have done is change the spawn locations so that it can be used with the new NAPF map.
    1. Place Scripts\Newspawn\ folder in the root of your mission file.
    2. At the bottom of init.sqf add this:
      p2_newspawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\Newspawn\newspawn_execute.sqf"; waitUntil {!isNil ("PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord")}; if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then {     player spawn p2_newspawn; }; 3. In dayz_server\compile\server_playerSetup.sqf
      Find this line: dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state];   Replace with: dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state,_randomSpot];   Disable Anti-TP:   1. Open init.sqf and remove this line:   [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";   If you are using antihax:   1. Find:   _cMenu = ['','RscMainMenu','RscMoveHigh','#WATCH', ...];   2. Add the command menu names you are using. Here are the default names used:   '#USER:newspawn','#USER:classes','#USER:Page4','#USER:Donator','#USER:Peasant'   Also make sure block all command menus is false:​   BLOCK ALL CMDMenus */ _BCM = false; Download
  22. Like
    Rythron reacted to MaxPowers in Pavlovo prison   
    Here is a prison I made west of Pavlovo !!!WARNING!!! this is untested.
    Here is a link to the image album:http://imgur.com/a/ndsfK

    Don't drop the soap.
  23. Like
    Rythron reacted to Asian Kid in GOD mode for fast rope   
    Change the fastrope init to this

    #include "=BTC=_functions.sqf" BTC_fast_rope_h = 40; BTC_AI_fast_rope_on_deploy = 1; BTC_roping_chopper = [ "CH47_base_EP1","Mi17_base","Mi24_Base","UH1H_base","UH1_Base","UH60_Base","MV22","BAF_Merlin_HC3_D","Ka60_Base_PMC","Mi24_Base"]; { _rope = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Deploy rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],BTC_deploy_rope],7,true,false,"","player == driver _target && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] != ""1"" && ((getPos _target) select 2) < BTC_fast_rope_h && speed _target < 2"]; _rope = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Cut rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],BTC_cut_rope],7,true,false,"","player == driver _target && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] == ""1"""]; _out = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Fast rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction2.sqf",[[player],BTC_fast_rope],7,true,false,"","player in (assignedCargo _target) && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] == ""1"""]; } foreach (nearestObjects [[3000,3000,0], BTC_roping_chopper, 50000]); And add this file called =BTC=_addAction2.sqf 

    _array = _this select 3; _param = _array select 0; _code = _array select 1; _spawn = _param spawn _code; titleText ["God on.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3; playsound "fastrope";//take out if you dont have the sound file player_zombieCheck = {}; fnc_usec_damageHandler = {}; _thePlayer removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; _thePlayer addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}]; _thePlayer allowDamage false; sleep 8; player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf"; fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf"; _thePlayer addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {true}]; _thePlayer removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; _thePlayer allowDamage true; titleText ["God off.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3; For the sound add this to the description.ext
    class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {fastrope}; class fastrope { name="fastrope"; sound[]={"fastrope.ogg",0.9,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; for the sound filehttps://www.mediafire.com/?o5dqyu6yjdm7cda
  24. Like
    Rythron reacted to Gwandoya in [RELEASE] Vehicle Key Changer - For making Masterkey - V 1.4 (Updated 06/15/2014)   
    In first line thanks for the author for this great idea and code!
    To solve the problem with disappearing and replaced vehicles, open VehicleKeyChanger_init.sqf and place the following code after function ON_fnc_vkc_reset in line 56:
    dayz_objectUID_vkc = { private["_position","_dir","_key","_object"]; _object = _this; _position = getPosATL _object; _dir = direction _object; _key = [_dir,_position] call dayz_objectUID2_vkc; _key }; dayz_objectUID2_vkc = { private["_position","_dir","_key"]; _dir = _this select 0; _key = ""; _position = _this select 1; { _x = _x * 10; if ( _x < 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 }; _key = _key + str(round(_x)); } forEach _position; _key = _key + str(round(_dir)); _key }; I suggest to reset some variables as well, place the following code after waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"}; in line 83:
    s_player_copyToKey=-1; lastKeyChangeCursorTarget = [objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull]; I also changed the self action menu text in that case when you claim a vehicle without a key, text "Change Vehicle Key" changed to "Claim Vehicle" in line 118.
    And I got an odd 'general error' in some cases (probably when I had no key in my inventory but all other requirements were fullfilled)

    so, I changed
    if (_carKey != "0") then { to
    } else { Now open VehicleKeyChanger.sqf and add the following code to line 129:
    /* Giving unique UID for claimed vehicles */ if (_targetVehicleUID=="0") then { _targetVehicleUID = _targetVehicle call dayz_objectUID_vkc; _targetVehicle setVariable ["ObjectUID",_targetVehicleUID,true]; // It does probably nothing and it's not needed :) }; With these modfifications you can Claim a server spawned vehicle which has only ObjectID (MySQL primary, autoincremented ID) but ObjectUID=0.

    On our server you can claim mission vehicles as well, because for mission vehicles we generate ObjectID="0" and ObjectUID=_vehicle call dayz_objectUID; (Server side call.)

    dayz_objectUID and dayz_objectUID2 are standard ObjectUID generator functions from server_functions.sqf, and we had to place them to client side (_vkc added to names).

    To fix objects stored in your database with ObjectUID=0 just run this MySQL command on object_data table:
    UPDATE object_data SET ObjectUID=ROUND(RAND(1)*1000000000000000) WHERE ObjectUID=0
    [ Modifications made for Vehicle Key Changer - For making Masterkey - V 1.3 (Updated 02/20/2014) ]
  25. Like
    Rythron reacted to Bungle in Ingame Camera with Monitor control   
    I know its still not a camera.. but what about a projector instead of the loudspeaker for now?
    Item Class: MAP_misc_videoprojector

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