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Posts posted by RipSaw

  1. Hey everyone,


    Here are my Overpoch additions for DZMS


    This includes:


    - All overpoch weapons (on AI and in loot boxes)

    - Armed vehicles/more helicopters at missions

    - Changed around the loot slightly at missions.

    - Harder AI


    Install instructions:


    1.Download the DZMS folder

    2.Open your Server.pbo

    3. Replace your old DZMS folder with this one



    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?x84yclzehrdqbsq



    Known issues:


    - UH1H and Mi17 have the _DZ Classname instead of _DZE, which gives them ammo, to fix this simply add an "E" Behind their classnames in the config file.

    - Weapons truck still gives the config\weapons error.

  2. In my opinion the AI in WAI is stronger, I am however not a fan of the non-random loot boxes in WAI at the moment, so I've decided im going to switch to DZMS tommorow, seeing as the launch of my server went smoother than expected, which means I'll have some spare time, I'll hit you up on steam when you get online tommmorow Insert, maybe we can share some ideas.



    Overall Pro's for WAI 2.0.4:


    - Stronger AI

    - Static Machine guns by default

    - Optional tank traps/minefiels around missions to prevent people from running the AI over

    - More missions


    Pro's for DZMS:

    - Easier to randomize/customize

    - Optional RPG's for the AI

    - Easier to develop custom missions

    - Easier to make more in-depth missions



    Tommorow Im going to make an Overpoch version for DZMS, and after that Im going to start working on trying to find a way to make DZMS use WAI's AI and probably add some M2's to the missions :)

  3. Hey guys,


    I will be working on a new server tommorow, and I will use either DZMS or the new ZFM-Mission system, if I do decide to go with DZMS I will update this and post here.


    @SU, make sure the amount of items in your box doesnt exceed your maxitemcount for the box in infistar and make sure it doesnt contain any of the banned weapons/items


    If its not either of those things its probably a minor mess-up in one of your files. (I had these a lot)

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