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    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    if (_DisableInput) then {disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;}; if this code are giving issues (love it) we can just remove it and add a
    removeAllWeapons _body; and other thing  @oldmatechoc about my bad englsish cannot understand so well..  the user menu are working bad?
    and about the animation:
    i see that youre not using playMove only switch.
    so for example
    _body playMove "boundCaptive_loop"; //start animate //bunch of code.... _body switchMove "boundCaptive_loop";//stop animation and if the animation still no longer be stoped.. press "V"
    And another thing some time ago working on kumyrna town mod, i was proove  animations, and a lot of them never go back to a normal state.
  2. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    @oldmatechoc @Hooty @Cherdenko
  3. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    @oldmatechoc @Hooty  very glad with the new way  of the script (love the stick but i also imagine that an animation gonna looks better). Cannot see it but imagine how its looks.
  4. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    NICE WORK @oldmatechoc the script looks beauty now, love the fn_Selfaction first line.   have some questions.
    1-In this line of selfactions 
    if (_isAlive && {_typeOfCursorTarget in AllPlayers} && {isPlayer _cursorTarget} && !isInTraderCity) then { the isInTraderCity  variable, is defined by the coords into DZE_safezonesposarray?  so for example if an adm wanna add some custom safezones he will need a custom ConfigVariables.sqf to take the DZE_safezones?
    2-This needs some infistar filter?
    3-The altitude by the player in relation with the pole is fine or need be changed?
    _stick = createVehicle ["Plastic_Pole_EP1",_positionp, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _body attachTo [_stick, [0, 2, 0]]; 4.You can say "everything works"? to proceed to the merge with whistle mod? or maybe (i ask it to everyone) we can forgot the whistle and use the tie_up2.sqf to spawn some zeds near of the player tied up.
    something like:
  5. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    nice! about the infistar safezone, i guess i need made another option for users like me, who dsnt have infistar . but nice work mate
  6. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    haah this is to much evil!  love it @oldmatechoc
    disableuserinput true;disableuserinput true;disableuserinput true;  
    also you can test with white screen to madee some kind of effect on victim player
    titleText ["", "WHITE IN"];
    and would be nice, add a scroll menu if player have knife or a rc action to try to cut the rope and get safe
  7. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    take care about the mouse disabled
  8. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    private["_body","_positionp","_stick","_waitTime","_hastools","_inventory","_break_free","_waitcut"]; _body = _this select 0; _waitTime = 60; _waitcut =10; _inventory = items player; _hastools = "ItemKnife" in _inventory; diag_log("tie up attempt on:" + str(_body) + " and I am: " + str(player) ); if (_body == player) then { diag_log("tied up!"); _positionp = [player] call FNC_GetPos; _stick = createVehicle ["Plastic_Pole_EP1",_positionp, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _body attachTo [_stick, [0, 0, 0]]; player setVariable ["dayz_tieup",true]; if (_hastools) then { if (s_player_cut < 0) then { s_player_cut = player addaction [("<t color=""#C0A172"">" + ("cutoff") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\actions\player_breakfree.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_cut; s_player_cut = -1; // disableuserinput true; disableuserinput true; disableuserinput true; // player playMove "AmelPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_zasah6hlava"; [player,10,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies; cutText ["You've been tied up! You will be released in 1min!", "PLAIN DOWN"]; sleep _waitTime; deleteVehicle _stick; cutText ["Releasing you now!", "PLAIN DOWN"]; // disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false; player setVariable ["dayz_tieup",false]; // call dayz_resetSelfActions; }; };  
  9. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    @oldmatechoc @Cherdenko  or another variant, to execute automatically a user menu if the player have the knife to cut the rope
  10. Like
    gernika got a reaction from Bricktop in Time Acceleration for 1061   
    also want it
  11. Like
    gernika reacted to Tech_Support in [RELEASE] Server/Bec-Monitor-Auto Restart-Auto Backup Sql DB Script   
    Script from
    I just made it 1 .bat file easy to use all you need to do is edit the Config settings section and the command line.
    Make a new .bat file on your desktop of your windows vps or dedi
    Paste this in it
    If you run multiple servers create a file for each server on your desktop all you have to do is change the command lines and the config settings to suit each server on each file.
    This script will re-run everything from this label :arma2oaserver every time the server cmd box is closed so yes if bec shuts down the server after x amount of hrs the script will backup your sql will re-start Bec & the Server
    If your server cmd box closes for some unknown reason this will terminate connection with Bec and so Bec shuts down but dont worry the script will backup your database then restart bec and your server (dont believe me try it run this script then close your server cmd box while this script is running and watch the magic lol) 
  12. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [RELEASE] Server/Bec-Monitor-Auto Restart-Auto Backup Sql DB Script   
    1-create  monitor.bat
    paste inside: (edit lines in red to put your paths)
    save it into your server root c:\epochserver\.
    2-download and place battleyefolder into your server root \instance_11_Chernarus\ overwrite your battleyefolder
    Download BEC Here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jtq8bd7b68llp1d/BattlEye1.6.rar
    open YOUR SERVER ROOT\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config\Config.cfg
    BePath = C:\epochserver\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye change for your path
    4- Here im a lil confused cuz  i think tech uses a shutdown by his S.O
    open YOUR SERVER ROOT\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config\scheduler.xml
    <job id="4">
    change in every where for your path:
    example: (see lines in red)
  13. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    also another suggestion by @Cherdenko  restrict the safezones in fn_selfactions
    and the update for tie_up2.sqf  with a variation on detach
  14. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    ok so the tie_up2.sqf stop to work here:
    so maybe this line   [player] attachTo [_stick, [0, 2, 0]];
     _body attachTo [_stick, [0, 2, 0]];
  15. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    yup youre right friend, but we need to know if main idea works, the rest is details.  i think :
    1-We need know if scroll menu to tie up appear on the other player.
    2-if the tie_up2.sqf made something on the victim player
    3-if tie_up2.sqf complete well his script secuense.
    4-safezones restrictions
    any way this is only an idea.   and many tnks for take the call guys!!!!
  16. Like
    gernika reacted to Cherdenko in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    also another thing @juandayz you should maybe restrict tying up in safezones
  17. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    so the main idea works? the scroll option appear on the other player to tie up?  the pole spawns, but the player is not attached?
  18. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    Hey few days ago i posted a new and stupid mod "whistle" ,but from here comes the idea to made a tie up players and whistle zeds to come and eat the player tied up.
    I ask for help of everyone here, can be nice made a new script/mod thogeters
    I think use the old knock out system  as base to write it:
    INSTALLING: (WORKING): (07/3/17)
  19. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in SCRIPT BASE TO CRAFT OBJETS.   
    more than 1 object do you say-
    you will need a variable.sqf  then find
    DayZ_SafeObjects = above paste:
    now into
    DayZ_SafeObjects = change by:
    DayZ_SafeObjects = DZE_CUSTOMOBJECTS + ["the others default objects from epoch",""]; now go to your server_monitor.sqf
    _isPlot = _type == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"; bellow paste
    _isCustomObjects = _type in DZE_CUSTOMOBJECTS; Now find:
    if( (count _inventory > 0) && !_isPlot && !_doorLocked) then { change by:
    if( (count _inventory > 0) && !_isPlot && !_doorLocked && !_isCustomObjects) then {  
    hope it help you
  20. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in SCRIPT BASE TO CRAFT OBJETS.   
  21. Like
    gernika reacted to killerkiwi in Battlefield 2.0   
    hi guys have new battlefield script here are the files i will up date this with instructions please call this from server side not mission side will now work
  22. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in 1.6.2 NEW RUBBLETOWN   
    add the call in init.sqf like the others events.
  23. Like
    gernika reacted to theduke in [Outdated][RELEASE] Virtual Garage update for 1061   
    Alright so here is the virtual garage.
    ALL CREDITS go to the original authors.
    GZA David for the Virtual Garage script
    Torndeco for the EXT Database
    All i did was change a few variables to update it for
    I use the script a little different than intended.
    The only difference, i use vehicle and air traders to access the virtual garage, intended for use with garages, but requires gem crafting...
    The original instructions are in the download in case someone wants to do it that way
    so on with the instructions..
    Tools Required
    Notepad ++
    PBO Tool
    SQL tool such as HeidiSQL
    First we start with the mission folder.
    copy the scripts folder from the downloads into your mission folder.
    1. Open your init.sqf
    look for
    dayz_randomMaxFuelAmount add this bellow
    DZE_garagist = ["Profiteer4","Worker3","RU_Profiteer4","Hooker1","Worker2"]; save and close
    2. Open your description.ext
    add this at the bottom
    #include "scripts\garage\common.hpp" #include "scripts\garage\vehicle_garage.hpp" save and close
    4. Open your fn_selfactions.sqf
    look for
    //Player Deaths add this above
    //Garage if((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_garagist) && (player distance _cursorTarget < 5)) then { if (s_garage_dialog2 < 0) then { s_garage_dialog2 = player addAction ["Vehicle Garage", "scripts\garage\vehicle_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""]; }; if (s_garage_dialog < 0) then { s_garage_dialog = player addAction ["Store Vehicle in Garage", "scripts\garage\vehicle_store_list.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_garage_dialog2; s_garage_dialog2 = -1; player removeAction s_garage_dialog; s_garage_dialog = -1; }; still in the fn_selfactions.sqf
    look for
    player removeAction s_player_fuelauto2; s_player_fuelauto2 = -1; player removeAction s_player_manageDoor; s_player_manageDoor = -1; add this bellow
    player removeAction s_garage_dialog2; s_garage_dialog2 = -1; player removeAction s_garage_dialog; s_garage_dialog = -1; save and close.
    5. Open your variables.sqf
    look for dayz_resetSelfActions = {
    add this before the closing bracket     };
    s_garage_dialog = -1; s_garage_dialog2 = -1; save and close
    6. Open your compiles.sqf
    look for
    fn_dropItem = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_dropItem.sqf"; add this above
    player_getVehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\garage\getvehicle.sqf"; player_storeVehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\garage\player_storeVehicle.sqf"; vehicle_info = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\garage\vehicle_info.sqf"; Still in the compiles, add this at the bottom
    SC_fnc_removeCoins= { private ["_player","_amount","_wealth","_newwealth", "_result"]; _player = _this select 0; _amount = _this select 1; _result = false; _wealth = _player getVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,0]; if(_amount > 0)then{ if (_wealth < _amount) then { _result = false; } else { _newwealth = _wealth - _amount; _player setVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,_newwealth, true]; _player setVariable ["moneychanged",1,true]; _result = true; call player_forceSave; }; }else{ _result = true; }; _result }; SC_fnc_addCoins = { private ["_player","_amount","_wealth","_newwealth", "_result"]; _player = _this select 0; _amount = _this select 1; _result = false; _wealth = _player getVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,0]; _player setVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,_wealth + _amount, true]; call player_forceSave; _player setVariable ["moneychanged",1,true]; _newwealth = _player getVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,0]; if (_newwealth >= _wealth) then { _result = true; }; _result }; vehicle_gear_count = { private["_counter"]; _counter = 0; { _counter = _counter + _x; } count _this; _counter }; save and close
    7A. Open your publicEH.sqf
    If you don't have a custom publicEH.sqf already, go to step 7B
    look for
    if (dayz_groupSystem) then { "PVDZ_Server_UpdateGroup" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_updateGroup}; }; add this bellow
    "PVDZE_queryGarageVehicle" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_queryGarageVehicle};
        "PVDZE_spawnVehicle" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_spawnVehicle};
        "PVDZE_storeVehicle" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_storeVehicle};
    7B. Only do this step if you DON'T have a custom publicEH.sqf
    Open your init.sqf again
    look for
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; replace it with this
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\garage\publicEH.sqf"; Thats it for the mission file
    Now for the server 
    Copy the garage folder from the download, into the compiles folder in your dayz_server folder
    1. Open your server_functions.sqf
    look for this
    spawn_vehicles = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\spawn_vehicles.sqf"; add this bellow
    "extDB" callExtension "9:DATABASE:Database2"; "extDB" callExtension format["9:ADD:DB_RAW_V2:%1",1]; "extDB" callExtension "9:LOCK"; server_queryGarageVehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\garage\server_queryGarageVehicle.sqf"; server_spawnVehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\garage\server_spawnVehicle.sqf"; server_storeVehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\garage\server_storeVehicle.sqf"; fn_asyncCall = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\garage\fn_async.sqf"; Save and close
    Thats it for the server PBO
    Add to publicvariable.txt:
    !="PVDZE_queryGarageVehicle" !="PVDZE_storeVehicle" !="PVDZE_spawnVehicle" 
    Add to _ALLOWED_Dialogs:
    Now for the database
    Using heidi (or your favorite sql tool)
    Open SQL.txt and copy everything in there and run a query on your database.
    This will create a database called extdb
    Copy the @extdb folder to the root of your server.
    In your server launch BAT. add @extdb; before @dayz_epoch_server
    Open the @extdb folder, edit the extdb-conf.ini and change the username and password to suit your needs.
    (you might need to give all permissions for that user for the new database in heidi)
    All done.  Log in and go visit your vehicle traders!
    Cheers Enjoy!
    EDIT: updated the instructions for the fix of ANY/gear and it not taking coins. Please refer to step 6
    EDIT 22/03/2017 : Added a fix for client RPT error (Step 5) Also changed the variable for the currency
  24. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Safezone epoch 1.6   
    mmm i dont know exactly what your script does but,,, are you using a check for safezones???
    The first code i give you its only for check if is a player on a safezone
    _safezones = [[6325,7807,0],[4063,11664,0],[11447,11364,0],[1606,7803,0],[12944,12766,0],[4361.4937,2259.9526,0], [12060,12640,0]]; _safezonesRad = 150; _inSafezone = false; _player = player; if (_player distance _x < _safezonesRad) then { _inSafezone = true; }; } forEach _safezones; Now are you saying what happend if thers a player?
    this code
    if(_inSafezone ) then { //What happend if thers players in safezone }else{ //What happend if thers no players in safezones };  
    so its looks:
    private ["_safezones","_safezonesRad","_inSafezone","_player"]; _safezones = [[6325,7807,0],[4063,11664,0],[11447,11364,0],[1606,7803,0],[12944,12766,0],[4361.4937,2259.9526,0], [12060,12640,0]]; _safezonesRad = 150; _inSafezone = false; _player = player; if (_player distance _x < _safezonesRad) then { _inSafezone = true; }; } forEach _safezones; if(_inSafezone ) then { //What happend if thers players in safezone }else{ //What happend if thers no players in safezones };  
  25. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Safezone epoch 1.6   
    nice,, if is only text.. maybe you can use the mission.sqm or the safezone.sqf (this have custom texts for default)
    this line for show msg when players are in safezones
    _msg = 'You entered a Safe Zone!'; this other when they leave
    _msg = 'You left the Safe Zone!';  
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