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Posts posted by juandayz

  1. Just now, _Lance_ said:

    Yes you made it clear thanks I appreciate that :D 

    I set it like this:


    _target = [6326,7808,0]; //use a center coord


    Which will hopefully make all houses on the map indestructible. I'm testing tonight at downtime, about 3.5 hours from now. I'll report back and let you know how it went, thanks a ton man I appreciate it.


    If u wanna made all maps build indestructibles.. i think the center coord iS 0,0,0.. for each map or maybe

    _target = 'center';
    _server_houses= _target nearObjects ["HouseBase", _nodamage_ratio];
    _x addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}];
    } forEach _server_houses;


  2. Just now, _Lance_ said:

    Sorry I thought I had turned on notifications - would this could affect all in-game buildings and nothing else? Say if I set the coordinates to stary sobor and made the damage radius/ratio 20km (hope I'm reading the code correctly) that would only affect buildings in that radius and no other objects right? 

    yes, i use this code for damage "HouseBase" in a X ratio from X coords... not for not allow damage.. but you can try.



    Say if I set the coordinates to stary sobor and made the damage radius/ratio 20km

    Note that 20 is meters not Km.   20Km should be 20.000.

    For example: Map houses do not take damage in a ratio of 800mts around stary trader.

    _target = [6325,7807,0];//stary trader coord
    _server_houses= _target nearObjects ["HouseBase", _nodamage_ratio];
    _x addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}];
    } forEach _server_houses;


  3. @Robert261171  try put a boat vehicle over the water.  then for example you will get this code:

    _vehicle_51 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["BOAT", [6324.395, 7805.1362, -6.1035156e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_51 = _this;
      _this setPos [6324.395, 7805.1362, -6.1035156e-005];

    then take the Z coord.

    6324.395, 7805.1362, -6.1035156e-005

    and use it for all your bridges.


    _vehicle_51 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["BRIDGE", [6324.395, 7805.1362,-6.1035156e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_51 = _this;

    _vehicle_52 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["BRIDGE", [6338.752, 7793.8716,-6.1035156e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_52 = _this;

  4. anyway i know.. any  objects over the water never get save well.  so maybe you will need correct his pos using note ++.  So maybe you can place anykind of object that take the correct position over the water.. and take his Z coord .. and paste this in bridge Z coords

  5. Just now, Robert261171 said:

    can never get it level with the ground and yes as I save it the position is gone

    place one single part of the bridge and use Alt key to risedown .. then save it.  check his pos and correct it again,. save it again.. and again until the bridge take the correct position.

  6. well you can place a map addon.. for example a satellital radio near from coast.  and through fn_selfactions.sqf add a scroll menu action on this sattelital radio "call boat".

    then this "call boat" spawn a Ai and a boat. who wait for nearest players inside a boat and start his waypoint to the other coast.

  7. you also can spawn an Air or water transport for your players.  An Ai driving a boat or heli from coast to coast.

    But for the bridge is like hooty said. object by object, step by step. Or maybe thers a tool in armaholic to build bridges. Iknow about fence generators and roads generators.

  8. Just now, leegreaves said:

    I have several scripts being called...should i add them one by one until i come across what is causing the hive not to kick in. In meantime im gonna try [] execVM instead of execVM. But thanks anyway!

    calling a map addon with server_functions.sqf or server_monitor.sqf

    example.sqf (dayz_server.pbo\maps\)

    if (isServer) then {
    _vehicle_9 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", [5408.3813, 3825.3184, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_9 = _this;
      _this setPos [5408.3813, 3825.3184, 1.5258789e-005];
    _vehicle_10 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Land_Table_EP1", [5418.8921, 3812.2117, -0.06759686], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_10 = _this;
      _this setDir -91.545029;
      _this setPos [5418.8921, 3812.2117, -0.06759686];


    Using Server_functions.sqf

    1-server_functions.sqf (at very bottom)

    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\maps\example.sqf";


    Using server_monitor.sqf

    1-calling a map addon with server_monitor.sqf (at very bottom)

    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\maps\example.sqf";


  9. Just now, TheBillsProject said:

    I have the same issue but with custom vehicles. Where do I put what you said above to fix the issue.

    If ure spawning vehicles by server side use the line from above. If ure using this veh by client..example spawn a bike with right click action then add the veh id into dze safevehicle variable.



    1-Server side like kingpapawa case:


    if (isServer) then {
    _vehicle_1 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["BAF_Offroad_W", [5420.7915, 3807.813, -3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_1 = _this;
      _this setDir 110.14845;
      _this setPos [5420.7915, 3807.813, -3.0517578e-005];
      dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_this];
    _vehicle_2 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["HMMWV_M2_DZ", [5420.7915, 3807.813, -3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_2 = _this;
      _this setDir 110.14845;
      _this setPos [5420.7915, 3807.813, -3.0517578e-005];
      dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_this];


    Example 2: server side (spawning an heli with a epoch event)

    _carrier =  createVehicle [_plane_class, [(_positionp select 0) + 50, (_positionp select 1) + 50],[], 0, "FLY"];
    _carrier         setVehicleVarName "heli";
    _carrier 		setFuel 1;
    _carrier 		engineOn true;
    _carrier 		setVehicleAmmo 1;
    _carrier 		flyInHeight 150;
    _carrier        limitSpeed 60;
    _carrier 		setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
    dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_carrier];//heres the line



    Example 3: client.  (add a vehicles in server spawns and locals scripts)

    custom variables.sqf

    at bottom add:

    DZE_myVeh = ["BAF_Offroad_W","HMMWV_M2_DZ"];
    DZE_safeVehicle = DZE_myVeh +["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"];


    and into: \@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\system\dynamic_vehicle.sqf

    AllowedVehiclesList = [
    //the rest of default vehicles



    And for understand all of this.. check this file: \@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\system\scheduler\sched_safetyVehicle.sqf


    sched_safetyVehicle = {
            if (vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in dayz_serverObjectMonitor) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
                diag_log [ __FILE__, "KILLING A HACKER", name _x, " IN ", typeOf vehicle _x ];
                (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;
                _x setDamage 1;
        } forEach allUnits;




    So now you know about this file.. other way is create a variable for custom vehicles.. then you dont need add the obj monitor line or entry his id in DZE_safevehicle.


    first open the sched_safetyVehicle.sqf

    and replace the whole code by this one:

    sched_safetyVehicle = {
    		if (vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in dayz_serverObjectMonitor) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
    		if (vehicle _x getVariable ["itsnotahacker",0] == 1) exitWith { };
    			diag_log [ __FILE__, "KILLING A HACKER", name _x, " IN ", typeOf vehicle _x ];
    			(vehicle _x) setDamage 1;
    			_x setDamage 1;
    	} forEach allUnits;


    Now in the file that youre creating the vehicle.. add the variable.. gonna take the first example that i give you:


    if (isServer) then {
    _vehicle_1 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["BAF_Offroad_W", [5420.7915, 3807.813, -3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_1 = _this;
      _this setDir 110.14845;
      _this setPos [5420.7915, 3807.813, -3.0517578e-005];
      _this setvariable ["itsnotahacker",1,true];
    _vehicle_2 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["HMMWV_M2_DZ", [5420.7915, 3807.813, -3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_2 = _this;
      _this setDir 110.14845;
      _this setPos [5420.7915, 3807.813, -3.0517578e-005];
     _this setvariable ["itsnotahacker",1,true];



  10. mmm


    _hastools = ["ItemKnife"] call player_hasTools;
    _hasitems1 = ["ItemAntibiotic"] call player_checkItems;
    _hasitems2 = ["ItemAntibacterialWipe"] call player_checkItems;
    if (call {_hastools} && {_hasitems1} && {_hasitems2}) then {};


    _hastools = ["ItemKnife"] call player_hasTools;
    _hasitems1 = ["ItemAntibiotic","ItemAntibacterialWipe"] call player_checkItems;
    if (call {_hastools} && {_hasitems1} ) then {};


    _inventory = items player;
    _hastools = "ItemKnife" in _inventory;


    if (("ItemAntibiotic" in magazines player) && ("ItemAntibacterialWipe" in magazines player)) then{};

    or if u need check current weapons and items:

    _Gun = currentWeapon player;
    if ((_Gun in ["revolver_EP1","revolver_gold_EP1"]) && ("ItemAntibiotic" in magazines player) && ("ItemAntibacterialWipe" in magazines player))then{};


    Or you can use negatives.. to exit from the script early:

    if !(("ItemAntibiotic" in magazines player) && ("ItemAntibacterialWipe" in magazines player)) exitWith{};
    _inventory = items player;
    _hastools = "ItemKnife" in _inventory;
    if (!_hastools) exitWith{};


    and that is all i know about it.. maybe thers others ways.

  11. @gernika  do you say something like...

    _VariableName = [["Item ID",Amount],["Item ID",amount]] call player_removeItems;
    _remove= [["CinderBlocks",2],["ItemBloodbag",3]] call player_removeItems;

    and if u need check if players have this items:

    _hasitem = [["CinderBlocks",2], ["ItemBloodbag",3]] call player_checkItems; 


  12. Just now, Thug said:

    I also started adding in other planes. So far 

    "A10","Su25_CDF","AN2_DZ"  working great

    Yup u can add any kind of flying veh since the line about obj monitor was added.

    dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_aircraft];

    This prevent the veh sched destroy your veh cuz is not signed . I say flying veh cuz cannot imagine landveh in this script. Explain it before cleandirella comes to say me you can add anykind of veh.:tongue:

  13. 1 minute ago, BigEgg said:

    We all appreciate you helping people Juan, not what I am saying at all. All I am saying is if you want to help people, use your own code to help them. Not knowing the authors can discredit people who put a lot of time into writing their stuff.

    Know youre right mate. This is why i remove the code..and that is why i put is not my code.. and i know sometime my primitive english can be sound offensive..and others times i just wanna be offensive. But not in this case. 

  14. Spoiler
    private ["_loot","_txt","_cntMax","_step","_loot2","_loot3","_loot4","_loot_lists","_boxtype","_cnt","_playerPos","_box","_curWep","_inVehicle","_done","_excluded","_coins","_vehicle"];
    _cntMax        = 2;      
    _stepa = 5;
    _step          = 160;        
    _cnt = 1;
    _done = false;
    _loot_lists = [
    _loot = _loot_lists call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _loot2 = _loot_lists call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _loot3 = _loot_lists call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _loot4 = _loot_lists call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _boxtype = "USOrdnanceBox";
    uiSleep 0.5;
    _txt = "<br/><t size='0.7' color='#ea2828' align='center'>CAPTURE POINT AREA</t>";
    [_txt, [safezoneX, safezoneW], [0.20 * safezoneH + safezoneY, 0.3 * safezoneH], 2, 0.5] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
    uiSleep _stepa; // Wait for first Reward
    // ===
    while {!_done} do {
    if (_cnt < _cntMax) then {
    uiSleep _step;
    _cnt = _cnt + 1;
    _done = _cnt >= _cntMax;
    if (_done) exitWith {
    _txt = "<br/><t size='0.5' color='#4cea28' align='center'>NICE!HOLD POSITION IS OVER... YOU DID IT!</t>";
    [_txt, [safezoneX, safezoneW], [0.10 * safezoneH + safezoneY, 0.2 * safezoneH], 5, 0.5] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
    _playerPos = getPos player;
    _box = _boxtype createVehicle _playerPos;
    clearweaponcargoglobal _box;
    clearmagazinecargoglobal _box;
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];
    } forEach (_loot select 0);
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1];
    } forEach (_loot2 select 1);
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];
    } forEach (_loot3 select 0);
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1];
    } forEach (_loot4 select 1);



  15. For example i use dynamics safezones in nuclear wars mod.  With the event spawn a trader AI. and in a custom player_traderCity.sqf at top i add this condition:

    _playerPos = getPos player;
    _neartrader = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["RU_Priest","Profiteer4"], 100] >0;
    if (!_neartrader) exitWith{};


    then if player enter to the safezone and thers no RU_Priest or Profiteer4..  thers no safezone script.  but when the event spawns the traders then the safezones are enabled.

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