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Posts posted by Creep

  1. Your statements Richie.. and you still complain about the answers you get?


    To answer the topic:

    Even if there were any "innovations", what you it be?

    Another useless carneval gadget?

    Another magical spirit that is simply annoying you the second time you meet it?


    Epoch had a good start, but it became somewhat of a script and content collection that isnt really matching in itself. The lead story Epoch once had ("2035 post apocalypse") was a good thing since the theme of DayZ lived along with it (kinda). But all the things added are just some kind of a joke to me in terms of the gameplay. I really acknowledge the work and the proficiency behind the Ferris wheel (f.e.) but for the time it took to make it and for what it is used to be ingame.. well ..

    If things kept as simple as they started, it would have been better in my opinion which I share along with many other players. I can understand the future setting, but I cant understand how a magical priest and a Ferris wheel are matching up..


    And btw:

    You get what you pay for -> monthly donations of about 100-250 $ from GTX and survival servers.. (+ any other donation).

    I have been working on my survival mod (1,5 months) finishing up almost all aspects planned and some extra features (ofc the code may not be as good as the epoch code, but I am doing this solo, no help, no donations, no extra testers.. so bp.. this isnt a reason for not bringing up "innovations" in 2 months)

  2. Anything you wanted and many many other unique scripts can be found here


    We are frequently updated and fix bugs asap. We are hosting events for the daily average of 14-35 players!

    Join our teamspeak if you want to and one of our admins can introduce you to our levelsystem, advanced building, greenhouses, weaponattachments, missions and many other things. Some tutorials can be found in our forums too :)

    We would be glad if you both join us on:



  3. Hey Guys,

    This is more or less a request to the devs of dayz Epoch. In the following I would like to address the devs by "you", just to make it more simple.

    You have done a great job with the assets in my opinion. I would love to see them in ArmA 3, but unfortunately you didn't add them to the ArmA3 epoch mod.

    As of my understanding the DayZ license doesn't count on those assets, because they were not originally made by the DayZ mod nor include any DayZ related code on them.

    However, my question is, if it would be possible to get your assets as a pack for modmakers to be used with credits and according to the non commercial ruleset of course. To create this pack would Not be needed that's just an Idea. I guess there are many users who would really enjoy those models in A3.

    So that's my real question: Am I allowed to port these building assets to ArmA 3?

    I created this thread because I think many other serveradmins and players in ArmA 3 or ArmA 2 would enjoy this pack or at least the models being allowed to get included by other mods (You already allowed the Evolved Team to use them, that's why I think this would be possible).

    Best Regards,


  4. I guess thats due to a logical mistake



    while {true} do {
        _meters = _aiVehicle distance _position;
    if (_meters > 200) then {

            in_area = true;
    sleep 5;


    You need to reconsider if this part is right:


    if (_meters > 200) then {

            in_area = true;


    shouldnt this be:

    if (_meters < 200) then {


            in_area = true;

    because if the range is higher than 200 it would be outside the area..

    maybe you can post the rest of the script and I will have a look on it

  5. waitUntil {_aiVehicle distance _position <= 200};


    means that it will wait till the AIVehicle is less or 200 meters away from the marker (_position)


    BUT if you want to use it to check if the vehicle is still there you should use: >= 200 so it will continue with the script when the vehicle is out of the range


    You can use your code either, just change some conditions here:



     _meters = _aiVehicle distance _position;

    while {_meters > 200} do {

     in_area = true;

     _meters = _aiVehicle distance _position;
     sleep 5;

    in_area = false;


    basically the same thing, its just clever to use a loovariable


     _meters = _aiVehicle distance _position;

    _loop = true;

    while {_loop} do {

        if (_meters > 200) then {
            in_area = true;

        } else {

            in_area = false;

           _loop = false; // in case you want to exit the loop, when the vehicle is in the range


        _meters = _aiVehicle distance _position;
        sleep 5;

    in_area = false;

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