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Posts posted by He-Man

  1. Ok, thanks!


    Here two more "bugs", I think I have found:


    I copied GlobalLootData.sqf into a theme and renamed it to LootData.sqf. Now, when I set global loot to false, the HC will not begin to work (stays naked). Do I have to copy the BaseLoot.sqf too?



    Help_Helo does not work for me. I tested it without setting a location and with setting location in ThemeData.sqf to ["Cities"],["Capitals"].

    When I enable map marker, the markes comes up, but no Heli / AI spawn.

    I also cannot kill this mission (not listed), but the marker stays.

    The Heli Patrol works great, so the Heli-Section in the mission files seems to work.

    Here the relevant lines:

    // Helicopters
    	[  // Division #1
    		[         // Vehicle                                 Offset     Crew (only 1 type!)   CargoLoot (see Loot section below for more detail!)
    			[  "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_EPOCH"           ,[0,-1700],[1,"Rifleman"],     "None"      ]
    			// Pilots                                     # and type  |         Patrol   | spawn  | dest  | 'Patrol' options
    			[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],   [  [1, "Driver"]  ],   ["ParaDrop",[0,-1700],[0,0],["Full", 100, true,true  ]   ]]
    			// Troops : These are distributed across all aircraft in the division. These lines are identical to the lines in the group section.
    			//  Troop behaviour and side options                    # and type of Troops     Patrol logic |  spawn     |dest |'Patrol' options
    			// 'dest' for troops is where they will go to perform their 'Patrol Logic' once they get on deck

    Or do I oversight something?



  2. Hey Horbin,

    could it be, that the loot spawning in a vehicle is buggy?

    My loot "CloneHunter" is spawning atm in Crashide (inside a box) and in all three vehicles of the convoy.

    While the loot in the Box of Crashside is ok, the loot inside the vehicles is very low and sometimes there is no loot in one vehicle.


    I have for both missions global loot enabled, so he must take the same lootdata.


    Can you please have a look at this?


    Thanks and go on with this excellent script!!!

  3. My headless client hates me :( when i had it on the same server using local it worked fine, putting it on a different server it won't connect.


    In my main servers config.cfg i have the server IP the HC is connecting from :

    //Headless Client
    headlessClients[] = {""};

    In my HC launch parameters i have the servers IP & Port to connect to :

    HCserver.exe -client -connect= -port=2502 -mod="@Epoch;@allinarmaterrainpack;@Australia" -nosound

    So where did i go wrong ? anyone have any idea :unsure:


    A few more Informations would be nice.

    - Is the HC trying to connect?

    - Get a failure Message in the Server window / HC window?


    My startparameters: ...\HCServer.exe -client -connect= -mod="@Epoch;" -nosound


    I'm not sure but it could be, that after "@Australia" there must be a ";" ?!

  4. Horbin,

    the HC is only visible for me as admin in the player list.

    I can select him as HC_HAL in "set anchor".

    He controlls all other FUMS missions fine.

    I also can kill missions and change toggle themes (and it works)

    So I think, it's all ok with him...


    The only problem is the manual spawn of missions.

  5. I have a problem by spawning missions with the admin control.
    1. I can't choose the HC as the spawner. There is only the Server and a free space available.
    2. When I choose a mission, my position as anchor, the server as spawner and start mission, nothing happens.


    Autostart / Toggle Theme "on" works fine for this mission. Only manual spawn doesn't work for me :(


    Any idea, what could be the problem?

  6. In Background of my last Posts, I will be very pleased when you can integrate / check this:


    - Let the box spawn exact / on a defined radius per Mission?


    - Let the AI's  spawn exact / on a defined radius per Mission?


    - Let the mission spawn random inside the marker area (not exact in the center)

  7. Tried to reduce 8m to 2m.


    from    _pos = [_pos, 0, 30, 1,0, 8,0,[],[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // 1m clear, terraingradient 8 pretty hilly
    to        _pos = [_pos, 0, 30, 1,0, 2,0,[],[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // 1m clear, terraingradient 8 pretty hilly

    Box spawned 13m away from center :-/


    - What means the 30? Tried to set this on 2 -> No loot box

    - Can I reduce the 1 to 0 meter?


    - Can I set the following, to take the exact position?

    // _pos = [_pos, 0, 30, 1,0, 8,0,[],[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // 1m clear, terraingradient 8 pretty hilly

    _pos = _pos;


    Or I wait for next week, when you have checked it yourself ;)

  8. Nice to hear about the coming update.

    Can you please also check my comments / questions from post #917 for the update?


    And one more question: What is the best way for triggering all AI's dead from Convoy?

    I tested ["LowUnitCount", "GUER", 0, 0, [0,0]] // (all enemies are dead), but then the Convoy is finished direcly by coming up.

    I tested ["BodyCount", xx], but then sometimes the mission will not be finished (I think because an AI dies by another AI, road kill or something else.


    Anybody knows a better way?

  9. There might be a bug with coordinates at the actual version of FUMS.

    Try M3Editor syntax:

    [//BUILDINGS: persist = 0: building deleted at event completion, 1= building remains until server reset.
        ["M3Editor", [0,0], 777, 0,
  10. Now I found out, that the cloned "AI_ITEMS:NA123:xx" has always the Number as the bought Vehicle has in the DB.

    I was intended about that, because the overall quantity of "AI_ITEMS:NA123:xx" is the same, as I have vehicles configured.


    This must be a general bug in Epoch, or why do I have exact the same problem with our Live-Server and a clean Test-Server?


    Can please somebode check the procedure on his server?

  11. I have a problem with my Traders and Vehicles.
    1. I reduced the Trader to 8, but there spwan 9 on the map -> OK, its ok for me and now I have defined 9 static Trader in altis.h
    2. Now I have 9 AI and 9 AI_ITEMS in my Database. When I buy and sell on a Trader, all is ok. But when I buy a Vehicle, in the Database comes up a new Trader in AI_ITEMS. This key is a copy of the original Trader (for example AI_ITEMS:NA123:144 is a copy of AI_ITEMS:NA123:4). But the original Trader keeps the vehicle in his inventory. The new Trader not.
    This means, that I often buy a car from a trader and next restart, the Trader has the same car again.
    It seems, that this will oversize my car slots and some vehicles on the map despawn.
    Can somebody help?

  12. Really a excellent job you did with this mission!

    But I have a few little problems / questions:

    I made my own Bandit Camp. When it is finished successfull, the lootbox spawns not exact on the defined place.

    The box spawns random about 15 meters around the center point.

    When the box spawns, it sometimes bug into my buildings and glitch away.

    Is it possible to let the box spawn exact on a defined position?


    Same with the AI's. They should spawn inside the camp, but they spawn 25m around the center.


    Is it possible, to let the mission spawn not exact in the center of the marker?

    Ok, an offset for the Buildings / AI's will work, but then it will spawn everytime for example 50m North, this is not really unexpected for the players after a few missions.

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