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Posts posted by Fuchs

  1. The fixed made the markers corrupt ,changed it to the old setting !


    The Marker rpt error is a feature ,not an error !


    Posted by Lazyink:

    This error is going to happen due to the Ccoords/Mcoords not being defined at server start. Once the mission system is running these coords are provided and the error goes away. Nothing to worry about IMO.



    And u are using an older Version of EMS it has been updated for about 7hrs...



    I meant the variable DZAI not Sarge ^^

    waitUntil {!isNull player};
    playSound "ems";
    sleep 10;
        titleText ["Warning ! You will lose your entire gear by walking into this zone!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
        titleText ["Warning ! We are not liable for any item/gear loss!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
    titleText ["Warning ! Collateral damage will not be replaced by any admin!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
    titleText ["Warning ! We are not liable for any item/gear loss!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
        titleText ["Last WARNING ! PVP KILLZONE", "PLAIN DOWN",3]; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
    titleText ["Rules:No use of NightVision, no use of any Vehicle, it's also forbidden to built in the PVP Zone!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
        playSound "ems";
    sleep 10;
        player removeWeapon "NVGoggles";
    sleep 15;
    _titleCut = parseText format["<t align=center' color='#52bf90' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Loot Event</t><br/><t align='center' color='#ffffff'>Someone entered the PVP KillZone !</t&gt];
    customRemoteMessage = ['titleCut', _titleCut];
    publicVariable "customRemoteMessageAdmin";
  3. Another Update and hopefully it fixes the hillbilly mission not saying the words ^^



    I hope u guys can handle it yourself adding it 

    class CfgSounds
        sounds[] = {};
    	class ems
    	name = "ems";
    	sound[] = {sounds\ems.ogg,db-2.5,1};
    	titles[] = {};
    	class hillbilly
    	name = "hillbilly";
    	sound[] = {debug\hillbilly.ogg,2,1};
    	titles[] = {""};

    little hint... ems file will be added later !

  4. By the actual progress it's scheduled for v 0.5 in April ,if i can manage it get it with 0.2.6 would be also a goal  !


    But the goal for now is to fix all issues without making some new one ,i'm not wanting any more bugs u know !


    So here we go !


    Happy BUG HUNTING !



    btw any one has these issues sknet posted ?







    If we [in this thread] can solve this together guys were looking forward to the DZAI Integration !

  5. PVP Killzone



    Hello !


    I search a variable for deleting NV Googles when a player enters the area activated by a trigger !

    waitUntil {!isNull player};
        playSound "ems";
    sleep 10;
        titleText ["Welcome to the PVP KillZone", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; sleep 5; titleFadeOut 4; ;sleep 5
    sleep 15;
    	titleText ["Warning ! We are not liable for any item/gear loss!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; sleep 5; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
    	titleText ["Warning ! U can loose your current gear when killed by another player take care of yourself!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; sleep 5; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
        titleText ["WARNING ! U ENTERED THE PVP KILLZONE", "PLAIN DOWN",3]; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
    	titleText ["Rules: Never use Vehicles in the PVP Zone,forbidden to built in the PVP Zone!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; sleep 5; titleFadeOut 4;
    sleep 15;
        playSound "ems";
    sleep 10;
    	titleText ["Rules:No use NightVision, no use of Vehicles and it's forbidden to built in the PVP Zone!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3]; sleep 5; titleFadeOut 4;
    	"player removeWeapon ""NVGoggles"";" \n
    	//removeWeapon "ItemRadio","NVGoggles"; player;  or { this unassignItem "NVGoggles"; this removeItem "NVGoggles"; }
    sleep 15;

    "player removeWeapon ""NVGoggles"";" \n
        //removeWeapon "ItemRadio","NVGoggles"; player; or { this unassignItem "NVGoggles"; this removeItem "NVGoggles"; }

  6. The fixed made the markers corrupt ,changed it to the old setting !


    The Marker rpt error is a feature ,not an error !


    Posted by Lazyink:

    This error is going to happen due to the Ccoords/Mcoords not being defined at server start. Once the mission system is running these coords are provided and the error goes away. Nothing to worry about IMO.

  7. 18:21:34 "EMS: Major Mission Created (SM11)"
    18:21:34 Error in expression < call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    hueychop = createVehicle [_chopper,_coords,[], 0, ">
    18:21:34   Error position: <createVehicle [_chopper,_coords,[], 0, ">
    18:21:34   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
    18:21:34 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\major\SM11.sqf, line 21
    18:21:34 Error in expression <ile{MissionGo == 1} do { 
    _MainMarker = createMarker ["_MainMarker", Ccoords];
    18:21:34   Error position: <createMarker ["_MainMarker", Ccoords];
    18:21:34   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
    18:21:34 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\debug\addmarkers.sqf, line 3
    18:21:34 "AIUNIT: Spawn initiated: Centre:any | Radius in m:80 | Waypoint number:6 | WeaponLevel:1"
    18:21:34 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-D:1 | Loadout:["Sa58P_EP1","30Rnd_762x39_SA58"] / Num:2"
    18:21:34 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-D:2 | Loadout:["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD"] / Num:3"
    18:21:34 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-D:3 | Loadout:["RPK_74","75Rnd_545x39_RPK"] / Num:1"
    18:21:34 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-D:4 | Loadout:["SVD_CAMO","10Rnd_762x54_SVD"] / Num:0"
    18:21:34 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-D:5 | Loadout:["SVD_CAMO","10Rnd_762x54_SVD"] / Num:0"
    18:21:34 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-D:6 | Loadout:["M24","5Rnd_762x51_M24"] / Num:1"
    18:21:34 "AIUNIT: Last Waypoint [<NULL-group>,-1] at [scalar,scalar,80]"
    18:21:34 Error in expression <tWaypointType "MOVE";
    _wp = _aiGroup addWaypoint [[_xpos,_ypos,0], _wpradius]>
    18:21:34   Error position: <addWaypoint [[_xpos,_ypos,0], _wpradius]>
    18:21:34   Error Type Any, expected Number
    18:21:34 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf, line 160
    18:21:39 "AIUNIT: Spawn initiated: Centre:any | Radius in m:40 | Waypoint number:4 | WeaponLevel:1"
    18:21:39 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-I:1 | Loadout:["M4A1_RCO_GL","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"] / Num:1"
    18:21:39 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-I:2 | Loadout:["RPK_74","75Rnd_545x39_RPK"] / Num:1"
    18:21:39 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-I:3 | Loadout:["BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"] / Num:0"
    18:21:39 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-I:4 | Loadout:["M24","5Rnd_762x51_M24"] / Num:1"
    18:21:39 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-I:5 | Loadout:["AK_107_pso","30Rnd_545x39_AK"] / Num:4"
    18:21:39 "AIUNIT: Creating Ins_Soldier_1 by <NULL-object> at [scalar,scalar,0]. Result:O 1-1-I:6 | Loadout:["SVD_CAMO","10Rnd_762x54_SVD"] / Num:0"
    18:21:39 "AIUNIT: Last Waypoint [<NULL-group>,-1] at [scalar,scalar,40]"
    18:21:39 Error in expression <tWaypointType "MOVE";
    _wp = _aiGroup addWaypoint [[_xpos,_ypos,0], _wpradius]>
    18:21:39   Error position: <addWaypoint [[_xpos,_ypos,0], _wpradius]>
    18:21:39   Error Type Any, expected Number
    18:21:39 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf, line 160
    18:21:59 Error in expression <ile{MissionGo == 1} do { 
    _MainMarker = createMarker ["_MainMarker", Ccoords];
    18:21:59   Error position: <createMarker ["_MainMarker", Ccoords];
    18:21:59   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
    18:21:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\debug\addmarkers.sqf, line 3
    18:22:03 "DEBUG FPS : 14.7194"
    18:22:25 Error in expression <ile{MissionGo == 1} do { 
    _MainMarker = createMarker ["_MainMarker", Ccoords];
    18:22:25   Error position: <createMarker ["_MainMarker", Ccoords];
    18:22:25   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
    18:22:25 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\debug\addmarkers.sqf, line 3
    18:22:50 Error in expression <ile{MissionGo == 1} do { 
    _MainMarker = createMarker ["_MainMarker", Ccoords];
    18:22:50   Error position: <createMarker ["_MainMarker", Ccoords];
    18:22:50   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
    18:22:50 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\debug\addmarkers.sqf, line 3
    18:23:03 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,18,23]"




    Majo SM2,12,11,12,13 fixed coords to _coords

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