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Posts posted by Rocu

  1. Users love this i have to beat them with a bat to keep them away from the trader, only thing that does not seem to work for me is MBT_NAME =  any suggestions? No RPT errors from Admin,User or server.


    Glad to hear, that's awesome :D . As for the MBT_NAME. Very strange. When you say it doesn't work you mean it doesn't change the name of your item in texts like "You have opened x"? Or if you mean that it doesn't change the name in traders then it's not supposed to. I have it in the video yes, but I ultimately decided not to include it in the installation to make the instructions as noob-friendly as possible. If you want it, you can see this post here: 

  2. Okay so, the first little update was pushed. New files are now up on my GitHub page. Thanks f3cuk for the loot tables & ideas.

    To update just replace config.sqf and open_brief.sqf.



    * Added more items and balanced things out more evenly

    * 1 magazine now correctly displays "+1 magazine"

    * group_wep from config can now also be used for tools

    * When creating a group_wep in config you can add quantity 0 for items that have no magazines (ie. for tools and chainsaws)

    * Fixed bug where it showed "+2 magazines" even if magazines weren't added

    * Randomizer idea changed a little. You don't have to have a total sum of 100% in the rarity field (updated first post for better explanation.

  3. Great idea.


    ItemBriefcase_Base - is this the same classname used for Epoch currency when combining bars?


    ItemBriefcase_Base is just a base item for all the other briefcases. It looks exactly the same as any other briefcase except it doesn't have any properties. It's literally an item without a function. As CordlAsis said empty briefcases and all the other ones have different class names.



    Once again thanks for the kind words people.

  4. Yep noticed that. Did some more work on the config and added the group_tool option.


    This is great. Though I never added the tools part because tools are considered as weapons in the game. You should be able to make a tools group with "group_wep". Only difference is that group_wep also generate mags. But it does so only if mags actually exist, so tools should still work fine. But I actually just noticed a little visual error regarding this. I'll update the main branch later today with improved loot tables and the visual fix.
    As for the player_traderMenuHive part thanks for including that part in as well. I had this in the example video but never included it as part of the release. Thought it'd just make things more complicated for the less-experienced if you don't have a custom player_traderMenuHive.
  5. Changed the config a little and added some more stuff (plus removed the gems). For anyone interested.

            Mystery Briefcase addon by Rocu
            Configuration file
    MBT_NAME = "EpochPacks"; //Name of the item that spawns the reward (this is just a visual thing, code won't break if you change this to something random)
    MBT_CRATEDELAY = 900; //How long until the reward crate disappears (in seconds) Default: 900 (15 minutes)
    MBT_DIALOG_TITLE = "EpochPack opening"; //Reward dialog title
    MBT_DIALOG_CLAIM = "Claim Your Reward"; //Claim reward button
    MBT_DIALOG_NOTE = "* After claiming your prize the reward crate will disappear in 15 minutes."; //Notation warning about the crate's delay
            Everything that has to do with the prize you get from the briefcase
    // Junk
    _junk_group = ["HandRoadFlare","TrashTinCan","FoodCanUnlabeled","HandChemBlue","HandChemRed","HandChemGreen","ItemBook3","ItemBook4","ItemSodaR4z0rEmpty","ItemSodaDrwasteEmpty","ItemSodaLemonadeEmpty","ItemSodaLvgEmpty","ItemSodaMzlyEmpty","ItemSodaRabbitEmpty","ItemSodaClaysEmpty","TrashJackDaniels","TrashTinCan","ItemLetter","ItemBook1","ItemBook2","ItemTrashRazor","FoodCanOrlokEmpty","FoodCanDemonEmpty","FoodCanTylersEmpty","FoodCanCornEmpty","FoodCanBoneboyEmpty","FoodCanBadguyEmpty","FoodCanGriffEmpty","FoodCanPowellEmpty","FoodCanHerpyEmpty","FoodCanUnlabeledEmpty","FoodCanCurgonEmpty","FoodCanFraggleosEmpty","ItemTrashToiletpaper"];
    // Common
    _food_group = ["ItemWaterbottle","FoodNutmix","FoodPistachio","FoodMRE","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaRbull","ItemSodaR4z0r","ItemSodaMdew","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaCoke","FoodbaconCooked","FoodCanBakedBeans","FoodCanFrankBeans","FoodCanPasta","FoodCanSardines","FoodchickenCooked","FoodmuttonCooked","FoodrabbitCooked","ItemTroutCooked","ItemTunaCooked","ItemSeaBassCooked","FoodCanGriff","FoodCanTylers","FoodCanDemon","FoodCanPowell","FoodCanCorn","FoodCanOrlok","FoodCanHerpy","FoodCanBadguy","FoodCanBoneboy","FoodCanCurgon","FoodCanFraggleos","ItemSodaRabbit","ItemSodaMtngreenEmpty","ItemSodaSmashtEmpty","ItemSodaMtngreen","ItemSodaDrwaste","ItemSodaSmasht","ItemSodaClays","ItemSodaLemonade","ItemSodaLvg"];
    _military_group = ["FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","HandGrenade_west","HandGrenade_east","SmokeShell","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellGreen","FoodMRE","Skin_Camo1_DZ","Skin_Rocket_DZ","Skin_Soldier1_DZ","Skin_Drake_Light_DZ"];
    _medical_group = ["ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","ItemEpinephrine","ItemHeatPack","ItemMorphine","ItemBandage","FoodCanFrankBeans","FoodCanPasta"];
    _vehicle_repair_group = ["PartEngine","PartFueltank","PartGeneric","PartGlass","PartVRotor","PartWheel"];
    _common_group = ["ItemPlotDeed","ItemComboLock","ItemSledgeHead","ItemSledgeHandle","Skin_Sniper1_DZ","bulk_ItemSandbag"];
    _assault_group = ["M16A4_ACG","Sa58V_RCO_EP1","SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT","M8_sharpshooter","M4A1_HWS_GL_camo","SCAR_L_STD_HOLO","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_SD_camo","M16A4","m8_carbine","BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo","Sa58P_EP1","Sa58V_CCO_EP1","Sa58V_EP1","AKS_74_kobra","AKS_74_U","AKS_GOLD","AK_47_M","AK_74","FN_FAL","FN_FAL_ANPVS4","m8_compact","G36A_camo","G36C","m8_holo_sd","G36C_camo","G36K_camo","G36_C_SD_camo","M16A2","M16A2GL","M4A1","M4A1_Aim"];
    _lmg_group = ["RPK_74","M249_EP1_DZ","M249_DZ","M240_DZ","m240_scoped_EP1_DZE","M249_m145_EP1_DZE","M60A4_EP1_DZE"];
    _sniper_group = ["M14_EP1","SVD_CAMO","SVD","VSS_Vintorez","DMR_DZ","M40A3","M24","M24_des_EP1","SVD_des_EP1"];
    _tools_group = ["ItemKeyKit","Binocular","Binocular_Vector","ItemCompass","ItemCrowbar","ItemEtool","ItemFishingPole","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemGPS","ItemHatchet_DZE","ItemKnife","ItemMachete","ItemMatchbox_DZE","ItemToolbox","NVGoggles"];
    _chainbullets_group    = ["2000Rnd_762x51_M134","200Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_127x99_M2","150Rnd_127x107_DSHKM"];
    // Rares
    _rares_group = ["ItemVault","ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemLockbox","30m_plot_kit"];
    _rare_weapons_group = ["KSVK_DZE","MK_48_DZ","Pecheneg_DZ","M110_NVG_EP1","SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD","M107_DZ","BAF_LRR_scoped"];
    // Legendaries
    _legend_group = ["PipeBomb","ItemHotwireKit"];
    _chainsaw_group = ["Chainsaw","ChainsawB","ChainsawG","ChainsawP","BAF_AS50_scoped"];
        //Reward List format:
        //        type - item type. Available options:
        //            magazine - any type of magazine and most general items (briefcases, cinder blocks, ammunition, etc)
        //            weapon - any type of weapon, note that toolbelt items are also considered weapons in Arma
        //            group_mag - a group of magazines. This is an array of items from which only 1 will be randomly picked
        //            group_wep - a group of weapons. An array of weapons from which only 1 will be randomly picked
        //            coins - this is for Zupa's Single Currency script only. Only use it if you have that script. If you don't do not use coins as a type for reward
        //            script - this is an experimental feature for more advanced users. I haven't tested it thoroughly so use it at your own risk.
        //                It was meant to work as a power-up rather than having an item as a reward. If you use "script" as a type, you must type the script's full path to the "item" field
        //        item - class name of item. If type is group, insert the group's variable. Example: 30m_plot_pole, ItemHotwireKit, _sniper_group, _junk_group
        //        quantity - number of items, set it to 1 if you're using grouping. Example: 15 (in case item is ItemHotwireKit then it will give you 15 Hotwire Kits)
        //        raritylevel - the level of rarity from 1 to 4 (1 = least rare, 4 = rarest), this is just visual for the UI
        //        rarity - how likely this item will be picked in percentage (from 0 to 100)
        //            Note: total sum of rarity must equal 100
        // Bad luck (junk items with low possibility)
        // Common
        // Rare
        // Legendary


    One suggestion that would make this one even more epic is to add vehicles ( spawn it nearby and add key to the crate). You might want to checkout how Jossy did that with Wicked AI.




    Thanks for improving the list. You're right about gems. By default they're not really worth anything. I added this keeping in mind my own server where they're quite rare and worth a lot. Although I noticed a little error in your conf. You've inserted 100000 coins under Rares even though under Legendaries you have no more than 50000. Probably a typo just one 0 too many.


    I actually thought about adding vehicles but I figured I'd release the initial version first and see if any major issues surface. I think I'll be adding vehicles soon when I have more free time.

  6. I'm using infiSTAR. Getting kicked by Battleye constantly. Working my way through the filters though.


    Oh yes, that. I completely forgot about that. diagLogr is a completely separate script I use for debugging. It uses public variables and therefor players are being kicked. I accidentally left it in when I was last debugging it. Completely forgot.


    Updated the files & removed all debugging. You shouldn't get kicked anymore and you don't need to add diagLogr in publicvariable.txt.

  7. Battleeye FIlter?


    No filter needed, default ones should be enough. It doesn't use anything that explicit.

    Infistar is a different matter though. You probably need to add some UI exceptions in there as far as I know but I don't have Infistar myself so I probably need someone else's help with that.



    Hm, very cool. I think it can be used for lottery tickets  :D


    Thanks and yes, you're right. It can be used for that.



    This looks great. It's a fantastic use of an otherwise useless item and the sound and GUI are spot on!


    Thanks, hope you'll find a good use out of it.

  8. Version 1.1 (Last update: 13.11.2014)



    What is this?


    Mystery Briefcase is a simple addon script that turns an otherwise completely useless item into a prize-giving briefcase. You obtain the briefcase, right click on it, select Open and you are rewarded with 6 randomly picked items ranging from beans to chainsaws. Similar to Battlefield 4's battlepacks. Perfect for giving away during events.




    Demo video


    Check this video below for a more clear explanation:











    Download available here: https://github.com/Rocu/Epoch_MysterBriefcase





    1. Firstly, download & install Maca134's Right Click Option script if you haven't done it already
    2. Un-pack your mission's PBO (using PBO manager or a similar tool)
    3. Download Mystery Briefcase files from my GitHub page
      Copy the mbc folder into your mission's addons folder. If you don't have an addons folder in there then create it. (For example config.sqf path should now be: Your_mission_folder\addons\mbc\config.sqf)
    4. Open description.ext (from mission PBO)

      class DayZ_loadingScreen

      Above it, add this:

      class CfgSounds
      	sounds[] = {Brief_Open_Sound};
      	class Brief_Open_Sound
      		name = "Brief_Open_Sound";
      		sound[] = {addons\mbc\brief_open.ogg,0.4,1};
      		titles[] = {};

      Note that if you already have custom sounds in your description.ext then just add the Brief_Open_Sound class manually (using the example above)

      At the bottom of description.ext, add this:

      // Mystery Briefcase by Rocu
      #include "addons\mbc\dialogs.hpp"

      Save & close description.ext


      Open up your custom compiles.sqf file (if you don't have one, )

      At the very bottom, add this:

      // Mystery Briefcase by Rocu
      call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\mbc\config.sqf";

      Save & close compiles.sqf



    6. Open extra_rc.hpp (if you installed Maca's script correctly you should have that file in \custom\ folder)


      class ExtraRc {

      Below it, add:

      class ItemBriefcase_Base {
      	class OpenSurpriseBrief {
      		text = "Open Briefcase";
      		script = "execVM 'addons\mbc\open_brief.sqf'";

      Save & close extra_rc.hpp



    7. Re-pack your mission's PBO and you're done!


    If you wish to further configure the script you can do so in the config.sqf file.


    For Infistar's Anti-Hack users you may want to add this as well:

    Open AHconfig.sqf


    Add this:





    _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,2200,6900,6901,6902,6903,...........,81000];

    Thanks Zipper for this.





    Additional info


    NOTE! When you first install the script you should know that the briefcase item itself doesn't spawn anywhere by default so you need to add it to the game manually. You can add it to the loot tables or traders using the following class name: ItemBriefcase_Base.


    It does support Zupa's Single Currency (gives out cash as a reward). If you don't have Single Currency it will still work perfectly, just don't put coins in the reward list (it isn't there by default).


    If you're planning to sell the briefcase in traders I recommend not setting it's price lower than 200,000 (or 2 briefcases if you're not using Single Currency). I haven't really spent ages working on balancing the reward but 200k should be a decent price for this (considering how sometimes you won't even get 50k back but sometimes you quadruple your profits).




    Technical stuff


    For the more technical guys out there - as you can see I used the ItemBriefcase_Base class for this script as it has the model of a briefcase but no other properties. I understand it's being used as base item for other briefcases but AFAIK it doesn't affect any of the other briefcases. The script itself isn't really a game changer. Just generates 6 random items with a little UI and puts them in a box. It's completely independent and doesn't rely on other scripts which means if one were to reverse-engineer it you could attach it to virtually anywhere.


    If you're editing the config file the rarity field doesn't have to sum up to 100% anymore. The percentage of item's rarity depends on the sum of the rarity field. For example, let's say we have only 3 items in the loot table with 50 rarity for every item. This means that every item actually has 33,3% chance of being picked. But for the sake of the script's speed I recommend you keep the rarity number as low as possible. Having 3 items with 1 rarity is a lot better than having 3 items with 50 rarity even though in both versions they all have 33,3% chance of being picked.





    Maca134 - For the right click option script

    Zipper - For Infistar's AH compatibility

    f3cuk - For contributing to the script

    +Many others who've been very helpful lately!

  9. Hello!  I would really appreciate some assistance, please.  I spent all afternoon installing the "Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System" by Zupa and then Soul's 2.2 version, but when I thought that I was finally done I uploaded everything and started up the server.  We were all stuck on "Waiting for Host".  I undid all of my changes and the server now starts up like it did before.

    I fixed some things that I had missed, but currently I am stuck at this error:

    ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\defines.hpp, line 45: .RscTextT: Member already defined.


    This is line 45: #define ST_CENTER         0x02


    This means there's somewhere a GUI file that already uses a classname with that name. Either find that file and delete that class (named RscTextT) or just open that same defines.hpp file and delete it from there.

  10. Too many commas in your playerHud.sqf. Should be like this:


    // player setVariable["AsReMixhud", true];//Variable Show/Hide HUD Support for control player hud
    AsReMixhud_Control = true; // player getVariable["AsReMixhud",true];
    while {true} do
        1000 cutRsc ["AsReMixhud","PLAIN"];
        _wpui = uiNameSpace getVariable "AsReMixhud";
        _vitals = _wpui displayCtrl 4900;
    	_thePlayer = player;
    	AsReMixhud_zombieKills 	= _thePlayer getVariable["zombieKills",0];
    	AsReMixhud_headshots 		= _thePlayer getVariable["headShots",0];
    	AsReMixhud_killsH 		= _thePlayer getVariable["humanKills",0];
    	_cashMoney 		= _thePlayer getVariable["cashMoney",0];
        _bankMoney 		=  _thePlayer getVariable["bankMoney",0];
    	AsReMixhud_killsB 		= _thePlayer getVariable["banditKills",0];
    	AsReMixhud_humanity 		= _thePlayer getVariable["humanity",0];
    	AsReMixhud_zombies 		= "";
    	AsReMixhud_zombiesAlive   = "";
    	AsReMixhud_blood			=  "";
    	AsReMixhud_pid			= "";
    	AsReMixhud_puid			= "";
        AsReMixhud_hmnicon 		= "";
    	AsReMixhud_svrname		= "servertitle";
    	_stime = 0;
    	if(serverTime > 36000)then{_stime = time;}else{_stime = serverTime;};
    	_hours = (_stime/60/60);
    	_hours = toArray (str _hours);
    	_hours resize 1;
    	_hours = toString _hours;
    	_hours = compile _hours;
    	_hours = call  _hours;
    	_minutes = floor(_stime/60);
    	_minutes2 = ((_minutes - (_hours*60)) min 60) max 0;if (_minutes2 < 10) then {_minutes2 = format ['0%1',_minutes2];};
    	_vitals ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["
    		<t size='0.9'> %2 %5 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='custom\playerhud\icons\As_humanity.paa'/>  <br/> 
    		<t size='0.9'> %3 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='custom\playerhud\icons\dollars.paa'/>   <br/>
    		<t size='0.9'> %13 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='custom\playerhud\icons\equip_safe_CA.paa'/>   <br/>
    		<t size='0.9'> %10 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='custom\playerhud\icons\As_killh.paa'/>  <br/> 
    		<t size='0.9'> %9 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='custom\playerhud\icons\As_killb.paa'/>  <br/>
    		<t size='0.9'> %4 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='custom\playerhud\icons\As_zkill.paa'/>  <br/>	
    	<t size='0.8' align='right'>%11h %12min UPTIME</t><br/>",
    	AsReMixhud_blood,   //1
    	[_cashMoney] call BIS_fnc_numberText,//3
    	name player,//6
    	[_bankMoney] call BIS_fnc_numberText//13
    	_vitals ctrlCommit 0;
        sleep 2;


    Doubt that's the main issue you're having tho.

  11. So I made this small realistic-looking military compound just outside of Zelenogorsk. I originally made this for my server exclusively but thought I'd share it anyway. Nothing really special about it. The reason I made it in the first place was to just balance the map a bit and add more military loot spawns on the west side of the map. I edited my loot system so that some really good weapons spawn only in those specific barracks. So that's why it was essential to me. You can use it for whatever you like.


    I kept it as minimalistic and realistic as possible to keep the Chernarus-looking vibe. This isn't your typical overly filled military compound where there's a barracks every 2 feet so I can understand why it not might be the most popular choice. It's there just to balance things out.





    • A single sqf file weighing 62 KB
    • 219 objects in total
    • 4 enterable barracks that spawn loot
    • Custom-made dirt road leading up to the compound
    • Plenty of misc. items to make it as realistic as possible (plants, barricades, wrecks, body bags, lights, etc)




    In-game screenshots








    Available here: https://github.com/Rocu/Epoch_MilitaryCompound



  12. When I save it, and i check it, nearly all the walls and roads are out of place, but not the buildings. And I will have to put in place again and save it again, and then it will work. Is there a way to bypass this? And it also doesn't save _this setVehicleInit "this setVectorUp [0,0,1];";     Thanks


    What I do is this - when I add a new vehicle, right on the pop-up window where you can choose the object, at the bottom there's an input box for "Init expression". Just paste the this setVectorUp [0,0,1]; there and you don't need to edit the SQF or biedi files at all.


    I guess one way to tackle the misplacement issue would be to place a bunch of roads and walls randomly on the ground quickly, like a 100 each. Then save them, and after that you start placing them where they need to be. The ones that you don't need you just delete at the end.

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