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Posts posted by Rocu

  1. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the 1.9.1 broke my time syncing & weather script. It was a custom-made script that used server_timeSync function in server_functions.sqf to sync time. Took me ages to track down the cause until I remembered that 1.9.1 had public weather changing feature. I still couldn't really track down the cause of this error (probably something in the DLL's or BattlEye restrictions). But I didn't want to revert back the version either so instead of using the server_timeSync function I'm now using your EAT_SetDateServer public variable to sync time. It's a win-win for me - I can use the new Admin Tools version and my time syncing script works again, but it really isn't a solution. I just thought you should know about this.


    After a couple of days of running my time sync script with your EAT_SetDateServer functions it turns out it doesn't work as well as it should. Sometimes some players don't get synced to night time, some even don't get dusk at all, only 100% day. It worked flawlessly with the previous version. I think I'm gonna try and disable the weather function. Can you tell me if I remove the DLL will it affect something else? Or is it easier to just revert back to the previous version?


    Oh and also healing other players doesn't work. Worked perfectly 2 versions ago.

  2. No to be a 'party pooper' here but isn't this wayyy to OP for an Epoch server? I mean sure it largely depends on the server you're running and how far you've gone with the 'arcadeyness' but it renders a lot of other features useless.

    Like vaults and lockboxes would be completely useless. You just load your vehicles full of stuff and store it in the virtual garage where other can't even see let alone access it. But hey, that's just my opinion. 

  3. Trading from vehicle has a glitch in it. You can sell from your vehicle no matter how far it is as long as you were the last one to sit in the driver seat. 


    As I mentioned in Dwarfer's topic I made a simple fix for that:


    Open system\trade.sqf



    _validMagazines = []; 

    Add below:

    if (TFV_VEHICLE != objNull) then {
    	if (_object == "vehicle") then {
    		if ((player distance TFV_VEHICLE) > 50) exitWith {_tooFar=true;};
    if(_tooFar) exitWith {
    	TFV_INWORK = false; systemChat "You're too far from your vehicle.";


    Again I should mention I made this fix specifically for the Single Currency version. Thought the core script is pretty much the same so it should be okay for any version.

    Csus I think it's a fix you should include it in your next patch.

  4. Hey dude, great fixes been using this for some time.

    Just wondered what the trade_items_wo_db.sqf acutally does.

    It seems very similar to trade_items just no DB calls.

    I cant see this being called anywhere. Any ideas ? I must have missed something, Its late B)




    Glad to have helped. Well, it is what the file says it is :P trade_items_wo_db = trade items without database.

    Actually if I'm not mistaken it's the file that handles all those "off the shelves" deals. Deals that don't require database (that's where the name comes in) and are only done client-side. Like trading zombie meat for bio meat, trading tin cans for scrap metal, etc.

  5. I'm having this same problem. Is there any fix for this? I'm almost finished with my server and I cannot proceed until this is fixed... Thanks


    Anything in the RPT logs? What happens in the database during all this? For example, deposit your money in the bank but before logging out check your cashMoney column in the database. Is it 2000 or 4000?

  6. To fix the vehicle distance thing:



    Open system\trade.sqf



    _validMagazines = [];

    Add below:

    if (TFV_VEHICLE != objNull) then {
    	if (_object == "vehicle") then {
    		if ((player distance TFV_VEHICLE) > 50) exitWith {_tooFar=true;};
    if(_tooFar) exitWith {
    	TFV_INWORK = false; systemChat "You're too far from your vehicle.";

    As for the other suggestion I made earlier: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/35227545675914885/0AA22888D55A77760F05A216AD1E0C14335F375E/



    Though it's currently too hard-coded for my server as I needed it asap. If I get a better version running I'll post it.

  7. So I'm running Chernarus Epoch server and sometimes when new players connect they get kicked from the server and forced to update their BattlEye (game minimizes, a command prompt window opens). At first I thought it was just a routine BattlEye update but it has become a little bit of a problem. It does it sometimes when I don't need the update. And it definitely does it to EVERYONE who is joining my server for the first time. So this can't be right, right?


    I've updated all my BattlEye dll's manually. I'm also running the latest BEC on my server which occasionally gives me an error something about not being able to connect to BE Master and updated failed (can't give you the exact error, it hasn't popped up today).

    DaRT shows nothing special, just:

    [2014-10-27 | 20:45:06] Player #15 Rocu ( connected
    [2014-10-27 | 20:45:07] Player #15 Rocu - GUID: xxx (unverified)
    [2014-10-27 | 20:45:07] Verified GUID (xxx) of player #9 Rocu
    [2014-10-27 | 20:45:08] Player #15 Rocu - Legacy GUID: xxx
    [2014-10-27 | 20:45:11] Player #15 Rocu disconnected

    Usually I wouldn't care because you can still access the server after you've done the update but I'm losing like 80% of new players because they can't be bothered to update and re-connect after that. I can see them trying to connect, disconnect right after that and never bother again. 


    So I was wondering if anyone had any clue what's going on. Would be nice to get this fixed.

  8. So I've taken the time to test this script out. I haven't tried the original but I tried Dwarfer's Single Currency version. I'm not sure how different these scripts are but I'm assuming the only difference is the currency + tax. If that's the case I think you should consider my thoughts:


    Trading from vehicle has a glitch in it. You can sell from your vehicle no matter how far it is as long as you were the last one to sit in the driver seat. This can be an issue if you have smart enough players. For example let's say there's a group of 4: one driver and three looters. They go to the nearest military camp, park their vehicle in front of a barracks. The driver runs back to the trader city. Meanwhile the three looters are filling the vehicle up with weapons. When the vehicle is full the driver at the trader city sells everything instantly. Looters start filling up the vehicle again and driver sells and so on... Repeat this and you'll be rich in no time.


    Another thing I think should be added is something that hints what you're about to sell and for how much. Right now you have no idea what you sell, how many of them and for how much. It just says "trading stuff from vehicle...".


    If I have the time I'll do both of these things myself (for the single currency version at least).

  9. Ok so I took the time to test this script out. I've no idea how much you had to do with the actual script itself. I'm guessing not very much but I'll post my thoughts anyway.


    The script mostly works pretty flawlessly but I noticed trade from vehicle has a glitch in it. You can sell from your vehicle no matter where it is as long as you were the last one sitting in the driver seat. This can be a problem if your players are smart enough.

    Let's say there's a team of 4. They all go to the nearest military camp and start looting. Meanwhile the driver leaves his car near the camp and runs back to the trader city. When the vehicle is full of weapons the driver from trader city sells all of the stuff in the trunk. 3 guys keep farming into the car and 1 guy keeps instantly selling from the trader.


    Another thing that I think should definitely be in this script is a some kind of hint that tells you what you are about to sell and for how much. I imagine the best way to solve this would be to create a pop-up window that asks for confirmation and shows all the items + total price.


    Just my thoughts. I'll post these to the original topic as well. If I have the time I'll do both of these things myself. 


    Hi i was just wondering if anyone know how to add the blood in to the playerhud.sqf or that has one with blood on 
    thanks ben



    Code for blood: player getVariable['USEC_BloodQty', r_player_blood]


    So if you're using 1.1 files then playerHud.sqf should look something like this:


    // player setVariable["AsReMixhud", true];//Variable Show/Hide HUD Support for control player hud
    AsReMixhud_Control = true; // player getVariable["AsReMixhud",true];
    while {true} do
        1000 cutRsc ["AsReMixhud","PLAIN"];
        _wpui = uiNameSpace getVariable "AsReMixhud";
        _vitals = _wpui displayCtrl 4900;
    	_thePlayer = player;
    	AsReMixhud_zombieKills 	= _thePlayer getVariable["zombieKills",0];
    	AsReMixhud_headshots 		= _thePlayer getVariable["headShots",0];
    	AsReMixhud_killsH 		= _thePlayer getVariable["humanKills",0];
        Zupa_bank 		=  _thePlayer getVariable["bank",0];
    	AsReMixhud_killsB 		= _thePlayer getVariable["banditKills",0];
    	AsReMixhud_humanity 		= _thePlayer getVariable["humanity",0];
    	AsReMixhud_zombies 		= "";
    	AsReMixhud_zombiesAlive   = "";
    	AsReMixhud_blood			=  "";
    	AsReMixhud_pid			= "";
    	AsReMixhud_puid			= "";
        AsReMixhud_hmnicon 		= "";
    	AsReMixhud_fps 			= (round diag_fps);
    	AsReMixhud_svrname		= "Amnesia";
    	_stime = 0;
    	if(serverTime > 36000)then{_stime = time;}else{_stime = serverTime;};
    	_hours = (_stime/60/60);
    	_hours = toArray (str _hours);
    	_hours resize 1;
    	_hours = toString _hours;
    	_hours = compile _hours;
    	_hours = call  _hours;
    	_minutes = floor(_stime/60);
    	_minutes2 = ((_minutes - (_hours*60)) min 60) max 0;if (_minutes2 < 10) then {_minutes2 = format ['0%1',_minutes2];};
    	//if(AsReMixhud_humanity >= 5000) then { AsReMixhud_hmnicon = "<img size='0.8' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_hmhero.paa'/>"; };
    	//if((AsReMixhud_humanity >= 200) && (AsReMixhud_humanity <= 4999)) then { AsReMixhud_hmnicon = "<img size='0.8' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_hmcivil.paa'/>"; };
    //	if(AsReMixhud_humanity <= 199) then { AsReMixhud_hmnicon = "<img size='0.8' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_hmbandit.paa'/>"; };
    	_vitals ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["
    		<t size='0.8' align='right'>Zupa - AsRemix</t><br/>
    		<t size='0.9'> %2 %5 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_humanity.paa'/>  <br/> 
    		<t size='0.9'> %3 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='addons\playerhud\icons\dollars.paa'/>   <br/>
    		<t size='0.9'> %14 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='addons\playerhud\icons\equip_safe_CA.paa'/>   <br/>
    		<t size='0.9'> %10 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_killh.paa'/>  <br/> 
    		<t size='0.9'> %9 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_killb.paa'/>  <br/>
    		<t size='0.9'> %4 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_zkill.paa'/>  <br/>
    		<t size='0.9'> %16 </t><br/>
    	<t size='0.8' align='right'>%13 FPS</t><br/>	
    	<t size='0.8' align='right'>%11h %12min UPTIME</t><br/>",
    	AsReMixhud_blood,   //1
    	name player,//6
    	getVariable['USEC_BloodQty', r_player_blood]//16
    	_vitals ctrlCommit 0;
        sleep 2;

  11. Managed to fix things for amounts over 999,999 :)


    Apply the changes below and you're golden.


    Seems like this indeed does work. Haven't tested it 100% but at first glance it seems like it fixed the main issue.

    Great find. Kudos for you!


    You should prob. make a pull request on Zupa's GitHub for this since it's quite the issue. Or at very least it should be included in the library.



    And just to make things easier here's the step-by-step of what mdc did to his files:





    Open server_playerSync.sqf from your server's PBO.




    _cashMoney = ["cashMoney",_character] call server_getDiff2;

    Add below:

    _cashMoneyStr = _cashMoney call MDC_fnc_numberToString;



    Replace it with:


    Open your custom compiles.sqf from your mission PBO.


    At the very top, add:

    MDC_fnc_numberToString = {
    	_number = _this;
    	_str = "";
    	if (_number == 0) then {
    		_str = "0";
    	} else {
    		_negative = false;
    		if (_number < 0) then {
    			_number = abs _number;
    			_negative = true;
    		if (_number % 1 == 0) then {
    			while { _number > 0 } do {
    				_digit = floor (_number % 10);
    				_str = (str _digit) + _str;
    				_number = floor (_number / 10);
    		} else {
    			_decimals = _number % 1;
    			_decimals = _decimals * 1000000;
    			_number = floor _number;
    			_str = _number call MDC_fnc_numberToString;
    			_str = _str + "." + str _decimals;
    		if (_negative) then { _str = "-" + _str; };
  12. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the 1.9.1 broke my time syncing & weather script. It was a custom-made script that used server_timeSync function in server_functions.sqf to sync time. Took me ages to track down the cause until I remembered that 1.9.1 had public weather changing feature. I still couldn't really track down the cause of this error (probably something in the DLL's or BattlEye restrictions). But I didn't want to revert back the version either so instead of using the server_timeSync function I'm now using your EAT_SetDateServer public variable to sync time. It's a win-win for me - I can use the new Admin Tools version and my time syncing script works again, but it really isn't a solution. I just thought you should know about this.



    Edit// Nvm the skin thing was my own fault, ignore that (ignore this line if you didn't read it before I edited my post).

  13. Seems like you're missing some variables.


    Do you have this in your variables.sqf?:

    //-----------------------------------Currency & Banking Configs ---------------------------------//
    CurrencyName = "Zupa Coins"; // name of your currency
    DZE_ATM = ["Laptop_EP1"]; // items,objects classnames where u can bank.
    LimitOnBank = false; // false = no limits, true = banks are limited on the value below
    MaxBankMoney = 500000; // limit on bank for normal players
    DonatorListZupa = ["76561198012464696","111111111"]; // bigger bank PUID
    MaxDonatorBankMoney = 1000000; // Bank size donators
    //-----------------------------------Currency & Banking Configs END ---------------------------------//
  14. So my question is how can you properly install this for the Taviana map?


    You can replace most files that have no influence on the map at all. But files like DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\init.sqf you have to merge. In other words you have to look what changes have been done to this file and add those changes to your file. It can be quite a pain but it's not as hard as it seems. Here's a quick tutorial to make this merging process easier: 

  15. Maybe im missing something but it seems we are extending classes that dont exist on infistar ...

    ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_7.Lingor\gold\Currency\currency_dialog.hpp, line 7: /CurrencyPlayerDialog/controlsBackground.CurrencyTitleBackground: Undefined base class 'Life_RscText'


    tallboy2k7 had this same issue with another script of mine. The scripts works with the base GUI classes that Zupa included in the installation. You must have all those files in order for this to work. His solution to this:



    the classes from your transfer_dialog.hpp were looking for gui items that didnt exsist in my build of SC.

    to fix just download the SC files from Zupa and copy the gui folder to your server root.

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