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Posts posted by Rocu

  1. TPtoMe is fixed in the test branch now. I managed to have someone help with testing. You can pull it in a few hours to fix this issue(I need to add the battleye filter fixes for the new public variables). It does require updating your adminlist.sqf and init antihack line.


    The normal teleport function update was requested by a few people due to teleporting half into a player's base walls causing damage to walls and other issues like this. I was not aware of the issue with the larger vehicles. I can remove it and probably will now that I hear it is causing issues like this. WHO ELSE BELIEVES THIS SHOULD GO? This was a requested feature so I want to be sure more want it gone than those who requested it. I will need to do some testing too. To my knowledge I can not fix the check for a good area to spawn. It uses a not so well written function from arma.


    Can you heal yourself?


    As for the wait until what did it cause issues with? I have a better solution that I didn't really use as I want to keep the install as simple as possible, but give this a try:


    Place this in the call compiles section:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "admintools\AdminList.sqf";

    Like this:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";				//Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
    progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";				//Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
    progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";	//Functions used by CLIENT for medical
    progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";				//Compile regular functions
    progressLoadingScreen 0.5;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf";				//Compile trader configs
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
    progressLoadingScreen 1.0;


    If you want to be fancy give it it's own loading bar portion:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";				//Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
    progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";				//Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
    progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";	//Functions used by CLIENT for medical
    progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";				//Compile regular functions
    progressLoadingScreen 0.5;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf";				//Compile trader configs
    progressLoadingScreen 0.9;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
    progressLoadingScreen 1.0;


    Very good info here.



    I just tested and yes, I can heal myself. But not others. Quick question here before I go any further with this - is this only happening to me? If that's the case I'll stop wasting your time, I just wanted to report issues to make Admin Tools better not request help for my incompetence. 


    Thanks for the waitUntil fix. Will try this asap. It was causing issues with Maca's random trader script. There should've been like 10 or so random traders around the map but there wasn't. As soon as I replaced the waitUntil with the one that generated RPT errors, they showed up again.


    Will soon try the TP to me from experimental branch as well.


    About the collision detection - I agree, people demanded it, seemed like a great idea on paper but it's just not as practical as it seemed. But definitely don't just take my word for it. It was just an issue for me, maybe it doesn't bother others.

  2. I can confirm as well that the Tp to Me function doesn't seem to be doing what it's supposed to. Also I've noticed that the Heal function doesn't work anymore either. Worked fine with the previous version. I choose heal, choose the distance and then nothing happens.


    Also I think the collision detection you added for the TP was unnecessary. Sure it prevents you teleporting inside houses and such but it also prevents you teleporting to almost any forest (if you're in a vehicle) or any mountain/hill that is slightly too steep. An admin is an admin - if you're teleporting around helping people, you probably have godmode activated anyway so this collision detection is literally just restricting the admins from doing their work.


    Because the Tp to Me doesn't work it is especially annoying at the moment. Recently I hosted a little event in my server that required teleporting all players to a single location. This was proving to be quite impossible because I was picking everybody up on a bus and you can't teleport to almost anywhere with a bus (unless it's a completely flat surface with no trees miles away). Just an opinion tho, not an actual issue.



    Fixed on the master branch now. go to that part in your init and change it to waitUntil{!isNil "adminListLoaded"};


    And also this didn't really seem to do the trick for me. Sure it made the RPT errors disappear but when I add this line it doesn't load some of my scripts after that line.

  3. You probably don't want to delete dead characters every 4 hours. What happens if a player dies, logs off, and doesn't come back until the next day? Their humanity is reset because their character was deleted from the database.


    Exactly. Not even 4 hours. You don't want to delete all dead character at all. If someone dies and goes away for a week and if your script runs once a day he will still lose his humanity.


    Best way to approach this would be making the script delete dead characters, where at least 1 one of them is alive under the same UID OR delete all dead characters but leave at least 1 for every UID.

  4. i've replaced the self actions with yours but unfortunately still gettin the same issue with no banking options.


    Have you updated all of the files that were included in the Single Currency pack? I mean... I know you haven't. You should.

    Do you have any other mods installed on your server as well? If not, you can just replace most of the files. If you have other mods, open up every single file included in the download, compare it with your own files and add changes where necessary. To make this easier for you use a diffmerge software: 

  5. Probably wrong here but shouldn't your donator loadouts go above your default loadout in the file?


    It would be easier to just else it:

    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["76561198030709588,76561198133594430"]) then {  //Pro-Donators: Loke , canip
    	//Pro-Donator Loadout
    	DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","ItemBloodbag","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","FoodSteakCooked","8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets","8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets","8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","ItemGoldBar10oz"];
    	DefaultWeapons = ["M9SD","Remington870_lamp","Binocular","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox","ItemHatchet"];
    	DefaultBackpack = "DZ_GunBag_EP1";
    	DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";
    } else {
    	//Default Loadout
    	DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","FoodSteakCooked"];
    	DefaultWeapons = ["glock17_EP1","ItemFlashlight","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemGPS","ItemMap","ItemToolbox"];
    	DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
    	DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";
  6. Hey hey, i want to create a trader which is for high bandits and high heros,

    thats what i did so far in self_actions, but it wont work:

    if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then {
    				_humanity_logic = (_humanity < 50000) || (_humanity > -50000);

    anyone know what i did wrong ?



    _humanity_logic = ((_humanity < 50000) || (_humanity > -50000));
  7. Managed to get this fixed and i honestly can not believe what the problem was....


    Before i started to install Single Currency i took a backup of my mission files (saved in a pbo) and my server files (saved in a pbo called dayz_server.backup before single currency.pbo). I kept the files in the same location as the others not thinking for one moment it would cause a problem. so in my @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons folder i had a "dayz_server.backup before single currency.pbo" and a "dayz_server.pbo" and for some reason it decided to use "dayz_server.backup before single currency.pbo" rather then the correct pbo file.


    anyhow thanks for all your help its all fixed now :)


    Well that's good ol' Arma for you. Glad to've been of help (if I was any, really).

  8. keep getting a hive warning showing up


    "only had 16 parameters out of 17"


    anyone know what it could be



    That sounds like server_playerSync.sqf around line 200:

    _key = format["CHILD:201:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:%17:",_characterID,_playerPos,_playerGear,_playerBackp,_medical,false,false,_kills,_headShots,_distanceFoot,_timeSince,_currentState,_killsH,_killsB,_currentModel,_humanity,_cashMoney];
  9. I agree the installation instructions could be better, but let's not forget the fact that it's a community project. Zupa probably has a lot in his hands right now and really I'm just grateful that he even published the script in the first place. As for the more detailed instructions, support and troubleshoot I'd say it's up to the community. But hey that's just me.


    On to the actual question of the topic - the instructions itself may be slightly lacking I agree but as far as I can remember the files that were included in the GitHub were complete. So after you're done with the installation I recommend going over every single file with a diffmerge software (unless you replaced all the files in which case it should be complete).  

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