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Posts posted by Zombiemeatspin

  1. Previously you could vault through pretty much everything. Now it's people crawling through everything or peeking under a floor. Metal walls, metal doors, cinder walls, etc.You name it people got inside your base and stole your precious loot yet nothing was destroyed.


    So far the only way I found to build bases to be glitch free is building elevator bases or floating bases where you have to move the set of stairs far away from the entrance.


    Basically, my question is, is there a way to fix this in the next version of the mod or is it an engine limitation? Can the collision mesh of the object be slightly larger than the actual models and textures in order to fix the problem? Could there be a way to kill people trying this current exploit of the engine limitations?


    For me this is a huge problem right now and it might become a huge deal breaker for many dedicated players that like building bases and store loot. I know this problem has been around for a while but I really hope it can be fixed in the next version.



  2. My biggest wish is for the scope sway to be switched off or reduced massively. For me, the retardedness of the current scope sway is a game spoiler.

    Also, I wish for decent protection against cheats. Far far too many incidents occurring where I suspect/know cheating.

    To some extent I agree, actually some weapons should be reduced but this is a military simulation after all and weapons will have a kick no matter what you wish. Battlefield and Cod also have weapon sway and they're arcadish... I usually change my fire mode to shoot in short bursts. Also try groupings your shots it will be a lot more effective. You could also load an armory and test your favorite weapons at the range while epoch mod is enabled.

    I know for sure that many of these incidents as you call them might just be desyncs or people lagging. Sure hacking is around but try to find a decent server with active admins.

  3. After more playing here is a couple more suggestions and wishlist items.




    Metal Ladders (long ladder 2 or 3 stories high (the length of 2 or 3 foundations)), Wood Ladder (the length of 1 foundation), Metal Walls or metal divisions that you could upgrade with metal and glass windows, etc.

    Portable smelter furnace used to smelt the various ores, scrap metal or sand to turn into glass and metal bars instead of using the wood fires. You would need some kind of energy source in order to run it.


    Wood wall plywood texture



    More storage options, there is a tons of military crates and shelves in the Arma 3 assets.








    H-Barrier blocks, craftable with sand and scrap metal (would require a shovel).


    Sandbags, craftable with clothing that you could convert, sand or dirt.


    Individual storage options!!! This is a must!!! Even if I trust my team mates they always steal my beans!!! Safes in 0.3 hopefully!




    Ability to crush the other types of loot piles that you cannot crush at the moment. For instance, the ones with metal scraps parts, tires piles or the washing machine ones.




    Add more metal ore in the epicenter rocks not one of each. Maybe it was just my luck.

    Add more loot in the shipping containers. I think they've been nerfed to hard I only find 3 items now as of


    The O_MRAP_02_F


    The I_MRAP_03_F


    I don't know why these two vehicles haven't been added yet but they would be a great counter to the hunter and add more diversity.

  4. Where you playing daytime or night time in the server? Do you go to big cities or tend to stay in the woods?


    The more trash piles you loot the more likely creatures will spawn.


    Area's you're almost certain to find some : Kavala, on the highway between Kore and Kavala, Pyrghos military base, The terminal, The Dump, etc.

  5. So much drama! Lots of allegations thrown in here. As much as it sucks for the servers hosting Epoch with Infistar.


    What would you have done if you were the developers of a mod and you would be banned from all server hosting this Infistar antihack? This alone in an alpha is enough to make official claims for not supporting such an anti hack.

  6. Yeah repacking objects should be a must or at least have the option to destroy/remove the object if you are the one that built it. In most bases there is always stuff laying around so that could probably help a bit with the object limits.


    On a funny note someone that was building a base in water I sneaked up on him with a pistol, shot a couple times, and then he was rushing me with a concrete wall trying to kill me with the wall. I ended killing him with my last bullet because most of them shots would simply hit the wall. That was the weirdest pvp ever.

  7. I think a Desert patrol vehicle with no weapon attachment like in the picture bellow would be perfect fit for this mod. Being able to shoot from both seats except in the driving position while being vulnerable to small arms, road blocks and ambushes would be pretty good stuff.


  8. Basebuilding


    -As much as I like the new system I think a building system like in arma 2 was working much better not relying on gravity. It's really hard to make everything looks clean and tied together in a neat way as you go higher and if you hit a static world object the base building gets really buggy with parts flying over in the air and most likely killing you a few times in the process of building your base. Somehow if you could find a way to make snap-building ignore other static objects but the one snapped to it you could then make tight buildings structures again.


    -Please bring back the workbench that you could upgrade. 1st level wood structure using only (2 lumbers), 2nd level (2 scrap metal), 3rd level (???). This way you could start with basic wood structures and then upgrade to a more complex crafting system.


    -Add more gathering stuff to build. For instance, there could be rock walls that you have to mine at the quarry or on rock formations using the sledgehammer to build stone walls. Mud huts that you could build using a scythe to cut reeds and a shovel to gather mud or heavy sand. Scythe and shovels could then be used as melee weapons.


    -This one was said before but wood upgrades on the wood divisions is a must especially for lone survivors. Relying on scrap metals to build the base walls or cinder walls is almost abusive unless you run with a group of 10+ people. Metals floors is also a must.




    -Fishing rods and the ability to fish on a sports boat or on the piers.


    -More wild animals spawning in the wild.


    -Ability to gather certain types of food that could be then transformed using stoves, fireplaces or the lunchbox.


    -Ability to boil water to bring down toxicity


    -Ability to gather water from more locations such as the grey containers.




    -Add more beat down vehicles this is a post apocalyptic world after all. Mad Max is getting released soon so it's a good timing to get inspired by that movie. Shinny cars looks weird in the type of atmosphere this is supposed to be. This doesn't mean to put a rust texture on everything...


    -I really miss the Cessna to do recon missions or just chill around the world in a plane.


    -Mountain bikes, Harley Davidsons type of bike, Dune bogey's, utility vehicles, military Humvee's or 4x4 vehicles with more off-road capacities but less speed on main roads, etc.




    -More feral animals or mutant monster less unrealistic stuff like the rock god or the cultist with no body? Don't get me wrong here but I think some of these are way too much fantasy and they kind of break the immersion after a few encounters.


    -Incidentally, there could be bears, pack of wolves, mountain lions, or strange human survivalist ai nut jobs that lived in the wild for far too long.


    -Dynamic ai missions, this will probably be made by the community but as there is way more servers now with the release of 0.25 these can be great fun for lower pop servers.




    -Remove the explosives devices to be readily available but make them craft able with the addition of a weapon bench.


    -More shitty weapons like shotguns, a compound bow or melee weapons such as a police baton or a katana.


    -If you can port more Arma 2 weapons like the HK weapons 416 and 417, Mk's, New Ak's, Pdw, etc. that would be awesome.


    Server side


    -Ability to remove the revive option.


    -Ability to add more view distance up to 2000 meters.


    -Ability to have classic traders mode at the spawns with gear in them and god mode zone.


    -Ability to resupply the traders


    -Ability to build custom traders


    -Ability to turn on or off the building restrictions this for either the big cities, military areas or roads textures.




    -Add a A3 Resource forum with scripting subforums to help clean up the general discussion and other section and have specific section to help server owners and scripters.

  9. When I first started playing dayz back in may or june 2012 I was playing first person view only until I realised a few months later that there was actually a third person view. The thing is overall it gives you a much better situation awareness and a much bigger field of view. Now going back to dayz standalone and arma 3 hardcore playing first person view works but it gives me headaches with the headbob even when it is turned off. Flying the choppers or a plane in fps/v is a lot more harder and can be a bit of a pain to crash after you spent hours working on repairing it.


    In a3 I've played in bp's and epoch's hardcore servers for a while but it seems that no one want to join in big numbers since they're used to play using the 3rd person view. People want easymode because they're tired of the Arma bug's and the old way of doing things. Do you remember spending 4 hours to repair the huey to find all the parts with a (shitty loot table) in stock arma 2 dz? You have to find the engine both rotors 5 or 6 windows two scrap metals a couple jerry cans to get to the fuel tanks and then fill it up manually! No one wants to do that once they had a taste of big jerry can's and auto refuel. On top of that you could loose your huey to a stupid random red chain and god knows how many you get in arma...

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