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Posts posted by Zombiemeatspin

  1. Me and my friends tried to start building a base and we ended up having a lot of troubles with the current system that wasn't working properly as it should. It could be because of the server that I'm not 100% sure. For instance, we would build the object with the 4 key and then in order to move it we would have to hold 1 and spacebar at the same time. As it should be working, facing the object, pressing 1 and then spacebar wasn't working properly like in the few video tutorials I was able to find on YouTube or these forums. Many of those foundations duplicated in the process of trying to move them by holding 1 and spacebar.


    Needless to say, it ended looking like a poor copy of Stonehenge.


  2. Nice Morgan thanks for the tips about stamina. It sure does help to stay alive a bit longer on that matter.


    I have noticed a few more things tonight with the bugs. While in a suv car at night the gamma with the tinted windows seemed all screwed up (similar to the hdr non standard option bug). There is a lot of flickering both with the background and with my gps left ctrl + m. Flickering is probably due to the poor A3 physics of the suv car but it might be noticeable in other cars.


    On another note what do you need to build the plot pole/antenna thingy?

  3. I agree that the arma 3 radar needs to be removed as it is much more precise than arma 2 radar and a group with decent coordination can find pretty much everything on a open map like Altis and Stratis. In the other ''mod'' they had to remove it after a while because people who knew how to use this tool were raping the servers.

  4. So far I'm having a blast with the current mod version. It feels like a mix between Arma III Wasteland and Arma II Epoch minus the zombies. 


    I'm well aware that it's an early alpha so don't bash on my 2 cents as I'm just trying to be constructive here.



    -The beast/monsters are much tougher and scarier than zombies in Arma II Epoch. If I don't have a big gun and I hear sounds I usually run away like a madman.

    -Nice looting system (good looking statics assets such as the military crate).

    -Precise Debug Monitor.

    -New content being added with each builds.



    -When I joined my first server it was almost full (45/50). I was getting maybe 15 to 20 fps and terrible lag. Then I joined an hardcore server and was getting way better frame rates between 50 and 100 fps (lag almost 100% got away). Not sure if there needs to be more server restarts or a better cleanup system (dead bodies + loot) but that sure could help on the more popular servers.

    -Hacking at the moment is really bad. Flying jets teleporting you into the air or people out of nowhere shooting rockets and targeting you with hunters convoys seems a bit strange right next to the spawns.

    -Stamina system is a bit too harsh and seems random. At times I can run for 10 to 15 minutes non-stops while I can respawn and be tired after 2 minutes of sprinting. Personally, I would only add stamina in the hardcore servers or really reduce the fatigue and or accelerate the regeneration of stamina.

    -The loot in the buildings seems way too random to me. I can open 50 buildings and find nothing and then all of sudden I find a huge stash in a single house or building. I've learned tonight about the trash piles and crates but these would need to be server cleaned up after a while let's say every 30 minutes or so.

    -Arma III related bug with their building meshes but me and my friends died a couples times in the industrial building stairways.

    -Arma III DLC content giving you errors while wearing the Kart Helmet and the Racing Suit.

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