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Posts posted by oSoDirty

  1.  launching my arma 2 oa with mods Origins179, Epoch and Overwatch ? 


    Not in that order correct?  





    If you are using DayZ Launcher Just go to launch/advanced  add the mods in same order as params i listed with the select and add option then click launch.

    If you are not using DayZ Launcher, uninstall Commander and get it!


    Note: You may know this and it only applies if you are typing the parameters manually, but depending on where you downloaded the mods, they may be named different. Check the mods in your arma2  oa directory in  ..../steamapps/common/.... make sure your game launch paramaters match the mod names otherwise the game will just ignore the parameters and throw missing addon errors.

  2. Nice mod.  I will give this a test on my server and see how it goes. 


    This also sparked an idea for a new mission idea to add to my current mission system.  I had at one point animated heli-crashes, but the code stopped working a while ago and I never had time to debug it.  I'm thinking of somehow combining this with DayZAI vehicles so that if destroyed the loot scatters around the wreck rather than losing it.


    I'll tinker with it and post back.  I'll be sure to credit your code if I get it working.

    Born, there is a newer animated crash spawner file, works like a charm. It be



  3. A couple of quick question guys.


    I've got everything running, missions plus one each of the static types. They are all working fine.

    I know I can have multiple machinegun placements, but can I have multiples of the others? The static group, paradrop and patrols? And if so, how to I implement them?


    Also I can't seem to find a way to set the respawn time for the static types. Where would that be?


    I've searched around and googled, but I guess I'm missing the answers to this.


    Thanks so much!


    I dont believe this script supports respawn for static AI, And to add more groups, paradrops etc...Just add another under the existing like so:

    		[17472.4,5255.22,0.001],			// Position
    		8,									// Number Of units
    		"Random",							// Skill level of unit (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random)
    		"Random",						       // Primary gun set number or gun and rocket launcher. Syntax is "Random", for gun only or ["Random","AT"], for gun and launcher
    		4,									// Number of magazines
    		"Random",							// Backpack classname, use "Random" or classname here
    		"Random",							// Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here
    		"Random",							// Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set
    		"Bandit"							// AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit".
    	] call spawn_group;
    		[17472.4,5255.22,0.001],			// Position
    		8,									// Number Of units
    		"Random",							// Skill level of unit (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random)
    		"Random",						       // Primary gun set number or gun and rocket launcher. Syntax is "Random", for gun only or ["Random","AT"], for gun and launcher
    		4,									// Number of magazines
    		"Random",							// Backpack classname, use "Random" or classname here
    		"Random",							// Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here
    		"Random",							// Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set
    		"Bandit"							// AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit".
    	] call spawn_group;

    You may notice its all the same top and bottom, I just did a quick copy and paste for an example.   Everything in between  /* .. and .. */ is olnly there for guidance and can be removed completely. It really doenst matter where you call you static spawns as the long as the format for each call is correct.

  4. @Bob,


    Basically it will save all vehicles from the completed missions weather the key is obtained or not. So to unlock the vehicles that get stranded and locked, you can use the findkeycount function along with the unlocknonkey vehicles event to unlock them once a day so they can be taken and sold and arent wasting space in the DB. The event will only unlock vehicles that are locked with no key in existence, so no one who gets the key has to worry about their vehicle unlocking and being stolen.

  5. So our players like the idea of keys to be found on AI bodies.  Bit my understanding is that all vehicles will despawn.  Is it possible to set it up so only unclaimed vehicles despawn?  If a player finds the key, it's theirs through resets?  That'll change the logic in the vehicle despawn message a page or two back though.



    Should be an option in the config. I believe it's towards the bottom. Somewhere around line 96.   wai_keep_vehicles = true;

  6. AI and buildings don't get cleared up after mission completion ..

    I've got AI still roaming the map in areas where a mission ended over 2 hours ago. 

    The missions clean up if nobody gets within 1000m for the set time, but the settings to clear up "completed" missions doesn't seem to be working and is causing issues on my server.. It gets pretty laggy after 3 missions don't clear up and 2 more are running on schedule..



    Well completing the mission doesn't clear the remaining AI, they have to be killed. The buildings really shouldn't cause much issues in performance.. especially not just 3 or 4. Certain missions need certain buildings (really just president and mayors mansion). But most of them can easily be removed from the mission files themselves.   

  7. Help me please. Static spawn dont work. What is my problem?

    RPT log:

    Custom group spawns Eg.

    5:52:02 Error position: <group spawns Eg.
    5:52:02 Error Missing ;
    5:52:02 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\chernarus.sqf, line 4
    5:52:02 Error in expression <narus.sqf"
    if(isServer) then {
    Custom group spawns Eg.
    5:52:02 Error position: <group spawns Eg.
    5:52:02 Error Missing ;
    5:52:02 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\chernarus.sqf, line 4

    5:52:02 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"



    if(isServer) then {

    Custom group spawns Eg.
    [4644.74,2536.06,0.00142384], // Position
    6, // Number Of units
    "Random", // Skill level of unit (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random)
    "Random", // Primary gun set number and rocket launcher. "Random" for random weapon set, "at" for anti-tank, "aa" for anti-air launcher
    4, // Number of magazines
    "Random", // Backpack classname, use "Random" or classname here
    "Random", // Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here
    "Random", // Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set
    "Bandit" // AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit".
    ] call spawn_group;
    diag_log format["WAI: Static mission for %1 loaded", missionName];


    if(isServer) then {
    		[4644.74,2536.06,0.001],			// Position
    		6,									// Number Of units
    		"Random",							// Skill level of unit (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random)
    		"Random",							// Primary gun set number or gun and rocket launcher. Syntax is "Random", for gun only or ["Random","AT"], for gun and launcher
    		4,									// Number of magazines
    		"Random",							// Backpack classname, use "Random" or classname here
    		"Random",							// Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here
    		"Random",							// Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set
    		"Bandit"							// AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit".
    	] call spawn_group;
            diag_log "WAI: Static mission loaded";

    try this, same thing really, just different spacing and shortened the decimal on the z coord,  0.001  should be fine for z coord, unless you are placing a gunner on a building. Then it tends to get hairy. I would imagine it is just by looking at your rpt, but double check that custom per world is set true in config.  If no luck then set it to false and just use the default.sqf  rather than chernarus,sqf   I use default.sqf for all maps

  8. So how would you add this to overpoch origins taviana?


    A shit load of work!  Match trader IDs and skins, remove black market (or add one to your map), Add configs for misc traders, 2 more boat traders, another aircraft dealer, and the extra city.  All ATM locations have to be changed. Make new configs for the added traders. Add the origins Items to the trader configs. Lots of merging in the mission and server pbos. Lots of stuff in the mission.sqm for the sensor and marker locations...And im sure im missing some stuff here! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  9.  Thanks for your answer bro, but unfortunately the command "wai_use_launchers = true;" doesn't seem to work, as no AI spawns with AT nor AA :(

    Have you perhaps edited which launchers are used? My AI have always spawned with launchers. They don't always use them, and when they do, it's only on vehicles. Also, if I'm not mistaken, there is an option in the config to determine weather or not the launchers get deleted when the AI dies.

  10. Use Dayz Launcher. Commander is broken garbage....   You dont need parameters to join with DayZ Launcher either.  If you dont have the mods, instead of trying to join anyway, it will download the correct mods 1st. If you dont want to redownload some mods you'll have to rename them in your /steamapps/common/arma2 operation arrowhead folded, off the top of my head @Dayz_Epoch needs to be renamed to @Dayz_Epoch1051 and if you have Origins, it will need to be renamed to @DayzOrigins179.  


    Overwatch and Taviana however remain the same and launcher will recognize them, If this confuses you, delete your mods and let DayZ Launcher re-download them for you.



  11. "Server rules can be viewed by players by hitting ESC the clicking on server rules" holy shit, this is nice!

    Right now, I have to use an action menu for this, and I actually want to keep the scroll menu clean!

    Looks really promising dude :D

    Very easy to add it to right click or a button function.  Check my script on the second page there is a way to add it to right click or to tab key, can be changed from tab to any key easily, just look up dik key codes. Not sure if you wrote yours, but if its an edit in selfActions, you would just remove the addaction from there or where ever its called and choose one of the options provided by Gr8boi on page 2 of topic.




    And yes, i cant wait to see this. Nice to see someone willing to something so helpful for the community in their spare time! Keep up the good work, sir!

  12. as static box??

    could someone help me


    Put this at the bottom of whichever static file you use:

    //Bandit Supply Base
    _crate = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[17468.3,5184.75,0.001],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_crate,[2,ai_wep_sniper],[8,crate_tools_sniper],[4,crate_backpacks_large]] call dynamic_crate;

    Keep it above the last   };


    Just change coords to suit your needs.


     Can add more like this:

    _crate = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[17448.3,5184.75,0.001],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _crate2 = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[17468.3,5184.75,0.001],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _crate3 = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[17488.3,5184.75,0.001],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];

  13. If you read my post, you'll see that I solved it and have modified the file. I still think this should be in the final release as standard. Nothing worse for an admin than having to explain to a crying baby player why his vehicle has despawned after restart.. Over and over again lol .. 

    yea, exactly what i was going to do. i think at one point it was in, might have gotten overlooked.

  14. Shouldn't there be a message warning the user that the vehicle will despawn after server restart, if the option to NOT save vehicles to database is selected? 


    It definitely wouldn't hurt. Are you asking on behalf of your own server? Or just a server you play on? If it's yours i don't have a problem helping you put it in. Should be pretty easy. But if not, me testing a few things and telling you how to fix it wont help much xD

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