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Posts posted by oSoDirty

  1. As do I, I just hate the chain of crap i have to go through to get an update and the fact the drag bars for most of the menus are no longer there.  once upon a time, i would simply log into the email and there sat several updates. as well as i could open any menu and zip to the bottom or wherever in an instant, any clue how long it takes to scroll though an overpoch weapons list manually? I can deal without all of the ori items, But the drag bars are necessary. I realize he is busy with updates, i just feel as though he should shrink the menu a bit and add the drag bars in all menus.

  2. infistar has got all origins vehicles because it reads them from the hpp it could be that origins has got hpp in the dayz code and you cant run two dayz code pbos with one you can only run epoch or origins not both at the same time

    It's a bug, if you go in as a norm admin they are all there.

  3. About stamina, are there any plans for modification? In a realistic apocalyptic environment (what you claim to be going for) If you cant run at least 5km, do you really think you would make it anywhere near post apocalypse? No way in hell.


    DLC, why why why why, do i get all these BS adds flooding my screen about buying a3 karts?  I for one surely wont pay for it, nor will i play with that bs on my screen. Can someone maybe explain the use of the DLC? Maybe a reason its implemented into mod? And if it is absoloutely necessary i may consider it.

  4. Pshych3uk, u r absolutly right. Thats exactly what i meant. If i dont joint the lobby by remote, the multiplayer wont see the server. Since i cant be online 24/7 this is a big problem.


    Definitely a steam port issue.  Mine shows and i still have the same ports from my a2 epoch server.  port 2423-2424  work for me. In a2 epoch the ports are in the config.cfg. For some reason they are not on a3.

  5. Are there any other AH scripts (pay) than T.S.W.,  infiSTAR, and the ripped off infiSTAR??


    Im just tired of having to contact my head admin (who paid for infiSTAR) to email for updates, shouldn't have to hunt them down, they should be there....


    AND 4 updates later, still no drag icon in menus, tired of scrolling through countless items. and still missing 80% of the ori vehicles.

  6. Lose the spaces in the coords


    And if you are using chernarus.sqf, not default.sqf you also have to have 

    		custom_per_world			= true; 		// use a custom mission file per world	


    This is mine working

    		[									// Position(s) (can be multiple)
    		"M2StaticMG",						// Classname of turret
    		"Random",								// Skill level of unit (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random)
    		"Random",						// Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here
    		"Bandit",							// AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit".
    		"Random",							// Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set
    		2,									// Number of magazines
    		"Random",							// Backpack classname, use "Random" or classname here
    		"Random"							// Gearset classname, use "Random" or classname here
    	] call spawn_static;
  7. It can be done with a .bat file easily.  costs nothing. requires no download. This is mine.

    @echo off
    color 0a
    title Server Starter
    echo Launching And Watching Server
    start /wait "arma3" /min "H:\A3poch\arma3server.exe" -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive; -config=H:\A3poch\SC\config.cfg -ip= -port=6662 -profiles=SC -cfg=H:\A3poch\SC\basic.cfg -name=SC
    ping -n 5 >NUL
    echo Server has exited ... Restarting!
    ping -n 1 >NUL
    goto top 

    And since i dont have BEC on A3 epoch this is from DayZ epoch. Shouldn't be hard to figure out how to make it work for you

    @echo off
    color 0a
    title Server Starter
    echo Launching And Watching BEC
    ping -n 30 >NUL
    start /wait "" /min "H:\overpochinsServer\ServerTools\bec.exe" -f config.cfg
    ping -n 5 >NUL
    echo Server has exited ... Restarting!
    goto top 

    These will start and wait for them to shut down, then do it again. Until the prompts the bats bring up are closed, the server will restart evey time it shuts down then 30sec later BEC will do the same. Also place shortcuts to these in startup if you want the server to boot back on computer restart for those that arent keeping them online all of the time for test servers as well.


    EDIT: I didnt read the post. Just the title, But anyway batch would be the way to go if you ask me. Uses virtually no power of any sort from the box its running on. Any app however, will.

  8. Several threads here have links and downloads for SQL queries that will load the guns them selves into the database for the traders.  But if you dont want some major delay when opening the trade menus i suggest taking the time to edit your server_traders.sqf to add more weapon categories and trader IDs so you can categorize your added weapons into groups.  Follow this tutorial HEREIts quite long, but it's 100% accurate. Will show you everything from adding completely new traders, adding the IDs and categories in server_traders.sqf, to creating your own SQL using your loot table.

    If you dont care to add new traders, just the ids, categories and item look in the video descriptioins for skip points to different parts of the tutorial.

    I HIGHLY recommend at least taking your time and making the SQL yourself and using categories and trader ids to break up the menus. Best to do it now because I guarantee the time it takes the menus to load 400+ weapons will annoy the piss out of you. And it takes 10 times longer to do it afterwards.  I know from experience ;)


    EDIT: Adjust the prices before you import/run the sql!!!!  Take forever to do it in the database. Use notepad++ macros he teaches you about, they will save you TONS of time. Really just adjust everything before you put it into the DB lol. Just makes life easier!

  9. Well in the config you can change the chances of which mission will spawn here:

    		wai_hero_missions			= [ 	

    and here:

    		wai_bandit_missions			= [ 	

    by changing the numbers in the arrays, make sure the end result adds to 100 for each array.



    And here:  (note these aren't the default values)

    wai_mission_timer	= [900,1800];			// time between missions 5-15 minutes 
    wai_mission_timeout	= [2700,4500]; 			// time each missions takes to despawn if inactive 45-75minutes

    Just adjust the top line to make missions spawn faster. And if you want to make them last longer without despawning or vice/versa. Adjust the 2nd line.

  10. The 1st question is a no.

    [_crate,[16,ai_wep_newAdd,ai_wep_newAdd2],4,[3,crate_items_brief],4] call dynamic_crate;

    would not work.



    You would have to add all of the items you want mixed into the same array, So if you make both:


    ai_wep_newAdd    =   

    ai_wep_newAdd2  =



    You would have to call them into different crates, but if you want the option to call one, other, or both. Just make:


    ai_wep_newAdd3  =      // as a third


    and combine the content of the other 2 into that one and call them as you please in different missions.


    and Yes, the //Setup crate part will call in a second crate, and the if(_complete} then { part will load both crates.

    Both are need to successfully spawn in and load 2 crates.

  11. The derps are strong in me tonight. XD


    I actually did use a waitUntil the first time i tried it.... with  <= 0  lol 

    but i removed the waitUntil before i caught the mess up. So the loop was closed before i stopped then? I did take a small walk of shame when it didnt close ^^  


    Thank you!!!!


    As far as the clearing of the 2nd hint, when i added it in it just broke the closeDisplay. 


    Not tried it but it should work.

    if (player is moving too fast) then {
        (findDisplay 72) closeDisplay 0;


    Well, it's weird lol. The 1st time i tried it i totally derped and put  "<= 0"  for some reason. But it was making it go away and just pop the usual after hint, then realizing my mistake, full of hope i set it to  "> 0". So i tried it and it didn't work. I checked to see if somehow i magically messed it up again. Didn't see anything. So i get the idea to click the action and immediately start running before the display shows up. Well, lol it just flashed and popped the other hint. But if I actually let the display load before proceeding to walk forward it just stays until i cancel it out manually.

  13. What i should edit if I want that the "rules" will be vanished too if I'm moving?


    Everything lol. Since the dialog is in game it has preset ways for closing it, escape is the fastest way to close it. Unless there is a way to emulate a keypress with commands, which i have not found a way to do. All i have found on the subject is an unanswered forum on Bohemia Interactive. Thus leading me to believe it's not possible to send a keystroke with a command. (would love to be corrected). So unless someone would like to enlighten me on the subject on how to make the hintC dialog go away using  waitUntil or anything similar. Im left to believe the only way is to create your own dialog and write a script to use them instead. I honestly have no intention of doing this. Simply because it goes against what i had planned for this. Which was for it to be simple, small, and not give players access to certain dialogs.

  14. Doesnt work.




    It should be in your config.sqf on a fresh install, and this error is saying its not, and if it is, meaning you have these lines:

    		wai_use_launchers			= true;								// add a rocket launcher to each spawned AI group
    		wai_remove_launcher			= true;								// remove rocket launcher from AI on death.

    Either true or false. In your config and still get the error. Then it's a false positive caused from another error. I have ran every version of WAI including betas/testbrach stuff and have never seen this.

    The remove line is just here for reference to where it belongs in the config.


    What version and what have you edited?


    08 : Closing socket & exiting!
    18:42:23 : Starting plugin : WatchDog V.0.16
    18:42:23 : Creating watchdog for admin file...
    18:42:23 : Creating watchdog for command file...
    18:42:23 : Creating watchdog for badwords file...
    18:42:23 : Creating watchdog for badnames file...
    18:42:23 : Creating watchdog for BE filter files...
    18:48:21 : Starting plugin : WatchDog V.0.16
    18:48:21 : Creating watchdog for admin file...
    18:48:21 : Creating watchdog for command file...
    18:48:21 : Creating watchdog for badwords file...
    18:48:21 : Creating watchdog for badnames file...
    18:48:21 : Creating watchdog for BE filter files...
    18:53:25 : Rcon client logging in
    18:53:26 : RCon admin #1 ( logged in
    18:54:46 : Player #1 Cubitron (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Restriction #0
    18:54:55 : Player #0 Cubitron ( connected
    so it runs , but i get the kick


    Pretty sure something isn't running properly if you get that.

  16. I use the shut down command. But i feel like sharing something i found for other dedi users.

    @echo off
    color 0a
    title Server Starter
    echo Launching And Watching Server
    start /wait "arma2" /min "H:\overpochinsServer\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=6660 "-bepath=H:\overpochinsServer\BattlEye" "-config=instance_13_Tavi\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_13_Tavi\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_13_Tavi" -name=instance_13_Tavi "-mod=@Origins;@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
    ping -n 5 >NUL
    echo Server has exited ... Restarting!
    ping -n 1 >NUL
    goto top

    Just replace the start line with your start line in your .bat file. This will monitor the server and restart it if any thing causes it to crash including BEC. 

    @echo off
    color 0a
    title Server Starter
    echo Launching And Watching BEC
    ping -n 30 >NUL
    start /wait "" /min "H:\overpochinsServer\ServerTools\bec.exe" -f config.cfg
    ping -n 5 >NUL
    echo Server has exited ... Restarting!
    goto top

    Just correct the file path and leave arguments on start line. This one will do the same for BEC but does a 30 sec ping to give the server time to boot. The 1st time you use it it will tell you the config cant be found in blah\blahfolder. Thats because it isn't in that folder, Just put it there, and all will work fine.  can also place these in your startup folder as well as xampp and set it to autoconnect. It will also work against computer crashes as well.  


    I take no credit for this, all i did was take one used for the DayZ vanilla mod and make it work for epoch and BEC.

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