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Posts posted by Xyz

  1. I dont need zombies, but i'd love to have something similar to zombies in dayz mod.



    1) You can spot enemy presence in an area before entering it: This makes camping harder, makes looting more dangerous and promotes random pvp encounters

    2) They encourage stealthy gameplay, avoid making sounds, avoid being seen by the enemy.


    It doesn't need to be zombies, but something that populates the area where players are and attack the player if they are not stealthy enough = WIN

  2. I generated mine from scratch using world machine and grome, it's not based on any real location. There were quite  a lot of tests and scrapped terrains till I got what I want, it's best I can do to make it look as natural as possible without spending few weeks/months studying geology, lol.... here's some public pics from current and previous attempts (sry for hijacking and offtopic): http://imgur.com/a/rEM9c


    Common problem with heightmaps in video games is that people use them in wrong scale. Be careful with your scale!

  3. How's my server being empty have any bearing on your comments? Care to explain what running an empty server has to do with your comments about all, bar 3 servers being, and i paraphrase here "shit and full of cheating admins or hackers". You claimed such in your earleir post, so to make such a comment you would have to have played in all servers to make that call. Or it was just a completley garbage spout that reeked of idiocy.


    So what we got here from this little debate is that you make stupid comments like Every servers full of cheating admins and hackers bar 3 (which is so full of fuck it makes my head hurt even thinking about it)


    You generally make dick comments because you have had a few bad experiances so thus you blame every server as that way (bar 3).


    You Have absolutley NO clue about what EVERY server, bar 3 are like, because you haven't played on Every server, like you surley must have to have made such a piece of crud comment about.



    I'll tell you whats more realistic and probable.


    There are loads of servers that have non cheating admins and hackers on that are small and large. You are just the type of fella that brands everything the same because you have had a shitty experiance on SOME servers.


    Have a good day and try to not be so jaded because of a few bad experiances, because 100 people call you a mincer idiot, doesn't mean that the entire world is calling you a mincer idiot. But maybe in your case it might be true.


    If you create a server full or not, you should be the one burdening the costs. It's nice for players to help donate to keep the power on. I'm a believer of you don't need to dangle a carrot in their face. Having a decent server with minimal interaction from admins and hacker free enviroment is reward in itself.


    And this is by far the worst server advertisement i've ever seen. Take the chill pill.


    Edit: this is in response to your next message, as i dont want to spam the thread with this kindergarden fight of yours. Why I call it bad advertising? There's 2 server admins, one responds to my message completely with calm and reasonable mind, another one gets butthurt and starts raging like a 8-year old who just got their candybar taken away from them. I'm sorry if i burst your bubble about Admin abuse, as obviously you never do such things since you seem to be a completely mature human being.


    Now, please grow up and let people discuss more important matters than this pickering.

  4. He's branded every server bar 3 full of bad admins/cheater/and so forth. You really don't have to pander to his rationale on how it is. ;) As idiotic as it sounds, it's not worth trying to validate yourself to what he believes is factually correct.


    I know plenty servers small and large that are the complete opposite. But I'll bow down to his exstensive experiance, being on every single server thats been created and all.


    [rolls eyes]


    Well, these are just my experiences on them. And i never claimed to have been on every server that is out there. 


    But i can also take your path. I bow down to your extensive experience being an admin of an empty server [rolls eyes]

  5. I'm sorry that you've had negative experiences in the past with cheating admins. I agree that it is a problem and I also agree that a lot of admins want their own servers for dishonest reasons. However there are many smaller communities out there, such as my own, who want to run their own server to avoid the same issues as you have experienced. Before we ran Epoch servers we played on various community servers and were plagued by cheating admins or admins who were never around to take out the trash. So we decided to run our own and I dove in and learned how to do it. We brought to the table our admin experience from our years of running CoD and BF servers where we focused on integrity and sportsmanship. Our focus in running a server is so that we have a place to call our own and to provide a place for the community where our players can be assured that the playing field is as fair as possible for everyone. We are active in the server since we feel that's the best way for us to interact with our guests. We participate in raids with them, do AI missions with them and of course help them out when they experience random glitches. I don't see how an admin could possibly be effective simply by sitting in front of their PC watching Dart's chat console waiting for players to complain about a problem. That's not doing anything to build a community. That's just being a reactive police force, which I feel is very impersonal.

    Having the power of an admin does bring great responsibility. I am keenly aware of how visible my admins are and how easy it is for reputations to become tarnished. I spend scores of hours every week working on the servers and I will be damned if I will let one of my admins ruin what we have worked so hard to build. Everyone is accountable, including myself, and we all review each other from time to time to make sure we are putting our best feet forward for the community. We love Epoch. We love our server. And we love interacting with the community. THAT is why we run servers. And there are many communities out there just like us.


    This was the best server promotion I've ever seen. And i do not disagree with you, I know that there are communities that are legit... But i also acknowledge how hard it is to stay legit as an admin when you are under pressure... for example when you're losing to a base raid with all of your lockboxes open.


    The purpose of the previous post was to say that a lot of people play on these "P2W" servers just because they are -guaranteed- to not have to deal with admin abuse, since there is no admins playing on the servers. It isn't too fun to invest 1000 hours on a server just to see the admin's start behaving badly when they're under pressure.


    I know there's other communities like yours that are legit, for example the official Mell's house server or MGT.


    P.S. played 3000 hours on these "P2W" servers without ever giving them a dime or buying any store product. I've never had a admin talk to me and tell me to stop what im doing, I've never had an admin teleport to me, never had an admin take away my plotpole. 

  6. Ok but here's the kicker.  P2W servers typically have a higher player population than those that don't.  Why is that?  Because there are way too many people today who want instant gratification.  They don't want to work for anything.  So they play on a server where they can get what they want when they want it.  Paying the money to get it is of no consequence to them because "all problems can be fixed if you throw enough money at them".  So how is that fair to communities who don't run donator shops then?  You're right, it is just as much about principals as it is ethics.  I'd rather shut my servers down because I can't afford to pay for them as opposed to selling game items, because that puts not only my paying players at an advantage over my non-paying players, it also puts my server at an advantage over other servers who don't sell items because I'm now getting more traffic than they are.  Server popularity should be based on the quality of the server itself and the quality of the people who run it, not the perks that can be bought with real cash.  


    False, P2W servers have higher population because there's 2 motivations to running an epoch server: 1) For money 2) Legitimate cheating as an admin


    The servers that are there to collect money do not have Admin abuse, do not have cheating admins... 99% of the small community servers do. I've played on CCG for almost a year, the reason i hear repeatedly why people want to play there is this: Admins do not interfere with gameplay, there are no ACTIVE admins on the servers (no-one that cheats, no-one that spawns in shit to their clan, no-one to bend the rules to their favor)... Even though these servers hate CCG, sorry to say but they have the BEST epoch experience i've ever had. I've NEVER needed to worry about admin abuse, admin cheating, rules changing.


    Sure there might be like 3 servers out there where the admins dont bend the rules, cheat or do shit for their clan... but I'm done taking my chances with those shitty servers, if this "CCG P2W" gets me to enjoy the game to 100% without having to worry about cheating cunts, let them monetize.,

  7. Why are BI being such wankers?


    No Dayz mod on A3

    High priced DLC

    Has that wanker Rocket rubbed off on them?


    There's a reason for that, they spent millions to make that content for you. If you want to have the rights to edit and use everything they have as you wish,  you could just buy the whole company... Then you can try how much of a wanker you want to be when you're holding the strings.


    Edit: Ofcourse you cant afford to buy them, why? Because instead of doing something productive, you sit on the forums calling people names that -actually do stuff-.

  8. Admin abuse is a server issue.. I wouldn't label the whole mod has this issue.


    I've experienced good and bad admin.


    Pick servers wisely.


    Sure, it's a server issue, but in the case of Arma 2 it was the case on 95% of the servers, i need the fingers of 1 hand to list the good servers on EU side. Sadly most of them have closed, and believe or not this is happening and will continue to happen in Arma3 Epoch as well.

  9. I disagree strongly. I've watched some streams of H1Z1, and while it looks like a poorer cousin to Arma3 graphics wise, it smashes DayZ SA and current build Epoch, game-play wise. 


    The ability to host your own server is fine for making mods better than the vanilla version, but for everything else, it causes nothing but problems. Cheating admins, unfair admins, hackers, community wars (trash talking each others' community) and so on. 


    I think I'd prefer the H1Z1 system now, where they can offer different play modes. Basically, let them do their own modding until they fine the sweet spot, then increase the amount of servers running those settings.



    This is my biggest problem with A2 epoch really, from 1+ year of playing my experience is that there's exactly 2 motivations to being a server admin, 1) Cheat '(Esp) or  bend the ruels in favor of your group (unclear rules that are "adjusted" on case by case) 2) Money.


    Seriously, the only place where i havent seen any admin abuse has been CCG. I really dont like the high loot servers but i'm so scared of playing anywhere else from numerous admin kills when raiding a base, godmode admins shooting at you, admins telling locations on TS to other people, admins spawning endless amounts of building parts to people they favor over others....


    I think I would be more interested about A3 Epoch if the servers were only hosted by the devs.

  10. I think breaking point is the perfect fit for you. It is already way further in development and has a much more survival feeling to it. It's closer to DayZ Origins than DayZ epoch though. I'm still playing A2 Epoch and loving it.... it truly is the best dayz mod version i've played, with over 2000 hours in and over a year of playing it. Sadly all the DayZ Epoch servers are now overpoch with high loot, but it still beats anything arma 3 has to offer!

  11. In Arma 3, what happened to the humanity, earth, nature?  Where did the creatures come from? What is the background of that?



    The cultists are a stealth garment with AI that was acting against it's programming and was wandering around the world until it got struck by lightning. Then a group of monks found the garment and reprogrammed it and started reproducing them... apparently they "got it wrong" and the garment became the cultist...


    That's no joke, that's the actual story behind the cultist. I must say that even though Epoch guys are great at making a sandbox mod, they're HORRIBLE at coming up with an interesting background story. :D:D 

  12. I want to know why everyone is so Determined to give away boxes of supplies , seems kind of antiproductive if you really want to " Play " Epoch . Or is it for the money , if so , shame shame :angry:


    There's 2 reasons for people to host epoch servers, either to play "legitimately" with hacks enabled or making money out of it. Rather be in the moneygrab servers since atleast then you dont need to play with hacking admins. Sad, but tolerable.

  13. I'll buy any expansion that comes for arma 3, as long as it's good quality and good content. The Karts expansion i only bought because the profits go to charity.


    Modding or not, bohemia makes a lot of great quality content for a great quality game. I don't understand how players feel entitled to years of free content for just 50eur? They already -got- years of content for that price. DLCs can be slightly overpriced and lack content.. but then again it's always the customer's choice to buy it or not.



    Seriously, the epoch community is the most entitled community i've ever seen. "I demand source code for epoch mod because community made a2 epoch good, I demand to modify prices, I demand to modify the map, I want to monetize my players, I demand bohemia to give free content, I demand epoch devs to work faster, I demand epoch devs to make content i like" ... Who ever said this community is good?

  14. Nobody said its going to be easy....but its do-able. Someone or a group of people is going to NEED to because if not...I think we all know the answer to this one.


    If it's so important for you, why dont you do it yourself? Don't tell me you don't know how, no-one knows how before they learn how to.

  15. As for the cherno map... Its aged.. Time to learn the new maps... people only want the cherno map because they know there way around, best start learning all the new maps and leave cherno behind. I love cherno myself but now I believe its time for a change and the map above looks like it will take over :)


    Reasons why i love chernarus:


    * distribution of players (good spawn locations, alot of places of interest)

    * variery of different terrain types ("mountains", hills, forests, flat lands (vybor), canyons) 

    * separation between spawn location and destionation (always spawn on outer edge at coast, head inland) 

    * small enough to be populated with the player limits of the servers

    * pleasing to the eye (color scheme and lighting)


    Don't get me wrong, bigger maps are also great.... NAPF is my favourite map... why NAPF can be bigger and still be populated enough? Well, it's because the cities are north and west side so only half of the map is populated. Napf is currently the most suitable map for Epoch.


    I'm really in for new maps for Epoch and I'm really waiting for them... but sadly most of the arma 3 maps looks like they are not going to be much more fun than Altis.

  16. Are you really going to take it down this road? There's plenty of discussions of PVP vs PVE, so let this guy's post develop as it should, mkay?


    Well, the OP already took this road "Almost everyone has a problem with "KoS" (Kill on Sight) players."


    Newsflash: "Almost everyone" most likely doesn't have a problem with KoS, a certain group of people probably does. Personally i'm not sure how big this group is but from playing DayZ for years I can safely assume that KoS is the more common playstyle.

  17. Been away for the last few weeks, trying to skim the forum for new info.


    Is there anyone who can, in a few sentences, round up what the main changes, features are?

    Last I've checked we could store Krypto at ATMs. I know new maps are in testing. Food and drink enhancements. Honey!


    If there is not much else needed to know, or if I need to shut up and read around more :D... that's ok too. OK to delete.


    But a nice page for people to quickly stay updated with crucial/critical info at a glance would be extremely helpful, and take the work out of trying to keep up. A lot of info on server side issues are getting mixed in with player info. It gets kinda difficult. Maybe a separate page?


    do you mean a separate page like this?


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