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Posts posted by Xyz

  1. Any way to increase the loot spawning around the map as a loot seems to hardly spawn I searched a massive town and only found 2 buildings with loot.


    I would greatly appreciate it if somebody could let me know how to increase this.


    More players in an area = more loot, you can also just wait a bit in an area before searching for loot as it will continue spawning afaik.

  2. Just kind of seems a bit rude and unfair to not mention that DLC-only vehicles are included in the mod?. If it's documented, I don't know about it...


    I -much rather- have more than less content in the game. You can play just aswell without the DLC, you are not allowed to a couple of helicopters. Should be able to live with it if you dont want to buy DLC.

  3. Not sure if an intentional feature or a bug.


    Server: Mells house 0.2.5

    Time of incident: Past 4 hours from posting time


    Bug: Make a group, get into combat, die. You respawn at the debug island but you are no longer in group. If you were group leader someone else will become the group leader once you respawn


    Why is it bad: When you make a base, you can't enter it after dying.


    I haven't tried to reproduce it, but it happened a couple of times during the evening to different persons.

  4. Can you not see how saying that GSPs "deserve" to get them first is a kick in the teeth to pretty much every single person here?


    Not to mention that you're pretty much reneging on your promise to deliver the server files simultaneously for both GSPs and those of us with dedicated servers.


    Also, while we're here, lets address the fact that you've locked the server files down to the extent that it's virtually impossible to add ANYTHING custom to our servers.


    It says in your Install.txt - note, I haven't actually checked this yet, but we're talking about INTENT here - that you've added some sort of signature check to EpochHive.dll, which checks the server PBO and refuses to work if it has been modified in any way. Add to this the fact that ALL of your code - and I mean ALL of it - is in the server PBO, and it pretty much makes it impossible for anyone to mod their servers.


    Was it REALLY necessary to go to those lengths to stifle community spirit?


    Tbh, i dont blame them if the community races to make the game easier and easier until everyone loses interest. Might be for the best, yeh.

  5. Played the mells house RC1 testing for 3 hours. Here is my after thoughts on what was going on. Didn't get to test everything the patch had to offer but we saw a lot of things with our group. During the time we didn't experience any annoying bugs.


    Great job on the patch, can't wait to play it on an european server ;)


    The positive:


    + All the duping methods i knew of didn't work

    + All the base glitching methods i knew of didnt work (didn't test exiting a vehicle)


    + Loot spawning was better now, it was more spread out

    + New weapons were awesome, m249 could maybe have slightly faster firerate EDIT: with further combat experience the firerate is not too slow. the M249 is a beast.

    + Extra food stats, awesome feature

    + new UAV was way harder now, actually spawned AI before we got them down most of the time.


    + ATMs felt really balanced, losing money on death is an awesome price to pay for the convenience of having money anywhere


    The negative:


    - High end weapons still way too common (M107, Lynx, LMGs)

    - Loot still seems to spawn pretty much any building, not sure if this is going to stay but i'd rather see some probability changes for industrial/military/civilian buildings


    The what?


    ? There was a red dot on the map that didn't have a description on the map, didn't check it out though since it was far away. couldn't delete from map so it wasn't placed by a player.

  6. What would be different!?  There can be excitement in killing someon just as they leave a ATM and also a rush of needing money during heavy server population and having to risk going to one.


    I think what the dev team is trying to do is to implement all the features that most big servers have already customised in. This should reduce how different the game feels from one server to another. 


    Banking systems are not necessarily a bad thing if the limit you can deposit is set low enough.


    EDIT: Was meaning to reply to the post above the one i quoted, no mouse on this computer so semi hard to fix ;)

  7. After playing NAPF on arma 2 epoch, I never ever came to the forums to thank you for this wonderful map. It is really well done and exceeds the quality of Bohemia's loved Chernarus map in many ways. I really hope you either continue the development of this map on Arma 3 or make something completely new on it!


    Keep up the good work man!

  8. if talking about a dream map, mine would be an altis sized map, based on real life loosely so not complete fantasy stuff, but it would feature multiple climates (winter north, taiga/tundra, mediterranean and then last desert.).. this would make a huge meaning to heat/cold packs and would make you need different type camos inside the same map.

  9. Since alot of the posts are critique, i decided to start a thread where people can list their opinions on what is good about the new Epoch.


    1. New traders - The fact that players sell most of the stuff to traders is awesome. I hope the whole mod will have emphasis on player-driven economy.

    2. Sappers - Making a really interesting dynamic to combat situations

    3. UAV - Revealing other players in the same area (F.Ex. seeing them hover on top of a city when you're just entering it)

    3. Rare lootboxes - Most stuff is kept in tipis and shelves and this really makes it more interesting to raid bases.

    4. Group system - at first i thought this is a bit cheaty, but it makes group play alot easier. Now we can focus on actually having team comms focused on the actual combat than communicating every team mate's current position.

  10. Hey Com and Devs,


    I've been playing Arma 3 Epoch for a while now and I think the setting is a bit off what Epoch once was in terms of "feeling".


    What I most enjoyed in Arma 2 was the whole trader thing which has been enhanced!


    But what really disappoints me is the building system (besides from Altis.. but well)


    I would really enjoy if it was possible to include the A2 epoch objects like walls, floor, stairs and ladders.

    Also it was really nice to make it optional to switch to the old building system without physics (this just makes the whole base look prettier)


    Its just like an option for the server admins to change to "oldschool mode" and I guess Iam not the only one who would really enjoy that.


    When I think back to Arma 2  There are some points that were more enjoyable but this one is pretty much the biggest...


    I also think that the new trader system is the biggest enhancement from Arma2 Epoch. I think a lot of things were done better in the old Epoch than the new one. I dunno, but let's see how the mod develops. I'm not sure how others feel but for me it was a bit of a let down that vehicles are repaired with "tech magic" instead of actual parts that you need to find.


    I really like the new Epoch though, but it's in many ways really much more simplified compared to the previous.



    Admins and Moderators volunteer for fucking free you idiot, If they got wages then you could moan but they don't ffs :rolleyes:

    You've been caught cheating, you've modified your cheat and you're still not happy, seriously do the world a favour and google 'Quick, painless suicide'


    You think it's funny to ask people to kill themselves just because you get butt hurt about something?


    Never go full retard man.

  12. im the group leader for my squad and i set the group up before placing my lock box..... im the only one who can lock unlock and pack my lock box....


    my mate mr silent night found another lock box and placed it in our base with mine...... i can lock and unlcok his box but not pack it, he cant unlock, lock or pack mine though


    Yeah, there seems to be a bug currently which makes all group owner lockboxes private. Pack the box you originally placed and have someone else place it down and it will be shared with the group.

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