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Posts posted by RimBlock

  1. The files are most likely not the problem but they do the checks before spawning zombies so would be a good starting place to work back from and find out what is going wrong.


    Putting in diag_log lines to report on the current zombie counts when the script is called will tell you why more zombies are not being spawned and then you can work back and find out what is calling the script and what is amending the zombie count.


    It is not likely to be an easy fix if changing the global variables values is not working though as something, somewhere muct be affecting either the alive' zombie count or the max zombies alive count.

  2. Also Add CloudForge, it is perfect for backups, debuging and reverting


    Interesting, what advantages does this give over GitHub ?.  Seems there is no bug reporting or tracking in the free version.  Do you use it just as a backup for subversion or GitHub or do you leverage the features available in another way.


    Just trying to get a feel on how to get the best out of it, how much it costs to be pretty usefull and if it is better leveraged alongsid GitHub / Subversion or as a replacement (without reading pages of marketing on their site :) ).

  3. Nope,  need to alpha test it first then will make it available to beta testers.


    I am currently looking at 2-3 hours a night working on this but there are a fair few combinations to test and real life getting in the way ;) .  As I have just reworked the code to allow selectable vehicles within range rather than just the nearest.  This involves a 2nd level menu script in between the fn_selfactions and the refuel script which I have to make sure is sending the source and destination vehicles (previously the refuel script just works out the nearest valid target).


    Depending on how it goes and how much time I can spend on it, maybe a week or so.

  4. My server and client are running 1.63 with steam server listing and have been since it came out.  Hevent seen any issues with Epoch at all.


    I still get a "new version 1.62 is available" message when logging on :) .


    There was a little bit of playing around to get it working fine but I didn't need to roll back and disable Steam updates or anything like that.  THink I just needed to export the addon keys (BAF / ACR / PMC) from my desktop machine and inport them to the server registery to get it working (it was a while ago though so not 100% that was all).


    The version check is also in sqf scripts so it could be removed if needed (IIRC).

  5. Having run a QA team for a while, I really do not want to be doing testing :D .  I will stick to mod writing for now but may jump in on any open beta.


    Maybe you could outline what would be expected from a tester and an overview of the QA process.


    Most do not realise the workflow involved in testing and it would be an interesting to some to understand the SDLC and methods you will be employing.


    Without that info, this is just likely to grow in to an ever bigger me-too thread.

  6. Thanks you very much my friend!  I look back at some of the stuff I did even leading up to the end of Arma 2 Epoch and giggle a bit.  I've been implementing new techniques and have learned all kinds of new tricks along the way.  Hopefully by the time we're done; everything you see should LOOK like it belongs there.

    And yeah...there'll be hats...but I've requested all Fedora to be taken off the loot table.  Except maybe one,...and it'll one shot you if when equipped. 


    Credit where it is due :) .


    Not wanting to diverge too far from the subject but while you are here....


    Will any of it be backwards compatible with ARMA II Epoch or is it a completely different system with no easy way to provide a 'downgrade' to ARMA II Epoch ?.


    Oh and if you have the time.... cinderblock walls with windows & half length walls (wood and cinder) to match the 1/4 floors ;) .  Putting a 1/2 length wall around a stairwell can prevent lots of nasty broken legs if the boys get a bit excited :D .

  7. My apologies, I perhaps inferred negativity from your post.  It almost appeared as your weren't aware of the numerous assets we added in the Arma 2 Epoch mod.   I see now that you were suggesting that the asset creation process is a bit more involved for Arma 3, making it difficult to implement.

    Sorry about that! :3  As for the assets we currently have, including all additional characters, base-building objects etc...I've made the vast majority of them myself.  With the addition of our newest member, we'll be more than capable to provide the assets necessary to carry out the Epoch vision.

    In regards to difficulty and comparison of other development aspects, they can't really be compared; they all take a fair amount of R&D, intrinsic knowledge, patience and passion.


    I am well aware of your work and it really is very good.  Adding the female modes is fantastic (although some skins without knee high pants would be good ;) ).  I have been reading the thread concerning the new enterable building and the different considerations and effort that is required in doing so with great interest.  Moddeling and texturing is not my area at all and my comments were based partly on your details of the process you outlined in that thread.


    It is good to hear that you are not on your own in creating these now.  Does that mean we should get our additonal orders in now :D .


    Whilst I do agree about the difficulty in comparison, each area geenrally requires a different skillset and some are easier to aquire than others hence why there are more scripted mods out there than new objects.   There are just a larger base of people who can easily get to grips with scripting than can or are willing to take the time and make the required effort (inc obtaining the software etc) that is required for modelling.


    Keep up the great work.  Let those models keep comming (not hats and boots though please, this is not DayZ SA ;) ).

  8. - "Better trader city design and with their own ai guards would take out the need for safezones.

    Sure someone could shoot you but then the AI would retaliate."




    The comments were rough suggestions and not detailed well researched proven ideas.  Specifics are not provided like "How do you gauge how deadly an AI is?" as I would take a look at this level if I were to work on a mod aimed at addressing these suggestions, which would not be anytime soon due to the backlog of mods / ideas currently in my sig.


    I will try to address some points though with thoughts on them.

    Say when you murder and innocent AI, you get put on an enemy team. Now almost all the menus and anything that is coded to be side specific is broken.

    There's a reason that Sarge AI always had so many issues.



    What sort of things are coded to be side specific ?.  Which of them relate to trader cities ?.  I have not come across any yet in my limited trawling through the Epoch and DayZ code so would be quite interested to take a look.  Apart from hostility, I am not sure what would require this so would appreciate any direction on this. 


    Pushing the player to another 'side' would seem more reasonible, maybe the civillian side where the Zombies would already be hostile but only within a defined range of the trader cities.  Sure that would make the zombies non-hostile but with AI coming after you, I would suggest you may have bigger issues to deal with.


    It would be interesting to see how DZAI deals with bandits being hostile to other bandits as well as to the player.  Maybe one side of the bandits is in the civillian group as, whilst zombies can react to the noise they make, they cannot be harmed by them.


    Ever try to write code to keep a player out of a vehicle? It's a pain.

    Ever try to make a vehicle only have godmode during certain circumstances? It's also a pain.

    Making AI accurately track a player also isn't very doable at the moment.



    How do players get in to a locked vehicle ?.  Why can you not just flag the vehicle as locked on creation ?.  If the vehicle is tagged as being trader city defence then amend the damage handler to negate damage to the vehicle ?.  DZAI AI characters seem to be able to track players fairly well from what I have experienced.  They also have levels of effectiveness you can set which makes them a lot more deadly.


    Everyone knows AI hurts server framerate, which is understandable.

    However writing a headless client is not an easy task, and you would now requiring that the people who run the servers not only have their own copy of the game, but also have a copy of the game for a headless client, and to rent two servers instead of one to run this client on.

    With A3 that means you are looking at around $37 per copy of Arma 3 (which you would need 2), and about $60 per month to rent two servers.

    For the average person, this might be doable if they are dedicated to it, but for larger communities with multiple servers, you are doubling the costs.



    Nope, I am not requiring anything.  I am suggesting options.  I have not said that this option needs to be default (either the base defence AI or headless client) but providing the option would allow people to use it if they choose to.  There are currently a number of people working on headless clients as you are no doubt aware which are having various levels of sucess.  as they mature they may become more effective and reliable. 


    One copy of the ARMA client would be required for a headless client if the server owner chose to use it.  The server process also does not require a key to run so 1 copy of ARMA II will allow you to run the client (headless) and the server process on the same server.  Has this changed for ARMA 3 ?.  A second copy of the game would be needed to play from another machine as a player / admin.

  9. Love the heli spawn.  May have to try it just for the giggles :) .


    Passing parameters is usually done via the _resultVariable = ["variable1", "variable2", "variable3"] spawn/execvm "script", options


    They are then referenced in the script via the magic variable "_this" which is an array of the sent variables.


    _this 0 = "variable1"

    _this 1 = "variable2"

    _this 3 = "variable3" etc


    Alternatively, some of the scripts in Epoch are using global variables which are accessable to all scripts (not really recommended).  These are defined in the variables.sqf.


    If you want ot get creative then you can pass sets of variables (as arrays) nested in variables that can then be extracted at the other end through _this and then put through other loops to split them out again (a vehicles inventory as a variable then split out in to weapons, ammo, backpacks in the script for example).

  10. Not quite so simple.


    The weight for items are hard coded in the R3F_realism mod.  They can be found here (GitHub version).


    These then combine with the tiredness side of things to work out when you will have different tiredness affects.  The levels at which blackout and all the different factors that affect them (player stance, weight, speed etc) are all in the R3F_TIRED_Configuration.sqf file (GitHub Version).


    For a quick fix, maybe look at changing the blackout value or adding it as a variable in the variables.sqf file and change the realism mod so it references the variable rather than having it hard coded.


    As the realism is external it may be worth taking a quick look at the GNU General Public License it is under to make sure there are no issues with changing the code, especially if you are going to make it available to others.

  11. Did you even read my sig.  Seems like a bit of a silly question.


    What do you take exception too ?.


    Do you dissagree that modelling is more difficult than providing textures and standard scripting ?.

    Do you dissagree that textures are more difficult than standard scripting ?.

    Is there a team (you know, more than just yourself) providing models and textures for Epoch free of charge ?.

    Do you believe that models and textures are more likely to be added to Epoch than scripts ?.


    You gotta help me out here as I have no idea what your comment is related too.

  12. Just had a quick search on GitHub for dayz_maxZeds and it appears in two sqf files and the variables.sqf.


    Take a look at

    SQF/dayz_code/compile/building_spawnZombies.sqf (lines 4-6)


    SQF/dayz_code/compile/player_spawnCheck.sqf (Lines 132-151).


    I would custom compile.sqf them to local copies and add diag_log lines to confirm the values of "dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit", "dayz_maxGlobalZombiesIncrease" and "dayz_maxZeds" when the scripts are called.  It may turn out globally the 'world' is hitting a limit, even though there are only a few around your player or something is reducing values it thinks are way too high somewhere.

  13. Do you have a lot of modifications to the fn_selfactions.sqf or fn_damageactions.sqf scripts ?.


    These scripts are run continually and update what options are available on the scroll menu depending on what the player is looking at.  If the sqf files are long and complex then they will take some time to process.  If the player is looking around then the _cursortarget (what the player is looking at) in the script will be constantly changing.  It is much better to make these as lean as possibly for faster menu items.  An error in either of these files will also cause issues with processing.  The target being registered is also dependant on what part you are looking at.  The fuel truck for instance only seems to register if you are looking at the part behind the cab, not at the cab it'self.

  14. Camo netting that could be used to 'dress' the walls would be good.  I am having to build wooden walls outside of the cinder walls to try and disguise the bright cinder in a forest environment.


    Carpets and Statues.... has someone been playing DayZ Standalone a bit too much ;) .


    Anyhting that requires new modes will be very difficult unless a team of 3D modellers suddenly join the Epoch mod team and provide their work free of charge.  Textures still need a lot of work to get looking good and so are probably the next most difficult thing to add in.  Scripts that manipulate the current assets (models, textures, sounds, interactivity etc) would be the easiest of the three and the most likely to happen.


    Camo netting could possibly be a texture so whilst not fairly easy to do, it would not as difficult as getting statues in the game (if they do not already exist).  I would imagine the same for the paint although I would imagine custom painted logos etc would be problematic if persistance was needed (which it probably would be).

  15. I like the idea.  Being a hero, especially solo, can be tricky.


    Maybe a slight change to give a small care package at the heros plot pole at reaching the hero perk stages.  Maybe a weapon not available at the traders and some ammo (5 mags or something).


    Saying that, another alternative may be to provide different discount levels for the heros with the hero trader (could do the same with the bandit trader for bandits too)  :) .  Of course there is little point in giving a 1 Gold bar discount with the traders if gold is not so hard to get anyway.


    Thanks for the mod and nice idea.

  16. Ok, it is now listing all vehicles in range and the % remaining in the fuel tank of each vehicle and you can then select which ones you want to fill.  They are also colour coded...

    < 80% = Blue

    60% -> 79% = Yellow

    59 -> 20% = Orange

    < 20% = Red




    The fill code needs to be fully tested still but being able to select a vehicle out of those in range and actually knowing how full each vehicle is was something I really wanted for my own server.  Hopefully it will be useful for others too.

  17. Does a message come up about someone wanting to tag you for the other player when you tag them ?.  Does it come up when they tag you ?.


    What is the value in the currentstate field of the character_data table for your character and the other persons character in the database.


    When you tag each other, nothing actually happens apart from a message coming up about you tagging and waiting for them to accept (and vice versa when they try to tag).


    Did you run the SQL to realign all the historical owner ids for buildables in the DB ?.


    What is the characterID columns vale for the plot pole the friendly is trying to build by ?.


    Does the radiocom mod touch the player_tagfriendly.sqf file and if so what does that .sqf file now look like ?.


    If you login and are friendly to the plot poles owner but the owner is not there you will not be able to build on their plot.  There is (vanilla Epoch) code int he fn_damageactions.sqf that means you need to look at the friendly owner before you can build on their plot each time you login.  This value that is set when you look at them (_friendlyto) is not saved when you logout.  I guess this is to make sure the owner is around before you can build on their plot as a safeguard to friendlies going crazy and building stuff everywhere without the owner knowledge.  This functionality is standard Epoch and not added as part of my mod though. 

  18. Hi,


    All fixes are included in the instructions on the first post so you should not have to apply any others. 


    The instructions in the first post work fine if applied to a Epoch server with no other mods installed.  Other mods may cause conflicts depending on how they are programmed.  I cannot verify this mod with all other mods out there but I am happy to try and help you get it working with whatever else you may have installed if I have the details I need to do so.


    Do you have any other mods installed ?.

    In what way does it not work, what does not happen that should after you tag each other ?.



  19. I have no issues with safes on my server so it is not the same on all servers.


    Based on the current GitHub code (I suspect may be a work in progress)...


    The process to lock safes is not changing the state of a safe but it is in fact creating a new object (vault locked),  setting the new safes position to match the unlocked safes position, placing the safe (overlaying it over the unlocked safe) and making it visiable. 


    Strangely the unlocked safe is not destroyed and the unlocked safes gear is not copied in to the locked safe.  I would have thought the same process would be followed for the unlocking of the safe as detailed below.


    On unlocking a safe, the locked safes details are copied (position, direction, gear) and the new unlocked safe is placed.  The locked safe is then destroyed and the gear it used to have is copied to the new unlocked safe.


    It seems it cannot place the new locked safe, possibly due to collision issues with the original unlocked safe so moves it to a position where no conflict exists.  Check the dayz_code/compile/player_lockvault.sqf matches the one on GitHub, especially that the createvehicle line (line 51) has the "CAN_COLLIDE" variable set.


    For reference, the unlock sqf is dayz_code/compile/player_unlockvault.sqf and the GitHub version is here.

  20. Fuel pumps using fuel trucks as source...


    So I have added in the ability to build fuel pumps near fuel trucks but doing so poses another new set of choices.


    Consider the following;

    • A fuel truck and a fuel tank are both in range - Which to link the fuel pump to.  Which to drain the fuel from ?.

    For now, the fuel tank gets priority, especially as they never run out of fuel in Epoch.

    • A pump is built next to a fuel truck but the fuel truck is then moved.  

    Each time the fuel pump is used, a source for the fuel needs to be validated.  If more than one fuel truck is in range, the nearest will be used.


    Any other thoughts or suggestions then let me know.  



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