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Posts posted by RimBlock




    DANGER !!!

    This has not been tested.  Please test before putting any changes on your production servers.


    First observation



    Line 111 

    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true];

    So what this is doing is trying to set the characterID field of the heli marker to the players PlayerUID.  The problem is that the characterID field is only numerical and the playerUID field is varchar.  For people who have bought the Anniversary edition they have a characters as part of the PlayerUID which will then not go in to the object characterID field.


    If you search for (should be line 19).

    _playerUID = (getPlayerUID player);

    change to 

    _playerUID = [player] call convertPlayerUID; 

    This will sort out that issue / potential issue in that file.  Of course you need this plot pole mode installed for it to work.


    I will continue to look through the other files.

  2. Although the example I used was War of the Worlds, I don't mean an alien from the movie, just a monster that size.




    Although even with my experience with the Arma engine, I'm not entirely sure how hard it would be to create and animate something that size.


    [ Warning!! Language ]



    More menacing, awesome and insurmountable rather than spooky.  Interesting idea.


    Same sort of theme but more static, how about a searchlight, looking for victims and when it hits them it alters their perception in a sort of silent hill / lord of the rings type of fashion where they can then see and interact with other creatures (almost like activating the pineal gland in HP Lovecrafts "From Beyond").


    If a "Warplight" is a little hard considering the people can just hide behind hills or trees etc, how about another creature ("shifter" maybe) that moves through the veil of perception and if it touched you then you are dragged in to their side shifted reality with more motion blur, warped colours and deadly creatures.  


    The affect lasts for a configurable length of time.


    Hmm, maybe worth looking at for the A2 Epoch.... warp zone / perceptile / freekshots (or another name) experimental bullets.  Modifying the camera effects, I believe, should be very doable even in A2.

  3. Whilst I grew up on the War of the Worlds (the musical not the poor, poor, poor, poor Tom Cruise movie), I prefer the spooky rather than alien invasion senario.


    I have already mentioned the Weeping Angels in the other ideas thread and for a timed 'danger' a swarm like the Pitch Black creatures (think flying piranhas) that come out between certain hours and are attracted to sound and light.  Stay inside with closed doors and no lights and you are fine.  If you go outside then you need to be very quiet with no lights.


    I also count the Stalker series as among my favorites and can fully understand peoples desire to take on key elements but the risk is you end up making another version of Stalker on the Arma engine...


    A barter system rather than currency would be nice.


    The ablilty to customise and improve the protection of vehicles with scrap and tools would also be very nice.


    First person only is good although it is not as good for video making (for YouTubers etc).


    Items taking multiple slots depending on size rather than relying on weight to restrict what can be carried like DayZ SA...

  4. Thanks for your help it's the poular JAEM by Otter: 


    Only 4 relatively small files, Thanks for your help again you are a great part of this community Rimblock :)


    Thanks, will take a look when home tonight.


    I need to get back in to working on my refueling mod as well (Wolfenstien has been taking up my free time since the weekend) so this will be a good exercise to get back in to 'it'.


    Will report back when I have something...

  5. Not exactly sure what you mean but in the callevac.sqf

    //Setting needed variables to check which Evac-Field the player owns
    _evacCallerID = (player getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]);
    _evacCallerUID = (getPlayerUID player);
    _playerEvacField = [];

    Would love to get Evac working again




    Where is _evacCallerID used after it is populated.  If it is used to check an objects characterID then that is why there will be a missmatch.  All build items will have the converted playerUID in the characterID object_data field.  The comment with the code about "which evac field" would seem to indicate a placed helipad or something like it being needed.


    If you can provide a link to the mod then I can take a quick look but ifthe mod is big then it will be difficult and very time consuming trying to find a solution.  If the mod not working is not related to my plot pole mod then the auther really needs to be informed and to take a look.  I will have a scan over it though.

  6. Hello everybody, i have a little problem.


    For example: When i build a Wall, i cant upgrade the Wall. The following Message displayed InGame: Unable to build plotpole is nerby. But why? Its my pole...


    When i remove the pole then i can upgrade the Wall but not build another Wall.


    Anyone an idea what i make wrong in the Installation?

    Will have a look at the code tomorrow to see if I can give you a few places to look.

  7. Not sure if this related, but since i added this my Evac chopper no longer works it seems to work the first time but stops working


    May this be related to the Evac getting the CharacterID?

    Most likely. Whilst I can not ensure this will work with all mods out there I will try to help.

    If you can find out where it is getting the characterid and why then I can try to suggest some options.

  8. Did you read 


    If this is the case then I would be tempted to (not actual code, just a concept as I have no MySQL to test on where I currently am).



    Ok, I have given it a quick run and apart from the fact that lastupdated should be last_updated and object_data should be character_data (been working a lot with object_data table for my current WIP mod so I blame muscle memory) it was actually pretty good as it was from memory with no ref to the db tables and fields available when I wrote it  ;) .


    Above code amended now.  

  9. Current info is 2GB ram and 2cores of 3GHz or above per ARMA II server instance plus a bit for the OS.


    My sertup is private so cannot really give you any figures as I tend to have a couple of players and lots of AI and no hackers  ;) .  That is likely to change later this month though.

  10. There is an isTowing variable being set up so easy to do ;) Btw i was held up a little by other projects but i am coming along nicely with the GUI


    Cool, good news, on both accounts.


    The menus are not behaving (other items rather than refueling items) but I am suspecting the bugged ARMA II release may have something to do with it.


    The truck refueling seems to be ok  :) .  Unlocking things seems to be an issue  :( .

  11. Not sure if it's possible, but increase fuel usage if you're towing another vehicle?


    Sounds very reasonible although I am not sure if the towing script sets up an 'is towing' variable to check.  If so then should be pretty easy to implement.


    The script will have to take a snapshot check and then work based opn the speed / activity at that time as to monitor the activity and calculate an average etc may cause too much impact on the game.

  12. It's a cool game and has potential, but there are a LOT of bugs right now.


    and then some :) .


    Still playable though and I still want to come back for more but with no saving it just feels like getting the 82 logs to build a cabin is a waste of life ;) .


    The real test will be to see how fast they can patch the bugs and make it playable without having to restart each time.


    Good potential although I can see the cannibals getting a bit boring as enemies without a bit more variety (have not seen the "strange" ones outside of caves yet).


    If anyone dislikes the amount of bugs in DayZ SA then I would advise against trying The Forest and you may implode with outrage overload.  If anyone loves the updates for DayZ SA then you may be sad to discover the only clothing available is made from the skin of lizards you have to kill and wear yourself (Bear Grills style) and unfortuantely only comes in one colour and style :D .  You can however get covered in mud and blood...

  13. Ok, now I need your input.


    For the other side of the equation, I need to write the fuel usage part else it will be completely one sided.


    I am trying to work out catagories of fuel burn rates for the different vehicles and am looking for input.  Please note doing different burn rates for lots of different speed levels for XX nubmer of minutes is likely to be unrealistice (implementation wise).


    Current thoughts

    Land vehicles = On road, Off road

    Air vehicles = moving, hovering (not applied to planes of course)

    Sea vehicles = moving


    Any other reasonible suggestions ?.

  14. THanks for the info,


    Can you please also check for the "VaultStorageLocked" as safes use 4 digi codes and so will most likely be affected.


    The sql you are using to clear down I am trying to understand.  It would help to know what you want to keep in the character_data table.


    DELETE FROM `character_data`
    USING character_data, character_data AS tmpcharacter_data
    WHERE NOT character_data.CharacterID=tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID  --> Where characterid is not the same as the temp copy characterid
    AND character_data.CharacterID<tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID  --> Where characterid is less than the temp copy characterid (This would also satisfy the above clause as well). 
    AND (character_data.PlayerUID=tmpcharacter_data.PlayerUID); --> Where the playerUID linked to the characterID is the same as the temp copy PlayerUID.
    My guess is that you want to keep the most recent characterid for each playerUID and delete the rest. 
    One issue would be that you are not concerned if the characterID is alive or not so if you free up some characterIDs and ARMA II starts reusing them then your housekeeping will delete them as thay are not the highest characterID related to a playerUID.
    If this is the case then I would be tempted to (not actual code, just a concept as I have no MySQL to test on where I currently am).  <-- code now tested and should work.
    delete from character_data
    using character_data, (select playerUID, characterid, max(last_updated) from 
    character_data group by playerUID) as temp_character_data
    where character_data.playerUID = temp_character_data.playerUID 
    and character_data.characterID <> temp_character_data.characterid;
    That should delete all but the most recent characterID for each playerUID.
    You could run the code below to give an idea of the items that would be deleted.
    select *
    from character_data, (select playerUID, characterid, max(last_updated) from character_data group by playerUID) as temp_character_data
    where character_data.playerUID = temp_character_data.playerUID
    and character_data.characterID <> temp_character_data.characterid;
    Run the following to give an idea of what will be kept.
    select playerUID, characterid, max(last_updated) 
    from character_data 
    group by playerUID;

    I would be interested to know how many accounts are selected with the above query.


    It may be worth thinking about how long to keep a players account available or a player who joined one time and never comes back will always have their account in your DB.  3 month or 6 month old may be good benchmarks.

    I don't have the volume of user records to play with large numbers of character records as I am not running a public server but I should get my GBit line around the 21st June and will probably put a test server up then to gather some 'wild' data and letting people join in with the mod testing when they are ready for beta.
    Glad the rest is working well for you and your players :) . 
  15. Yep. I have two on a dedicated, VM should make no difference. Just as with a dedi, you just need to be mindful of resources (ram, CPU, disk space and iops). Fairly standard stuff really.

    You will probably need to setup separate ports for connecting too. Mine work on separate ports but you need to search on server name and port to connect if it is not the default. You could probably setup a proxy for port redirection if you have a block of ip addresses.

  16. What is the highest characterid in your db ?

    Do you clear out the character_data table to free up new characterids ?.

    How many doors have codes lower than the highest characterid ?.

    I can see how the historical realignment may cause issues with door locks on a server with a large player base. Safes would be more tricky to affect. They use 4 digits so having a live player with a characterid that also matches a safe combo should be unlikely.

    The realignment matches object_data characterids with valid player characterids. This would indicate you have some overlap.

    I will amend the sql to exclude a few classes for lockables, test and then post it up. Should be a quick fix.

  17. I have a dumb question I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to...

    This would allow players to be able to remove items such as concrete walls and such since it remains tied to their playerUID instead of characterID correct?


    Anything that is usually removable before the mod will be removable after the mod by the player (rather than by the character pre mod) or a tagged friendly after they both have looked at each other at least once since login.


    Themod just changes the reference used (PlayerUID rather than CharacterID) but not any of the other functionality.

  18. The weeping angels, or something like them, from Dr Who could add a bit of spice.


    Cant move whilst you are looking at them and are extremely hard to kill, but the moment you cannot see them they move very rapidly and attack.  Any statue could be one. 


    Imagine being in a church graveyard with AxeMans lighting.  The lights flicker, then you see something has changed but are not quite sure what, another flicker of the light and you could swear that statue is looking at you.  The light flickers off again and it is in front of you with a screaching, snarling face of hatred, one last flicker and there is only screams, blood and the smell of death.


    Of course for real win you would need a Telly Tubby Weeping Angels :D .

  19. Thanks guys.


    Seems pretty stable now the bugs in the code and release instructions are all worked out.


    I am just wrangling with GitHub at the moment and will probably make it availabe there (and then finally get round to putting it n a zip file for new builders).


    The Better Refueling stuff is a bit of a beast to get working at the moment (lots of possible combinations to deal with) and is taking up the majority of my time.

  20. Ahh, well this may be the reason I am getting a lot of menu issues with the mod I am working on that should be unrelated to the changes I am making (running 1.63 although need to verify patch version).


    So learning code, writing a fairly in-depth mod on a possibly buggy version of ARMA II.  Was surprised all the undefined variables were not fixed already, although TBH, it seems the reports are valid as the variables are not correctly defined... 


    May have to regress the server and client :( .


    Thanks for the info.

  21. the config files have the return items from deconstruction. 


    The modular buildings do not have any return items as you can see if you take a look at ModularBuilding.hpp (GitHub version) but the removables with returnes have the removeoutput[] = {{"ItemTankTrap",1}}; type parameter (search here for "Hedgehog_DZ").


    Setting that parameter in the modularbuilding.hpp may give the effect you desire but my understanding (someone chip in here if incorrect) is that the vehicle configs need to be on the client as part of a @mod package.


    The other option is to hardwire the values in an array and if the "removeoutput" value is not set for the item then the array can be checked.  This is the simplist way to do it and can be part of the mission.pbo download (dayzcode/actions/remove.sqf)

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