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Posts posted by Snakeyes

  1. Greetings,

    I have not played Epoch since a few months after A3 Epoch was released. I'm sure a lot has changed. I wanted to try the Australia map so I loaded it up on my server and I played for awhile yesterday. I spawned in near the Darwin airfield (military base). After two hours of looting I have seen a couch, a file cabinet, a cabinet and a few pallets covered with the blue tarp. Not one gun, but I did see some .45 caliber ammo for a pistol. I don't expect to be tripping over loot, but this seems a bit sparse. Is there a setting where I can increase the loot spawn (loot bias)? Can players still loot trash piles? It didn't seem to work for me. How about the cow hide on the walls? Can that still be looted?




  2. edit: sorry, I thought you were asking how to enable it on a server. After rereading your post, you can't see the side chat as a player. I don't know what could be wrong there.


    Open your mission PBO and find the the description.ext file. Open that file and locate disableChannels (about line 20) and change it to this disableChannels[] = {0,2,6};

    Now side chat will work for you.


    0 = Global
    1 = Side
    2 = Command
    3 = Group
    4 = Vehicle
    5 = Direct
    6 = System

  3. I died tonight and I went back to my body to recover my gear. I could see the Krypto laying on the ground and I got the select inventory icon when hovering over it. It just would not show up in my inventory so I could pick it up. I tried everything, standing up, kneeling next to it and going prone. Nothing worked. I did lose all the Krypto that I was carrying after dying. My respawn had none.

  4. Greetings,


    We have been having some fun racing on the Napf map recently. The problem is that as the racers get spread out on the track, it becomes difficult to determine who finished in what place unless the racers stop and wait at the finish line. A simple stop watch or lap timer that could be toggled on and off the players display with a key press as well as started and stopped with a key press would be most helpful. The races may last 10 minutes or more depending on the number of crashes so this format would work nicely:





  5. I found my mistake. This is the output from the editor:


    _unit_2 = objNull;

    if (true) then
    _this = _group_0 createUnit ["RU_Damsel4", [10591.77, 14083.106, 1.9073486e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _unit_2 = _this;
    _this setDir -86.932022;
    _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
    if (true) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};
    if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;};


    createUnit should be changed to createAgent to spawn a trader. After I changed that it worked fine. Thanks for your reply raymix. :)

  6. How is the unit number derived for a custom trader? 1337 was the last number that I used simply because it worked for the custom gem trader that I added. If I add a unit in the editor it uses a low unit number like 2. I tried adding a new custom trader tonight and it does not appear in the game. I used _unit_1338 and then tried 2000. Nothing worked.


    _unit_1337 = objNull;
    if (true) then
    _this = createAgent ["RU_Villager1", [7382.0156, 7459.6587, -0.022578919], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _unit_1337 = _this;

  7. Greetings,


    I'm using the original script from Post #1. It was working fine until recently. I installed the latest version of Infistar AH v6.0.8 and the BE filters for it. Now when I try to "Set the Evac Chopper" from the menu everything works as usual except at the very end of the sequence when it creates the evac chopper field underneath my helicopter. I can see the red and white evac chopper field go down for a second or two and then it is gone. I tried using the BE filters from the original post, but they no longer work for me. Anybody out there use this AH and have it working?




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