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Posts posted by DangerRuss

  1. Im getting couldnt find custom/variables.sqf which leads into server authentication error. Can someome please help?

    you dont have variables.sqf in a folder called custom, but you're telling your server to look there. So when it looks there, and doesn't find it, it crashes. Make sure your variables.sqf is in a folder called custom which should be in the root of your mission folder.

  2. On my mobile so cannot give specifics but if you take a look at show plot boundary from my A Plot for Life mod, it creates a ring of road cones with enable simulation false as they used to fall over if placed on a hill without setting that. Maybe the code there can give some idea as to why yours is not working.

    Could be worth exploring.. had a peak, looks like this for P4L

    _object = createVehicle ["Land_coneLight", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _object setVariable ["Inventory", ["PPMarker"],true];
    _object enableSimulation false;
    _object setpos _location;


    Try something like this:

    _this setVehicleInit "this enablesimulation false;";

    Instead of 

    _this enableSimulation false;

    I'll give that a shot thanks



    _this setVehicleInit "this enablesimulation false;";

    did the trick. Thanks!

  3. I have custom NPC bankers around my map with some little esthetic things like a foldtable and a laptop, etc. They aren't in safe zones and people can just shoot or knock the objects around. I've tried this for example

    _vehicle_187 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["FoldTable", [6221.2905, 4625.8779, -0.079633094], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_187 = _this;
      _this setDir 118.5292;
      _this setPos [6221.2905, 4625.8779, -0.079633094];
      _this enableSimulation false;

    but no luck, you can still knock everything around. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Well, there lies the source of the misunderstanding then.


    Also this is somewhat unrelated, but there is a small possibility of a kind of "revitalization project" for DZAI in the future when and if time allows. If A3EAI doesn't change too drastically between now and then, there is the possibility of several changes to be back-ported into DZAI. I just have to find the willpower to pull myself from the coder's dream that is ArmA 3.

    Yea sorry about the mix up. I dont run DZAI anymore, but I did for a long time. It was a breath of fresh air after SARGE.

    Is this Butthead then?  I've seen some recent posts in the DZAI forum, I hadn't seen any there in a long time so I got a bit excited.  Too many people with good ideas have moved on from Arma 2. I personally feel like Arma 3 just isn't on Arma 2's level yet. Time will tell!

  5. I can read. "Dead" implies it doesn't work (at least to me), which DZAI most certainly does. My comment was referring to DZAI being designed in a way so that it cannot "die".

    No, I was saying it is dead because it is no longer being developed. Not that it is broken.

  6. Just found this today.  For vert hosted server, probably works on other hosting companies servers as well, just the location may be different.  Go to configuration files on the control panel, you should see one like this


    Bliss\Users\Bliss\Bliss.ArmA2OAProfile   Open it go to class regular


    class Regular


            class Flags























    The one that says map=0; default for regular change the 0 to a 1.  so it looks like mine


    Also there is a link in this post that shows what all of those other options do



    You can also just change to difficulty to recruit and it's automatically in the recruit difficulty... you're editing the regular difficulty which isn't exactly necessary.

  7. Okay, I think your suggesting a human player as the gunner. I wanted to add AI Recruit so players joining the server during late hours could use guided missiles with an AI gunner.

    Oh I see, I thought you were having trouble with a gunner as well.

  8. DZAI may be no longer developed but at least it works as intended. It was designed to be durable enough to work forever, and so far so good.

    If you read his comment which I quoted he says


    I still have to change some settings, but i continue with DZAI, and then hope that Hero and Soldier AI will be included later on  :rolleyes:

    And then I explained to him that it was no longer being developed.

  9. Your right. I don't have any problem adding military vehicles to the database/traders. Using the guided missiles has been the challenge. I hope I can get AI Recruit running this weekend. I'm sure that the anti-hack requires an exception for that.

    What exactly has been a challenge about it? I dont understand. Maybe your controls are messed up? Guided missiles just work, nothing special needs to be done. You just need a gunner.

  10. Just a follow up.


    I have removed Sarge AI, and used DZAI instead, and i works really good, but i miss the Hero AI and the Soldier AI, BUT i love the way DZAI works, fx if some AI is attacked, and there is a vehicle or chopper nearby, they will come and help, that is awesome...


    I never had problems with performance, so i cant say anything about that.


    I still have to change some settings, but i continue with DZAI, and then hope that Hero and Soldier AI will be included later on  :rolleyes:

    DZAI is a dead mod unforutnately. Butthead stopped developing it for arma 2.

    Friendly AI were not added on purpose because it causes problems with the way arma treats factions.  You'll end up with a lot of annoyed people who can't get in a vehicle together and stuff like that.


  11. Yep, I've got to get the AI Recruit script working or use something like rMod.

    I dont think you need rmod. Correct me if Im wrong, rmod just enables miltiarized vehicles to be used on the server. If you're running epoch, all of that is already enabled, you just need to add the vehicles to the dynamic vehicle list or traders.  Adding a mod like RMOD will kill your server because it requires every client who wants to play on your server to download it.

  12. Thanks DangerRuss.  I ended up having the hosting company wipe the server and database(had some other issues as well).  So i'll copy the trader file this time before I add anything so I can just restore it if something messes up.

    I recommend using the cfgServerTrader.hpp and just making all of your edits in the server PBO instead of the database. It helps server performance and you dont get the lag issues with traders when the server is popular e.g. click on trader menu and it loads another menu, or trading takes forever.

  13. So a buddy of mine on his old server added some ships to the harbor in cherno. I had them on my server for a short time and got rid of them. Now I kind of want them back... I readded them and they dont show up. I checked my buddys old map addition, compared it to mine, everything checks out. I used an SQF to beidi converter and added the map addition to the map editor, and voila ships!


    I know overpoch supports this model


    because for one I used to use it, and for two I can spawn it in with inifiSTAR. 


    Any idea why these aren't showing up?

    _vehicle_141 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["SearchLight_US_EP1", [7424.0918, 2824.8513, -9.5367432e-007], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_141 = _this;
      _this setDir 158.32407;
      _this setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
      _this setPos [7424.0918, 2824.8513, -9.5367432e-007];
    _vehicle_142 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Land_Fregata", [7081.4351, 2235.6873, 0.093513697], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_142 = _this;
      _this setDir 82.911446;
      _this setPos [7081.4351, 2235.6873, 0.093513697];
    _vehicle_143 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Land_Fregata", [7168.519, 2421.0925, -0.13990811], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_143 = _this;
      _this setDir -38.434193;
      _this setPos [7168.519, 2421.0925, -0.13990811];
    _vehicle_144 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Land_Fregata", [7063.1094, 2299.2778, 0.0078576207], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_144 = _this;
      _this setDir 52.681232;
      _this setPos [7063.1094, 2299.2778, 0.0078576207];

    Just to clarify, the searchlight works fine I was just including it for reference.

  14. Hey, are you still looking for this? I could probably whip something up for you quite quickly if you're still looking for it.



    All done!


    Hit F10 and that'll pop up. You can easily change the server rules and server name, also the colors of the header and all text.



    Just stick that code in a file in the mission folder/.PBO and launch it with ExecVM "path_to_file";


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