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Posts posted by DangerRuss

  1. Glad I could help. Ive been using WICKED ai a bit lately, and there are some things I like about it over DZMS, but I think I like DZMS still overall because it seems a lot more friendly for newb coders to make changes to it and customize it to their liking.

    Maybe Vampire will get the Arma 2 itch and come back and update it some more :)


    Vampire, I miss your epoch server too man haha.

  2. Thanks for the reply guys:)

    I am testing the suggested fix


    if (!(_index call getDeployableSimulation) && !(_tmpbuilt isKindOf "AllVehicles")) then {

    _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false;



    Also I was wondering if anyone knew how to change biulding the bike in 3 steps to 1 or instant build?

    Ive been looking in the code but I cant find that section...

    you mean you want to remove the players ability to move the bike and position it before deploying it?  And get rid of the animation? Just right click on the toolbox and click deploy bike and bam done?

  3. So what you mean is you've already looked at your RPT, battleye, or antihack logs and have nothing relevant? Because there's no way someone would ask for help but be unwilling to take try the advice given.

    Ive already resolved the issue and posted the fix.

    There weren't any errors in the RPT's, I said that. I checked the RPT's before I asked for help, otherwise I would have posted the errors.


    If you don't have your anti hack setup to log when it blocks stuff, maybe you should.

    Idk how, if thats possible, to do that, but as it's set up now it doesn't do that.

  4. Schwede pointed out to me in this thread


    Apparently there is this bit in the code

    if (!(_index call getDeployableSimulation)) then {
                _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false;

    The enableSimulation false; disables the bike riding.. Could just remove that block Im guessing or edit it.. above my knowledege but I'll play with it.

  5. well just look on the code:


    in his player_deploy.sqf there is this code:

    if (!(_index call getDeployableSimulation)) then {
                _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false;

    it has probably a good reason to be there, but i think this is causing that people are not able to move on the bikes.


    maybe changing it to something like:

    if (!(_index call getDeployableSimulation) && !(_tmpbuilt isKindOf "AllVehicles")) then {
                _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false;

    This way all vehicles are exluded from this code.

    Needs to be tested though

    Alright I"ll share your thoughts on that thread since a lot of people are having the problem. I guess its no longer being supported.


    i just got it with right click, thats why these options are missing.


    for the animation:

    [objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE;
    player playActionNow "stop";
    deleteVehicle _object; cutText ["\n\nCanceled deploying vehicle", "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; 



    Alright yea I figured that out.. mine looks a bit different though haha we'll see if I get RPT errors.


    How would I add


    after you click "deploy bike".. so players know they have to press space to deploy it.

    I tried adding it right before

    waitUntil {deploybike};

    but that just breaks the script :P

  7. it does not matter how do you call the script.

    I dont like to have to many scroll menu and like to have more simple as a right click. Same for your deploybike script. i called it from a radio and it worked perfect. 

    If you need help there tell me in the other script.

    Yea Im just saying they are 2 completely different scripts we're talking about here :)


    The script you were helping me with is not the script I am having this issue with.


    I am having this issue with the deploy anything script for my overpoch server.

    Lots of people are having this same problem


    It doesn't effect everyone all of the time.

  8. Build vector is broken on my server, everytime a user upgrades or the server restarts the object that is placed will move like 90 degrees or so. But this a top priority fix right? I've noticed other people have had the same error?

    Anyways, if anyone do have this problem or has fixed it, please inform me.

    I see a lot of people having this problem. What other mods do you have installed.

  9. the bikes did not dissapear as i tested your version of the deploy bike. They just blew up, but this wasnt hard to fix

    The bike disappearing issue the guy had in this thread was resolved. 


    My issue is with a right click deploy bike script from the deploy anything release.  Players are sometimes unable to ride the bikes, they just dont move....


    Seems other people in that thread are having the same problem.



    The script you were helping me with earlier, is for my scroll wheel deploy bike on my overwatch server. This issue, with the bikes not moving when players try to ride them is with my overpoch server. Completely different script.

  10. Ok ive got it deleting vehicles, but how do I get it to stop the building loop?  It cancels the build but your player is still stuck in the position going through the animation. This is what Ive got working so far!

    deploybike = false; //or whatever you would like to call this variable ;)
    _weapons = [currentWeapon player] + (weapons player) + (magazines player);
    closeDialog 0;
    _toolbox = "ItemToolbox" in _weapons;
    if (!_toolbox) then {
    		cutText [format["Missing Toolbox"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	} else {
    		_Offset = [0,5,0]; //change how far from player vehicle spawns
    		_worldPos = player modelToWorld _Offset; // spawn in front of player
    		_object = "Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1" createVehicle (_worldPos);
    		_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
    		_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
    		_object setVariable ["Deployed", "1", true];
    		_object attachTo [player,[-0.2, 5, 1]];		
    		waitUntil {deploybike};
    		player playActionNow "Medic";
    		cutText ["\n\nDeploying vehicle started... Move from current position to cancel", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			[1,1] call dayz_HungerThirst;
    			player playActionNow "Medic";
    			[player,"repair",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    			[player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    			r_interrupt = false;
    			_animState = animationState player;
    			r_doLoop = true;
    			_started = false;
    			_finished = false;
    			while {r_doLoop} do {
    				_animState = animationState player;
    				_isMedic = ["medic",_animState] call fnc_inString;
    				if (_isMedic) then {
    					_started = true;
    				if (_started and !_isMedic) then {
    					r_doLoop = false;
    					_finished = true;
    				if (r_interrupt) then {
    					r_doLoop = false;
    				sleep 0.1;
    			r_doLoop = false;
    		if (_finished) then {
    		player removeWeapon "ItemToolbox";
    			_sfx = "repair";
    			[player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    			[player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    			detach _object;
    			cutText [format["Here's your bike you lazy bum!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		 r_interrupt = false;
    		 player switchMove "";
    		 player playActionNow "stop";
    		sleep 10;
    		//this way every player will get the message from a deployed bike
    		_object addEventHandler ["GetIn",{
    				_nil = [nil,(_this select 2),"loc",rTITLETEXT,"Warning: Spawned bikes DO NOT SAVE after server restart! If you wish to keep it - deconstruct it!","PLAIN DOWN",5] call RE;
    		else {
            deleteVehicle _object;
    		cutText ["\n\nCanceled deploying vehicle", "PLAIN DOWN"];


    gonna keep comparing it to my old script to see what I can do!


    Ok I have it working, I havent checked for any RPT errors but it works

    deploybike = false; //or whatever you would like to call this variable ;)
    _weapons = [currentWeapon player] + (weapons player) + (magazines player);
    closeDialog 0;
    _toolbox = "ItemToolbox" in _weapons;
    if (!_toolbox) then {
    		cutText [format["Missing Toolbox"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	} else {
    		_Offset = [0,5,0]; //change how far from player vehicle spawns
    		_worldPos = player modelToWorld _Offset; // spawn in front of player
    		_object = "Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1" createVehicle (_worldPos);
    		_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
    		_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
    		_object setVariable ["Deployed", "1", true];
    		_object attachTo [player,[-0.2, 5, 1]];		
    		waitUntil {deploybike};
    		player playActionNow "Medic";
    		cutText ["\n\nDeploying vehicle started... Move from current position to cancel", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			[1,1] call dayz_HungerThirst;
    			player playActionNow "Medic";
    			[player,"repair",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    			[player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    			r_interrupt = false;
    			_animState = animationState player;
    			r_doLoop = true;
    			_started = false;
    			_finished = false;
    			while {r_doLoop} do {
    				_animState = animationState player;
    				_isMedic = ["medic",_animState] call fnc_inString;
    				if (_isMedic) then {
    					_started = true;
    				if (_started and !_isMedic) then {
    					r_doLoop = false;
    					_finished = true;
    				if (r_interrupt) then {
    					r_doLoop = false;
    				sleep 0.1;
    			r_doLoop = false;
    		if (_finished) then {
    		player removeWeapon "ItemToolbox";
    			_sfx = "repair";
    			[player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    			[player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    			detach _object;
    			cutText [format["Here's your bike you lazy bum!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		 r_interrupt = false;
    		 player switchMove "";
    		 player playActionNow "stop";
    		sleep 10;
    		//this way every player will get the message from a deployed bike
    		_object addEventHandler ["GetIn",{
    				_nil = [nil,(_this select 2),"loc",rTITLETEXT,"Warning: Spawned bikes DO NOT SAVE after server restart! If you wish to keep it - deconstruct it!","PLAIN DOWN",5] call RE;
    		} else {
    		r_interrupt = false;
    		player switchMove "";
    		player playActionNow "stop";
            deleteVehicle _object;
    		cutText ["\n\nCanceled deploying vehicle", "PLAIN DOWN"];

  11. Im using these 2 scripts for deploy/repack  until/if this gets resolved. You'll need to add a section into your fn_selfactions for repacking.



    _weapons = [currentWeapon player] + (weapons player) + (magazines player);
    closeDialog 0;
    _toolbox = "ItemToolbox" in _weapons;
    if (!_toolbox) then {
        cutText [format["Missing Toolbox"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_deploybike;
        player playActionNow "Medic";
        r_interrupt = false;
    	player removeWeapon "ItemToolbox";
        	_sfx = "repair";
        	[player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
        	[player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
       	 sleep 6;
    	_Offset = [0,5,0]; //change how far from player vehicle spawns
    	_worldPos = player modelToWorld _Offset; // spawn in front of player
        _object = "MMT_USMC" createVehicle (_worldPos);
       	_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
       	_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
    	_object setVariable ["Deployed", "1", true];
     	_degrees = getDir player;
    	_object setDir _degrees;
       	 player reveal _object;
        	cutText [format["Here's your bike you lazy bum!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
       	 r_interrupt = false;
       	 player switchMove "";
       	 player playActionNow "stop";
        	sleep 10;
       	 cutText [format["Warning: Spawned bikes DO NOT SAVE after server restart! If you wish to keep it - deconstruct it!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];



     if ((typeOf cursorTarget == "Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1" or typeOf cursorTarget == "MMT_USMC") and (cursorTarget getVariable ["Deployed", "0"] == "1")) then {
    	// player is looking at a bike and the target has a bike classname
    	// delete it first to avoid player changing to another target
    		deletevehicle cursorTarget; 
    		player removeAction s_player_deploybike;
    		player playActionNow "Medic";
    		r_interrupt = false;
    		player addWeapon "ItemToolbox";
    		_sfx = "repair";
    		[player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    		[player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    		sleep 6;
    		cutText [format["You have packed your bike and been given back your toolbox. You have lost your pants."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		r_interrupt = false;
    		player switchMove "";
    		player playActionNow "stop";
    	} else {
    		// player is not looking at a bike, or target does not have a bike classname
    		cutText [format["You have to be facing your bike to deconstruct it, or this is not a deployed bike!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];



    //For Right Click Deploy
    _isBike = typeOf cursorTarget in ["Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1","MMT_USMC"];
    if((_isBike and (player distance cursorTarget <= 2)) and _canDo) then {
    if (s_player_deploybike < 0) then {
            s_player_deploybike = player addaction[("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("Re-Pack Bike") +"</t>"),"custom\packbike.sqf","",5,false,true,"", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_deploybike;
        s_player_deploybike = -1;


    So far I haven't experienced people unable to ride the bikes.

  12. Works, you're the man Schwede!


    I do have some slight concerns because the script doesn't appear to be designed for the scroll wheel, which is how Im using it. It doesn't seem to have anywhere that removes the action from the scroll wheel. I'll have to test further to see if this is an issue. In my original script

    if (false) then {
        cutText [format["You are in combat and cannot build a 350z."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_350z;
        closeDialog 602;
        player removeWeapon "ItemToolbox";
    	player removeMagazine "PartEngine";
        player removeMagazine "PartGeneric";
        player playActionNow "Medic";

    Also, if you move to cancel, it doesn't remove the bike from your player lol :P

    you can however repack it, which gives you a toolbox. So if you place your toolbox in your backpack, you can get infinite toolboxes :)

  13. almost sad that to this date, there is no script which works with overwatch skins ^^


    well here it is then, this script works with every skin:

    _body = _this select 3;
    DZE_ActionInProgress = true;
    _onLadder = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
    if (_onLadder) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false;cutText ["I can not perform this action while on a ladder!" , "PLAIN DOWN"]};
    _playernear = ({isPlayer _x} count (getPos vehicle player nearEntities [["AllVehicles"], 8]))-1;
    if (_playernear != 0) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false;cutText [format["You cannot us this action while another player is nearby"] , "PLAIN DOWN"]};
    if (vehicle player != player) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false;cutText ["You can not take clothes while in a vehicle.", "PLAIN DOWN"]};
    player removeAction s_player_clothes;
    s_player_clothes = -1;
    _skin = (typeOf _body);
    _itemNew = _skin;
    //add other Skins in here
    _isSchwedesinstantSkins = ['gsc_military_helmet_wdl','gsc_eco_stalker_mask_fred']; 
    switch (_itemNew) do {
       case "Survivor3_DZ": {
         _itemNew = "Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ";
    if (!(_skin in _isSchwedesinstantSkins)) then {
    _itemNew = "Skin_" + _itemNew;
    _okSkin = isClass (ConfigFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _itemNew);
    } else {
    _okSkin = true;
    if (_okSkin) then {
       player playActionNow "Medic";
       sleep 3;
       if (!(_skin in _isSchwedesinstantSkins)) then {
       _result = [player,_itemNew] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
       } else {
       [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_itemNew] spawn player_humanityMorph;
       _result = true;
       if (_result) then {
         _mags = magazines _body;
         _weps = weapons _body;
         _bag = unitBackpack _body;
         _corpse = createVehicle ["GraveDZE", position _body, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
         _corpse setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
         {_corpse addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach _mags;
         {_corpse addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach _weps;
         if (!isNull _bag) then {
           _bmags = getMagazineCargo _bag;
           _bweps = getWeaponCargo _bag;
           _corpse addBackpackCargoGlobal [(typeOf _bag), 1];
           {_corpse addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, ((_bmags select 1) select _forEachIndex)];} forEach (_bmags select 0);
           {_corpse addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, ((_bweps select 1) select _forEachIndex)];} forEach (_bweps select 0);
         if (!isNull _body) then {deleteVehicle _body};
          if (!(_skin in _isSchwedesinstantSkins)) then {cutText ["I put the clothes in my inventory", "PLAIN DOWN"];};
       } else {
         cutText ["I do not have enough room in my inventory.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
         player switchMove "";
         player playActionNow "stop";
    } else {
       cutText [format["I'm not able to take them off"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
       player switchMove "";
       player playActionNow "stop";
    DZE_ActionInProgress = false;

    just add your skins into the array and you should have a nice simple take clothes script which lets you change the clothes on the spot ;P

    I wonder if this will interfere with my player_wearclothes.sqf which doesn't allow players wearing a backpack to change skins. Epoch is still really buggy when it comes to changing skins and keeping your inventory and/or not getting teleported or relogging in miles away from where you logged off.


    Might need to add some kind of restriction requiring players to remove backpacks before taking clothes.

    something similar to

    if (!isNull (unitBackpack player)) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText  [("You must remove your backpack to change clothes"), "PLAIN DOWN"] };
  14. have you tried to see if its working without inifstar enabled?

    I haven't but doing a little more digging it looks like it is a common problem with the deploy anything bike script.. for whatever reason. And I was wrong about it only being non admins. I dont think the admin aspect is related. It just randomly doesn't allow some players to ride it. It doesn't happen to every player.

  15. Maybe you should look at your RPT log and see what error is given when they click the option in scroll menu. Might have to look at a client RPT log.

    No because it works for admins. There is no error in the server RPT and the menu works for me so there wouldn't be an error in the client RPT either. This is not an error with installation, this is an antihack issue. I just dont know how to get around it


    Untested, but the fix is here


    InfiSTAR blocks lbsetpicture by default. Find and remove from the AH.sqf



  16. The players in game are saying that they dont see the menu when they are by the trader the Advanced Trading shows up but when they click on it nothing happenes? Myself and the other admins seem to be using this fine anyone know a fix for this besides making all of the players admin :) Thanks <3

    Im having the exact same issue. I whitelisted the dialog like the instructions say, and players still cant see it. They click the scroll wheel optoin and nothing happens. Did you ever figure this out?

  17. Using the deploy anything script for right click deploy bicycle. Everything appears to work fine. Bike spawns and players get on the bike, except the bike won't move...  As an admin I dont have this problem, so somehow the anithack is blocking regular players from riding the bike. The bike is listed as safe in my variables.sqf, and the deploy anything script is supposed to make it safe as well. I have vehicle checks turned off on my antihack.. so Im pretty stumped. I never had this problem when I used maca's right click system, but the deploy bike script ont he deploy anything is so much better.

  18. I use this on my overpoch server and it works just fine. Obviously doesn't work for overwatch skins.

    // By Zabn 2014
    if (!isNil "DZE_ActionInProgress") then { // check if this is dayz epoch
    	if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith {}; // Do not allow if any script is running.
    _body = (_this select 3) select 0;
    _onLadder = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
    if (_onLadder) exitWith {cutText ["You can't perform this action while on a ladder!" , "PLAIN DOWN"]};
    if (vehicle player != player) exitWith {cutText ["You may not take clothes while in a vehicle", "PLAIN DOWN"]};
    player removeAction s_player_clothes;
    s_player_clothes = -1;
    _skin = (typeOf _body);
    _itemNew = _skin;
    switch (_itemNew) do {
    	case "Survivor3_DZ": {
    		_itemNew = "Survivor2_DZ";
    	case "Bandit1_DZ": {
    		_itemNew = "Survivor2_DZ";
    _itemNew = "Skin_" + _itemNew;
    _okSkin = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _itemNew);
    _takeClothesUseTime = 6;
    r_interrupt = false; 
    r_doLoop = true; 
    _takeClothesUsageTime = time;
    _animState = animationState player;
    _started = false;
    _finished = false;
    if(_okSkin) then {
    	_clothesTaken = _body getVariable["clothesTaken",false];
    	if(!_clothesTaken) then {
    		while {r_doLoop} do {
    			private ["_isMedic"];
    			_clothesTaken = _body getVariable["clothesTaken",false];
    			_animState = animationState player;
    			_isMedic = ["medic",_animState] call fnc_inString;
    			if(_clothesTaken) then { 
    				r_doLoop = false; 
    			if (_isMedic) then {
    				_started = true;
    			if(!_isMedic && !r_interrupt && (time - _takeClothesUsageTime) < _takeClothesUseTime) then {
    				player playActionNow "Medic"; 
    				_isMedic = true;
    			if (_started && !_isMedic && (time - _takeClothesUsageTime) > _takeClothesUseTime) then {
    				r_doLoop = false; 
    				_finished = true;
    			if (r_interrupt) then {
    				r_doLoop = false; 
    			sleep 0.1;
    		r_doLoop = false; 
    		if(_finished) then {
    			_itemNewName = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _itemNew >> "displayName");
    			_result = [player,_itemNew] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    			if (_result) then {
    				_body setVariable["clothesTaken",true,true];
    				cutText [format["One %1 has been added to your inventory!",_itemNewName], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			} else {
    				cutText [format["You didn't have enough room to store a %1 :(",_itemNewName], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		} else {
    			if(_clothesTaken) then { 
    				player switchMove "";
    				player playActionNow "stop";
    				cutText ["This Skin has already been taken!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			} else {
    				r_interrupt = false;
    				player switchMove "";
    				player playActionNow "stop";
    				cutText [format["You have interrupted taking clothes!"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; //display text at bottom center of screen on interrupt
    	} else {
    		cutText ["This Skin has already been taken!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    	cutText [format["Currently %1 is not supported by the steal skin script.",_skin], "PLAIN DOWN"];


    _clothesTaken = _cursorTarget getVariable["clothesTaken",false];
    		// Take clothes by Zabn
    	if (_isMan and !_isAlive and !_isZombie and !_clothesTaken) then {
            if (s_player_clothes < 0) then {
                s_player_clothes = player addAction [("<t color='#78E678'>")+("Take Clothes")+("</t>"), "Scripts\player_takeClothes.sqf",[_cursorTarget], -10, false, true, "",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_clothes;
            s_player_clothes = -1;
    		// Take clothes by Zabn

  19. How about, deployed bikes not letting people ride them? Im using deploy anything, and just recently discovered that regular players can't ride their deployed bike. They get on it, and press W, and nothing happens. If I use infiSTAR to spawn a bike they can ride it no problem. So somehow the antihack is blocking them from riding the bike.. Im stumped.

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