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Posts posted by DangerRuss


    so since the player losing money, means the script is exectuing, allways a good sign :)


    here is a script which has some checkpoints to see till which point the script is actually going, post the results


    I get a list of system chat messages like so

    got all variables

    set some variables

    right befor calling it

    Combatcheck: bool

    setmarker: any

    and thats it.. nothing else happens.. on overpoch it removes the money from the player and that is all that happens.

  2. I didn't feel like I was offended by anyone, so no apologies needed ;)

    You guys shouldn't fight. Its not worth it and getting you nowhere :)

    maybe both of you have a point here but just drop it and get along, neither of you has to waste your time with nonsense lie this.

    all of us here just want go get help with our problems and not get more with other users ;)

    Nah Im not fighting, just calling him out on his BS because I have zero tolerance for it.  Anyways, Im dropping it regardless.

  3. @dangeruss

    thanks again for calling me an asshole, nice language u learned.


    and you talking now in the name of SchwEde? Are you his Secretary?




    if it sounds like rude what i had typed to SchwEde,


    dann möchte ich mich mal dafür beim SchwEde dafür entschuldigen. War vielleicht falsch ausgedrückt, und ich hatte halt ne andere Antwort erwartet. Was ich erwartet habe, hatte ich bereits hier drüber schon 2x geschrieben.


    Bei dir entschuldige ich mich mal garned, erst betitelste mich als Kiffer und dann noch als Arschloch, wunderbar vielen Dank, Du mich auch mal!

    I said what you said made you sound like an asshole, not that you are an asshole. I wasn't speaking for Schwede, but I was offended by the way you were talking in general, not just to me. Im not arguing or fighting, just letting you know you're not getting help from me anymore and wishing you good luck on your server.

  4. Actually I can't code or script at all for the most part. If you look at the majority of my posts, Im asking for help. I have gotten my servers to where they are by asking the right questions and learning what I can with what time I have, plus a lot of trial and error.


    I realize English isn't your first language, and that's fine. I have had no problems helping you in the past.  If you recall I tried to help you a lot in this thread. And probably others too.

    The turning point in this conversation is when you insulted me, and were quite rude when I was just trying to help.



    your answer is completetly useless and nonesense


    There was really no reason for that. It's not my fault that you have trouble understanding English and can't comprehend the answers given to you.
    Had you simply explained to me you were having trouble understanding me, I would have tried to reword it or explain it to you differently.


    And you were also rude to Schwede for no reason. English isn't Schwede's first language either, and he's one of the few guys in this community that is willing to help people who are struggling with scripts.


    simple questions, expecting simply answers ;-)

    That makes you sound like a complete asshole. So with that being said, good luck.

  5. hmm... have you looked in the sky when a player is executing the script? 

    There is code where infistar is doing that when the _Boxcheck is enabled


    to whitelist a box, go into your ah.sqf and Search for 

    _fine = [

    and add your box in there, or use one which is already in there :)


    I have that check set to false but I'll go ahead and try this just to rule it out.



    Are there any errors in your RPT or client RPT?

    Have you tried to set some messages (like checkpoints to let you know) in the script and see if its working till a certain point or not at all?

    No errors in the RPT's client or server. Script works fine without the antihack. The antihack isn't logging anything anywhere to show why it isn't working.

    I have no idea how to set up checkpoints like that... But when you execute the script without the antihack, A message pops up telling you, you have X amount of time before the box hits the ground. Then a server wide message pops up letting everyone know you have called in the box. Also a marker appears on the map on the player location where he called the box in from.... With the antihack none of these things happen. You press the action on the scroll wheel and nothing happens EXCEPT it does remove the money from the player on overpoch.. So a player can sit there and go broke but nothing else happsn :)


    Tried adding the box to that array, still nothing.

  6. So in my previous post I mentioned that the antihack was blocking rtitletext

    Ive updated the antihack and this is no longer a problem HOWEVER, the script still isn't running!

    Im using this carepackage script

    private ["_positionM","_Marker","_LastUsedTime","_height","_downspeed""_distance","_boxtype","_unit","_getPos","_position","_box","_chute","_smoke","_var","_textt","_tools","_items","_getPos2","_positionB","_supplies","_weapon","_weapon2","_weapon3","_weapon4","_weapon5","_weapon6","_giveWep","_possibleMags","_mag","_whichBuild","_crateItems","_text"];
    //_cost = 2000;
    //_wealth = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
    _distance = 500;
    _boxtype = "USVehicleBox_EP1";
    _LastUsedTime = 10;
    _height = 100;
    _downspeed = -3;
    _OnlineLimit = 1;
    _unit = player;
    _getPos = getPos _unit;
    _position = [_getPos select 0, (_getPos select 1) - 5, _height];
    _positionM = [_getPos select 0, _getPos select 1];
    //System Chat Message
    _playerName = name player;
    //System Chat Message
    //item lists
    _tools = ["ItemEtool","ItemKnife","ItemGPS"];
    _items = ["ItemSodaPepsi","FoodCanSardines"];
    //_walls = ["ItemWoodWallGarageDoor","ItemWoodWallWithDoorLg","ItemWoodWallLg","ItemWoodWallGarageDoor","ItemWoodFloor","metal_floor_kit"];
    _supplies = ["ItemTankTrap","PartGlass"];
    _giveWep = ["FHQ_ACR_WDL_TWS_SD","BAF_LRR_scoped","USSR_cheytacM200_sd"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _possibleMags = getArray (configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _giveWep >> "magazines");
    _mag = _possibleMags select 0;
    //select arrays to use
    _crateItems = [_supplies,_items] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _Time = time - lastpack;
    if(_Time < _LastUsedTime) exitWith { // If cooldown is not done then exit script
        cutText [format["please wait %1 before calling in another Air Drop!",(round(_Time - _LastUsedTime))], "PLAIN DOWN"]; //display text at bottom center of screen when players cooldown is not done
    //if(!(canbuild) || (inSafeZone)) exitWith { cutText ["\n\nYou are in a Safezone and cannot perform that action!" , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    if (dayz_combat == 1) exitwith { cutText ["\n\nYou are in combat and cannot perform that action!", "PLAIN DOWN"] };
    if ((count playableUnits) < _OnlineLimit) exitWith  { cutText [format["Air Drop Failed. Less Than %1 Players online.",_OnlineLimit], "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    /*if(_wealth < _cost) exitWith { cutText [format["You need %1 coins to Call an AirDrop.",_cost], "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    player setVariable["cashMoney",(_wealth - _cost),true];
    PVDZE_plr_Save = [player,(magazines player),true,true] ;
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save";*/
    deleteMarker "MarkerDrop";
    _null  = createMarker ["MarkerDrop",_positionM];
    "MarkerDrop"  setMarkerText "Air Drop";
    "MarkerDrop"  setMarkerType "Vehicle";
    "MarkerDrop"  setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    //System Chat Message
    _message = format["%1 has called in an AirDrop. It will arrive in 100 seconds! It is marked on your map, Go Capture it!",_playerName];
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,_message, "PLAIN",6] call RE;
    diag_log text format["[AirDrop]: Air Drop Called By a Player Successfully"];
    //System Chat Message
    lastpack = time;
    for "_x" from 1 to 10 do {
        if (_x >= 2) then {cutText [format ["AIR DROP ARRIVING IN %1", 101-_x], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
        uiSleep 1;
    _chute = createVehicle ["ParachuteMediumEast", _position, [], 0, "FLY"];
    _chutePos = getPos _chute;
    _box = createVehicle [_boxtype, _chutePos, [], 0, "FLY"];
    _box attachTo [_chute, [0,0,3]];
    _box setVariable ["Mission",1,true];
    _chute setVariable ["Mission",1,true];
    _box setVariable ["ObjectID", ""];
    _chute setVariable ["ObjectID", ""];
    _smoke = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (getPos _box);
    _smoke attachTo [_box, [0,0,0]];
    _var = floor((random 20) + 1);
    //display text to alert user
    _textt = format ["\nCarepackage is above you!",10];
    titleText [_textt,"PLAIN DOWN"];
    waitUntil {getPos _box select 2 < 4};
    while {getPos _box select 2 > 4} do
     _chute SetVelocity [0,0,_downspeed];
     uiSleep 0.1;
    detach _box;
    while {getPos _box select 2 > 0} do {
    _box setPos [getPos _box select 0, getPos _box select 1, (getPos _box select 2) - .25]
    deleteVehicle _chute;
    _posATL = getPosATL _box;
    deleteVehicle _box;
    _boxx = _boxtype createVehicle _posATL;
    _boxx setVariable ["Mission",1,true];
    _boxx setVariable ["ObjectID", ""];
    clearweaponcargoglobal _boxx;
    clearmagazinecargoglobal _boxx;
    {_boxx addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, _var];} forEach _crateItems;
    {_boxx addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 5];} forEach _tools;
    _boxx addMagazineCargoGlobal [_mag, _var];
    _boxx addWeaponCargoGlobal [_giveWep, 5];
    for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
    _giveWep = ["FHQ_ACR_WDL_TWS_SD","BAF_LRR_scoped","USSR_cheytacM200_sd","FHQ_ACR_BLK_RCO_GL","BAF_LRR_scoped_W","USSR_cheytacM200"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _possibleMags = getArray (configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _giveWep >> "magazines");
    _mag = _possibleMags select 0;
    _boxx addMagazineCargoGlobal [_mag, _var];
    _boxx addWeaponCargoGlobal [_giveWep, 1];
    {_boxx addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, _var];} forEach _crateItems;
    {_boxx addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach _tools;
    _getPos2 = getPos _boxx;
    _positionB = [_getPos2 select 0, _getPos2 select 1];
    deleteMarker "MarkerDrop";
    _null  = createMarker ["MarkerDrop",_positionB];
    "MarkerDrop"  setMarkerText "Air Drop";
    "MarkerDrop"  setMarkerType "Defend";
    "MarkerDrop"  setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    _message3= format["The Carepackage has Landed! Check Your Map and Race to Claim it!",_playerName];
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,_message3, "PLAIN",6] call RE;
    diag_log text format["[AirDrop]: Air Drop Landed Successfully"];
    //Wait until player is near, wait 90 seconds and delete marker/box.
    sleep 1;
    (({isPlayer _x && _x distance _boxx <= 5} count playableUnits > 0));
    _message2 = format["A player is at the carepackage! It will despawn in 90 seconds!",_playerName];
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,_message2, "PLAIN",6] call RE;
    diag_log text format["[AirDrop]: Air Drop Landed Successfully"];
    sleep 10;
    deleteMarker "MarkerDrop";
    deleteVehicle _boxx;
    _message = format["The Air Drop has been Captured",_playerName];
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,_message, "PLAIN",6] call RE;
    diag_log text format["[AirDrop]: Air Drop captured Successfully. Deleting Marker"];

    I execute it in the fn_selfactions.sqf when a player looks at a specific object... 

    with that antihack off it works beautifully. Turn on the antihack, and when you click on the object nothing happens.

    Player looks at object
    Scroll wheel action appears
    Player clicks scroll wheel action
    Nothing happens.
    Works with antihack disabled.

    Any ideas?

  7. I write it again: ok, finally we have now restored  the plot4life 2.35 working with snap build pro 1.4.1 together with doormanagement 3.0


    your answer is completetly useless and nonesense

    Well now you're not getting anymore help from me ever again. 

    My answer, answered all of your questions. Lets slow it down for you, maybe you should lay off the weed a little bit so you can grasp simple concepts.

    you asked


    is this build vector 4 compatible to ap4l 2.5?  should we update to 2.5 first? or is the 2.35 quite enough?

    the instructions clearly say



    "If you have not installed Rimblock's A Plot for Life v2.34, do so now (ignore the server_monitor.sqf file as I will cover it)."

    So what version should you install? Hmmm I wonder. Maybe 2.34? Maybe you could read through all the forums and find if someone has updated theirs to a newer version?


    you asked


    when we install this build vector, should we begin with the legacy install of version 3, or can we go directly to the 4 version?

    I answered


    you would install the files meant to be used with plot 4 life, and you would skip the installation of the snap build pro since you already have that installed.


    Instead of asking people in here a million questions about what works with what, why dont you go install it and try it?  If after you've tried and failed a few times, come back and ask questions. But don't sit here and demand questions because you're too lazy to test, and then be completely rude about it when people don't give you "simple answers."


  8. So then why in the install process Zupa doesn't mention what you say?

    Probably because Zupa already assumes you know this, since it's a really basic step. He is telling you to modify your compiles.sqf to redirect certain files to the plotmanagement folder in your mission pbo. Which means he's either A. assuming you know these basic steps before you start modding your server B. simplifying the install instructions as much as possible for new admins or C. Both of those.


    Like I said this is very basic stuff so perhaps you should spend some time googling around or maybe even go back over to good ole opendayz.net and read up on some of the resources provided.

  9. Got it sorted out. I was missing a ] in the costs. :)

    Just for clarification


    is the pump.. the feed

    The little building with the cash register that spawns loot is


    and the roof and pillars which go over the feeds is





  10. ok, finally we have now restored  the plot4life 2.35 working with snap build pro 1.4.1 together with doormanagement 3.0


    what should be our next step?


    is this build vector 4 compatible to ap4l 2.5?  should we update to 2.5 first? or is the 2.35 quite enough?


    when we install this build vector, should we begin with the legacy install of version 3, or can we go directly to the 4 version?


    next thing is, that the precise building 1.04 which is included in the build vector 3 step, is also included in the a plot 4 life 2.5, as RimBlock told me today..


    go on SchwEde ;-) :D

    you would install the files meant to be used with plot 4 life, and you would skip the installation of the snap build pro since you already have that installed.

    If you click the install directions, literally the very first thing you read

    "If you have not installed Rimblock's A Plot for Life v2.34, do so now (ignore the server_monitor.sqf file as I will cover it)."

  11. I'm trying to use this on my Takistan server. No errors in the server or client log. When I get to the gas station, there is no notification that I am near a service point and no options in the scroll menu to refuel. Takistan uses "Land_Ind_FuelStation_Build_EP1" for the gas station classnames. I have this set in my service_point.sqf:

    _servicePointClasses = ["Land_Ind_FuelStation_Build_EP1"]; 

    I got this class name by looking at the building and hitting the "I" key (Using Infistar - that displays the classname and other info about what you are looking at). Any suggestions on what to do next? Is anyone else using this with Takistan?

    Are you 100% certain that is the name of the pump and not the surrounding station?

    Perhaps try adding your own in the map editor using this classname


  12. I noticed that on the marker settings you just have two different number settings? Do these go with the other markers I have ingame or do these need to be entered somewhere else? Reason why I ask is that all my other markers have three different number settings.

    can you give an example of what you're talking about? Are you talking about world position coordinates for a map marker? Technically, I don't think you need 3 sets of numbers (x,y,z) because the map is 2 dimensional and you dont need to set the marker a certain height above sea level.

  13. You can edit those files, but you need to pull them out of the dayz code and put them on your server or mission and then change where they are called from. The reason why you dont leave them in the dayz code and edit them there is because


    ... then everyone would need to download your edited dayz_code.pbo from somewhere before they enter the server not to mention it would make the file incompatable with the bikey so you would have to sign a new key for the mod or run without signature checks

    The reason why you merge files is so your mods don't conflict with eachother.

  14. Well I edited the files in the dayz_code.pbo from the epoch client and my players can manage their plot poles, everything works except if they die they need to put a new one.


    I have found another player_build file in the snap pro folder

    ok so what are you asking? We told you you're doing it wrong. Not only are you doing it wrong once, you're doing it wrong twice. Pull the files out of the dayz code and redirect them on your server. Only edit one of each kind, which means you'll need to merge some files if you have multiple mods that use the same one. That is your answer.

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