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Posts posted by DangerRuss

  1. Looking at the convoy mission Im a bit confused. At the end where it fills the crate with the variable arrays from the config, there are numbers next to the variables. What do they represent? Are they the total number of items from that variable array which will fill the box?

    [_crate,[4,crate_weapons_buildables],[20,crate_tools_buildable],[70,crate_items_buildables_large],4] call dynamic_crate;

    and then there is that number 4 sitting off at the end all by itself... Im looking in the mission examples but there is nothing like this that I can see...

  2. Click halo jump your character starts sky diving, click eject you character opens a steerable parachute. Am I missing a piece of the puzzle here? Let's say your friend just wants to drop you off at a base, when you eject you can determine where you're going to land. Oh and another thing, have you actually given the halo jump thorough testing? Last time I used it in an event, the chute wouldn't open resulting in half the players spaltting to their death. This little addition simple enhances the default ejection system and looks more professional with it using the official eject action, compared to the fn_actions add on.

    I was just wondering and asking for an explanation because I wasn't sure how it was any different. While you did explain it and persuade me that it is indeed different, you did so in a way that comes across as, well, rude. I was just asking, there was no need to get defensive.

  3. Is there really any need for the attitude? Lol? Is it really that funny? Yes I DO realise that such variable will allow players to halo jump from aircraft. Unless you're unable to read, I'd take another glance at the thread title. Nowhere does it say anything about halo jumping. It is simply a script that replaces the parachute from the normal ejection system, with a steerable one.

    but thats the exact same thing as halo jumping... if you just lower the altitude to w/e you want it's the same thing... I don't get why you'd add something new when it's redundant...?

  4.  You were right. I had updated Infistar the previous night, when I got their email. I rolled it back to the previous version and everything was ok. I'll have to look through it and fine out where anything is in it to set to true or false. Thanks

    I gave you a huge hint. Ill go one step further.

    /* *experimental* - will transfer serverside units (including mission AI) to clientside */

    Nope I'm checing there if _this select 0 is an array and not the whole thing :)


    Well maybe you are right and it is, but i already wrote this thing and other scripter may want to use it to marker the easy way isntead of adding and remove them individually ^^


    I just gave an option for people, nothing more :)




    Also i'm not a big fan of changing something in the AH.sqf, simply because you may open some gates for script kiddies.

    This method a hacker needs to write something exact for your server to use it right, both ways are exploitable, but if you rename the variables you defently has some more security then disable the marker check in ah.sqf, at least this is my opinion on that ^^


    Tested with:

    _array = [["abc","abcd","abcde"],"abcdefg","abcdefgh","abcdefgijklm"];
    _isArray = typeName _itemsFood == "ARRAY";
    systemChat format['%1',_isArray];

    result = true


    _array = [["abc","abcd","abcde"],"abcdefg","abcdefgh","abcdefgijklm"];
    _isArray = typeName (_array select 1) == "ARRAY";
    systemChat format['%1',_isArray];

    result = false


    _array = [["abc","abcd","abcde"],"abcdefg","abcdefgh","abcdefgijklm"];
    _isArray = typeName (_array select 0) == "ARRAY";
    systemChat format['%1',_isArray];

    result = true


    so this part is right :)


    It's definitely a nice option to have. Unfortunately it does NOT play nicely with battleye at all so people need to be prepared for this!


    Ok, So I had DZMS and WAi installed, and everything was fine and working... then I took the server down, backed up my files, and tried loading in a new building script. It didn't work, so I deleted my mission and server pbo and reloaded from the backup. 


    Now, the missions spawn and all the ai kill each other. usually 2 live, and have what seems to be "fast fire" and Unlimited ammo... as if they had Infistar on and were using it. The crates also, most of the time, don't spawn any loot. 


    Checking my Rpt it says this when loading a mission now (never use to) 




    Also I find out that a standard player can't kill those last one or two Ai... I can, as an Admin, though. 


    Im gonna take a stab in the dark and say you updated your antihack? Perhaps there might be an experimental variable which moves the ai to the client that you may need to set to false? 

    Any time there is something you can do as an "admin" that regular players cannot is more than most likely antihack related.

  7. yes that is the link to the section of the website which is dedicated to all things related to single currency. In that forum is where you can find the other coin mods.

    I use this

    This is also fairly popular


  8. I use Plot Management but I chose the non-p4l install, should I have gone with the other option?

    In my opinion no, I see a lot of people having problems with P4L and honestly plot management is the same thing.

    Go over your installation with a fine tooth comb and make sure you didnt leave anything out. Also make sure you've installed the precise base building as it recommends. Make sure you back up your database and files before installing precise base building.

  9. Without trying to sound condescending, you do have maintenance enabled on your server, right?

    CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 21 
    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS `setDamageOnAge`;
    CREATE EVENT `setDamageOnAge` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY COMMENT 'This sets damage on a wall so that it can be maintained' DO UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.1 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') )

    Etc, etc.


    Sorry man, have to ask :)

    LOL no problem and yes Ive been using this for quite awhile now.just fine. Ive only recently been inspired to add plot management because everyone told me it was working fine.


    private ["_newWealth","_missing","_missingQty","_proceed","_itemIn","_countIn","_target","_objectClasses","_range","_objects","_requirements","_count","_cost","_option"];
    if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_2") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    DZE_ActionInProgress = true;
    player removeAction s_player_maintain_area;
    s_player_maintain_area = 1;
    player removeAction s_player_maintain_area_preview;
    s_player_maintain_area_preview = 1;
    _target = cursorTarget;
    _objectClasses = DZE_maintainClasses;
    _range = DZE_maintainRange;
    _objects = nearestObjects [_target, _objectClasses, _range];
    _objects_filtered = [];
        if (damage _x >= DZE_DamageBeforeMaint) then {
            _objects_filtered set [count _objects_filtered, _x];
    } count _objects;
    _objects = _objects_filtered;
    _count = count _objects;
    if (_count == 0) exitWith {
    	cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_22"), _count], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
    	s_player_maintain_area = -1;
    	s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;
    _requirements = [];
    switch true do {
    	case (_count <= 10): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,200]]};
    	case (_count <= 20): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,300]]};
    	case (_count <= 35): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,400]]};
    	case (_count <= 50): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,500]]};
    	case (_count <= 75): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,900]]};
    	case (_count <= 100): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,1000]]};
    	case (_count <= 175): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,2000]]};
    	case (_count <= 250): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,3000]]};
    	case (_count <= 325): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,4000]]};
    	case (_count <= 400): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,5000]]};
    	case (_count <= 475): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,6000]]};
    	case (_count <= 550): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,7000]]};
    	case (_count <= 625): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,8000]]};
    	case (_count > 625):  {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,9000]]};
    _option = _this select 3;
    switch _option do {
    	case "maintain": {
    		_wealth = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
    		_missing = "";
    		_missingQty = 0;
    		_proceed = true;
    			_itemIn = _x select 0;
    			_countIn = _x select 1;
    			if (_wealth < _countIn) exitWith { _missing = _itemIn; _missingQty = (_countIn - _wealth); _proceed = false; };
    		} count _requirements;
    		if (_proceed) then {
    			_newWealth = (_wealth - _countIn);
    			player playActionNow "Medic";
    			[player,_range,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    			player setVariable["cashMoney",_newWealth,true];
    			PVDZE_plr_Save = [player,(magazines player),true,true];
    			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save";
    			PVDZE_maintainArea = [player,1,_target];
    			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_maintainArea";
    			cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_4"), _count], "PLAIN DOWN", 5];	
    		} else {
    			cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_6"), _missingQty, CurrencyName], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	case "preview": {
    		_cost = "";
    			_itemIn = _x select 0;
    			_countIn = _x select 1;
    			if (_cost != "") then {
    				_cost = _cost + " and ";
    			_cost = _cost + (str(_countIn) + " " + CurrencyName);
    		} count _requirements;
    		cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_7"), _count, _cost], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
    s_player_maintain_area = -1;
    s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;



    private ["_newWealth","_missing","_missingQty","_proceed","_itemIn","_countIn","_target","_objectClasses","_range","_objects","_requirements","_count","_cost","_option"];
    if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_2") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    DZE_ActionInProgress = true;
    player removeAction s_player_maintain_area;
    s_player_maintain_area = 1;
    player removeAction s_player_maintain_area_preview;
    s_player_maintain_area_preview = 1;
    _target = cursorTarget;
    _objectClasses = DZE_maintainClasses;
    _range = DZE_PlotPole select 0;
    _objects = nearestObjects [_target, _objectClasses, _range];
    _objects_filtered = [];
        if (damage _x >= DZE_DamageBeforeMaint) then {
            _objects_filtered set [count _objects_filtered, _x];
    } count _objects;
    _objects = _objects_filtered;
    _count = count _objects;
    if (_count == 0) exitWith {
    			_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7012);
    			_result =  format["Objects to maintain: %1" , _count];
    			_ctrl ctrlSetText   _result;
    			_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7013);
    			_result =  format["Price to maintain: %1 %2" , 0, CurrencyName];
    			_ctrl ctrlSetText   _result;	
    	DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
    	s_player_maintain_area = -1;
    	s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;
    _theCost = _count * 10;
    _requirements = [[CurrencyName,_theCost]];
    switch true do {
    	case (_count <= 10): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,200]]};
    	case (_count <= 20): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,300]]};
    	case (_count <= 35): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,400]]};
    	case (_count <= 50): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,500]]};
    	case (_count <= 75): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,900]]};
    	case (_count <= 100): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,1000]]};
    	case (_count <= 175): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,2000]]};
    	case (_count <= 250): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,3000]]};
    	case (_count <= 325): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,4000]]};
    	case (_count <= 400): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,5000]]};
    	case (_count <= 475): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,6000]]};
    	case (_count <= 550): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,7000]]};
    	case (_count <= 625): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,8000]]};
    	case (_count > 625):  {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,9000]]};
    _option = _this select 0;
    switch _option do {
    	case "maintain": {
    		_wealth = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
    		_missing = "";
    		_missingQty = 0;
    		_proceed = true;
    			_itemIn = _x select 0;
    			_countIn = _x select 1;
    			if (_wealth < _countIn) exitWith { _missing = _itemIn; _missingQty = (_countIn - _wealth); _proceed = false; };
    		} count _requirements;
    		if (_proceed) then {
    			_newWealth = (_wealth - _countIn);
    			player playActionNow "Medic";
    			[player,_range,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    			player setVariable["cashMoney",_newWealth,true];
    			PVDZE_plr_Save = [player,(magazines player),true,true];
    			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save";
    			PVDZE_maintainArea = [player,1,_target];
    			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_maintainArea";
    			cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_4"), _count], "PLAIN DOWN", 5];			
    			_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7012);
    			_result =  format["SUCCESS : Objects maintained: %1" , _count];
    			_ctrl ctrlSetText   _result;
    			_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7013);
    			_result =  format["SUCCESS : Price maintained: %1 %2" , _theCost, CurrencyName];
    			_ctrl ctrlSetText   _result;	
    		} else {
    			_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7012);
    			_result =  format["FAILED: Objects to maintain: %1" , _count];
    			_ctrl ctrlSetText   _result;
    			_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7013);
    			_result =  format["FAILED: Price to maintain: %1 %2" , _theCost, CurrencyName];
    			_ctrl ctrlSetText   _result;	
    			cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_6"), _missingQty, CurrencyName], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	case "preview": {
    		_cost = "";
    			_itemIn = _x select 0;
    			_countIn = _x select 1;
    			if (_cost != "") then {
    				_cost = _cost + " and ";
    			_cost = _cost + (str(_countIn) + " " + CurrencyName);
    		} count _requirements;
    		cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_7"), _count, _cost], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7012);
    		_result =  format["Objects to maintain: %1" , _count];
    		_ctrl ctrlSetText   _result;
    		_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getVariable "PlotManagement") displayCtrl 7013);
    	    _result =  format["Price to maintain: %1 %2" , _theCost, CurrencyName];
    		_ctrl ctrlSetText   _result;								
    DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
    s_player_maintain_area = -1;
    s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;


    EDIT - I do see this in my client RPT

    Error Undefined variable in expression: maintainplot
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\plotManagement\initPlotManagement.sqf, line 4
  10. Im having some trouble getting the maintenance to work. I click the maintenance tab and nothing happens. Everything else seems to work fine. Im using the maintain_areaSC.sqf because I use soul's coin system. Im all for looking through the threads, and I made a valiant effort.. I got through about ~20 pages before my head exploded... but I didnt see anything related to the maintenance script. So if anyone would be kind enough to point out what Im doing wrong that'd be great!


    hey zupa, there seems to be trouble the the hive.ext file. when i add in your one form 999 hive i get stuck on requestion character data from server and i get this message in the rpt 


    Fault address:  6E07164C 01:0002064C C:\xxgames\MagnusJ\8343\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\HiveExt.dll

    file:     DayZ_Epoch_11
    world:    Chernarus
    Prev. code bytes: 4D 8C 51 50 FF D2 83 C4 0C C6 45 FC 03 8B 4D 8C
    Fault code bytes: 8B 01 8B 50 04 FF D2 84 C0 0F 84 B0 05 00 00 EB
    when i revert the hive.ext i can join the server but the traders wont work. 
    what should i do?


    stop using this coin system. use soul's

  12. Ok so this is working great however Battleye is kicking me instantly when calling in the carepackage and Im not quite how to make a filter for this particular thing
    The kick

    01.04.2015 15:25:38: DangerRuss - Value Restriction #15 "remExField" = [,,"titleText","DangerRuss has called in an AirDrop. It will arrive in 100 seconds! It is marked on your map, Go Capture it!","PLAIN",6]


        5 "<NULL - team member>"
        5 "preprocessFile"
        5 "preprocessFileLineNumbers"
        5 "setVehicleInit"
        5 "processInitCommands"
        5 "HangenderRE"
        5 "vilegaming"
        5 "v\.i\.l\.e"
        5 "Lystic"
        5 "Rustler"
        5 "BattleFieldClearance"
        5 "BIS_MPF_logic"
        5 "BIS_MPF_dummygroup"
        5 "compile"
        5 "loadFile"
        5 "call"
        5 "mission"
        1 "spawn"
        5 "format"
        5 "parse"
        5 "terminate"
        5 "eventhandler"
        5 "hintC"
        5 "hintS"
        5 "loading"
        5 "\"call\""
        5 "call compile"
        5 "toString"
        5 "toArray"
        5 "ctrlset"
        5 "rsay"
        5 "rland"
        5 "rsetDir"
        5 "_YakB"
        5 "local_sefFuel"
        5 "getVariable"
        5 "hiveupdateresu"
        5 "isServer"
        5 "isDedicated"
        5 "cutText"
        5 "publicVariable"
        5 "code"
        5 "onPlayer"
        5 "select"
        5 "while"
        5 "count"
        5 "markerText"
        5 "BIS_fnc"
        5 "_bis"
        5 "markerType"
        5 "teamtype"
        5 "composeText"
        5 "teamName"
        5 "execVM"
        5 "fn_swapVars\.sqf"
        5 "processInitCommands"
        5 "promptRName\.sqf"
        5 "rpcCodeVarName"
        5 "rpcDirectCall"
        5 "broadcastRpcCallAll"
        5 "broadcastRpcCallIfLocal"
        5 "norrnRACarUp"
        5 "norrnRAPicUp"
        5 "markerBrush"
        5 "hideObject"
        5 "deleteCollection"
        5 "forceEnd"
        5 "createAgent"
        5 "deleteVehicle"
        5 "deleteTeam"
        5 "getPlayerUID"
        5 "getVariable"
        5 "addAction"
        5 "AddM"
        5 "AddP"
        5 "AddS"
        5 "AddV"
        5 "AddW"
        5 "setAcc"
        5 "setAtt"
        5 "setC"
        5 "setF" !="SetFuel"
        5 "setG"
        5 "setH"
        5 "setM"
        5 "setObj"
        5 "setOver"
        5 "setP"
        5 "setR"
        5 "setS"
        5 "setT"
        5 "setUnit"
        5 "setV"
        5 "setW"
        5 "execFSM"
        5 "clearM"
        5 "clearV"
        5 "clearW"
        5 "createD"
        5 "createG"
        5 "createM"
        5 "createS"
        5 "createT"
        5 "createU"
        5 "createV"
        5 "debugLog"
        5 "debugFSM"
        5 "deleteM"
        5 "kbTell"
        5 "kbReact"
        5 "fadeSound"
        5 "fadeMusic"
        5 "showC"
        5 "skipTime"
        5 "taskHint"
        5 "titleCut"
        5 "titleText" !",\"titleText\","
        5 "getM"
        5 "getFSMvariable"
        5 "getG"
        5 "moveIn"
        5 "synchronizeO"
        5 "synchronizeT"
        5 "synchronizeW"
        5 "triggerA"
        5 "triggerS"
        5 "triggerT"
        5 "MarkerColor"
        5 "MarkerDir"
        5 "MarkerPos"
        5 "MarkerSize"
        5 "onEachFrame"
        5 "hasInterface"
        5 "onMapS"
        5 "OnGroup"
        5 "onDouble"
        5 "onPreload"
        5 "onTeamS"
        5 "onShowNew"
        5 "setUnconscious"
        5 " exec "
        5 " set "
        5 " str "
        5 "exec\("
        5 "set\("
        5 "str\("
        5 "exec\["
        5 "set\["
        5 "str\["
        5 "exec\{"
        5 "set\{"
        5 "str\{"
        5 "exec'"
        5 "set'"
        5 "str'"
        5 "exec\""
        5 "set\""
        5 "str\""
        5 "\)exec"
        5 "\)set"
        5 "\)str"
        5 "\]exec"
        5 "\]set"
        5 "\]str"
        5 "\}exec"
        5 "\}set"
        5 "\}str"
        5 "'exec"
        5 "'set"
        5 "'str"
        5 "str    "
        5 "    \nstr"
        5 "\nstr"
        5 "str\n"
        5 "str\n    "
        5 ",str"
        5 "str,"
        5 "str "
        5 "set    "
        5 "    \nset"
        5 "\nset"
        5 "set\n"
        5 "set\n    "
        5 ",set"
        5 "set,"
        5 "set "
        5 "exec    "
        5 "exec\n"
        5 "exec\n    "
        5 ",exec"
        5 "exec,"
        5 "exec "
        5 "isNil"
        5 "object_setFixServer"
        5 "allowConnection"
        5 "check_publishobject"
        5 "dayz_disco"
        5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
        5 "dayz_objectUID"
        5 "dayz_objectUID2"
        5 "dayz_players"
        5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
        5 "dayz_versionNo"
        5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
        5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
        5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
        5 "isSinglePlayer"
        5 "needUpdate_objects"
        5 "server_characterSync"
        5 "server_getDiff"
        5 "server_getDiff2"
        5 "server_hiveReadWrite"
        5 "server_hiveWrite"
        5 "server_onPlayerDisconnect"
        5 "server_spawnCrashSite"
        5 "server_updateNearbyObjects"
        5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
        5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
        5 "allunits"
        5 "preprocess"
        5 "runinitscript"
        5 "createdialog"
        5 "modify"
        5 "BIS_Alice_fnc_CivilianHit"
        5 "BIS_Alice_mainscope"
        5 "BIS_fnc_getFactions"
        5 "allowConnection"
        5 "check_publishobject"
        5 "dayz_disco"
        5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
        5 "dayz_objectUID"
        5 "dayz_objectUID2"
        5 "dayz_players"
        5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
        5 "dayz_versionNo"
        5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
        5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
        5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
        5 "isSinglePlayer"
        5 "needUpdate_objects"
        5 "server_characterSync"
        5 "server_getDiff"
        5 "server_getDiff2"
        5 "server_hiveReadWrite"
        5 "server_hiveWrite"
        5 "server_onPlayerDisconnect"
        5 "server_spawnCrashSite"
        5 "server_updateNearbyObjects"
        5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
        5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
        5 "allunits"
        5 "preprocess"
        5 "runinitscript"
        5 "createdialog"
        5 "actionmonitor"
        5 "bis_"
        5 "building_spawnloot"
        5 "building_spawnzombies"
        5 "camp_spawnzombies"
        5 "dog_"
        5 "drn_"
        5 "eh_localcleanup"
        5 "fnc_"
        5 "fn_nicespot"
        5 "gear_ui_init"
        5 "horde_epeen_determine_humanity_fnc"
        5 "horde_epeen_fnc_fill_page"
        5 "infectedcamps"
        5 "local_eventkill"
        5 "local_gutobject"
        5 "local_setfuel"
        5 "local_zombiedamage"
        5 "object_"
        5 "player_alertzombies"
        5 "player_animalcheck"
        5 "player_checkstealth"
        5 "player_combatroll"
        5 "player_countmagazines"
        5 "player_crossbowbolt"
        5 "player_death"
        5 "player_fired"
        5 "player_firemonitor"
        5 "player_gearset"
        5 "player_gearsync"
        5 "player_guicontrolflash"
        5 "player_humanitychange"
        5 "player_humanitymorph"
        5 "player_medbandage"
        5 "player_medepi"
        5 "player_medmorphine"
        5 "player_medpainkiller"
        5 "player_medtransfuse"
        5 "player_music"
        5 "player_packtent"
        5 "player_projectilenear"
        5 "player_spawn_1"
        5 "player_spawn_2"
        5 "player_spawncheck"
        5 "player_summedical"
        5 "player_switchmodel"
        5 "player_temp_calculation"
        5 "player_throwobject"
        5 "player_updategui"
        5 "player_weaponfirednear"
        5 "player_zombieattack"
        5 "player_zombiecheck"
        5 "r_player_removeactions2"
        5 "PVDZ_"
        5 "PVAH_"
        5 "PVAHR_"
        5 "PV_"
        5 "remExField"
        5 "remExFP"
        5 "drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs"
        5 "BIS_effects_gepv"
        5 "server_"
        5 "stream_locationcheck"
        5 "stream_locationdel"
        5 "stream_locationfill"
        5 "ui_changedisplay"
        5 "ui_initdisplay"
        5 "vehicle_gethitpoints"
        5 "world_isday"
        5 "world_sunrise"
        5 "world_surfacenoise"
        5 "zombie_"
        5 "createUnit"
        5 "createGroup"
        5 "BattleFieldClearance"
        5 "HighCommandSubordinate"
        5 "FirstAidSystem"
        5 "AlternativeInjurySimulation"
        5 "FORM"

    Im not sure how to filter this honestly Im just going to try setting the remExField to 1 in the mean time, assuming thats even the line causing the problem because it says #15 but remExField is in the 200's somewhere... Any help here would be awesome. Sometimes filters are easy like a public variable.. other times I have absolutely no idea how to filter this

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