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Posts posted by DangerRuss

  1. In the instructions it doesn't specifically say where I should add the execute line in the init.sqf, I put it at the very bottom but guessing it must need to go earlier because my server wont authenticate

    the only thing the instructions mention about the init.sqf, is for the markers to show up on your map. the traders go in your server PBO


    and you can call the markers at the very bottom of your init.sqf if you want. Maybe under the dedicated section. Honestly you should just add them to your mission.sqm like all of the other markers. If you open your mission sqm and search for markers, you'll see how the Stary Trader City markers and Bash etc are added. You can literally copy one of those. Change the names and the coords, and then change the number at the top to whatever the total number of markers is. Just keep in mind the markers start counting at zero.. so even though you've just added (making this number up) marker 7, at the top where it says items =   it would be


    because 0-7 is actually 8 total.


    here's a snippet of my markers section in my mission.sqm, hope it gives you an idea.

    class Markers
            class Item0
            class Item1
            class Item2
            class Item3
            class Item4
            class Item5
            class Item6
            class Item7
                text="Trader City Stary";
            class Item8
            class Item9
            class Item10
                text="Boat Dealer";
            class Item11
                position[]={12040.6, 0.001, 12675.4};
                text="Aircraft Dealer";
            class Item12
                text="Bandit Den";
            class Item13
                text="Trader City Klen";
            class Item14
                text="Boat Dealer";
            class Item15
                text="Trader City Bash";
            class Item16
                text="Hero Camp";
            class Item17
                text="Aircraft Dealer";
            class Item18
                text="The Villa";
            class Item19
            class Item20
            class Item21
            class Item22
            class Item23
            class Item24
                position[]={10718.305,0.08173535,5675.5303 };
            class Item25
            class Item26
            class Item27
            class Item28
                text="Lopatino Traders";

  2. Im pretty sure I still have some of these. I'll post them tomorrow. In not 100% they're these though.



    if (isServer) then {
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6420.8662, 2858.6096, 1.9073486e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -143.88776;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6420.8662, 2858.6096, 1.9073486e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6411.8818, 2854.4529, 0.00010347366], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -85.815742;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6411.8818, 2854.4529, 0.00010347366];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6395.4927, 2865.5454, 6.5803528e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 95.869598;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6395.4927, 2865.5454, 6.5803528e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6395.6543, 2865.5664, 0.00025081635], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -87.734985;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6395.6543, 2865.5664, 0.00025081635];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_22_50", [6359.4756, 2862.7659, -1.8119812e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 68.187675;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6359.4756, 2862.7659, -1.8119812e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6359.7666, 2862.8735, -1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -108.73554;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6359.7666, 2862.8735, -1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6343.8418, 2857.5647, -2.2888184e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -97.709015;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6343.8418, 2857.5647, -2.2888184e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6335.23, 2860.6731, 9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.85688;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6335.23, 2860.6731, 9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6323.7837, 2873.8662, 1.1444092e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.200844;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6323.7837, 2873.8662, 1.1444092e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6312.625, 2886.9768, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -41.581825;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6312.625, 2886.9768, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6334.5894, 2886.2229, 0.26241246], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -218.56789;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6334.5894, 2886.2229, 0.26241246];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak3", [6320.9448, 2901.521, 0.57801062], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -128.82794;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6320.9448, 2901.521, 0.57801062];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak3", [6280.958, 2853.5176, 0.52033544], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 48.984364;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6280.958, 2853.5176, 0.52033544];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6301.1973, 2899.9336, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -42.337067;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6301.1973, 2899.9336, 1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6278.25, 2879.5552], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -42.337067;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6278.25, 2879.5552];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6289.6777, 2866.5984, 1.181406], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -41.581825;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6289.6777, 2866.5984, 1.181406];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6300.8364, 2853.4878, 3.6059027], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.200844;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6300.8364, 2853.4878, 3.6059027];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_0_2000", [6312.2827, 2840.2947, 6.5233107], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.85688;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6312.2827, 2840.2947, 6.5233107];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_A_GeneralStore_01", [6287.9702, 2895.0183, -0.25579739], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -130.58078;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6287.9702, 2895.0183, -0.25579739];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6346.5649, 2895.7444, 0.059785917], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -218.52049;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6346.5649, 2895.7444, 0.059785917];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak", [6359.2183, 2905.8145, 0.42931545], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -219.28133;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6359.2183, 2905.8145, 0.42931545];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6280.0981, 2913.3762, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 66.873436;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6280.0981, 2913.3762, 1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6266.9946, 2891.908, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -35.132843;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6266.9946, 2891.908, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_22_50", [6265.7188, 2901.3687, 5.7220459e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 39.304012;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6265.7188, 2901.3687, 5.7220459e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak3", [6263.8901, 2917.8691, -3.8146973e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -219.26872;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6263.8901, 2917.8691, -3.8146973e-005];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6289.6587, 2925.9353, 0.16458806], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -164.18979;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6289.6587, 2925.9353, 0.16458806];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6318.7148, 2886.7168, 3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6318.7148, 2886.7168, 3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6307.3105, 2899.7546, 2.2888184e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6307.3105, 2899.7546, 2.2888184e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak3", [6265.1636, 2872.4307, 0.31768522], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.628109;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6265.1636, 2872.4307, 0.31768522];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6293.6235, 2853.6489, -9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -64.709366;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6293.6235, 2853.6489, -9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6277.3564, 2874.2063, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 68.601357;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6277.3564, 2874.2063, 1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6262.2861, 2888.2048, 5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 131.89035;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6262.2861, 2888.2048, 5.7220459e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6295.876, 2915.2073, 3.8146973e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -73.680588;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6295.876, 2915.2073, 3.8146973e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak", [6251.9351, 2893.5969, 5.9127808e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 87.168015;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6251.9351, 2893.5969, 5.9127808e-005];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6321.5044, 2837.012, 9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -98.838409;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6321.5044, 2837.012, 9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_30_25", [6333.0005, 2842.6809, 2.2888184e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -130.91135;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6333.0005, 2842.6809, 2.2888184e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_10_75", [6340.0845, 2853.1023, 9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -150.69914;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6340.0845, 2853.1023, 9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_6konec", [6342.8218, 2858.0764, 3.8146973e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -150.85262;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6342.8218, 2858.0764, 3.8146973e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6350.6279, 2844.6106, 0.62622374], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -64.739418;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6350.6279, 2844.6106, 0.62622374];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak3", [6296.7183, 2836.1382, 0.43499148], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.12059;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6296.7183, 2836.1382, 0.43499148];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_quercus3s", [6325.7954, 2846.6992, 7.6293945e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6325.7954, 2846.6992, 7.6293945e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6333.4321, 2871.2271, 6.8664551e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -80.359039;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6333.4321, 2871.2271, 6.8664551e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6311.8867, 2833.075, 5.531311e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -128.2901;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6311.8867, 2833.075, 5.531311e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_fraxinus2W", [6367.7563, 2857.0505, 5.1498413e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6367.7563, 2857.0505, 5.1498413e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_fraxinus2s", [6362.8521, 2874.5349, 6.3896179e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6362.8521, 2874.5349, 6.3896179e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_fagus2s", [6385.5313, 2874.8596, 0.00010967255], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6385.5313, 2874.8596, 0.00010967255];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_carpinus2s", [6408.7852, 2872.9414, 3.3378601e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -165.35512;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6408.7852, 2872.9414, 3.3378601e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_b_craet2", [6298.3267, 2883.6418, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -93.371201;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6298.3267, 2883.6418, 1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Misc_Hutch", [6298.8921, 2925.3862, 5.7220459e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -73.87709;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6298.8921, 2925.3862, 5.7220459e-005];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_phone_box", [6325.0957, 2884.6099, 4.7683716e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 51.596951;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6325.0957, 2884.6099, 4.7683716e-005];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_phone_box", [6326.1074, 2883.3296, 9.5367432e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 51.540066;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6326.1074, 2883.3296, 9.5367432e-005];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_GasMeterExt", [6323.4419, 2892.6821, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -35.753948;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6323.4419, 2892.6821, 1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Kontejner", [6303.8198, 2888.062, 2.0980835e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 46.86861;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6303.8198, 2888.062, 2.0980835e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Kontejner", [6304.6333, 2890.9165, -1.1444092e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -39.706879;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6304.6333, 2890.9165, -1.1444092e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Piskoviste", [6316.8687, 2858.5757, 0.1870742], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 47.687263;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6316.8687, 2858.5757, 0.1870742];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_drevena_bedna", [6274.3164, 2894.0261, 4.5776367e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 52.78315;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6274.3164, 2894.0261, 4.5776367e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Misc_cargo_cont_tiny", [6281.166, 2861.8853, 4.9591064e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -41.898834;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6281.166, 2861.8853, 4.9591064e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_box_c", [6302.5825, 2888.0198, 0.28905699], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6302.5825, 2888.0198, 0.28905699];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_brana", [6303.9795, 2874.4075, 1.7166138e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 141.12119;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6303.9795, 2874.4075, 1.7166138e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_leseni4x", [6270.4404, 2922.7068, 9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 51.957207;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6270.4404, 2922.7068, 9.5367432e-006];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_pumpa", [6326.2603, 2856.8955, 0.17976061], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -85.645279;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6326.2603, 2856.8955, 0.17976061];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Toilet", [6333.5693, 2854.6746, 6.8664551e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -262.35727;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6333.5693, 2854.6746, 6.8664551e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Misc_palletsfoiled", [6296.8359, 2897.7578, 1.255439], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6296.8359, 2897.7578, 1.255439];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Misc_palletsfoiled_heap", [6278.1982, 2906.5642, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 47.72155;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6278.1982, 2906.5642, 1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_bags_stack_EP1", [6298.7236, 2895.4084, 1.2724828], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.48167;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6298.7236, 2895.4084, 1.2724828];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6324.7075, 2866.6968, 4.3869019e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.810673;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6324.7075, 2866.6968, 4.3869019e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_vrat_l", [6294.6123, 2868.3669, 7.6293945e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 124.04044;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6294.6123, 2868.3669, 7.6293945e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6323.0566, 2868.6296, 2.4795532e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.085579;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6323.0566, 2868.6296, 2.4795532e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6321.3931, 2870.5876], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.810673;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6321.3931, 2870.5876];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6319.7397, 2872.5195, -0.012633142], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.085579;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6319.7397, 2872.5195, -0.012633142];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6314.7661, 2878.3438], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.810673;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6314.7661, 2878.3438];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6313.1152, 2880.2766, -0.0068064523], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.085579;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6313.1152, 2880.2766, -0.0068064523];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6318.083, 2874.4539, 0.005670493], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.810673;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6318.083, 2874.4539, 0.005670493];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6316.4297, 2876.3857, 0.0086614732], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.085579;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6316.4297, 2876.3857, 0.0086614732];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6328.0298, 2862.8286], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.810673;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6328.0298, 2862.8286];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6326.3789, 2864.7615, -0.015501022], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.085579;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6326.3789, 2864.7615, -0.015501022];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6331.3379, 2858.97], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.810673;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6331.3379, 2858.97];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6329.687, 2860.9028, -0.0097678639], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.085579;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6329.687, 2860.9028, -0.0097678639];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6334.6602, 2855.1018, 0.0081860963], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.810673;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6334.6602, 2855.1018, 0.0081860963];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6333.0093, 2857.0347, 0.012334617], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.085579;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6333.0093, 2857.0347, 0.012334617];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6334.7158, 2853.1365], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 125.11621;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6334.7158, 2853.1365];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6333.2563, 2851.0369, 1.7166138e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 125.11621;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6333.2563, 2851.0369, 1.7166138e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6331.8008, 2848.9768, 2.0980835e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 125.11621;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6331.8008, 2848.9768, 2.0980835e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6330.3179, 2846.9639, 5.1498413e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 128.04677;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6330.3179, 2846.9639, 5.1498413e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6328.5103, 2845.2573, 5.3405762e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 145.22882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6328.5103, 2845.2573, 5.3405762e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6326.3828, 2843.8811, 5.3405762e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 149.47449;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6326.3828, 2843.8811, 5.3405762e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6324.0874, 2842.887, -1.1444092e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 163.62411;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6324.0874, 2842.887, -1.1444092e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6321.6577, 2842.4006, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 173.66792;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6321.6577, 2842.4006, 1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6319.1685, 2842.4539, -2.2888184e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 189.56873;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6319.1685, 2842.4539, -2.2888184e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6316.9214, 2843.344, 3.4332275e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 214.64977;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6316.9214, 2843.344, 3.4332275e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6314.9424, 2844.9856, -2.2888184e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 223.92461;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6314.9424, 2844.9856, -2.2888184e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6296.5537, 2866.1089], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -133.42802;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6296.5537, 2866.1089];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6294.8462, 2867.998, 0.0026651337], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -130.91759;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6294.8462, 2867.998, 0.0026651337];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6300.0112, 2862.3545, -0.045308456], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -131.43636;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6300.0112, 2862.3545, -0.045308456];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6298.2974, 2864.26, -0.041190118], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -132.50522;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6298.2974, 2864.26, -0.041190118];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6305.0991, 2856.6494, -0.015912576], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -131.18515;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6305.0991, 2856.6494, -0.015912576];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6303.4058, 2858.5288, -0.020229418], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -131.87399;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6303.4058, 2858.5288, -0.020229418];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6301.7153, 2860.4458, -0.039025676], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -131.78905;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6301.7153, 2860.4458, -0.039025676];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6306.7725, 2854.7117, -0.011785435], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -130.46561;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6306.7725, 2854.7117, -0.011785435];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6310.0767, 2850.8518, -0.00095379911], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -129.87141;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6310.0767, 2850.8518, -0.00095379911];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6308.438, 2852.7751, -0.012583965], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -130.95532;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6308.438, 2852.7751, -0.012583965];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6313.2437, 2846.8884, 0.011324618], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -127.2674;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6313.2437, 2846.8884, 0.011324618];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6311.668, 2848.877, 0.016415402], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -128.88954;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6311.668, 2848.877, 0.016415402];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6296.9463, 2871.0913, 2.0980835e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -38.844086;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6296.9463, 2871.0913, 2.0980835e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6298.9277, 2872.6753, 2.0980835e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -38.844086;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6298.9277, 2872.6753, 2.0980835e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6300.9087, 2874.2764, 1.335144e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -38.844086;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6300.9087, 2874.2764, 1.335144e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6302.8999, 2875.8936, 3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -38.844086;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6302.8999, 2875.8936, 3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6304.8911, 2877.4929, 3.8146973e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -38.844086;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6304.8911, 2877.4929, 3.8146973e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6306.8652, 2879.0842, 1.7166138e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -38.844086;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6306.8652, 2879.0842, 1.7166138e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_vrat_l", [6307.4253, 2881.2219, 2.4795532e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -187.75278;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6307.4253, 2881.2219, 2.4795532e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6310.9883, 2881.355, 0.00010299683], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 7.4113011;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6310.9883, 2881.355, 0.00010299683];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Toilet", [6332.9268, 2852.4255, 3.4332275e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -225.30295;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6332.9268, 2852.4255, 3.4332275e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_b_craet1", [6333.0132, 2870.9888, 3.2424927e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6333.0132, 2870.9888, 3.2424927e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_b_craet1", [6334.6445, 2871.4834, 3.2424927e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 102.92605;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6334.6445, 2871.4834, 3.2424927e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_drevena_bedna", [6273.1387, 2893.3201, 1.1444092e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -80.122498;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6273.1387, 2893.3201, 1.1444092e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_drevena_bedna", [6273.7241, 2891.8008, 0.81617403], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -26.719316;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6273.7241, 2891.8008, 0.81617403];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Baseball", [6305.3965, 2868.2185, 6.2942505e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6305.3965, 2868.2185, 6.2942505e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["LADAWreck", [6294.1831, 2866.8232, 4.196167e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -36.416214;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6294.1831, 2866.8232, 4.196167e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["LADAWreck", [6336.5215, 2853.8501, -1.335144e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 33.390934;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6336.5215, 2853.8501, -1.335144e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Park_bench2", [6325.8125, 2864.4553, 3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -130.2693;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6325.8125, 2864.4553, 3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Park_bench2", [6324.1509, 2866.3079, 3.2424927e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -128.89813;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6324.1509, 2866.3079, 3.2424927e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Park_bench2", [6322.4961, 2852.8572, 2.2888184e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -43.590076;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6322.4961, 2852.8572, 2.2888184e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Park_bench2", [6320.2061, 2850.9414, 6.4849854e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -18.100821;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6320.2061, 2850.9414, 6.4849854e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Park_bench2", [6309.0693, 2853.3088, 1.9073486e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 51.571648;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6309.0693, 2853.3088, 1.9073486e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Park_bench2", [6310.623, 2851.3555, 2.8610229e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 45.369057;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6310.623, 2851.3555, 2.8610229e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["datsun02Wreck", [6347.9814, 2866.1882, 2.6702881e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 124.28648;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6347.9814, 2866.1882, 2.6702881e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_b_canina2s", [6270.6602, 2899.4697, 7.6293945e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6270.6602, 2899.4697, 7.6293945e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_b_corylus2s", [6270.1245, 2897.2778, 7.6293945e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6270.1245, 2897.2778, 7.6293945e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6262.4307, 2806.4304, 1.1837633], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -399.90231;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6262.4307, 2806.4304, 1.1837633];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6250.5957, 2796.4915, 0.12741812], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -400.7272;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6250.5957, 2796.4915, 0.12741812];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_A_Office01", [6224.8291, 2860.8765, -0.023780728], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.421719;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6224.8291, 2860.8765, -0.023780728];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_runwayold_40_main", [6235.4849, 2852.1018, 1.9073486e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.326317;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6235.4849, 2852.1018, 1.9073486e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6238.8389, 2786.313, -0.00011920929], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _vehicle_304 = _bldObj;
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.924625;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6238.8389, 2786.313, -0.00011920929];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak", [6219.0366, 2786.9331, 0.34848964], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 47.912704;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6219.0366, 2786.9331, 0.34848964];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak3", [6203.02, 2805.6443, 0.37927905], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 48.345005;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6203.02, 2805.6443, 0.37927905];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6233.5474, 2804.2366, -0.0001449585], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -101.2412;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6233.5474, 2804.2366, -0.0001449585];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_30_25", [6244.356, 2810.6287, 9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -134.8233;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6244.356, 2810.6287, 9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_15_75", [6256.7163, 2824.8623, 2.2888184e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -146.28133;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6256.7163, 2824.8623, 2.2888184e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_22_50", [6265.0122, 2841.7742, -1.335144e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -165.05345;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6265.0122, 2841.7742, -1.335144e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_30_25", [6264.9751, 2852.5313, -3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -191.92918;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6264.9751, 2852.5313, -3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_60_10", [6265.04, 2851.9788, 1.9073486e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6265.04, 2851.9788, 1.9073486e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_10_75", [6279.2583, 2869.3152, 3.4332275e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -137.8517;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6279.2583, 2869.3152, 3.4332275e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_6konec", [6283.5835, 2873.4519, 3.8146973e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -133.62109;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6283.5835, 2873.4519, 3.8146973e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_1_1000", [6224.4658, 2807.0911, -0.00010490417], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -46.698982;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6224.4658, 2807.0911, -0.00010490417];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf3_6konec", [6207.8418, 2823.5222, -3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 136.57327;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6207.8418, 2823.5222, -3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_A_AdvertisingColumn", [6341.9302, 2865.686, 3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6341.9302, 2865.686, 3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Misc_WaterStation", [6210.6577, 2848.6248, -2.4795532e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -220.49823;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6210.6577, 2848.6248, -2.4795532e-005];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_BusStop", [6265.0771, 2825.8481, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 123.82304;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6265.0771, 2825.8481, -1.9073486e-006];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_garaz", [6220.6802, 2822.9563, -0.19512306], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -133.18227;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6220.6802, 2822.9563, -0.19512306];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6218.6021, 2835.8252, -7.6293945e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6218.6021, 2835.8252, -7.6293945e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6224.7231, 2828.7698, 7.6293945e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 69.468262;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6224.7231, 2828.7698, 7.6293945e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_t_populus3s", [6229.6196, 2823.1895, 6.8664551e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -94.935783;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6229.6196, 2823.1895, 6.8664551e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6233.958, 2876.7834, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _vehicle_359 = _bldObj;
    		  _bldObj setDir -39.902081;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6233.958, 2876.7834, 1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6235.877, 2878.4241, 0.00012588501], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.603882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6235.877, 2878.4241, 0.00012588501];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6238.0464, 2878.8857, 4.3869019e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 16.601267;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6238.0464, 2878.8857, 4.3869019e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6240.0669, 2877.5432, 1.1444092e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 51.102566;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6240.0669, 2877.5432, 1.1444092e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6241.7002, 2875.5955, 2.8610229e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.010616;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6241.7002, 2875.5955, 2.8610229e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6243.3691, 2873.6589, -1.1444092e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 48.869171;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6243.3691, 2873.6589, -1.1444092e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6245.0137, 2871.6943], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 51.184704;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6245.0137, 2871.6943];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6246.6421, 2869.7322, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.42749;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6246.6421, 2869.7322, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6248.3003, 2867.7817, 1.9073486e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.116188;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6248.3003, 2867.7817, 1.9073486e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6249.9507, 2865.8157, 1.1444092e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 50.027767;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6249.9507, 2865.8157, 1.1444092e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6251.5747, 2863.8345, -3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.432877;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6251.5747, 2863.8345, -3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6253.2314, 2861.8899, 9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.591045;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6253.2314, 2861.8899, 9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6254.8911, 2859.9543, 4.0054321e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 48.848083;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6254.8911, 2859.9543, 4.0054321e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6256.563, 2858.0125, 4.0054321e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.095303;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6256.563, 2858.0125, 4.0054321e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6258.2329, 2856.0586, -5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.634216;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6258.2329, 2856.0586, -5.7220459e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6259.9165, 2854.1284, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 48.323299;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6259.9165, 2854.1284, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6261.5854, 2852.2166, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.370113;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6261.5854, 2852.2166, 1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6262.2939, 2849.9985, 3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 95.614365;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6262.2939, 2849.9985, 3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6261.189, 2847.9167], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -219.4993;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6261.189, 2847.9167];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6259.2524, 2846.2561, -7.6293945e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -221.98232;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6259.2524, 2846.2561, -7.6293945e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6257.3394, 2844.5825, 3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -220.50328;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6257.3394, 2844.5825, 3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6255.3867, 2842.9211, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -220.81093;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6255.3867, 2842.9211, 1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6253.4536, 2841.2432, 9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -220.86757;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6253.4536, 2841.2432, 9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6251.502, 2839.6082, -3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -219.42076;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6251.502, 2839.6082, -3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6244.0044, 2833.2791, -3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -39.93132;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6244.0044, 2833.2791, -3.0517578e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6242.061, 2831.6077, -4.196167e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.603882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6242.061, 2831.6077, -4.196167e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6240.1265, 2829.9426, -4.196167e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.603882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6240.1265, 2829.9426, -4.196167e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6238.1875, 2828.2676, -2.6702881e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.603882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6238.1875, 2828.2676, -2.6702881e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6236.2637, 2826.594, 6.4849854e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.603882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6236.2637, 2826.594, 6.4849854e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6234.332, 2824.9141, -4.3869019e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.603882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6234.332, 2824.9141, -4.3869019e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6232.4639, 2824.8809, -9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 48.614437;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6232.4639, 2824.8809, -9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6230.7993, 2826.8464, -1.335144e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 48.614437;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6230.7993, 2826.8464, -1.335144e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6229.103, 2828.7825, 1.7166138e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 48.614437;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6229.103, 2828.7825, 1.7166138e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6227.4219, 2830.7122, -5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.388081;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6227.4219, 2830.7122, -5.7220459e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6225.7734, 2832.6528, -1.335144e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.388081;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6225.7734, 2832.6528, -1.335144e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6224.1025, 2834.6133, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 50.929413;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6224.1025, 2834.6133, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6222.4873, 2836.6086, -3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 50.357254;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6222.4873, 2836.6086, -3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6220.856, 2838.5886, 1.335144e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.929462;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6220.856, 2838.5886, 1.335144e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6219.2017, 2840.5344, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.388081;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6219.2017, 2840.5344, 1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6217.3931, 2840.709, -9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.068882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6217.3931, 2840.709, -9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6215.3789, 2839.0378, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -38.758835;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6215.3789, 2839.0378, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6213.4097, 2837.4268, 3.6239624e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -40.068882;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6213.4097, 2837.4268, 3.6239624e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6211.6045, 2837.5825, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 50.782471;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6211.6045, 2837.5825, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6209.9648, 2839.5684, 5.1498413e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 49.3004;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6209.9648, 2839.5684, 5.1498413e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6208.3818, 2841.5586, 9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 52.564323;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6208.3818, 2841.5586, 9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6206.8271, 2843.5847, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 52.274738;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6206.8271, 2843.5847, 1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6205.2349, 2845.5823, 2.6702881e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 50.782471;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6205.2349, 2845.5823, 2.6702881e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6205.2705, 2847.4753, 2.4795532e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -219.16606;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6205.2705, 2847.4753, 2.4795532e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Kontejner", [6210.0527, 2841.877, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6210.0527, 2841.877, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Kontejner", [6213.2998, 2838.2756, 4.196167e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -120.99678;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6213.2998, 2838.2756, 4.196167e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_Kontejner", [6216.1108, 2840.6201, -1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -133.94133;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6216.1108, 2840.6201, -1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [6240.9409, 2855.4099, -9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6240.9409, 2855.4099, -9.5367432e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [6228.458, 2844.5601, -3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6228.458, 2844.5601, -3.0517578e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_b_craet2", [6245.9194, 2833.0581, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6245.9194, 2833.0581, 1.5258789e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_b_craet2", [6252.0957, 2837.8545, 1.7166138e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -123.21021;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6252.0957, 2837.8545, 1.7166138e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_sign_speed20", [6275.9019, 2870.125, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -122.44411;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6275.9019, 2870.125, 1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_sign_stop", [6282.3584, 2867.2795, -3.8146973e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 46.695694;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6282.3584, 2867.2795, -3.8146973e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_sign_bus", [6258.6436, 2821.4087, 5.1498413e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 38.117283;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6258.6436, 2821.4087, 5.1498413e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_sign_children_new", [6341.9263, 2861.0107, 0.00010108948], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -82.302521;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6341.9263, 2861.0107, 0.00010108948];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["LADAWreck", [6228.5176, 2813.9263, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6228.5176, 2813.9263, -1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["LADAWreck", [6231.7485, 2809.7627, -5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -298.34589;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6231.7485, 2809.7627, -5.7220459e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_b_craet2", [6228.7241, 2787.4268, -0.0001449585], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setPos [6228.7241, 2787.4268, -0.0001449585];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_garaz_mala", [6202.2344, 2832.2527, -0.28827938], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 140.10844;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6202.2344, 2832.2527, -0.28827938];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_garaz_mala", [6206.6489, 2836.3162, -0.3154254], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 139.13754;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6206.6489, 2836.3162, -0.3154254];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_garaz_mala", [6197.4512, 2828.3555, -0.3235786], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 139.13754;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6197.4512, 2828.3555, -0.3235786];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["UAZWreck", [6198.8701, 2818.8455, 5.7220459e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 114.30756;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6198.8701, 2818.8455, 5.7220459e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_sign_parking", [6223.1719, 2812.6316, -5.1498413e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -54.277538;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6223.1719, 2812.6316, -5.1498413e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_vrat_r", [6243.7715, 2836.1021, 3.6239624e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -303.39685;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6243.7715, 2836.1021, 3.6239624e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_draty", [6249.5425, 2837.9895, 1.7166138e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -219.42076;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6249.5425, 2837.9895, 1.7166138e-005];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_plot_green_vrat_r", [6246.8223, 2835.4712, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -43.445068;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6246.8223, 2835.4712, 1.9073486e-006];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["ASC_EU_LHSSidl1", [6342.2212, 2859.4551, 2.8610229e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -64.540627;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6342.2212, 2859.4551, 2.8610229e-005];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["ASC_EU_LHSSidl1", [6283.104, 2867.4021, -9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 100.18829;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6283.104, 2867.4021, -9.5367432e-006];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["ASC_EU_LHSSidl1", [6315.3809, 2887.96, 1.5258789e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -29.182646;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6315.3809, 2887.96, 1.5258789e-005];
    		 _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["ASC_EU_LHSSidl1", [6264.9214, 2828.4023, 2.2888184e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir 22.94626;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6264.9214, 2828.4023, 2.2888184e-005];
    		  _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj = createVehicle ["ASC_EU_LHSSidl1", [6212.5293, 2825.6907, -5.1498413e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj setDir -73.807373;
    		  _bldObj setPos [6212.5293, 2825.6907, -5.1498413e-005];
    		  _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj  = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6281.6069, 2805.501, -0.02096894], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj  setDir 47.103615;
    		  _bldObj  setPos [6281.6069, 2805.501, -0.02096894];
    		  _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    		_bldObj = objNull;
    		if (true) then
    		  _bldObj  = createVehicle ["Land_Panelak2", [6292.0693, 2794.1968, 0.35993403], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		  _bldObj  setDir 47.526867;
    		  _bldObj  setPos [6292.0693, 2794.1968, 0.35993403];
    		  _bldObj setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];

  3. EDP these scripts are awesome thanks a lot man! I don't really know anything about scripting but was able to create the buildings file, add the scripts I want, and execute them. Problem Im having is that the traders are cloned, as a previous person had happen. How do I fix this?? I added one execute command for each trader in my init.sqf, is that wrong?


    Thanks again!

    yea where in the instructions did you see it mention doing anything in the mission? Post your init.sqf I gotta see exactly what you mean by adding one execute command for each trader.


    If you called them twice, either twice in the mission pbo, twice in the server pbo, or once in the mission and once in the server, they'll duplicate.

  4. Id say so, although your address looks odd.

    vilayers set up is weird because the PBO's automatically compiles on restart. So you can make all your editing live with an FTP manager and dont need to pack or unpack PBO's, then whenever the server next restarts the changes are automatically applied.


    On a side note this didnt work, it couldnt' find the jpg.. ill have to play with the pathing  I guess. Mission side works fine though :) screen shot coming soon!

  5. Sure, just do as you would for any other custom building. If you need a hand let me know.

    (Or check post in the install spoiler to get an idea of how to do that.)


    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\noparking.sqf";

    should work as long as you create a "buildings" folder in your dayz_server .pbo

    oh yea man Ive been doing this a long time Ive just never called a jpg from the server before I wasn't sure if it could do it or not

    thanks :)

  6. Without skimming through all 50 + pages, can someone tell me if there is a way to make multiple types of static weapon spawn at a mission? It seems as though the weapon is either random, or predefined, but whatever it is, there is only one kind at each mission. So if the M2 is selected, there will be several M2's but ONLY M2's.

    I was thinking something like this

    //Static Guns
    		[(_position select 0) + 25, (_position select 1) + 25, 0],
    		[(_position select 0) - 25, (_position select 1) - 25, 0]
    	],["M2StaticMG","DSHKM_Ins"],"extreme","Hero","Hero",0,2,"Random","Random",_mission] call spawn_static;

    Would that work?

  7. Ok thanks DangeRuss.  It's noted for next time.  I turned on plot pole building and tried that.  It did not make a difference.

    I dont think anyone gave any advice regarding turning plot pole building on or off. He was talking about the plot 4 life mod. Also you have probably just messed up merging your files from zupa coins and vectoring. They both use similar files. You need to make all your edits in one file, and not multiples of the same file.

  8. Any idea why these would completely break my traders? Tried adding lopatino traders and it breaks every trader on the server because they dont have a trader menu option when you look at them. Remove this and they work fine. Odd. Ive changed all the AI to match existing traders so I dont have to add more into the my server_traders.sqf


    EDIT- I think I made a mistake in my variables.sqf somewhere for something unrelated thats breaking scroll wheel actions in general. Gonna test it out and report back


    Yep I made a mistake in my variables.sqf that broke scroll wheel actions. All is well and this works fine. Great addition, I only wish the sqf wasnt in vehicles and not bldobjects or whatever. I need to customize this a bit further because my server is militarized and I need to wrap concrete tank traps around the area and move the helipad out further and i can't convert this to beidi since they're not vehicles. So I'll have to spend some time converting it using a little notepad++ magic.

  9. Survivor I'll turn off no plot pole building and see.  Also I don't use zupa's coin system.


    DangerRuss lol I thought using the code button would do spoilers.  After seeing it did not I asked how to do it.  Lol I do agree it's to much without them.

    type[spoiler  type your message /spoiler]  make sure the first one has brackets on both sides second one looks like

    so it looks

    like this, with the syntax highlighting

  10. How do you UP the number of AI?    A guy asked around page 7 or 8 but no one answered......     Would love more AI at missions as only three spawn at each one!

    In every individual mission find the block of code that looks like this

    //DZMSAISpawn spawns AI to the mission.
    //Usage: [_coords, count, skillLevel, unitArray]
    [[(_coords select 0) - 10.5005,(_coords select 1) - 2.6465,0],6,3,"DZMSUnitsMajor", true, true] call DZMSAISpawn;
    sleep 5;
    [[(_coords select 0) + 4.7027,(_coords select 1) + 12.2138,0],6,3,"DZMSUnitsMajor", true, true] call DZMSAISpawn;
    sleep 5;
    [[(_coords select 0) + 2.918,(_coords select 1) - 9.0342,0],6,3,"DZMSUnitsMajor", true, true] call DZMSAISpawn;
    sleep 5;
    [[(_coords select 0) + 2.918,(_coords select 1) - 9.0342,0],6,3,"DZMSUnitsMajor", true, true] call DZMSAISpawn;

    edit the count

  11. Im trying to just use an event, forget the mission, to reset the safe codes AND lockbox codes. Ive tried this query

    UPDATE FROM `object_data`
    AND `CharacterID` > 0
    AND `Classname` LIKE '%vault%' OR Classname LIKE '%box%'
    AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL

    When I use

    Select * FROM `object_data`

    to test it, it returns lock boxes that have a last updated entry from today.. any ideas?


    I think I fixed this by changing it like so

    UPDATE `object_data` 
    SET `CharacterID` = 0 
    AND `CharacterID` > 0 
    AND `Classname` IN ('VaultStorageLocked','LockboxStorageLocked')  
    AND `Inventory` <> '[]' 
    AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL
  12. For my purposes, it's easier to list the weapons that can be given to a new spawn. There would be so many weapons to exclude from a new spawn, it would be ridiculous. I also would rather edit a single line in the init.sqf and upload a custom .sqf to another folder rather than make changes to core Epoch files.

    yea fair enough, I suppose it would cause more issues when epoch is updated. I dont really have to worry about it with overwatch.

  13. Does this actually address the age old exploitation of towing/lifting to get into people's bases? I see it has a configurable option to not allow players to enter a towed or lifted vehicle, and also someone suggested locking the vehicle automatically upon towing it... Has anyone ever figured out how to completely disable interaction with the vehicle once it's being towed? The only thing you should be able to do with a towed or lifted vehicle is untow it.

  14. Might be a bit late for this bit of a suggestion... but instead of modifying this in the mission.. why not edit the playerlogin.sqf  and call from the configs to truly be random, and not use these arrays?  Then you can make 1 array that blacklists specific weapons and you can even make strings to blacklist things like ACOG or AIM so that no weapon with that in its name will be given. Thats what we do on my overwatch server.  Just food for thought!

  15. Yea it was a real shot in the dark. I just compared my smokeweed.sqf to that one and tried to see whats different. It looked like he had an extra bracket and was missing a closing bracket at the bottom. It could be that the script itself doesn't work. you could try just copying the effects part of that script and adding it to the one I gave you which works.


    In all honesty, the novelty effect of the crazy high wears off quickly and it just becomes annoying. If you actually want people to use the weed to heal, you won't want such crazy visuals.  We'll have to wait for gr8 to chime in.

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