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Server Population Down?


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lol if your going to kill all the new players that come on your server no wonder no one comes on , leave new players alone and let them get established and then if you must fight them but just make sure you use no admin tools fair fight and they will no doubt stick about :) 

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I wonder who they're expecting to sign up for this new hosting of theirs, considering they just pissed off the majority of their remaining playerbase.

I left a long time ago after they screwed us over with admin tools/server files. I was in a clan that worked directly with KingHunt and that guy would promise so much but all he cared about was money.

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I left a long time ago after they screwed us over with admin tools/server files. I was in a clan that worked directly with KingHunt and that guy would promise so much but all he cared about was money.


Yeah, I rented a server wayyy back for 1 month. The no-access-to-anything bit was very unappealing to me.

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I had quite a stable core on my chernarus server. Then a "clan" joined and killed or camped people all the time. Now it's empty. Just waiting for it to happen to Panthera.

It's what happens to servers when they're populated by farmers that run away instead of uniting and fighting back. =P Most of my patrons have been the sort that just want to "live" on the server and don't want any quarrels, but I encourage them to stand up if someone is terrorizing them. That and I have some friends that are just itching for PvP, so they can just pop on and have some fun with that. =P Battles should be the defining moments, not gathering soda cans and building badly designed floating boxes!

But yeah, I think there's been a bit of a shift to other games maybe. I can't really see people shifting to other mods though. Being a server admin and keeping people interested can be a bit of an overtime job. I think most of that is finding key individuals that, by themselves, keep things interesting and making sure they want to stick around.

I don't really get why Epoch players populate most of the servers they do though. Most of the popular servers out there seem to run... not that well. I guess I'm of the minority that prefers performance before bling.


Well origins just technically died to their bullshit so a lot of people are gonna be coming over to epoch now. There is also close to 4000 servers i assume its hard to fill them up to the brim.

LOL, people were still playing Origins? I thought it went to crap a long time ago when they started banning 90% of the people who were simply connected to any Origins server at a specific time. Oh, and then flying fortresses... So, you're saying it got worse? XD

Well saw that coming a mile off about a century ago lol. Dbags, everywhere, dbag$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Wow this thread exploded.  Okay, so the trend is down right now.  We went from Napf back to Chenarus.  That helped a little I think. We'll see.  We are going to back off the bambi murdering but they're so fun to kill.

I don't really get that either. I guess it's mostly familiarity? I enjoy Napf so much more than Chernaraus. Cherna is a great map and always will be, but Napf is more interesting to me.
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He retracted that post saying towards the end that GTX lied about everything and never showed proof regarding the 60,000 donation accusation. So now everyone thinks that GTX is in the wrong and that GP did nothing wrong.


looks like somebody got paid off..

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