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Selling in game benifits - where do you stand?

(GSG) Az

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Let me start with the following statement




That being said, I wanted to get the developers opinions and also the epoch community's. I have several competing servers (I wont name and shame) that are absolutely milking people by having 'Kits" available for purchase. In game benefits such as starting with an M107 etc, building supply packs etc. 


Firstly, is this even allowed? Isn't this directly profiting off the Epoch teams assets? Doesn't that violate the EULA? 


Secondly, I get that servers require donations to keep afloat but where do we draw the line? Up until now this has been a matter of morality but perhaps a more direct approach is needed?


I suppose I am a bit peeved at seeing server owners milking something that clearly isnt their's to milk. Perhaps im alone in this thinking, perhaps not. 



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That players do with their money is up to them. If a server is forcing them to pay, then they should know when to talk away. I will be honest, my server dose offer "rewards/benefits" when people donate, but that is the only way I can keep my network running. I pay about 200USD, and I live in Canada, which makes it a bit more around $250-$300, due to tax and since I pay with CAD. There’s no way I can keep it alive by myself. So I need people to donate for this. If player wanted a Pay-to-win free server, they should go to vanilla epoch, simple.


Most people would see it as pay to win, really one person doing this benefits the people who are not donating too. Well, yea they might now get a custom loadouts. But they get a real, lag free server to play on. Simple. This is just like the sense of admin abuse. The admins paid to host the server, which gives him ability some would call "god". Instead of trying to make server owners know when to call the line, shouldn't the player know, when to call the line.


As one of my admins told a player who had a problem with the way we ran our server. "There’s over 2000 Epoch servers out there, I am more than sure you will find one that fits your needs".


Think of this: When you got to your local supermarket, when they ask you to donate for "The kids in third world countries". You get to put your name on the little card and it’s hanged, to show you as a reward/thanks for your donation. Same thing, it may not be on a card. But it’s ingame.

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I highly doubt this is about occasional help for donaters. I too have seen servers where you could rent bases for a starting price + monthly fees. Or rent a car that will spawn next to your base on every server restart, crates with loot and stuff like that.
I hate stuff like that. Ever since some greedy guys started this in TF2, where you could buy 'premium' and have overpowered features in game, this has spread accross several games. One Name hosting servers like that pops into mind instantly. Even if Epoch would go down and I still had the urge to play Epoch, and those were the only servers available, I wouldnt play it. You can also buy safezones and other features that are not available by just playing. And that clearly is P2W.
I have no problems with Serverowners asking for donations and helping those a little bit more that do that.
Oh well. I found a good admin team and a nice server owner anyway. He's not biased as others tend to be, so I don't really care what other serverhosts are doing. Those who commercialize it put a lot of effort into that. And in pure spite: I hope they fail and end up losing money.

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Report the servers for what exactly?

I strongly recommend that players never donate for in-game items. Donor loadouts are acceptable as long as the items are from ArmA 2, ArmA 2 OA, or DayZ and not from DayZ Epoch mod. -vbawol


The servers that im talking about is selling epoch building supplies for 20$ a month which is against the licensing for Epoch.

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Well as a donor loadout like weapons and such is allowed but offering building supplies is still illegal according to vbawol's team. I don't think anyone should be rewarded with anything because it creates a pay 2 win atmosphere. It destroys the core gameplay a lot more then it already is.


Epoch has already destroyed the core feature of the the game(no-offense, still love the mod). Everything is available, in regular dayz you had to find everything. Now you can sell things and get high powerful weapons. What the difference, you use real money just like using ingame money to buy thing. This is in every game, from PCs - Xbox.

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Go play vanilla epoch, simple.


Some thing that would be op is when, you donate +1$ and you get a free dome place on your base.

One of the most recent servers that i played on had this option plus the ability to respawn back at your base with a full loadout. So whenever you killed someone the guy respawns instantly at his base and kills you. Pretty stupid if you ask me and the fact people blow 25$ a month on that access blows my mind.

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Our only donation perk is ingame humanity, which is optional, it doesn't upset the balance of the game and is not pay to win. A lot of the time our donators don't even want the humanity, they just want us to stay up and running.

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Servers don't run on good intentions and unicorn farts...  Actual real world money gets placed into running most of these..


The line gets drawn when you FORCE people to pay to play on your server. Unless your passwording that server and making it a clan thing.. then it's not so much a public problem.

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My opinion on donations:

Donations would be acceptable IF it isn't REQUIRED and no-one NEEDS to do it.

That's their money, they do whatever they want with it. 

What I think I would do:

Donations are very appreciated, and if a player donates, I will maybe put a Refuel thing in his base, repair a vehicle, etc. 

But not: pay to win.

You just can't say: donate X dollars to get Y. THAT WOULDN'T be a donation anymore!

The only problem i see with this is someone abusing it by donating just to get stuff from an admin. Sure its a nice gesture because someone spent their hard earned money to help you keep the server up and going but it shouldn't come with the option that they get some reward because they did. They should feel good knowing that they enjoy playing on your server.

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Nobody is forced to donate money and nobody is forced to play on any server they don't want to.


If a server is "selling" things in a store that's where AWOL said he doesn't like it, specifically the "store" label.


There's also a certain point you get to in the server game where there's a HUGE difference between a $30 hosted server and paying $300+/mo to host multiple, stable servers on dedicated hardware.


That's where donations come into play.

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Nobody is forced to donate money and nobody is forced to play on any server they don't want to.


If a server is "selling" things in a store that's where AWOL said he doesn't like it, specifically the "store" label.


There's also a certain point you get to in the server game where there's a HUGE difference between a $30 hosted server and paying $300+/mo to host multiple, stable servers on dedicated hardware.


That's where donations come into play.


Like he said, the 95% of the server out there pay about $20-$50/mo to host a single server. Then the other 5% is where the dedicated host are. These host are not cheap. But when someone donated for something, it not only helps the server owners, it help everyone. Would i player want to play on those 95% of server, that are laggy as F**K, or play on a server that can handel +60 players, with 60FPS?

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Like he said, the 95% of the server out there pay about $20-$50/mo to host a single server. Then the other 5% is where the dedicated host are. These host are not cheap. But when someone donated for something, it not only helps the server owners, it help everyone. Would i player want to play on those 95% of server, that are laggy as F**K, or play on a server that can handel +60 players, with 60FPS?

I don't own a dedicated and my server doesn't lag with +50 people on it and I get a constant 120-150 fps.

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