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To all the scripters here..


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I was wondering if i am the only one here that is losing so much time in debugging custom scripts for Epoch. I was writing a script for neon lights, for the cars and it took me 1 week just to debug it. The 3d-editor for epoch scripts is a joke..it doesnt even allow BIS_fnc to execute...basically you can only script basic stuff there. If you wanna test your fn_selfactions there, you have to reinvent the wheel.

Am i the only one that writes the script, loads the server join with client, just to test an addaction if it was correct ? And if i forget a comma or something, again do the whole process again..make a pbo, load the server, join with client etc etc.

Sure there is squint for debugging but it cant help to write 'live' things...


Whats your opinion on this ?

I am planning to do something about this...and wanted to know if i should waste my time or not.

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hi, axe cop already offerd us a debug console for stuff like that. it allows us to open a console ingame inwhich you can post your custom code...... (of course you would need to setup a testserver with it)


its somewhere in this forum just search for it

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Yeah i know about that debugger...i've seen others as well. They are fine but not for getting fast results on writing a script...They are more of a glorified diag_log function.

You still have recompile the whole thing and restart the server to get the 'new' changes to continue working on it.

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I like this idea very much. Having to do restarts everytime to just test some small changes can really get tedious after a while. It's also demotivating sometimes for a beginning scripter with a slow pc!


I'd be very interested in this :)

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I like this idea very much. Having to do restarts everytime to just test some small changes can really get tedious after a while. It's also demotivating sometimes for a beginning scripter with a slow pc!


I'd be very interested in this :)

Took me a while...but its here :)


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