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[Release] Epoch Modified & BaseBuilding 1.2 + Useful Plugins


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i simply made the plot pole the only item wich is stored with character id since everybody can remove everybody plot pole it doesnt matter to the remove script if it has the char or player id... so i reverted the friendly system back to character id... but just gimme 1 or 2 more days for a release... tomorrow i will send out the test pack for those who subscribe to my test.... if anybody want, just send me a private message... 


well i added few more cool things... all the sheds and shacks are removable and will be refunded... i added a system wich displays custom textures on the "un-sign" (u can use jpg to display them ingame, like a bildboardscreen... u can use it for rules or advertisings or whatever u want) also i added the missions system, sarge ai is working, with my new battleye filters also dogs should work fine... and well i removed the code wich caused server to spawn newvehicles instead of reading the database (was only when u had already more then 2000 objects in your database... i raised the limit to 90.000 but i've seen the new epoch code has removed the count code... so i may remove it too instead of setting it to 90k ^^


and well many more features will be in the new release... as much as many many fixes... ^^


@ maca: i've updated the op... havent seen that the other guys has updated his thread ^^ didnt knew it was yours...

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regarding linking the plot pole to CharacterID, I'd very much prefer to tie everything to the PlayerUID.

While this should not influence gameplay, it would make life much much easier for admins who manually clean up the database after players who have left the server (with auto-cleanup disabled due to player demand).

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Death messages and ah.sqf pleeeeeeease!



ah.sqf??  :blink: sry but i have no idea what u mean....


and what do u mean with death messages? ^^ do u mean the board in the trader zones?


gimme some links to the plugins ^^ and when they work i will add them...







regarding linking the plot pole to CharacterID, I'd very much prefer to tie everything to the PlayerUID.

While this should not influence gameplay, it would make life much much easier for admins who manually clean up the database after players who have left the server (with auto-cleanup disabled due to player demand).



well at the moment i think its ok when i use characterid... cause otherwise i would have to recode a lot to make the tag friendly work together with the plot pole.... and since i know they removed the plot pole in the 1.0.2 epoch... welll i think before i keep working on this system i should better wait for the 1.0.2 release...




Thankyou   :D




and in my upcoming releases i will also credit u in the pack itself ^^ and on my website and so on xD

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and what do u mean with death messages? ^^ do u mean the board in the trader zones?


i mean that i cant see death messages now in your modpak where "someone kill someone with those weapon"


usually it can be turned on by this DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true; in init.sqf, maybe i am doing something wrong?



ah.sqf he means the antihack.sqf

Either he has problems running his addons or he wants one :P


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Hi :)


Sending you a PM for the test :D


i simply made the plot pole the only item wich is stored with character id since everybody can remove everybody plot pole it doesnt matter to the remove script if it has the char or player id... so i reverted the friendly system back to character id... but just gimme 1 or 2 more days for a release... tomorrow i will send out the test pack for those who subscribe to my test.... if anybody want, just send me a private message... 


well i added few more cool things... all the sheds and shacks are removable and will be refunded... i added a system wich displays custom textures on the "un-sign" (u can use jpg to display them ingame, like a bildboardscreen... u can use it for rules or advertisings or whatever u want) also i added the missions system, sarge ai is working, with my new battleye filters also dogs should work fine... and well i removed the code wich caused server to spawn newvehicles instead of reading the database (was only when u had already more then 2000 objects in your database... i raised the limit to 90.000 but i've seen the new epoch code has removed the count code... so i may remove it too instead of setting it to 90k ^^


and well many more features will be in the new release... as much as many many fixes... ^^


@ maca: i've updated the op... havent seen that the other guys has updated his thread ^^ didnt knew it was yours...

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Hi exodon,


beginning today we have some serious problems with the objects crafted with BB1.2:

  • objects now are 1m, sometimes 30m in the air
  • objects freshly built are not written to the database anymore

Do you have any idea what's causing this? The last change to our server configuration has been 2 days ago, but the problem has only started this morning.


Update: it seems that applying the 'optimize' button to the object data table in the phpmyadmin tool breaks things...

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I want to start by saying, amazing work with the Base Building, we are all loving it on my server! Thank you for all your work on this!


I'm not sure that this is correct, but I've noticed something. All base building objects are stored on the Object_DATA table, which also contains the vehicle spawns. Say your vehicle spawn limit is 50, and someone builds 30 objects for their base, this leaves you with only 20 vehicles able to spawn. I understand that you can increase you spawn limit, but even after editing the init.sqf file to increase vehicle spawns, a DayZ.st server has a server cap of 999. With enough people on a server building large bases (my server has about 30 people that get on regularly) this seriously reduces the amount of vehicles spawned. 30 people x 30 objects = 900 objects on the data table from base building alone (it's not this high, but we do have over 600 objects from base building and purchased/fix vehicles).


Is this correct? And if so, is there a planned fix or work around that I can implement?


Thanks again Exo!

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I want to start by saying, amazing work with the Base Building, we are all loving it on my server! Thank you for all your work on this!


I'm not sure that this is correct, but I've noticed something. All base building objects are stored on the Object_DATA table, which also contains the vehicle spawns. Say your vehicle spawn limit is 50, and someone builds 30 objects for their base, this leaves you with only 20 vehicles able to spawn. I understand that you can increase you spawn limit, but even after editing the init.sqf file to increase vehicle spawns, a DayZ.st server has a server cap of 999. With enough people on a server building large bases (my server has about 30 people that get on regularly) this seriously reduces the amount of vehicles spawned. 30 people x 30 objects = 900 objects on the data table from base building alone (it's not this high, but we do have over 600 objects from base building and purchased/fix vehicles).


Is this correct? And if so, is there a planned fix or work around that I can implement?


Thanks again Exo!

Hey Mobious, I don't believe the max vehicles is based off of the data table rows.  I've got over a thousand entries in my table, and the vehicle max is only set to 200, most of it is all basebuilding, and other objects I added via the database.  No problems at all, sorry if this isn't helpful, just figured i'd tell you.

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Hey Mobious, I don't believe the max vehicles is based off of the data table rows.  I've got over a thousand entries in my table, and the vehicle max is only set to 200, most of it is all basebuilding, and other objects I added via the database.  No problems at all, sorry if this isn't helpful, just figured i'd tell you.

No, that is helpful. I'm assuming you haven't run into an issues with your vehicle spawn rate then? Thanks for taking the time to answer! :D (Not a coder in any sense, so excuse any ignorance. Learning this by doing it... and asking questions :D )

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hmm just noticed something,

Illuminant towers and camo nets cannot be removed..



Edit: And how could they .... when you got :


camoNet_Nato distance player < 10) && (_ownerID == dayz_playerUID)) then {


in fn_selfactions......


What _ownerID man :P   The cursorTarget is Null..... how will it get owner id ?

_ownerID == dayz_playerUID  will always be  <any> == xxxxxxxxxxx



I am sorry to say but you need to put back the code verification for Camonets and building that the player cant target (like Land_Ind_SawMillPen).

This way you need to enter code first...otherwise everyone can delete those buildings.

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Hi Exodon,


The placed objects on my Server are dissapearing after 7 Days, but i have put CleanupPlacedAfterDays = -1 in my HiveExt.ini (7 Days ago).


It looks like this:

; HiveExt.ini

; Type kann "Local, "Custom", oder "Static" sein
; Local: Die aktuelle Serverzeit wird verwendet
; Custom: Der Wert von "Offset" wird beachtet
; Static: Die Zeit, die bei "Hour" eingestellt ist, wird bei jedem Start verwendet
;Hour = 8
Type = Custom
Offset = -1

; Zugangsdaten für die Datenbank
Type = MySQL
Host = 217.198.xxx.xxx
Port = 3306
Database = ni1xxxxx_7_epoch
Username = ni1xxxxx_7_epoch
Password = 4nQxxxxx
CleanupPlacedAfterDays = -1

; IDField: The field name that Player's IDs are stored in (unique per game license)
;IDField = PlayerUID
; WSField: The field name that Player's World Position and rotation is stored in
;         Enables you to run multiple different maps (different instances) off the same character table
;WSField = Worldspace

; Flag indicating whether hiveext should detect vehicles out of map boundaries (X < 0, or Y > 15360) and reset their position to []
; Note: YOU MUST have a proper dayz_server.pbo that supports this feature, otherwise you will get script errors
; You can find that file under the SQF directory for your server version
;ResetOOBObjects = false

; Zugangsdaten für die Objekte-Datenbank (falls verwendet).
;Use = false

; Type kann "Local, oder "Static" sein
; Local: Die aktuelle Serverzeit wird verwendet
; Custom: Die Werte von "Year", "Month" und "Date" werden beachtet
;Year = 2012
;Month = 7
;Date = 3
Type = Local


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Same problem here :-(


as a workaround, can someone generate a SQL-command that sets all entries of the 'Datestamp'  column to the current date?


Edit: false alarm: the clan member who alerted the admin hadn't been informed by his mates that they had deconstructed the base, themselves ;-)

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Copy the  "dayz_11.epoch.chernarus.pbo"  and  replace  your old one with this (maybe u have to rename this file... depends on how your old file is called... but only chernarus is working with this one!!) 


I can't seem to find this file on my server files... I am being hosted by Survival Servers. I also run the latest epoch server 1.0.2

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Same problem here :-(


as a workaround, can someone generate a SQL-command that sets all entries of the 'Datestamp'  column to the current date?


Edit: false alarm: the clan member who alerted the admin hadn't been informed by his mates that they had deconstructed the base, themselves ;-)

In case you still wanted that, it's real easy:

UPDATE `object_data` SET `Datestamp`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
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