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[HowTo] add Chernarus-Spawnselection


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class Markers



        class Item0






Script is not working for me when i join game my server gets a error with


File mpmission\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqm line 1177:

'/Mission/Markers/Item0.position':'&' encoujtered instead of '='



Not sure how you managed it but under the class "Markers", each class "Item" for it has the position array being referenced as "position[]" when it should be referenced as "position[]".  All you need to do is go through each "Item" class under the "Markers" class and change "position[]" to "position[]" and save the file and then it should work (as long as nothing else is different).


P.S. PLEASE put the mission.sqm text into a spoiler so it does not take forever to scroll down the page.

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Finally got a spawn selector to work on my server using this however I am having the issue whereby for example I click Elektro & it spawns me next to north west air field.


I have looked through the co-ordinates & they look spot on....


Any idea?

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ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\dayz_11.Chernarus\dayz_code\config\RscDisplaySpawnSelecter.hpp, line 57: /RscDisplaySpawnSelecter/Controls.Mainback: Undefined base class 'RscPicture'


open your description.ext (missionfiles) and make sure that class RscPicture exists, it should be there by default. if not try to add it back.

class RscPicture

Hello, i have this problem, I follow the instructions, but nothing to do, descritpion.ext have the lines, and files upload correctly, any idea how to fix it? thanks for the script.

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  • 1 month later...

updated: player_monitor151.rar - simply replace the files ..


btw. open your variables.sqf and add after DZE_SaveTime = 30;

this line: _spawnSelection = 9;



IIt's working, but I get an error saying, "dayz resource title serverLogo not found".  I found that bit of code it is referring to in the player_monitor151.fsm file.  While it still allows playing, the error is annoying.  How do I fix it?

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find this in your player_monitor151.fsm


       "" \n
       "//serverlogo" \n
       "100 cutRsc [""serverLogo"", ""PLAIN"",0];" \n
       "" \n
       "//GUI" \n
       "3 cutRsc [""playerStatusGUI2"", ""PLAIN"",0];" \n
       "//5 cutRsc [""playerKillScore"", ""PLAIN"",2];" \n


and delete it



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hi there,

scripts works perfect except a tiny little thing. if i press halo spawn, you will spawn in the air but you will not fall to the ground until you open the parachute ??


any ideas?

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spawnselector isnt supposed to work with halo-spawn. its adapted from DayZ 1.7xx where halo-spawn doesnt exists. so dont use it. i will keep an eye on it in the next days. will report




back... paraSpawn works without any issues ...haloJump too! so some addon or customization you made could conflict with it.

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spawnselector isnt supposed to work with halo-spawn. its adapted from DayZ 1.7xx where halo-spawn doesnt exists. so dont use it. i will keep an eye on it in the next days. will report




back... paraSpawn works without any issues ...haloJump too! so some addon or customization you made could conflict with it.


Using the spawn selector with a modified halo jump and it works really well, though I had to modify a few files to get it working with a custom UI.


Thanks for the work you've done on this, our players love it.

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Once all installed i get this error, 

 8:40:16 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found
 8:41:07 Game started.

Running Epoch and Server on Linux. Server runs fine with default server_monitor.sqf location.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Just installed it on a server. Is there a way to narrow the circle? I pick balota and constantly end on the west side of cherno... closer to cherno then balota. Berezhino spawn can spawn 2km away.


take a look into your mission init.sqf...

spawnArea = 1500; // Default = 1500


now open and edit server_playerSetup.sqf in your server.pbo and search for ..

_position = ([(getMarkerPos _mkr),0,spawnArea,10,0,2000,spawnShoremode] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos);


replace the 2000 with spawnArea


this should be all..now you can configurate it via init.sqf spawnArea variable



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