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Call in airdrops ...


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ahh ok i fixed it now the only thing that is confusing me is.. my players cant start a drop they repair it and take then random car drop and after they are on the map they press 1 left click and nothing happens



Problem is after [watch the video]



think this is antihacks blocking commanding menus, make sure the menus are whitelisted or cmenu check is switched off and it should work then.



... i also made a few small updates i will post soon :)

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think this is antihacks blocking commanding menus, make sure the menus are whitelisted or cmenu check is switched off and it should work then.



... i also made a few small updates i will post soon :)

did all this but wont work :(

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did all this but wont work :(

did you add this:

s_player_Airdrop, The_DropAction, The_DropAction2, The_DropAction3, The_DropAction1,

and these:


you might also have an option in your antihack called block all commanding menu, if this is set to true, my scripts will not work

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  • 1 month later...

made a "small" update of this ...


however there are now so many settings in this airdrop, i actually had to split up the settings files into 3 seperate files now, and i can see how this can seem very confusing for some ppl ...  :wacko:


anyways, heres a quick overview of what i done so far:


Updated HALV drop now drops random stuff instead of a set load of loot


updated vehicle drop to check cargo if set to not clear inventory


updated code to add stuff to crates for better control of max amount


updated code to choose to spawn plane/heli randomly around the drop position, choose min/max distance or static cords


added option to disable notebook after use (untested but should work)


added easy starter (untested unsure if it will work like this)


and prob much more i forgot to mention ...  :)

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For me it's working until the battleye kick "Waypoint Condition Restriction #0". Followed guidelines on opendayz and this thread, but no luck getting passed the BE kicks.


Did post #s: 24 + 30


Axe has a post about it on opendayz, but I am not sure what files he is talking about or what exactly to change:



Thanks in advance for your help.

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Using and my server_cleanup.fsm does not have


"    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n


Any ideas please?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I was following the instructions, But when I goto to the "server_cleanup.fsm", I couldn't find the line :"


"    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n


I have looked everywhere but i still cant find it. Please help!



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Hi, I was following the instructions, But when I goto to the "server_cleanup.fsm", I couldn't find the line :"


"    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n


I have looked everywhere but i still cant find it. Please help!




these are moved to server_functions.sqf

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As I have gotten this working on EPOCH I am having a bit of trouble getting it working on my Overwatch server. Is there anyone that has working files for overwatch that would be willing to share ? I would love to incorporate this with Deployable Laptops that I have currently working on my server.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys. We JUST switched to Napf and to be quite honest I have no idea how to even pull the map up in the editor. Does anyone know the starting and laptop coords for Napf? I would really, really appreciate it! This script sounds awesome and I really think our players would get a kick out of it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for not answering questions here, but aparently i stopped reciving messages from my thread ...


i will update the version here soon and i am currently working on half-serverside version of this that tells server to spawn the objects so players are not spawning stuff and using unwanted commands ... so far its working good, however i think it is very resource heavy on the server and im not sure its such a good idea, even tho it solves many probles (aswell as introducing a few new ones).


it works great so far, if you do not have a lot of ai spawned on the server, but many ai+this = massive lag spikes and obviusly it is a lot lighter load on the server if the player is handeling all of this clientside.


even tho its not the best idea to do so for many reason ... obvius one being that you will allow players to use addmagazinecargo and addweaponcargo, not to mention the spawning of vehicles you allow clients to do this way.


perhaps if i try change it to so the player takes ownership of the vehicle/ai after server has spawned them it will be lighter for server (if even possible).


As I have gotten this working on EPOCH I am having a bit of trouble getting it working on my Overwatch server. Is there anyone that has working files for overwatch that would be willing to share ? I would love to incorporate this with Deployable Laptops that I have currently working on my server.


should be easy to do, just change classnames of the transporters and items.



Does this require "Sarge AI"? Cause everytime I change my server_functions my server gets stuck at waiting for authentication and goes back to map to click ok then you timeout and it says you must be near a rock or mine??? What's going on with that?


it does not require sarge and your error is caused by something else or you now installing it right.



Hey guys. We JUST switched to Napf and to be quite honest I have no idea how to even pull the map up in the editor. Does anyone know the starting and laptop coords for Napf? I would really, really appreciate it! This script sounds awesome and I really think our players would get a kick out of it!


enter your server and exit to main menu ... now press alt+e and select napf map.

new version i will upload soon does not require starting cords as it can start random around the player instead of static cords.

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