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Dami's Epoch safe zones


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anyone else using this?




I have it on my server and it is a lot easier than adding in sensors to the mission.sqm.


I just have to change the title text since it is writing overtop of the "you are entering safe zone" title text and you can't read any of it.


Just wanting to know others opinions on it.

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Hello All,

I can confirm,yes  I use this script on my servers and in my honest opinion I would say it's the best one.

To resolve the text overlay issue that you mentioned, I just removed the "Welcome to trader City blah blah blah" text from the mission.sqm.

Dami's script gives you a "You have entered Safe Zone blah blah blah" text notification anyway so I just left it at that.

Example below:

class Sensors
class Item0
expCond="(player distance zonestary) < 100;";
expActiv="TitleText["""",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""Stary"";inSafeZone = true;";
expDesactiv="TitleText[""Now leaving trader city Stary"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";inSafeZone = false;";
class Effects
Hope this helps  ;)
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  • 1 month later...

I found this in Damis's SafeZone script

dami_ZSHIELD = {
	if (isNil 'no_zombies_loop') then {
		while {true} do {
			if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {no_zombies_loop = nil;};
			no_zombies_loop = true;
			_pos = getPos (vehicle player);
			_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",50];
			{deletevehicle _x;} forEach _zombies;
			sleep 1;

Is there  away to modifie this code to delete DZAI and WAI AI's @ SafeZones?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, got some question about some stuff....


Quick question, is it possible to make this peace of code to delete ammo or weapon for player who is shooting at player

KoTaS_phit = {
	_attker = (_this select 1);
	_nAttkr = name _attker;
	if (_nAttkr != name player) then {
		_locATTK = mapGridPosition getPos _attker;
		//_attker setHit["Body",1];
		_txt = ""+name player+" was shot by "+str _nAttkr+" in a SafeZone! The attacker is @ "+str _locATTK+".";
		_sMSG = "<System>: "+str _txt+"";
		publicVariableServer "PVOZ_EPOCH_SAFEZONE";
		_msg = "<System>: You were shot by "+str _nAttkr+"";
		systemChat (str _msg);
		if !(_nAttkr in playableunits)then{deletevehicle _nAttkr;systemChat "<System>: Shooter vanished!";};
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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone modify this to protect vehicles inside the trader also?  


Players can damage vehicles and mounted vehicle weapons blow them up quickly....      Just asking............  



I feel there needs to be some danger at trader but players are crying................

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Anyone modify this to protect vehicles inside the trader also?  


Players can damage vehicles and mounted vehicle weapons blow them up quickly....      Just asking............  



I feel there needs to be some danger at trader but players are crying................


From what I've read, all attempts to give god mode to vehicles inside safe traders has resulted in the vehicles being in god mode until they exit, then when they exit, they tend to blow up.... 

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  • 1 month later...

From what I've read, all attempts to give god mode to vehicles inside safe traders has resulted in the vehicles being in god mode until they exit, then when they exit, they tend to blow up.... 


Wrongo! You're welcome, lol.

// Godmode vehicle in safe zones (Lunchbox).
// How it works: When in safezone, vehicle takes no damage. However, When the player
// leaves the safezone with the car in the safezone, the car will take damage.
// This is to prevent abuses with the safezone system. 

if (isNil "canbuild") then {
	canbuild = true;

while {true} do {
        // Vehicle Godmode on.
	waitUntil { !canbuild };

	waitUntil { player != vehicle player };

	theVehicle = vehicle player;

	theVehicle removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
	theVehicle addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}];
	theVehicle allowDamage false;

	fnc_usec_damageVehicle ={};
	vehicle_handleDamage ={};
	vehicle_handleKilled ={};
	// hintSilent "Vehicle godmode ON"; // Uncomment this to help see when it actually turns on and off

	waitUntil { canbuild };

	// Vehicle Godmode off. 

	theVehicle removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
        theVehicle addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {_this select 2}];
	theVehicle allowDamage true;

	// Call global scripts. 
	fnc_usec_damageVehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandlerVehicle.sqf";
	vehicle_handleDamage = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\vehicle_handleDamage.sqf";
	vehicle_handleKilled = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\vehicle_handleKilled.sqf";
	// hintSilent "Vehicle godmode OFF"; // Uncomment this to help see when it actually turns on and off

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