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ARMA 3 PVE - A suggestion thread


PVE in ARMA 3 Epoch  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like to see in ARMA 3 Epoch?

    • AI units such as the ones stated in the thread
    • Zombies, everybody loves zombies right?
    • No PVE, just player on player interactions.

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I made an account to add to the discussion :)


First and foremost. I say this with all due respect and it's not necessarily directed at anyone on your team, but I'm saying it because all too often, features get a bug and are never fixed. Considering how much progress is made on this mod, I'm going to bet that you already have a system in place like this, but I'm saying it as I find with the stand alone, this is their biggest issue. So, any mod added to this engine I feel should be done completely. The features you work on should have someone assigned to them so that if there is a future bug, you have someone to turn to who's responsibility it is to fix it and a deadline for troubleshooting. If the problem isn't possible for that person to fix, it goes into a 'bin' where the team discusses it's feasibility to fix or implement. If it's deemed un-fixable or a feature  you don't want to put in, you go to your community manager and he(she) announces it to the forums. Please keep communicating with us, even if you don't agree. :) 


On to my ideas/suggestions:


I have been looking for a game with the following:

1. Amazing graphics (check)

2. Realistic combat system that includes human physiology into survival tactics such as breath control, food, shelter, temperature, etc.. (check)

3. A cooperative environment where team play gives you an advantage over solo. (check). 

4. Solo play can be dangerous, exciting and not impossible. (check). 

5. AI/missions/quests (whatever) that reward you based on difficulty. (kinda check)

6. A crafting/building system that allows for building of bases or w/e. (check, but...) It's not very immersive and the rules for this change too drastically from server to server) For example, plot markers being attached to a life, rather than an ID or a group is frustrating, not 'realistic'. We have 4 accounts with my 3 friends, 1 account is a 'plot marker holder/key holder'. This isn't really making anyone (real) money. In fact, it only adds to server resources by needing another character's data on a server. Not much, but, it's there... A new solution for this is needed and I really don't have an idea other than the ability to create a rank structure in the game and begin to mess with a role system (similar to EVE Online) so that there's a better way to manage it. 


A system that allows friends to build on a plot where the marker is attached to a group, not an individual. 


I think the running around and camping of spawn points removes from the reality of the game. According to the "Epoch Lore", we're at a point where we're starting to re-inhabit the land. That said, I think it would be cool to have houses you walk up on and you knock on the door and need to convince your way into the house, where your humanity would have an impact on your "Charisma". Some civilians would have more humanity over others, so getting into their houses would take longer. While some civilians are bandits and unless you have negative humanity, you risk being blown up through the door :)


I'm a huge fan of building and crafting however I think the game lacks an integrated economy system. Potentially a cross server, hive related banking system...  and maybe... non player NPC's (I know this is a double, but civilians who are just kind of added in that are not survivors, bandits or military. Such as a sick person in a bed who needs a bloodbag or antibiotics and rewards you for bringing it to them. Or someone who's trying to fortify a house and needs cinder-blocks).


Personally, I want to pick my path

-do I want to be military and always take orders from a higher power and follows very strict rules with punishment for not following them. (Jail for not following the Geneva Convention?)

-do I want to be a bandit who is never trusted and doesn't take orders from everyone. (If I do things that increase my humanity, I can lose my status as a bandit and the rewards that come with it). 
-do I want to be a survivor who isn't hostile to military, but sometimes has things a bandit wants to buy to get myself out of a bad situation. The "Grey Area". 

-do I wanna just be a mindless zombie who wants brains. 


In terms of the AI and missions, if this is to be added in, I think it should be an addon to the Arma engine or Epoch mod rather than integrated into it. The ability to kind of pick and choose for each server would be awesome. With everyone having a different play-style, the options for the admins to turn features on and off would be more important. When designing them, can you do 'classes' of missions in that, if it's a military instillation, the difficulty goes up, but if it's a civilian crash, you get to make the decision to help them which would include rewards beyond a few humanity points.


From here, I think the next step is forming a way to build alliances, identify yourself to your allies (potentially custom clothes/dies/flags/emblems which can be imported as assets and added to clothes/a flag pole/hung on a wall) and an in-game economy that allows for the storage and retrieval of crafted items like an auction house and banking system.  


There's a mod server I'm playing on now where the guys have come close to what I'm looking for in a game... It's this one: http://www.treasureislanddayz.com/


The problems that plague DayZ and Arma II are rampant on this server. Magical deaths, ladders that bite you, dumb zombies who walk through walls, etc etc. However, of all the mods, I think this one is hitting on the more advanced of them. 




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Remove the zombies and you remove the soul of DayZ (or epoch on this case). I wouldn't run a server without zeds. Don't want any on your server? Set the spawn rate to 0. Done!


The "Soul" of Epoch is separate from DayZ. 


IMO, Epoch should have been the focus of a standalone where DayZ would be a mod to it's system.

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I for one am glad Epoch is moving to towards a more military based theme and stay heading in that direction it saves me much in server configuration time. 


Remove the zombies and you remove the soul of DayZ (or epoch on this case). I wouldn't run a server without zeds. Don't want any on your server? Set the spawn rate to 0. Done!



The zombies have never been "the soul" of Epoch or even DayZ for that matter. Zombies are a trivial annoyance that usually only kill you after you have been trolled by the arma engine or as a result of being shot by another player. The zombies themselves are a completely flawed concept in the game. They are generally...crap. DayZ standalone looks to have much the same crapness associated with them. I doubt most people play because of the zombies, they play because it is a persistent FPS MMO.


Removing them and concentrating on using in game AI would be a better solution,but here's the issue. Epoch would essentially become Wasteland. 


Wasteland has:


  • Persistent saving of characters and vehicles
  • Traders
  • AI missions
  • Base building
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  • 4 weeks later...

Pvp and an attractive ai are the game core. pve: when palyers knows well game dynamic, servers empty out; too much players like to hunt real intelligence. Ai: zombies are a must, with a change you must make a really great work; put some faction who act like patrol (ai aren't such creative) it's not enough and ruin game feeling. 

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  • 8 months later...

I'm a heavy PVPer all day every day, in every game imaginable, but you're wrong.

We've drawn up numerous ways to offer PVE routes and still keep it interesting.  ONLY PVE? Yeah, there are very few games that do that successfully for long.

But an attractive PVE scenario is quite possible.

Turn up the sappers and cloaks. This helps the PVE games a bunch.


I have ran both PVP and PVE servers and after watching some little punks sit and kill all the new spawns over and over it basically killed my PVP SERVER because no one ever wanted to stay on. After that I have not had a PVP server since.


PVE to me is way more realistic in a end of the world situation. You will have people try and come take your stock pile of can goods, and then it is on.

We use AI for this and everyone else in the server is part of a greater good of helping others.


I sure hope not all of you will go killing everyone you see if times get to the point of no return.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I would like to see both sides, where you could set your server up as a PvP or plane old PvE. In your missions maybe setup safe zones for your PvP players or whatever.

All in all make Epoch as robust as can be! Let the server operators fine tune it, to what there community/server regulars are looking for.

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Roaming AI and bandit camps I think would go a long way to allow server admins to run PVE servers. Right now there just isn't enough in the game to make PVE worth it. On my server, I don't forbid PVP but I do encourage players to cooperate and play nice. However, I also warn players not to let their guard down and not to trust anyone they don't know. The exclusion of zombies is probably a good thing. I'm sure everyone knows the effect that all those zedz on a server has on the server's performance.


I haven't played much Arma 3 other than Epoch, but I have played A3 Wasteland a bit and I'm a fan of it. A couple Wasteland features that I think would help create a hybrid PVP/PVE environment would be factions and Wasteland style missions. For those that haven't played Wasteland, when you login, you can select from three different factions. You can be Opfor (Red), Bluefor (Blue) or independent (White). Opfor and Bluefor are teams where the members can cooperatively play. Independent is no one's friend. They could be thought of as the "Bandits" of Arma 3. The Wasteland missions are much more than Dayz's missions (ie: A humvee has crashed! Go investigate it!). It includes things like an attack heli flying around, or a convoy moving through the map. There's even missions that require you to go into the water and dive for treasure.


Until some ideas like these are implemented, I don't see PVE as being viable.

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A2 server I played on had AI all over.



AI roaming,  AI missions (of course) and AI bases.



The AI were extremely thick.  They spawned around you anywhere, They drove vehicles, They flew choppers.



That would be the key. 


I suspect it was a hybrid WAI script.



I'm sure it'll get developed for A3 and it's probably already being looked into on Armaholics.


Go into your A2 Dayzlauncher and type "Orch".  They have three servers and you can see what I mean.

As far as PVE goes.. these guys have the best PVE servers I've ever played on.

Hat off to their work cuz it took a bit of time I'm sure to do what they did.



If your PVE server doesn't have anything but player interaction it'll get old really quick.  Even on PVE people want to shoot something.



Just my 2 bits.

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