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Will you switch to Arma 3 Epoch?


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I bought A3 when it was in Alpha. I play pvp and coop on there. I did that with A2 and OA before DayZ ever made it's release.

A3 is well worth the money. A3 Epoch, I believe will be far better than the standalone, especially since I've been hearing the standalone will be subscription based.... Im not paying monthly to shoot zombies when I can do it in A3. Thats just my opinion though.

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I bought A3 when it was in Alpha. I play pvp and coop on there. I did that with A2 and OA before DayZ ever made it's release.

A3 is well worth the money. A3 Epoch, I believe will be far better than the standalone, especially since I've been hearing the standalone will be subscription based.... Im not paying monthly to shoot zombies when I can do it in A3. Thats just my opinion though.


You have been hearing wrong then, Dean has specifically said multiple times it was a "buy once" product. No offense because I enjoy Epoch but I doubt that it will be much better than stand alone. I am certain it will be different and it might appeal to a different audience, but I doubt that it will be better at least from what I would like to play. I currently switch between Vanilla and Epoch because they both have good things to offer. The ability to switch from main, to pistol, to melee is excellent. SA will have systems in it that would require a lot of time to create in a mod and just might not be possible given the limitations of a mod. 

I look forward to seeing what the Epoch team come up with since I have enjoyed their work so far, but I still not certain it will be worth purchasing ARMA III for if I have no intention of playing ARMA III for ARMA III.

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Will likely still keep my current A2 Epoch server, but yes. Don't have a clue what A3 Epoch will be, but I already think it's going to be more innovative than SA considering their current track record. SA is just Chernarus rehashed again with a different GUI and slightly prettier graphics, IMO. People have been playing Chernarus for 2+ years already, I know I'd get bored with it quite quickly.

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Will likely still keep my current A2 Epoch server, but yes. Don't have a clue what A3 Epoch will be, but I already think it's going to be more innovative than SA considering their current track record. SA is just Chernarus rehashed again with a different GUI and slightly prettier graphics, IMO. People have been playing Chernarus for 2+ years already, I know I'd get bored with it quite quickly.


You really need to actually pay attention to the development, if you did you would know that while it is Chernarus, it is not the Chernarus you know. Also, the SA team is not the team working on the last few Mod versions. 

I think both games will have a place.

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You really need to actually pay attention to the development, if you did you would know that while it is Chernarus, it is not the Chernarus you know. Also, the SA team is not the team working on the last few Mod versions. 

I think both games will have a place.


I'm not saying it won't have a place. I'm saying it's an old map - granted, there are some new towns and enhancements to current areas but I'm honestly trying to understand what it is about SA that people are getting so excited about. Nothing I've seen has stood out and made me go "wow" so far. If they can eventually get that underground system working, then that would definitely be  a very nice addition, but I've been fairly unimpressed so far. 


edit: also, the track record I was referring to was the Epoch team and the great work they've done so far

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Well said. I'll be keeping an eye on the development of the mod, but time will only tell. I know my time is going to DayZ Standalone and ESO here shortly.

I found myself growing bored over the most recent Beta Weekend and I and my friend logged out of ESO and into Epoch. We are both huge ElderScrolls fans and have enjoyed the games since way back when but we disliked ESO. It didn't distinguish itself from any other MMOs out there in any significant way yet. 

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I found myself growing bored over the most recent Beta Weekend and I and my friend logged out of ESO and into Epoch. We are both huge ElderScrolls fans and have enjoyed the games since way back when but we disliked ESO. It didn't distinguish itself from any other MMOs out there in any significant way yet. 


I had quite a bit of fun, but then again we're suppose to be testing/providing feedback. Team I roll with we keep a log of what we like/dislike/bugs/issues and send that during the feedback inquires at the end. It'll be a lot different once the full content is shoved out. I still played Epoch tho as well.

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