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Cant connect with any Rcon tool



I recently setup an Epoch server and have everything running great. I had BEC running good for a few days, and then it stopped connecting all of a sudden. I have tried everything i can possibly think of to get Rcon working again and nothing has helped so far. Im very savy when it comes to servers, computers etc, so im at a dead end. Last night i downloaded Dart, BERcon, battlewarden, and a few other Rcon tools to see if any of those work, and none are able to connect. Im hosting my own server on a dedicated server machine at my house and the rcon tools dont connect from on the server machine itself, or from other computers on my network.


Ive been running dayz/arma servers for about 2 years so im not a weekend kiddy trying to setup a server. Anyways here is a taste of what BEC says, all the other rcon tools say "cannot connect" as well.


16:30:52 : Checking for new Bec version...

16:30:55 : Bec is running latest version!
16:30:56 : Connecting to Battleye server MY IP HERE
16:30:58 : No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!
16:31:02 : No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!
16:31:06 : No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!
16:31:10 : Lost Connection!
16:31:10 : Closing socket & exiting!
Any suggestions/help are welcome, but im sure i have tried most of them, and yes i do have beserver.cfg setup correctly.as i said, rcon tools were working fine for a few days and then stopped connecting all of a sudden.
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i know this is 101 networking but did you try pinging both hosts ip adresses ? did any return destination host unreachable ? if so there should be some issues with your internal routing/Nat

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ive googled the "no valid response" message that bec gives and tried anything that was viable i could find that other people previously had as solutions and nothing has helped. ive tried running bec and battleye in different directories than they currently are to make the path as simple as possible. checked the cfg files for errors, restored original cfg files and started over, nothing has fixed it. totally at a loss for this issue. hoping someone else has ran into this and has that magic solution to pull out of no where

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oh and on a seemingly unrelated note, my teamspeak server that is hosted from the same machine goes up and down. one day ill be able to connect just fine, then a few hours later no one can connect to it, then magicly a few days later we can connect to ts server again. no port config or anything changes and the port config for it is correct. not sure if that sheds any light on rcon issue if they are related.

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i am totally lost with your connection problem aswell, the produced errors sound weird to me

personally i would go ahead and replace the NIC on the server - to be sure on that end, and then work from there .

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Sorry to revive a few month old thread, but did the bans.txt thing fix your problem, or did you find a different solution? I am having the exact same problem, and have spent days searching forums and trying different solutions. None have worked so far. I've tried connecting remotely, and locally. I have set up port forwarding, and the server is visible in Dayz Commander from my work. Also, I can connect to the server from home and play. Haven't tried from anywhere else yet, but I'm sure I can. I have copied beserver.cfg to every battleye folder I can find, but still can't connect with any RCON program.


So, like I said, did you copy the bans.txt to your battleye folders and that fixed it, found a different solution, or just gave up on it and didnt come back to this forum? Thanks.

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I deleted my beserver.cfg and created a new one, with the exact same info in it. Now I can connect with any RCon, and when server starts up, I dont get the Battleye unknown command error anymore. Like I said, I put the same exact password command, password, and max ping, but this time it works. I created the new beserver.cfg using NOTEPAD, instead of NOTEPAD++. Maybe Notepad++ was corrupting it somehow, or adding addition formatting information or something. I don't know. Either way, hope this helps some one else.

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I deleted my beserver.cfg and created a new one, with the exact same info in it. Now I can connect with any RCon, and when server starts up, I dont get the Battleye unknown command error anymore. Like I said, I put the same exact password command, password, and max ping, but this time it works. I created the new beserver.cfg using NOTEPAD, instead of NOTEPAD++. Maybe Notepad++ was corrupting it somehow, or adding addition formatting information or something. I don't know. Either way, hope this helps some one else.


I believe this just worked for me too.

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I deleted my beserver.cfg and created a new one, with the exact same info in it. Now I can connect with any RCon, and when server starts up, I dont get the Battleye unknown command error anymore. Like I said, I put the same exact password command, password, and max ping, but this time it works. I created the new beserver.cfg using NOTEPAD, instead of NOTEPAD++. Maybe Notepad++ was corrupting it somehow, or adding addition formatting information or something. I don't know. Either way, hope this helps some one else.

It's probably the default encoding setting leading to rejected config files (which looks perfect to human eye).

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I had the same problem but it was not resolved using any of the methods posted above.  I resolved it by the following:


1) Ensure both of the recommendations above are checked first...


2) Copy BEClient.dll & BEServer.dll from the 'expansion\BattlEye\' folder to the main BattlEye folder used by your server (Example: Arma2OA\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\)


I broke this by copying all my BattlEye files from my previous instance ( to the new one (  I guess taking shortcuts doesn't always work out ;)

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What is the error you receive? Also, what does your server console window show once started up? There should be THREE lines, as follows (could have time stamp before them also)


Dedicated host creaed.

BattlEye Server: Initialize (v1.195)

Host Identity Created.


If you don't have all three lines, then something isn't loading to begin with. If BattlEye isn't showing up, then make sure you are using the correct battleye folder. Your server startup file (.bat) should have -bepath=C:\1Dayz_Server\instance_24_Napf\BattlEye  (the directory could be different than mine, but, I like using the battleye folder in my instance folder. Just make sure, where ever that option points to, that is where your BEServer.cfg and bans.txt go. Your BE scripts that log or kick people go here as well, such as attachto.txt, setpos.txt, etc.) 


Also, sometimes, even though "\Expansion\BattlEye" isnt the BattlEye folder you are using, you still need BEServer.cfg and bans.txt in this folder as well. I've created many servers since having this RCon issue, and to make it easy on myself, I always add BEServer.cfg and bans.txt to any BattlEye folder I find. Haven't had a problem with RCON programs since.


Oh, and I know this may sound dumb, but believe it or not, some people don't realize that BEServer.cfg is where you are SETTING the global password to be used for RCON, for ANY rcon tool. I originally thought it was just the file that told my RCON program what password to use. So, once my rcon was actually trying to connect, it was telling me the password was wrong. This was because somehow the password I was giving to my RCON tool, didn't match the password in BEServer.cfg. 


So double or triple check that the passwords you have set, match, and that you are pointing to the correct directory, and for safe measure, put the two .cfg and .txt files in all those BattlEye directories. I've found up to three in my server files. Oh, and put the BEserver and BEclient files in all the directories too.

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