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Infistar Log question


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Hello guys,

with the new infi version, the logs changed. There is no unlock/lock.log anymore, at least for me.

Is there a way to get it back? I searched a bit but couldnt find anything about it,


Also is it possible to get a saparate log for maintain? Cause now it wrotes in the rpt. But a seperate log would be better.




Im rly confused, in AHconfig:

/*  Log Epoch Maintain    */ _LEM =  true;    /* true or false */


in AH.sqf:

	[] spawn {
		_name = 'DEAD';if((alive player)&&(getPlayerUID player != ''))then{_name = name player;};
		_puid = getPlayerUID player;
		while{1 == 1}do
			"; if(_LEM)then{ _AHstring = _AHstring + "
				'PVDZE_maintainArea' addPublicVariableEventHandler
					_input = (_this select 1);
					_player = _input select 0;
					_targetObj = _input select 2;
					_log = format['%1(%2) maintained %3 @%4',name _player,getPlayerUID _player,typeOf _targetObj,mapGridPosition _targetObj];
					['MAINTAIN',_log] call fn_custom_log;
					_input spawn server_maintainArea

So, actually it should make a log called MAINTAIN right? But there is none.

Same for Unlock/Lock:

	server_logUnlockLockEvent = {
			_obj = _this select 1;
			if(!isNull _obj)then
				_player = _this select 0;
				_objectID = _obj getVariable['ObjectID', '0'];
				_objectUID = _obj getVariable['ObjectUID', '0'];
				_log = '';
				if(count _this > 3)then
					_codeEntered = _this select 3;
					if(_codeEntered == 'NOTHING ENTERED')then{_player setDamage 5;_codeEntered = '-HACKER KILLED-';};
					if(_codeEntered == '')then{_codeEntered = '000';};
					_doorCode = _this select 4;
						_nameP = 'DEAD';if((alive _player)&&(getPlayerUID _player != ''))then{_nameP = name _player;};
						_log = format['DOOR UNLOCKED: ID:%1 UID:%2 BY %3(%4) @%5 Code Entered: %6',_objectID,_objectUID,_nameP,(getPlayerUID _player),(mapGridPosition _obj),_codeEntered];
						_nameP = 'DEAD';if((alive _player)&&(getPlayerUID _player != ''))then{_nameP = name _player;};
						_log = format['DOOR UNLOCK ATTEMPT: ID:%1 UID:%2 BY %3(%4) @%5 Code Entered: %6 | Correct Code: %7',_objectID,_objectUID,_nameP,(getPlayerUID _player),(mapGridPosition _obj),_codeEntered,_doorCode];
					_status = _this select 2;
					_statusText = 'UNLOCKED';
						[_obj, 'gear'] call server_updateObject;
						_statusText = 'LOCKED';
					_nameP = 'DEAD';if((alive _player)&&(getPlayerUID _player != ''))then{_nameP = name _player;};
					_log = format['SAFE %6: ID:%1 UID:%2 BY %3(%4) @%5', _objectID, _objectUID, _nameP, (getPlayerUID _player), (mapGridPosition _obj), _statusText];
				['UNLOCKLOCKLOG',_log] call fn_custom_log;


Edited by SryImAnooB
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