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I want to share the apocalypse with this guy :O


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  • 2 weeks later...

yup i found it one day.. and in the same day i see every video in his channel... its amazing... cuz he dont say anything just build.


i take a idea to find clay near of lakes..to craft bricks.. now im writing the code :laugh:


notify = false;
_haspickaxe =  false;

while {true} do {


_pos = getPosATL player;  

_canextractclay = count nearestObjects [_pos, ["Land_pumpa","Land_water_tank"], 4] > 0;
_isPond = false;
_pondPos = [];



// Checks
if (!_canextractclay) then {
	_objectsPond = nearestObjects [_pos, [], 50];
		//Check for pond
		_isPond = ["pond",str(_x),false] call fnc_inString;	
		if (_isPond) then {	
			_pondPos = (_x worldToModel _pos) select 2;
			if (_pondPos < 0) then {
				_canextractclay = true;
	} forEach _objectsPond;

if  (_canextractclay) then {
		if (!notify) then {
			systemChat("Use scroll menu to extract some clay");
			notify = true;
	} else { notify = false; };
if (_canextractclay) then {

_inventory = items player;
_haspickaxeinventory = "ItemPickaxe" in _inventory;

if !(_haspickaxeinventory) then {
systemChat("Extract Clay area you need a pickaxe in your toolbelt");
_haspickaxe =  false;
sleep 20;
_haspickaxe= true;

if (_haspickaxe) then {

if (s_player_clay < 0) then {
s_player_clay = player addaction [("<t color=""#C0A172"">" + ("Extract Clay") +"</t>"),"custom\portables\extractclay.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""]; };	
} else {
		player removeAction s_player_clay;
		s_player_clay = -1;		
	sleep 2;


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