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How to edit already built trader city's in map editor


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Hey guys so i am wanting to rebuild the takistan trader areas and also move some of the existing objects in the already built trader city's...

How do i do this ?

I tried to create a map in editor with just a unit the copy and pasted everything from dayzserver/missions/dayzepoch_takistan mission file and tried to load it in the editor but ti did not work lol

So any help would be much appreciated :) 

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hey  @EagerBeaver  its me again LOL... your fine looking here..: dayzserver/missions/dayzepoch_takistan mission\


but to remake it you need the .beidi file  (arma2 editor have 2 files.. for a same mission - .beidi and .sqf). beidi is for load the mission in the editor.

but thers no .beidi for it... so the only way is:

1-take a picture of trade place.

2-delete the content of mission.sqf

3-remake it in arma20a editor 3d using the picture

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I am now going to give the takistan traders a bit of a upgrade :D 

And maybe place down some new buildings a build a few more towns :P 

I feel takistan is 1 arma 2 map that is not played with by modders.. Usually everyone runs to chernarus or taviana.. I love them maps but feel its time for a change :) 

And takistan has so much potential ...

Hopefully i can get it to work fine...


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Hey guys :) 

Now i know how to edit trader citys and stuff would anyone know where to find the section of code i need to edit that tells where vehicles spawn from the vehicle trader ? Is it also located in the mission file ?

Or would i find it in my sensors and stuff in my mission sqf in my mpmissions folder ? 

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8 minutes ago, EagerBeaver said:

Hey guys :) 

Now i know how to edit trader citys and stuff would anyone know where to find the section of code i need to edit that tells where vehicles spawn from the vehicle trader ? Is it also located in the mission file ?

Or would i find it in my sensors and stuff in my mission sqf in my mpmissions folder ? 

all objets called "HeliHEmpty" into mission.sqf (dayz_server\missions\yourinstance\) is used to define the place where trader spawn the vehicles.

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