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Frequency unstable? What's that?


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So new notification, haven't found anything on topic in this forum or changelog.

Basically, I want to build a tipi kit in my base and it says "frequency unstable" and I couldn't do it. I thought maybe I reached jammer limit, but nope, still got 30 free slots or so. Maybe I got too many safes? Had 5, removed one, still says frequency unstable when try to build a tipi kit. I already have 7 tipi kits, so maybe there is a limit now on how many you can have? Anyone knows?

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what? How? Aren't parts setting in once the timer runs out? So one of my tipi kits just disappeared so I managed to build another one. Now need more pelts to try to finish the job and test if it is due to the limit of tipi kits one base can have.  It wasn't happening with any other building part, all settled just fine.

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The only time this happened to me was whilst trying to place a piece, can't remember what, whilst having another piece already counting down its build. So like natoed says whilst timer is running on one piece another piece being placed throws out message frequency unstable.

Not sure if this happens if multiple people place objects at same base at same time, or if it is yet another limitation of Epoch lone wolfs ability to get a foothold in game, being penalized by how quickly you can place objects.

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The message 'Building Disallowed: Frequency Unstable' appears when there is another Simulated (PhysX) object within the jammer range during building.


After placing, the build item should then be removed from your inventory and then the simulated object replaced with a static object.

Do you have any addons that could be interrupting the build process ?

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I play on Kongari Bacon Japanese server which has a handful of mods/addons, such as 6 missions, loot spawn system, intro music, halo spawn and colour correction.

What's strange was that it only affected tipi kits. If "frequency unstable" meant what I think it meant, then I shouldn't be able to place anything else either, correct? I tried to build stairs, and I was allowed to do so.

Haven't noticed any wobble of parts or something similar to indicate that object isn't properly simulated. Thing with tipi kits is that they are always physical once you press build so nothing can be simulated unless I am misunderstanding how building works in Epoch. Also I waited proper amount of time and previously haven't been building anything else.

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If you had a tipi that did not save it could have been still simulated. The check only makes sure that another non saved object of the same type is within range. If it only happens with the Tipi it should be easy to reproduce.

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