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We have ai configured to have AA/AT missiles to prevent players completing missions too quickly using armed helis and running over the ai with hunters etc.

For some reason which I can't work out, arma's built in incoming missile detection system isn't working. This should put an 'M' on the radar and play an audible sound but, neither of these are happening. 

Players are reporting that on some servers this works and others it doesn't. 

Can anyone point me in the right direction where or how to configure this?




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Chaps, this seems to have worked on my exile servers but, not in epoch..... I have tried at the bottom and top of my init. Doesn't make sense to me why it should be different. This is the line I've added:

enableSentences true;

Any ideas what could be wrong?


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if (hasInterface) then {

[]spawn {
  			_target = _this select 0; 
 			_exitWaitUntil = false; 
waitUntil { 
  if (vehicle player !=player && vehicle player iskindof "air") then  {enablesentences true}; 
	  sleep 1; 


Try this. Just an idea and not tested.

If it doesnt work i 'll figure it out after your feedback.

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On 14.5.2016 at 3:13 PM, He-Man said:

Epoch sets enablesentences to false by default.

If you set it true, and Epoch set it false after that, it is false.

So just wait some seconds to set it after epoch:

[] spawn{

uisleep 30;

enableSentences true;


That works for me.

Thank you He-Man, by the power of grayskull

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