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problem with execvm


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This is a line in the RPT

Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed

this is a call from a added part of me to mission.sqm , but cant solve this

Hope someone can give some info



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2 hours ago, He-Man said:

Why do you remoteexec esecvm clientside? This is extreme dangerous!

Define a function serverside and remoteexec this function from the client. 

Why does 90% of the mods/addons have it in the install guide to add a execVM line to the init.sqf ?

i have many mods on my arma2 epoch server with execVM lines in the init.sqf


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Execvm is no Problem, but not execvm via remoteexec. What exactly do you want? 

Execvm execute a local sqf file

Execvm via remoteexec executes a given Function on a remote client or the Server.

Edit: Sorry, misunderstood your plan. Your first post sounds, as you tried to remoteexec a function given from the client on the Server. 

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For as far i know it aint a remote exec

i just put it in mission.sqm 

        class Item104
            class PositionInfo
            init="if(isServer) then {null=[] execVM ""cos\cosInit.sqf"";}";

            //init="null=[] execVM ""cos\cosInit.sqf"";";    --former 370


Well point is it worked once , now the same problem

even after disabling   epochah and battleeye  bare in mind this is for a closed (friends) server

and we just like to see zombies as apart of A3  like old days(z) , not as a challenge but more as never lower your guard

(funny part is we also do a statusbar that uses execvm inside init.sqf but that works and no remark in the .RPT)



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Yeah upped ID from 205 to 206 (even a 500 usesless due to the fact the cos/cosinit.sqf is the only add to mission.sqm)

But  no zombies , well gonna try it for the last time now if it aint working then maybe some sleep and a new day may help


Well found the culprit (no sleep needed tho :blush:) while copy/paste also copied some wierd char not visualble (ascii 135 ???) 

after the last server-update 3.8.0 , did a total renew adding to cfgremoteexec.hpp with the wierd char

Now a refresh of cfgremoteexec.hpp from the 3.7.0 descrition.ext and voila after spawn happily was group hugged by a dozen of zombies

ager to slap me of the atlis map and beyond

So this 1 is solved , and always do a compare on the working former and failing newer it might saves u a headache

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FYI, I removed all the CfgRemoteExec stuff for Ryan's Zombies after 0.3.7 (animations worked after those changes) so I didn't have them in my description.ext anymore. I don't have them and everything is working fine so you may want to remove them so you've one less change to remember when 0.3.9 comes out :) (assuming the RemoteExec stuff was related to the COS/Zombie stuff

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I moved them from description.ext to cfgremoteexec.hpp , not sure if needed to todo so (idd no mention in any .RPT file)

As such they dont hurt and maybe in time the're ready for removal , but time will tell

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