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Has AI Changed Over The Last Year?


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When I played about a year ago, I finally tired of the AI automatically popping up in every single town you hit.  It was just all over done and all suspense was gone.  What little I've played lately seems to have transport trucks going by in close range, as well as AI soldiers on foot, and unless I engage them it feels as if they leave me alone.  I really like that style far better...but probably just due to limited encounters.  I know in the past these same situations would have resulted in a battle but then again...maybe I don't recall that well.

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Epoch by default does not have random AI except sappers and drones (and dogs and goats and chickens). You played in a server were admins out of laziness added random AI (script/addon itself is beyond terrible, hate it with a passion) to create suspense and make people die without getting a chance to find a nice hat first.

Most servers are named accordingly if they have random AI bullshit or not.


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Our AI, as mentioned, is only applied to Epoch antagonists and animals, dogs have the most features of the animals

We are currently working on a task / mission system that is due for release to experimental very soon.

After that I intended to work on a similar system of individually configurable AI characters. There may be a first draft of this available in the task system.

You can already see some of the behaviour in the generals daughter and the looting guy from the experimental branch ;)

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19 hours ago, axeman said:

Our AI, as mentioned, is only applied to Epoch antagonists and animals, dogs have the most features of the animals

We are currently working on a task / mission system that is due for release to experimental very soon.

After that I intended to work on a similar system of individually configurable AI characters. There may be a first draft of this available in the task system.

You can already see some of the behaviour in the generals daughter and the looting guy from the experimental branch ;)

I continue to enjoy many aspects of this mod, with the antagonists probably being the best part.  I understand having too many randomly spawn can create performance issues, and I admit to not understanding why there can be so many barking dogs and flying birds and yet not enough sappers or cultists.  Also, many servers I have been on have what appears to be an abundance of AI soldiers without taking a toll on the server.  If there are random "soldier" AI added in by the server owner that can be tolerable, as long as it isn't predictable...basically if you know every time you venture out there will be soldiers waiting....well, that really kills my interest. 

At the end of the day, I will keep hoping for more sappers/cultists/similar as well as any missions you may be working on.  So much potential with this mod. 

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