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Few bugs on, can't unlock safe/lockbox


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Currently impossible to unlock newly placed safes, it gives the option to pack/unlock but it does nothing. Also a bug with lockboxes, once placed and locked, the unlock/pack menu does not appear at all so impossible to unlock or pack it.

Now waiting for server restart because I suspect I will be able to unlock them.

I interacted with safes on Experimental just fine but after update they were facing sideways (wrong direction) so wanted to pack them and replace them again, and only after I have done that I found out that it is now impossible to interact with them. Previously, while they were untouched, they were fine.


Ok so after server restart it is possible to unlock them again. Only issue is that they drop to the ground level instead of being were they were placed initially.

Edited by KPABATOK
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The issue with being unable to unlock after first placement is being looked into and has also been reported by Axle on his server. Good to know it does work after a restart so the fix should be simple.

About the position and direction of old lock boxes, I was going to recommend everyone wipe the database, but instead mentioned the issue with old lock boxes in the changelogs here:

After packing and replacing they should retain the exact position, direction and angle.

Edited by vbawol
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Have no idea where to put this file, in which folder?

Just to clarify, when I said that safes after restart were facing wrong direction and dropped to ground level, I meant newly placed safes (0.3.4 patch), not old lockboxes. And it seems to happen everytime, will test more tomorrow as I found 3-5 more spare safes very quickly. But yeah, after restart interaction with them is just fine.

Edited by KPABATOK
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Overwrite that pbo in the @EpochHive/Addons folder server side.

If your more familiar with the full structure you can get that here:


Oh I'm not an admin, just a player. Have no access to server files :) I do tests on Bullet Buffet server. Hopefully you update it soon.

Edited by KPABATOK
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Yes, safes do fall to the ground level after restart. However after recent update on Bullet Buffet I will have to test it again too.

Also, one more thing, lockboxes, after being destroyed (blown up) re-appear after restart. Tested multiple times. Steps: place lockbox, lock it. Destroy it with machine gun (it blows up, with sound and everything). After reset it will be back.

And not sure but seems that sold vehicles vanish from trader (to which it was sold) every restart. Is it some script, Awol, on your server? I tested it multiple times too.

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  1. Can you try to repack the safe and reset it and see if you notice it still, I have 3 safes on 3 different levels of my base and have yet to see a newly placed safe drop to the ground.
  2. Will look into destroying storage devices.
  3. There is now a limit to how many vehicles that the traders will store 20 total by default, this should be the reason but will need to double check its working correctly.
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1. I placed one new safe and a lockbox and now wait for your server to restart to see if they fall down to ground level and/or change direction they are facing.. But yeah, now it is possible to lock/unlock them and pack them almost instantly after recent update.

2. ---

3. That's the thing, I sold 3 or 4 vehicles to West Spawn traders, they all vanish after restart. And since server is empty I doubt any trader have 20 vehicles on them or there even is 20 vehicles on all traders combined overall. P.S. Do you mean 20 vehicles per trader or 20 vehicles overall on all traders on the map?

Edited by KPABATOK
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I just tested with the new a3_epoch_server.pbo and i could indeed unlock and lock my safe.  it appeared to have rotated with restart and i could pack my server, but I could not pack a server that belonged to my group-mate.   I also noticed that locking seems to take longer than expected, was that built to take a few seconds without any sort of feedback (sound, etc.)?  Otherwise so far so good, we'll see if it's still there in 8 days now!


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