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EpochServer.ini / Battleye Integration Notes



BattlEyePath = C:\BattlEye // Path to Battleye Folder.
InstanceID = NA123 // Epoch server Instance ID (used to keep server data seperate on the same database).
LogAbuse = 1 // Logs potential database abuse 1 = simple logs 2 = verbose.
IP = // IP address to connect to Rcon generally the external IP of your server.
Port = 2302 // Gameport A3 server is running on
Password = changeme // Battleye rcon password
IP = // Redis Server IP address.
Port = 6379 // Redis Server Port.
DB = 0 // Database ID of Redis.
Password = foobared // Password required to connect to Redis.
Logging = 0 // 1 = Logging of SteamAPI
Key = // Requires SteamAPI key to enable feature
VACBanned = 0 // 1 = Ban a Vac banned user
VACMinimumNumberOfBans = 0 // Minimum number of bans before action is taken
VACMaximumDaysSinceLastBan = 0 // Max days since last ban
PlayerAllowOlderThan = 0 // In days, This will ban players with account if newer than days set.
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Regarding that section you just posted, which password is that for? Is that the password from the config.cfg passwordAdmin or serverCommandPassword?

Or if your saying to use your IP address for your server instead of, then is that password the password to join, which 99% of would be blank?

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how do you find your InstanceID can you just set it to anything you like?

Sort of from what I've set up using NA01 to NA150 works fine but setting it as just 01 did not. Not sure of the limit but as that gives 150 server addresses I think thats enough for now! Hope that helps. 

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