Donnovan Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 If you like my work, please consider a donation: $USD $EUROANDRE SAFE ZONE . Vehicle Gear Protection (except for players in your group) . Player Gear Protection (except for players in your group) . Player Can't Shot . Player Can't Die . Turret cant' shot . Vehicle does not take damage . Vehicle can't be stolen . Protected vehicles liberated after some timeINSTALATION Run the script from the mission file init.sqf with execVM "andre_safezone.sqf";. You must run from the root (not inside a isServer or !isServer or any other condition): execVM "andre_safezone.sqf"; //exec it on the root on init.sqf if (isServer) then { //code 1... //code 2... //code 3... //DO NOT EXEC IT HERE! } else { //code 4...` //code 5... //code 6... //DO NOT EXEC IT HERE! }; THE SCRIPT: if you use Epoch Anti Hack Ready for Altis. You can change the Konfiguration part to meet the map you is using and/or to add more safe zones. *Put this file in the root of your mission file, with the name andre_safezone.sqf. //=============== // KONFIGURATION //=============== //Altis Safezones donn_traders = [ ["Altis Trader City 1",[13323,14527,0]], ["Altis Trader City 2",[6177,16835,0]], ["Altis Trader City 3",[18460,14259,0]] ]; //==================== // CLIENT SIDE SCRIPT //==================== if (hasInterface) then { //SENSORS donn_notSafe = true; donn_safeZone_name = "(nothing)"; { _x spawn { private ["_dist","_tPos","_tName","_maxVel","_tRad"]; _tName = _this select 0; _tPos = _this select 1; _maxVel = 100; _tRad = 250; waitUntil {sleep 0.25;speed player > 1}; while {true} do { _dist = player distance _tPos; while {_dist > 150} do { sleep ((((_dist - _tRad)/_maxVel) max 0.25) min 5); _dist = player distance _tPos; }; donn_notSafe = false; donn_safeZone_name = _tName; systemChat ("You are in safezone city: " + _tName); while {_dist < 150} do { sleep 0.25; _dist = player distance _tPos; }; donn_notSafe = true; donn_safeZone_name = "(nenhuma)"; systemChat ("You leaved safezone city: " + _tName); }; }; } forEach donn_traders; //Safe zone Functions donn_avoidGearAccess = { _protecting = []; _toProtect = donn_pv_protected_veh select 1; _toUnprotect = []; _protectVersion = donn_pv_protected_veh select 0; while {!donn_notSafe} do { { _x addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened", { _veh = _this select 0; _player = _this select 1; _veh_crew = _veh getVariable ['don_crew', nil]; if (isNil '_veh_crew') then {_veh_crew = [getPlayerUID _player];}; _groupUnits = units _player; _canAccess = false; { if (getPlayerUID _x in _veh_crew) then { _canAccess = true; }; } forEach _groupUnits; if (!_canAccess)then { systemChat format ['%1, you cant access this gear.', name _player]; _player action ["Gear", objNull]; }; }]; } forEach _toProtect; { _x removeAllEventHandlers "ContainerOpened"; } forEach _toUnprotect; _protecting = _protecting + _toProtect - _toUnprotect; waitUntil {sleep 0.2;donn_pv_protected_veh select 0 > _protectVersion}; _toProtect = (donn_pv_protected_veh select 1) - _protecting; _toUnprotect = _protecting - (donn_pv_protected_veh select 1); }; { _x removeAllEventHandlers "ContainerOpened"; } forEach _protecting; }; //Safezone don_incar = false; don_firedEH_1 = nil; donn_godMode = false; [] spawn { private ['_runOneTime','_donn_notSafe','_don_passengers','_don_veh_crew','_don_player_veh','_don_veh_driver']; waitUntil {!(isNil 'donn_notSafe')}; _runOneTime = false; _donn_notSafe = donn_notSafe; while {true} do { waitUntil {!((_donn_notSafe && donn_notSafe) || (!_donn_notSafe && !donn_notSafe)) || !_runOneTime}; _donn_notSafe = donn_notSafe; if (!_donn_notSafe) then { //Player God Mode player allowDamage false; donn_sz_fired = player addEventHandler ['Fired',{deleteVehicle (_this select 6);}]; donn_godMode = true; //Protect Player Gear donn_pv_protected_veh_add = player; publicVariableServer "donn_pv_protected_veh_add"; //Avoid player to access other Gears (turn off is automatic) [] spawn donn_avoidGearAccess; }; if (_donn_notSafe && _runOneTime) then { //Player God Mode Off player allowDamage true; player removeEventHandler ["Fired",donn_sz_fired]; donn_godMode = false; //Clear Player Gear Protection donn_pv_protected_veh_sub = player; publicVariableServer "donn_pv_protected_veh_sub"; }; if (!_donn_notSafe && don_incar) then { //Get Info _don_player_veh = don_player_veh; don_veh_crew = crew _don_player_veh; _don_veh_driver = driver _don_player_veh; if (player == _don_veh_driver) then { //Car God Mode _don_player_veh allowDamage false; _don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage'; _don_player_veh addEventHandler ['handleDamage', {0}]; _don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; _don_player_veh addEventHandler ['Fired',{deleteVehicle (_this select 6);}]; //Passenger Names _don_passengers = ''; {if (alive _x) then {_don_passengers = _don_passengers + format [' %1',name _x];};} forEach don_veh_crew; //Passenger PlayerUID _don_veh_crew = []; {if (alive _x) then {_don_veh_crew = _don_veh_crew + [getPlayerUID _x];};} forEach don_veh_crew; //Put info on Vehicle _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_ownerity_code', format ['%1_%2', getPlayerUID player, round diag_tickTime], true]; _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_crew', _don_veh_crew, true]; _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_passengers', _don_passengers, true]; //Protect Vehicle Gear donn_pv_protected_veh_add = _don_player_veh; publicVariable "donn_pv_protected_veh_add"; }; }; if (_donn_notSafe && don_incar && _runOneTime) then { //Get Info _don_player_veh = don_player_veh; _don_veh_driver = driver _don_player_veh; if (player == _don_veh_driver) then { //Clear Vehicle Protection Variables _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_ownerity_code', nil, true]; _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_crew', nil, true]; _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_passengers', nil, true]; //Car God Mode Off _don_player_veh allowDamage true; _don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage'; _don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; //Clear Vehicle Gear Protection donn_pv_protected_veh_sub = _don_player_veh; publicVariableServer "donn_pv_protected_veh_sub"; }; }; _runOneTime = true; }; }; [] spawn { private ['_don_veh_crew','_wait_time','_last_mark','_max_time']; while {true} do { _max_time = 480; waitUntil {sleep 0.0625; vehicle player != player}; don_player_veh = vehicle player; don_incar = true; if (!donn_notSafe) then { _don_veh_crew = don_player_veh getVariable ['don_crew', nil]; if (isNil '_don_veh_crew') then {_don_veh_crew = [getPlayerUID player];}; _groupUnits = units player; _canAccess = false; { if (getPlayerUID _x in _don_veh_crew) then { _canAccess = true; }; } forEach _groupUnits; if (!_canAccess) then { call compile format ['if (isNil ''don_%1'') then {don_%1 = diag_tickTime;}; _last_mark = don_%1;', don_player_veh getVariable ['don_ownerity_code', 0]]; _wait_time = diag_tickTime - _last_mark; if (_wait_time < _max_time) then { while {player != vehicle player} do { player action ['getOut', don_player_veh]; uiSleep 0.01; }; cuttext [format ['Owners:%1. %2 seconds to liberate.', don_player_veh getVariable ['don_passengers','Owners not found'], round (_max_time - _wait_time)], 'PLAIN DOWN']; cad_pvar_smessage = [format ['%1 is messing with your vehicle! %2 seconds to liberate!', name player, round (_max_time - _wait_time)], _don_veh_crew]; publicVariable 'cad_pvar_smessage'; } else { call compile format ['don_%1 = nil;', don_player_veh getVariable ['don_ownerity_code', 0]]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_ownerity_code', nil, true]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_crew', nil, true]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_passengers', nil, true]; cuttext [format ['Vehicle is now free for all!'], 'PLAIN DOWN']; cad_pvar_smessage = [format ['Vehicle invaded by %1!', name player], _don_veh_crew]; publicVariable 'cad_pvar_smessage'; }; }; don_player_veh allowDamage false; don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage'; don_player_veh addEventHandler ['handleDamage', {0}]; don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; don_player_veh addEventHandler ['Fired',{deleteVehicle (_this select 6);}]; }; if (donn_notSafe) then { don_player_veh allowDamage true; don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage'; don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; if (player == driver don_player_veh) then { don_player_veh setVariable ['don_ownerity_code', nil, true]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_crew', nil, true]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_passengers', nil, true]; }; }; waitUntil {sleep 0.0625; vehicle player == player}; don_incar = false; don_player_veh = nil; }; }; //Remote Mensages 'cad_pvar_smessage' addPublicVariableEventHandler { private ['_message', '_receivers']; _message = (_this select 1) select 0; _receivers = (_this select 1) select 1; if (getPlayerUID player in _receivers) then {cutText [_message, 'PLAIN DOWN'];}; }; diag_log "! SAZON OK !"; }; //============= // SERVER SIDE //============= if (isServer) then { //DONN SaZon Protected Veh donn_pv_protected_veh = [0,[]]; publicVariable "donn_pv_protected_veh"; "donn_pv_protected_veh_add" addPublicVariableEventHandler { donn_pv_protected_veh set [0,(donn_pv_protected_veh select 0) + 1]; donn_pv_protected_veh set [1,(donn_pv_protected_veh select 1) + [_this select 1]]; publicVariable "donn_pv_protected_veh"; diag_log ("[SAZON] Added veh to protection: " + str (_this select 1)); }; "donn_pv_protected_veh_sub" addPublicVariableEventHandler { donn_pv_protected_veh set [0,(donn_pv_protected_veh select 0) + 1]; donn_pv_protected_veh set [1,(donn_pv_protected_veh select 1) - [_this select 1]]; publicVariable "donn_pv_protected_veh"; diag_log ("[SAZON] Deadded veh to protection: " + str (_this select 1)); }; }; THE SCRIPT: if you use infi-STAR Anti Hack Ready for Altis. You can change the Konfiguration part to meet the map you is using and/or to add more safe zones. *Put this file in the root of your mission file, with the name andre_safezone.sqf. //=============== // KONFIGURATION //=============== //Altis Safezones donn_traders = [ ["Altis Trader City 1",[13323,14527,0]], ["Altis Trader City 2",[6177,16835,0]], ["Altis Trader City 3",[18460,14259,0]] ]; //==================== // CLIENT SIDE SCRIPT //==================== if (hasInterface) then { //SENSORS donn_notSafe = true; donn_safeZone_name = "(nothing)"; { _x spawn { private ["_dist","_tPos","_tName","_maxVel","_tRad"]; _tName = _this select 0; _tPos = _this select 1; _maxVel = 100; _tRad = 250; waitUntil {sleep 0.25;speed player > 1}; while {true} do { _dist = player distance _tPos; while {_dist > 150} do { sleep ((((_dist - _tRad)/_maxVel) max 0.25) min 5); _dist = player distance _tPos; }; donn_notSafe = false; inSafeZone = true; //NEW LINE 1 donn_safeZone_name = _tName; systemChat ("You are in safezone city: " + _tName); while {_dist < 150} do { sleep 0.25; _dist = player distance _tPos; }; donn_notSafe = true; inSafeZone = false; //NEW LINE 2 donn_safeZone_name = "(nenhuma)"; systemChat ("You leaved safezone city: " + _tName); }; }; } forEach donn_traders; //Safe zone Functions donn_avoidGearAccess = { _protecting = []; _toProtect = donn_pv_protected_veh select 1; _toUnprotect = []; _protectVersion = donn_pv_protected_veh select 0; while {!donn_notSafe} do { { _x addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened", { _veh = _this select 0; _player = _this select 1; _veh_crew = _veh getVariable ['don_crew', nil]; if (isNil '_veh_crew') then {_veh_crew = [getPlayerUID _player];}; _groupUnits = units _player; _canAccess = false; { if (getPlayerUID _x in _veh_crew) then { _canAccess = true; }; } forEach _groupUnits; if (!_canAccess)then { systemChat format ['%1, you cant access this gear.', name _player]; _player action ["Gear", objNull]; }; }]; } forEach _toProtect; { _x removeAllEventHandlers "ContainerOpened"; } forEach _toUnprotect; _protecting = _protecting + _toProtect - _toUnprotect; waitUntil {sleep 0.2;donn_pv_protected_veh select 0 > _protectVersion}; _toProtect = (donn_pv_protected_veh select 1) - _protecting; _toUnprotect = _protecting - (donn_pv_protected_veh select 1); }; { _x removeAllEventHandlers "ContainerOpened"; } forEach _protecting; }; //Safezone don_incar = false; donn_godMode = false; [] spawn { private ['_runOneTime','_donn_notSafe','_don_passengers','_don_veh_crew','_don_player_veh','_don_veh_driver']; waitUntil {!(isNil 'donn_notSafe')}; _runOneTime = false; _donn_notSafe = donn_notSafe; while {true} do { waitUntil {!((_donn_notSafe && donn_notSafe) || (!_donn_notSafe && !donn_notSafe)) || !_runOneTime}; _donn_notSafe = donn_notSafe; if (!_donn_notSafe) then { //Player God Mode player allowDamage false; donn_godMode = true; //Protect Player Gear donn_pv_protected_veh_add = player; publicVariableServer "donn_pv_protected_veh_add"; //Avoid player to access other Gears (turn off is automatic) [] spawn donn_avoidGearAccess; }; if (_donn_notSafe && _runOneTime) then { //Player God Mode Off player allowDamage true; donn_godMode = false; //Clear Player Gear Protection donn_pv_protected_veh_sub = player; publicVariableServer "donn_pv_protected_veh_sub"; }; if (!_donn_notSafe && don_incar) then { //Get Info _don_player_veh = don_player_veh; don_veh_crew = crew _don_player_veh; _don_veh_driver = driver _don_player_veh; if (player == _don_veh_driver) then { //Car God Mode _don_player_veh allowDamage false; _don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage'; _don_player_veh addEventHandler ['handleDamage', {0}]; _don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; _don_player_veh addEventHandler ['Fired',{deleteVehicle (_this select 6);}]; //Passenger Names _don_passengers = ''; {if (alive _x) then {_don_passengers = _don_passengers + format [' %1',name _x];};} forEach don_veh_crew; //Passenger PlayerUID _don_veh_crew = []; {if (alive _x) then {_don_veh_crew = _don_veh_crew + [getPlayerUID _x];};} forEach don_veh_crew; //Put info on Vehicle _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_ownerity_code', format ['%1_%2', getPlayerUID player, round diag_tickTime], true]; _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_crew', _don_veh_crew, true]; _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_passengers', _don_passengers, true]; //Protect Vehicle Gear donn_pv_protected_veh_add = _don_player_veh; publicVariable "donn_pv_protected_veh_add"; }; }; if (_donn_notSafe && don_incar && _runOneTime) then { //Get Info _don_player_veh = don_player_veh; _don_veh_driver = driver _don_player_veh; if (player == _don_veh_driver) then { //Clear Vehicle Protection Variables _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_ownerity_code', nil, true]; _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_crew', nil, true]; _don_player_veh setVariable ['don_passengers', nil, true]; //Car God Mode Off _don_player_veh allowDamage true; _don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage'; _don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; //Clear Vehicle Gear Protection donn_pv_protected_veh_sub = _don_player_veh; publicVariableServer "donn_pv_protected_veh_sub"; }; }; _runOneTime = true; }; }; [] spawn { private ['_don_veh_crew','_wait_time','_last_mark','_max_time']; while {true} do { _max_time = 480; waitUntil {sleep 0.0625; vehicle player != player}; don_player_veh = vehicle player; don_incar = true; if (!donn_notSafe) then { _don_veh_crew = don_player_veh getVariable ['don_crew', nil]; if (isNil '_don_veh_crew') then {_don_veh_crew = [getPlayerUID player];}; _groupUnits = units player; _canAccess = false; { if (getPlayerUID _x in _don_veh_crew) then { _canAccess = true; }; } forEach _groupUnits; if (!_canAccess) then { call compile format ['if (isNil ''don_%1'') then {don_%1 = diag_tickTime;}; _last_mark = don_%1;', don_player_veh getVariable ['don_ownerity_code', 0]]; _wait_time = diag_tickTime - _last_mark; if (_wait_time < _max_time) then { while {player != vehicle player} do { player action ['getOut', don_player_veh]; uiSleep 0.01; }; cuttext [format ['Owners:%1. %2 seconds to liberate.', don_player_veh getVariable ['don_passengers','Owners not found'], round (_max_time - _wait_time)], 'PLAIN DOWN']; cad_pvar_smessage = [format ['%1 is messing with your vehicle! %2 seconds to liberate!', name player, round (_max_time - _wait_time)], _don_veh_crew]; publicVariable 'cad_pvar_smessage'; } else { call compile format ['don_%1 = nil;', don_player_veh getVariable ['don_ownerity_code', 0]]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_ownerity_code', nil, true]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_crew', nil, true]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_passengers', nil, true]; cuttext [format ['Vehicle is now free for all!'], 'PLAIN DOWN']; cad_pvar_smessage = [format ['Vehicle invaded by %1!', name player], _don_veh_crew]; publicVariable 'cad_pvar_smessage'; }; }; don_player_veh allowDamage false; don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage'; don_player_veh addEventHandler ['handleDamage', {0}]; don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; don_player_veh addEventHandler ['Fired',{deleteVehicle (_this select 6);}]; }; if (donn_notSafe) then { don_player_veh allowDamage true; don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage'; don_player_veh removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; if (player == driver don_player_veh) then { don_player_veh setVariable ['don_ownerity_code', nil, true]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_crew', nil, true]; don_player_veh setVariable ['don_passengers', nil, true]; }; }; waitUntil {sleep 0.0625; vehicle player == player}; don_incar = false; don_player_veh = nil; }; }; //Remote Mensages 'cad_pvar_smessage' addPublicVariableEventHandler { private ['_message', '_receivers']; _message = (_this select 1) select 0; _receivers = (_this select 1) select 1; if (getPlayerUID player in _receivers) then {cutText [_message, 'PLAIN DOWN'];}; }; diag_log "! SAZON OK !"; }; //============= // SERVER SIDE //============= if (isServer) then { //DONN SaZon Protected Veh donn_pv_protected_veh = [0,[]]; publicVariable "donn_pv_protected_veh"; "donn_pv_protected_veh_add" addPublicVariableEventHandler { donn_pv_protected_veh set [0,(donn_pv_protected_veh select 0) + 1]; donn_pv_protected_veh set [1,(donn_pv_protected_veh select 1) + [_this select 1]]; publicVariable "donn_pv_protected_veh"; diag_log ("[SAZON] Added veh to protection: " + str (_this select 1)); }; "donn_pv_protected_veh_sub" addPublicVariableEventHandler { donn_pv_protected_veh set [0,(donn_pv_protected_veh select 0) + 1]; donn_pv_protected_veh set [1,(donn_pv_protected_veh select 1) - [_this select 1]]; publicVariable "donn_pv_protected_veh"; diag_log ("[SAZON] Deadded veh to protection: " + str (_this select 1)); }; }; BE FILTERS TWEAK FOR THE ORIGINAL EPOCH FILTERS: My changes are after /*DONN*/. scripts.txt: You need to change 4 lines. 7 allowDamage !="player allowDamage true;vehicle player allowDamage true;" !="player allowDamage false;{missionNamespace setVariable[format['EPOCH_player%1" /*DONN*/ !="(_|)don_player_veh allowDamage" 7 exec !="<execute expression=" !"RscDebugConsole_execute" !"execFSM" !"_executeStackedEventHandler" !"fn_execVM" !"fn_moduleExecute" !"fn_execRemote" !"fn_MPexec" !"bis_fnc_moduleExecute_activate" !"fn_tridentExecute" !"randomize_civ1" !"executed from" !"EPOCH_DebugGUI_exec" !"_handle = [_display] execVM _script;" !"execVM \"\A3\Structures_F\scripts" !="execVM \"\A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\PlayGround\scripts\Carousel_spin.sqf\"" !="reviveExecuteTemplates" /*DONN*/ !="execVM \"andre_safezone.sqf\";" 7 removeEventHandler !="displayRemoveEventHandler" !="player removeEventHandler ['Fired', 0];" !"_currentTarget removeEventHandler[\"EpeContactStart\", _onContactEH]" !" [_adminVar,objnull];\npublicvariable _adminVar;\nplayer removeeventhandler [\"respawn\",_respawn];" !="_plyr removeEventHandler [\"FiredNear\", _smokeEH];" /*DONN*/ !="player removeEventHandler [\"Fired\",donn_sz_fired]" 7 removeAllEventHandlers !="ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers" !="_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers \"GetOut\";" !="_sapper removeAllEventHandlers \"Hit\";\n_sapper removeAllEventHandlers \"FiredNear\";" /*DONN*/ !="_x removeAllEventHandlers \"ContainerOpened\";" 7 GodMode /*DONN*/ !="donn_godMode"publicvariable.txt: You need to change 1 line. 5 "" !="EPOCH_(UP|SAVE|PAINT|MAINT|REM)BUILD" !="EPOCH_(say3D|switchMove|(store|take)Crypto|TEMPOBJ|packJack|selectedGender)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(mineRocks|create(Object|AirDrop)|FillContainer|SapperObjs)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(load|revive|dead|push|force|respawn|check)Player_PVS" !="EPOCH_(build|equipped)Item_PVS" !="EPOCH_GROUP_(Upgrade|Player|create|Delete|Invite)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(lock|pack)Storage_PVS" !="EPOCH_(unlock|lock|fill|repair)Vehicle_PVS" !="EPOCH_(knockDownTree|destroyTrash|MAKETRADEREQ|MAKETRADE|S_S_VEHICLES|MAKENPCTRADE|oneWayTP)" !="EPOCH_Loot(Animal|Container|Building)" !="EPAH_[a-z]{5,10}" /*DONN*/ !="donn_pv_protected_veh_(add|sub)" !="cad_pvar_smessage"setvariable.txt: You need to change 1 line. 5 "" !=(Offer|Accept|BUILD_SLOT|TRADE_ACTIVE|last_targeter) /*DONN*/ !="(_|)don_player_veh setVariable" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimonja Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 No just no Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maca134 Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 This is really bad from a performance stand point. You are foreach -> spawn -> while Look @ createTrigger's ;) And maybe break it up into smaller functions to make it easier to maintain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 12, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 A wilhe can be done to check something from time to time. This don't mean all the code inside the while runs all the time many times per second. It runs only when some condition is found. Also the chek is limited by the sleep function, so most of the while is really soft to run: while {true} do { if (simple condition) then { *1000 lines of script* } sleep 1; }; // [simple condition] will be true just some times, most of the time the while "heavyness" will be 0. // Hope i have helped you guys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Refiner Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 I'm actually working with the same thing at the moment, "a bit" more sorted and customizable I'm telling you :P, just have to finish up some scripts for it. Just gotta tweak the performance a tad bit and it should be released in the middle of the next week! Also these "handleDamage" events are not required, all you have to do is use allowDamage if you're trying to disable the damage for an entity, really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maca134 Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 A wilhe can be done to check something from time to time. This don't mean all the code inside the while runs all the time many times per second. It runs only when some condition is found. Also the chek is limited by the sleep function, so most of the while is really soft to run: while {true} do { if (simple condition) then { *1000 lines of script* } sleep 1; }; // [simple condition] will be true just some times, most of the time the while "heavyness" will be 0. // Hope i have helped you guys waitUntil {!((_donn_notSafe && donn_notSafe) || (!_donn_notSafe && !donn_notSafe)) || !_runOneTime}; This is also a loop that runs on the engine level. Trust me, using a trigger is probably the most efficient way to do this. happydayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1Man Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 If maca gives you advice you need to listen! happydayz, DirtySanchez, Darth_Rogue and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 12, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 _donn_notSafe, donn_notSafe and _runOneTime are booleans.Help is really desirable, but it not allways reach its objective.maca134 is not banned from the forum? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maca134 Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 _donn_notSafe and _runOneTime are booleans. Help is really desirable, but it not allways reach its objective. maca134 is not banned from the forum? Not anymore :P The main problem is the creation of many spawn's. Arma doesn't clean them up properly and it is defiantly a source of fps drops. Having each thread run a loop and then each having a waitUntil. It really isnt the way forward. In arma, spawn's seem great but they really need to be used sparingly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BenR Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 Not anymore :P The main problem is the creation of many spawn's. Arma doesn't clean them up properly and it is defiantly a source of fps drops. Having each thread run a loop and then each having a waitUntil. It really isnt the way forward. In arma, spawn's seem great but they really need to be used sparingly. Touching a bit more on this, the first part, spawning a new thread for each individual trader just to monitor whether or not you are within the range could be simplified with some refinement. I would also suggest maybe changing the use of publicVariable as too many messages being sent to and from the server can cause issues, especially if you have people entering and exiting the traders all the time. And publicVariableClient would be better instead of sending a variable to every player connected, just to then check their UID against its desired recipient. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
axeman Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 To loop or not to loop, FSM is the question. Richie and happydayz 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 12, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 Resume of the needed process power for a player outside the safe zones://=========================================================================== //Calculations when you are not in a safe - Example: 1000 meters from then //=========================================================================== //CHECK 1 //============================================================================================= // For each Trader (Altis have 3 main traders) with a interval of 5 seconds between checks //============================================================================================= (player distance _trader) > 150 //the 5 seconds interval is bacause player distance from safe, it rises as player go away //CHECK 2 //====================================================================== // Did each player frame - Boolean Check (variables are true or false) //====================================================================== (!((_donn_notSafe && donn_notSafe) || (!_donn_notSafe && !donn_notSafe)) || !_runOneTime) //CHECK 3 //================================ // Did each 0.0625 seconds //================================ vehicle player != player; //RESULTS - THE CHECKS ARE // - 1 distance check for each trader each 5 seconds (check frequency depends on last player distance from trader) // - 1 boolean check each frame (you can safelly add a sleep of 1 second or more here) // - 1 check if player is in a vehicle each 0.0625 seconds (you can also safelly increase the sleep time) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 12, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 Also the script runs on the client, so this is the processor power cost for the player machine, not the server. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 12, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 "I would also suggest maybe changing the use of publicVariable as too many messages being sent to and from the server can cause issues, especially if you have people entering and exiting the traders all the time. And publicVariableClient would be better instead of sending a variable to every player connected, just to then check their UID against its desired recipient."You can't add a event handler on the player to trigger when the player opens a container (a car gear or other player gear for example), because the Epoch anti hack will kick you.So the solution is to add a event handler on the safezone vehicles, to trigger when any player access it. For that you need a list of vehicles in safe, and this list must be on the server, this is when surge the need of public variable.The other need of public variable is to send players message. The public variable is used to sends the message text and the player object reference (i believe this reference is a code that identify the object, not the object itself, since everyone have the object by normal ways). Those messages not happens often, its something rare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
axeman Posted April 12, 2015 Report Share Posted April 12, 2015 waitUntil {!((_donn_notSafe && donn_notSafe) || (!_donn_notSafe && !donn_notSafe)) || !_runOneTime}; This is also a loop that runs on the engine level. Trust me, using a trigger is probably the most efficient way to do this. Are you talking a trigger on the server or client ? Assuming a client trigger as is the current environment ? I'd be very interested to compare, based on this script, SQF / a Trigger and an FSM performing, as close as possible, the exact same function. Ramp it up to the point of crashing the engine and see which wins :) happydayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 13, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 13, 2015 Anyone trying it?Thankyou for your attention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace22 Posted April 14, 2015 Report Share Posted April 14, 2015 Going to give it a run on my test box tonight. Let you know how I make out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace22 Posted April 14, 2015 Report Share Posted April 14, 2015 Added exclusions for; #21 "otSafe = donn_notSafe; #55 "["Gear", objNull]; #58 "& _runOneTime) then { But I can't get past this BE restriction 14.04.2015 00:03:55: Ace22 ( 145203e43516a612c36985e411d8c28e98c - #88 "otecting; }; don_incar = false; don_firedEH_1 = nil; donn_godMode = false; [] spawn { private ['_runOneTime','_donn_notSafe','" I've tried the following so far; all on line 89................... !="otecting;" !"otecting" !"otecting;};don_incar = false;don_firedEH_1 = nil;donn_godMode = false;[] spawn {private ['_runOneTime','_donn_notSafe','" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BenR Posted April 14, 2015 Report Share Posted April 14, 2015 Its the epoch godmode script filter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 14, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 14, 2015 Ace 22,I will list the BE tweaks for and post here tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPwalker Posted April 14, 2015 Report Share Posted April 14, 2015 is anyone having an issue with players being kicked to lobby when they enter the safezone sometimes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 15, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 The main post was updated with the BE filters tweak. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace22 Posted April 15, 2015 Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 Thanks, taking a look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 15, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 Ace22, Nice! Don't forget my changes are after /*DONN*/ (in brownn). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donnovan Posted April 15, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 Any help needed please tell me. Thankyou for your attention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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